Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Assignment #1: Due Monday June 29th

A. Read Chapter One in each book and complete the spiral notebook work for each (see post from Friday June 12th for guidelines).
B. Research Brahmin, Judaism, Cabbala (Kabbalah), Sighet, Govinda, Siddhartha the Buddha in your spirals.
C. Post the answers to these questions in paragraphs (for each) on this blog by clicking on Comments below. Use information from the texts for support.:
  1. What are the similarities between Siddhartha and Elie (at least three)?
  2. What are the differences between Elie and Siddhartha (at least three)?
  3. Essential Question: Do belief systems unite or divide people? Explain using Siddhartha and Night.


Ms Karvunis

Question #1

Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they are both strong young women who are choosing married life over being single. Siddhartha marries a young man who ..... Elie marries a young man who... Both dislike marriage but...In each chapter, Elie and Siddharth defy their fathers in order to.... This is what makes them similar.

Question #2

Siddhartha and Elie are also quite different. Each of them comes from ....This means that their cultures.....Additionally, they have....which makes them think differently. This indicates difference because.....Siddhartha looks..... while Elie is... These are some differences.

Question #3

It seems like both authors show how belief systems _____ people. This is seen in Siddhartha when ...... It is also seen in Night when Elie.....In both books....... ....... ....... (at least 7 sentences).


  1. Question #1

    As of the beginning chapter of both books Siddhartha and Eliezer seem very similar. Both Siddhartha and Elie have a thurst for knowledge and to expereince something new that their fathers both do not want to happen. In "Siddhartha" the main character siddhartha is metitating with his friend Govinda and after they are both done Siddhartha says that he would like to join the Samanas(page 8). He then quickly tells his father, a brahmin, and he askes Siddhartha to never request something like that again and leaves him standing(page 10) Elie is similar in the book Night as he would like to learn the teachings of the cabbala and he isn't allowed to learn this until he is 30 years of age. Both had the thurst of knowledge. They are both also similar as they waited until their father allowed them to or did it on their own regardless of their decision. Siddhartha stood in the same spot waiting for his father to allow him to leave the palace and explore to be a Samana while Eliezer in Night goes on his own to Moshe the Beadle to learn the teachings of the cabbala( kabbalah). Another similarity between the two is that they both grew up with pleasant lives and that their father was a leader in some way. Siddhartha's father was leader of the Brahmins and had his own kingdom while Elie's father was considered a leader of the Jewish community in Sighet, His father did so many things for the community that they sort of made him a leader and that make Siddhartha and Elie sons of leaders that gives them both benifets. This is what makes them both similar.

    Question #2

    Differences between Siddhartha and Elie are their religions or beliefs. Siddhartha is Hindu under the Bramin belief system while Elie is a hisidic Jew. Another difference is the time period in which they grew up in. Siddhartha was born around the 560BCE years and Elie grew up in the late 30's and early 40's where world war two was taking place. The fact that they grew up in different time periods makes their lives different. Elie already was taken by the germans and the Jewish community already was living in fear while Siddhartha grew up rich and powerful under his fathers wing. During this time Siddhartha had no problems with war while Elie in Night did. And lastly another difference is their social class and their status in their communities. Siddhartha under his father is already rich and powerful because he is a prince already. Everyone loves him and likes to have his presence around like his friend Govinda. Elie on the other hand is somewhat middle class and isn't really well known like his father is. To others he's just a part of the community. Not a very special kid. These were some differences.

    Question #3

    Both authors are showing how belief systems divide people. In Siddhartha the main religion/belief system is Hinduism and Brahminism. Siddhartha is accepted by everyone in this belief system but he himself is trying to find his own path in life and doesnt want to be apart of the Hindu sects. He wants to find a new way in life which is why he wanted to be a Samana because they really dont fall under the high parts of Brahminism. He wants to perhaps make up his own belief system and have others follow a new path in life. In Night belief systems also divide people. During this time world war two was going on and Jews were being downed. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews just for believing in Judasim. This was dividing all the countries of Europe as Jews were downed and other religions were allowed to rise. As the Jews died people were being separated and didnt want to be apart of that anymore. In both books belief systems are dividing people. They each have different ways of showing it but its taking people apart of what they are.

  2. Jeffrey Abreu-

    You are so awesome for posting such thoughtful ideas! Two things- titles are underlined, not put in quotes. Try to use apostrophes when needed. Feel free to go to period6grammar.blogspot.com for grammar hints from last year's sophomore honors.

    Nice job!

    Ms Karvunis

  3. Question #1

    The two characters of Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they both want to learn about topics they know little about, Siddhartha wants to learn about the samanas and Elie wants to know about the Kabbalah. they are both young and trying to find out more about who they are and how everything will affect them, whether it be their destiny or who they will be tommarow. Another similarity between the two characters would be that they are willing to do what ever it takes to obtain what they each want, Siddhartha stands in the room all night untill his father gave in to his wish, Elie disobeys his father to study with Moshe the beatle in the temple at night. Although coming from different parts of the worl d they are more alike than you would think. These are some similarities.

    Question #2

    Siddhartha and Elie, while being similar, they are also different at the same time because they both follow a different system of beliefs, Siddhartha follows Hinduism which involves meditation every day and Elie follows Judaism which requires that you pray in the temple every day. Elie lives in a world torn apart by world war II and is being terrorized by the German Gestapo and are being treated like pieces of dirt and are now prisoners of the Nazi reign, Siddhartha on the other hand is living in india and is surrounded by a tranquill paradise of freedom where there is no war and or terror to threaten the lives of the people in india. Siddhartha is of the very highest class in india known as the Brahmin caste and with that comes wealth and recognition of who you are, Elie is of a more wealthy family but is not as known as well as Siddhartha, his family owns a store and therefore has money but is of a lower class than Siddhartha. The two come from different times and therefore are different. these are some differences of the two characters.

    Question #3

    The two authors are showing how belief systems only divide people of the world because in the book Night it shows how the Germans are alienating the Jewish communities of Hungary which shows how they are being divided. The Jews being forced into the Ghetto's shows how they were separated from the rest of the city of Sighet. The Jews are being forced out because of their beliefs in Judaism and therefore are not equal among the Nazis. Siddhartha is a Hindu and wants to discover the world of the Samanas, which his father does not want him to do showing that because the Samanas are different and therefore not equal to the Hindus. Since Siddhartha's father does not want Siddhartha to discover the samanas shows how people are divide because of how they belive and what they practice. By not leting Siddhartha do what he wants untill his father gave in would be dividing people based on waht they belive in. These two books show how belief systems divide people.

  4. Question #1

    Both Siddhartha and Elie appear similiar. The charecters have advantages from their family. Siddhartha was born into a Brahmin family; the Brahmins were to be considered the highest rank. This allowed Siddhartha to have power and wealth. Elie's father was regarded as a leader in the Jewish neighborhood. Elies family was able to be warned first for deportation. This gave more time for his family to pack their belongings. Another resemblance that Siddhartha and Elie had was their drive to gain more knowledge. Siddhartha wanted to learn more than he was already taught from his teachers and father; his thirst for knowledge questioned life itself. Elie disobeys his father to learn the ideas of cabbala - he was supposed to learn cabbala at the age of thirty. Wanting more knowledge made Siddhartha to convince his father to agree with him with becoming a samana (even though his father was against this idea). Elie did the same, but in a different way. He went to search for his own teacher who knew the teachings of the cabbala. Their actions, family and the desire for more knowledge creates their similarities.

    Question #2

    Other than Siddhartha's and Elie's similarities, they are also rather different. Their homes are located in different areas. Siddhartha's story takes place in India while Elie's story takes place in Sighet. Another difference is their popularity. Siddhartha is loved by all because if his features and intelligence but Elie is just another person in his neighborhood. Their beliefs is also a reason why they are different. Siddhartha's belief system is Hinduism while Elie's belief is Judaism. This is how they were different.

    Question #3

    Belief systems divided the people around them. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha left his home to become a samana. His father never liking this idea said, "It is not fitting for a Brahmin to speak angry and violent words," (page 9). The samana's and Brahmin's beliefs are not the same, making Siddhartha's father to say those words. In Night, the Holocaust takes place. Hitler killed Jews because of their belief system, Judaism. Hitler's spite towards Jews separated people into different groups; tearing apart families and friends. Beliefs systems have played a part to separate humans no matter the lifetime.

  5. Question # 1

    Siddhartha and Elie are alike through their actions and their will to understand more about their religion. Elie wants to study Kabbalah at a young age, but his father disapproves of his choice. This did not stop Elie from studying Kabbalah because he found a person that was willing to teach him Zohar, the Kabbalistic works, the secrets of Jewish mysticism, which was Moishe the Beadle. Elie studied the Zohar with Moishe, not to learn it by heart but to understand the Zohar in depth. Siddhartha had a thirst for knowledge for his religion. He began to question his religion and began to seek the answers by choosing to become a Samana, but his father disapproved his choice. This did not stop Siddhartha, his will to become a Samana was shown when he was standing all night in the room, crossing his arms and waiting for the answer he wanted to hear from his father. By showing determination to become a Samana, his father allowed him to go become a Samana. Elie and Siddhartha, both had fathers that disagreed with their actions, but that did not stop Elie and Siddhartha from their choice, rather they did something about it. Another similarity would be their fathers. Elie's father was very important to the Jewish community of Sighet because his advice and even private matters was frequently sought.Siddhartha's father was a Brahim, which was the highest social class according to the Hindu caste system and the wealthiest of the other classes. Both, Elie and Siddhartha had fathers that were very important which would ultimately guide their decisions and life style.

    Question #2

    The differences between Elie and Siddhartha is their religion. Elie's religion is Judaism, and Siddhartha's religion is Hinduism. They both see the world differently. Elie sees the world religiously according to his religion. He believes God has power over humans and that his misfortunes will disappear through a miracle. The way Elie sees the world is care-free and he doesn't worry about political issues going on during the war and sees that somebody will rescue them. Siddhartha sees the world as a mysterious place, he wants to understand the events going on within his religion by seeking the answers. Another difference between Elie and Siddhartha is they both live in different places. Elie is at a time period of war while Siddhartha isn't. They both have different social status, Siddhartha is seen as a very rich, intellectual and highly admired by others, while Elie is not very rich or admired by others. Siddhartha is at a higher class then Elie and has more power to influence others.

    Question #3

    Both authors show how belief systems divide people. In the book, “Siddhartha,” Siddhartha wants to be a Samana rather than stay a Hindu. He chooses this path because he wants to expand his knowledge. Siddhartha wants to explore different ideas, but his father doesn't approve of the idea to become a Samana. The author shows that different beliefs divide people like Siddhartha and his father because being a Samana is different from being a Hindu, which divide their belief. In the book, “Night,” Germans are dividing the Jewish community into ghettos, just because they are Jewish. The Germans wants the Jewish to be inferior to them and to exterminate them. The belief in Judaism divided people, therefore the Germans are separating themselves from the Jews and getting rid of them.

  6. question #1

    Siddhartha amd Elie are alike, because they both seek the meaning of life. They both fall into some kind of conflict. As for Siddhartha, he lives in a world of Buddhism, where there are sacrafices and offerings, and he has to choose death over loyalty. Elie is struggling through the depths of Hitler. Jews are being treated cruely by the Nazi. They both encounter decisions and they seek the answers to their questions.

    question #2

    The difference between Siddhartha and Elie is their way of life. Siddhartha is a respected person by many people. But Elie isn't respected, or cared. Elie's life situates in middle of the war between the Nazi and the Jews. As for Siddhartha, he is just curious about religion, and the meaning of life.

    question #3

    Both book shows how belief system affect the world. Their religion changes and influence their way of life, which changes their way of seeing this world. In 'Nights' the Germans see the Jews as something unnessessary in this world, they kill them and treat them cruely. Siddhartha is being held in a decision where he has to choose.

  7. Question # 1

    While Siddhartha and Elie had different belief systems, each shared similar qualities. Elie and Siddhartha both strived for knowledge. Elie wanted to learn the studies of Kabbalah and Siddhartha wanted to join the semanas, choices their father disapproved of. Both characters also showed determaination to reach their goal. Since Siddhartha's father disapproved of him joining the semana, Siddhartha stood still the whole night until his father agreed. Elie's father believed that there was a certain age to learn the studies of Kabbala, yet Elie still was determained to learn at his young age. Elie went behind his fathers back and learned from Moishe the Beadle. Siddhartha and his family are Brahmins, this being very high rank and Elie's father was held in highest esteem in the Jewish community, giving them both an advantage over the people. THeir thirst for knowledge, determaination to reach their goal, and class made Siddhartha and Elie similar.

    Question # 2

    Siddhartha and Elie may be similar, but also share differences. THe most apparent reason would be their belief system. Elie believes in Judaism where you have to pray in a temple, while Siddhartha believes in Hinduism where you meditate. Another difference would be the situation both characters are in. Elie is experiencing a horrible beginning of the holocaust while Siddhartha is trying to find answers to his questions. Lastly, they are different because of their status. While both are of high class, Siddhartha is well-known in India, Elie is known because of his father Siddhartha and Elie are different because of their system , their status, and their situation.

    Question # 3

    In the books Siddhartha and Night, it displays that belief systems divide people. In Night, the Germans try to alienate the Jews as well as eliminate them. Ghettos were formed and rules were applied to the Jews that, if not followed, lead to death. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha wanted to learn from the semanas and join them. Siddhartha wanted to answer his pressing questions and believed that the semanas would when he joined them. Siddhartha was trying to explore as well as increase his knowledge. His father, on the other hand, did not want him to joing because semanas believed something different than the Brahmins, displaying the division of the people. Both authors clearly demonstrate, that belief systems cause a division in people.

    I didn't know how to underline the titles of the books in question # 3.

  8. Question #1

    In the two books, main characters, Siddhartha and Elie have a few characteristics that are similar. For one thing, they both have something they want to do. Siddhartha wanting to become a semana, and Elie wanting to learn more about Kabbalah. Also, both characters have father's that are essential in their communities. Siddhartha's father is the highest social class in the caste system, and Elie's father is a respected elder and people listen to his opinions on various issues. Lastly, both Siddhartha and Elie have someone to talk to in the beginning of the book. Siddhartha had his friend Govinda, and Elie had Moishe the Beadle.

    Question #2

    Even though Siddhartha and Elie seem similar in ways, they still differ from each other. For example, when Siddhartha's father forbid him to become a semana, he obeys. On the other hand, Elie disregards his father's words and continues to learn about Kabbalah. Another thing which makes them different: Siddhartha is Hindu and Elie is a Jew. Thirdly, Siddhartha is from India and Elie is from Sighet.

    Question #3

    In books, Siddhartha and Night, it seems that belief systems unite each other.Belief systems bring people together with a common faith. Such as Christians and Catholics with going to churches on certain days of the week. As with Hindus going to mosque. Also, Buddist going to temples. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha and Govinda go to the bayan tree to meditate. Comparable to Siddhartha and Govinda, Elie and his community go to the synagogue to pray. In conclusion, belief systems unite people together

  9. Question 1
    Ellie from the story Night and Siddhartha from the story Siddhartha are very similar in the fact that they are brave, follow a beleif system, and a way in which they are affected by their beleifs. For instance, Siddhatha is brave because he obeys his father's rules and goes on to the forest to become a samana. Ellie is a brave person because when the jewish community is in the ghetto he alarms everyone that the Hungarian were coming to take them to a smaller ghetto.He is brave because he does not sleep during the night in order to help others. Ellie and Siddhartha also follow a belief. Ellie follows the beleif of Judaism and Ellie follos the practices of Atman and Prajapati, the gods. One major reason in which they are both similar is that both characters Ellie and Siddhartha are both affected by their beliefs. For example, Siddhartha is affected by his beleifs because he must go into the jungle in order to become a samana. Ellie is affected by his beleif because he must experience a crucial obstacle in which Hitler and his followers treat the people who beleive in Judaism such as Ellie, his family and friends wth cruelty. Ellie and Siddhartha are very similar characters because they are both very brave, practice a certain beleif, and are affected by their beleifs.

    Question 2
    In the books Night and Sidhartha, Ellie and Siddhartha very different characters same way that they are similar. For instance, Ellie and Siddhartha are living in very different living conditions. While Siddhartha is living in a peaceful village, Ellie is living in a harsh living environment where they are being put in small neighborhoods called ghettos. They are also very different because Siddhartha is a very confused young man about his religion and Ellie is more of a person who is more commitful about his religion in Judaism. Although the natzis are putting the jews in ghettos and taking the rights of them, Ellie will never forget in his beleifs. They are different characters because Ellie's father does not let him study the beleif in Kabbala, and Sddhartha's father gives him permission to become a samana. Although Ellie and Siddhartha are similar they also have their own unique differences.

    Question 3
    In a beleif system people ar more untied than ever whether in a good or bad situation. For example, in the story Night, while the jewish are in the ghettos they make up a jewish council and help each other. At this point, the jewish people are more united than ever because they start to help each other out more than ever to save lives. In Siddhartha the belief systems also help to unite the people. For instance, Siddhartha meditating helps him to unite with the samana people because he decides to become a samana and to follow their beleif systems. The beleif systems in both stories, Night and Siddhartha, both have beleif systems to unite people.

  10. Question 1:

    Elie and Siddhartha both share many similarities. Both have a lot of questions about things and both want to expand their knowledge. Elie wanted study the Cabbala. Siddhartha wanted to know more to the things he was taught by his father and his teachers. Another similarity is that Siddhartha and Elie both are in a high class family. Siddhartha’s father was a Brahmin, which was the highest social ranking in the caste system. Elie’s father owned a store and was viewed as a leader to the other Jews. Also, both of their fathers didn’t want what they’re sons wanted. Elie’s father didn’t allow Elie to study the Cabbala because he was too young. But Elie learned about it from Moshe the Beadle. Siddhartha’s father didn’t want Siddhartha to become a samana, but he allowed him to do so anyway.

    Question 2:

    Elie and Siddhartha also have many differences. One difference is they’re religions. Elie believes in Judaism and Siddhartha believes in Hinduism. Elie grew up in Sighet and Siddhartha grew up in India. Elie prays, and as for Siddhartha, he meditates under the banyan tree with his friend Govinda. In Night, Elie’s family and the other Jews are told what to do. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is the future Brahmin and soon he will tell others what to do until he decided to live the life of a samana.

    Question 3:

    Belief systems can unite or divide people depending on the situation.,In this case, they separate people. In the book, Night, different belief systems separated people because Hitler wanted to start genocide and wipe out all the Jewish people. He created ghettos for the Jews. In the book, Siddhartha, Siddhartha decides to leave home to live the life of a samana. Siddhartha’s belief system was Hinduism and samana is part of Buddhism. Siddhartha would rather leave his home to live the life of a samana rather than becoming a Brahmin.

  11. Question #1

    Elie and Siddhartha share very similar thoughts in the beginning of each story. Both of them yearn for a greater understanding of life. Elie seeks religious fulfillment through Moishe the Beadle. Siddhartha plans to do the same by becoming a samana. Their curiosity as to how the world is supposed to run leads them to question other’s religious faithfulness and if adults really believe their faith matters. Siddhartha is left with several questions concerning creation. He then goes on to wonder if there were even any Brahmins that understood and practiced said knowledge that was gathered from years and years of the caste system. In Elie’s situation, Moishe the Beadle returned from being sent away and bought back tales of the horror he went through. The idea that the community shunned the poor man accusing him of wanting pity was not of help whatsoever. If one was more religious they would be listening to his words rather than being so accusatory. Such a significant experience would bring the upmost sympathy and caution, but life went back to normal in Sighet. Lastly, the most notable similarity is the impact their fathers have on their lives. Siddhartha and Elie’s fathers are highly respected by the community and are wise and intelligent. Both fathers display distant, yet caring emotions towards their families. Siddhartha and Elie have similar influences, if you will.

    Question #2

    Elie and Siddhartha also have differences that should be mentioned. The most obvious of which being they believe in two different belief systems. Elie is an Orthodox Jew, while Siddhartha is currently Hindu. Another difference is that Siddhartha has the “destined to be great” intake by the community while Elie is relatively normal. Everyone loves Siddhartha; everything he does is automatically amazing. He is picture perfect but has some inner conflict keeping himself from feeling so great. Elie did not stand out so much as anything spectacular. The final difference between these two characters is the general advantage Siddhartha has in life compared to Elie in his time. While both are sons of notable figures in the community, Elie’s faith sets him in a position to be persecuted in World War II Europe. Since there was one set belief in Siddhartha’s time, it will most likely always be noted that he is the son of a Brahmin and was born into that caste. He still has the opportunity to live a substantially well life although Elie is being more restricted by the day.

    Question #3

    As evident in the beginning chapter of both stories, belief systems divide people rather than unite them. In Night, the obvious differences between the Nazi party and the Jews are not very assuring in the love and peace department. For Jews were indeed killed for what they believed in. People were separated from family and were forced against each other in order to survive during this time. In Siddhartha, not only did it cause conflict between Siddhartha and his father, but it caused his mental uncertainty. He had a battle of perseverance with his father over becoming a samana, which is Siddhartha’s only opportunity to find any self-enlightenment. Siddhartha is divided in the matters of how to live life in bliss due to his belief system.


    Also, HTML is apparently not allowed and there are no visible text options so I'm left unable to underline the titles.

  12. Question 1:
    The way of thinking was very similar in the beginning of the book.Eliezer and Siddartha both have families that love them.They also devote themselves to their work. Siddartha meditates and is interested in knowledge while Eliezer studies the Kabbalah. Another thing they have in common is that they both are kind,young and caring
    Question 2:
    Siddhartha is sort of free, Elie has to go to school.Siddhartha is admired by others, Elie just admires Moshe the Beadle. Eliezer believes in Judaism, and Siddhartha believes in Hinduism.Siddhartha also thinks highly of his father and mother meanwhile Elie isn't that fond of his parents.
    Question 3:
    I think belief systems unite and divide people.It unites them because people from the same belief system sometimes become friends like in"Siddhartha". It can divide them too because in the book "Night", It causes conflict.The Jews and the Germans are colliding. Belief systems both unite and divide people in certain ways.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Question #1

    In the beginning of both books “Night” and “Siddhartha,” Elie from “Night” and Siddhartha the main character from the book “Siddhartha are both similar. One similarity Siddhartha and Elie share is that they are both young kids that both want to gain knowledge of what they want to learn about. Elie wants to learn about Cabbala (pg 4) and Siddhartha wants to learn about samana (pg 8). Another thing they have in common is that since they want to learn things there fathers won’t approve of it, until Elie goes behind his father back and learns about Cabbala from Moishe the Beadle and Siddhartha waited the whole night until his father approved of it. They also have in common is that both characters begin to clash Elie is to be struggling with the Holocaust, while Siddhartha is not wanting to be a Brahmin anymore.

    Question #2

    The differences between Elie and Siddhartha is that they share different beliefs Elie is a Hasidic Jew and believes in Judaism, and Siddhartha who follows Hinduism and mediates a lot. Elie and Siddhartha are also different because of the way there are treated, Siddhartha is well admired by many because of his intelligence and is very rich, while in the other hand Elie isn’t really admired by his intelligence and is just like all the other kids in his town. The way the two characters live is different because Siddhartha is located in a peaceful place in India and Elie is leaving in a time of war and is beginning to be treated unfairly.

    Question #3

    In both books the authors show how belief systems divide people because in “Siddhartha” Siddhartha wants to be a samana and wants to gain knowledge on it but he is Hinduism and Brahmanism and his father doesn’t want him to be a samana and says “It is not fitting for a Brahmin to speak angry and violent words,”(pg 9). And in “Night” the Jews are to be a ghetto because of the Germans and they were being treated unfairly because of what they believe in. In both books the author shows how belief systems divide people.

  15. Question #1

    Even though Siddartha and Elie have different belief systems, they are similiar in that they both have a thirst for knowledge. Siddartha wanted to join and learn more about the semanas and Elie wanted to learn more about Kabbalah. These were choices that their father didnt agree with. Both of them didnt let this get in the way of what they wanted. They stood strong for what they wanted and did whatever they could to achieve it. Elie doesnt respect his father so he can also give in and Elie can go and study with Moshe in the temple this shows his determination to achieve his goal. Siddartha stood still until his father would soon give in, which also shows how determined he is. Although they have different beliefs they are still similar through their actions.

    Question #2

    Siddartha and Elie are different because of their belief systems. Elie is a hasidic Jew and Siddartha is Hindu. This changes how they view the world and their surroundings. They both have different ways of showing their appreciation for their culture. Elie because he is a hasidic Jew goes to pray in a temple, unlike Siddartha who meditates because he is Hindu. The time period of both characters is also very different. Elie at the time is in the beginning of a very horrible war, the Holocaust. Siddartha on the other hand is trying to find out more about religion. Another difference is that Elie is from Sighet and Siddartha is from India.

    Question #3

    In the books Siddartha and Night, the authors seem to show that belief systems
    divide eachother. Siddartha left his home and went against his father in order to
    to learn more about religion. His father wasnt pleased with this because it wasnt
    the ideal behavior of a true Brahmin. In Night, they are in the beginning of the
    Holocaust. People were under Hitlers control and he killed many people. This divides the people because Hitler was taking over and seperating friends and families. Showing that belief systems over time have divided people no matter what.

  16. Question #1

    Even though Siddartha and Elie have different belief systems, they are similiar in that they both have a thirst for knowledge. Siddartha wanted to join and learn more about the semanas and Elie wanted to learn more about Kabbalah. These were choices that their father didnt agree with. Both of them didnt let this get in the way of what they wanted. They stood strong for what they wanted and did whatever they could to achieve it. Elie doesnt respect his father so he can also give in and Elie can go and study with Moshe in the temple this shows his determination to achieve his goal. Siddartha stood still until his father would soon give in, which also shows how determined he is. Although they have different beliefs they are still similar through their actions.

    Question #2

    Siddartha and Elie are different because of their belief systems. Elie is a hasidic Jew and Siddartha is Hindu. This changes how they view the world and their surroundings. They both have different ways of showing their appreciation for their culture. Elie because he is a hasidic Jew goes to pray in a temple, unlike Siddartha who meditates because he is Hindu. The time period of both characters is also very different. Elie at the time is in the beginning of a very horrible war, the Holocaust. Siddartha on the other hand is trying to find out more about religion. Another difference is that Elie is from Sighet and Siddartha is from India.

    Question #3

    In the books Siddartha and Night, the authors seem to show that belief systems
    divide eachother. Siddartha left his home and went against his father in order to
    to learn more about religion. His father wasnt pleased with this because it wasnt
    the ideal behavior of a true Brahmin. In Night, they are in the beginning of the
    Holocaust. People were under Hitlers control and he killed many people.This divides the people because Hitler was taking over and seperating friends and families. Showing that belief systems over time have divided people no matter what.

  17. Question 1
    Even though their experiences are different, Siddhartha and Elie have several similarities. For example, they were both brave enough to defy their fathers for their own happiness. In Siddhartha, he threatened to stand in the same spot until he died if his father didn’t agree to what he wanted. In Night, instead of listening to his father, Elie did exactly the opposite. They also both had religious conflict-- Siddhartha had doubt and Elie was being prosecuted for being a Jew. Lastly, they both had someone who was by their side. Siddhartha had his good friend Govinda, and Elie had Moishe the Beadle. These characters have few in common, but their courage, conflict, and support make them the same.

    Question 2

    Although they do seem to be similar, Siddhartha and Elie have many differences. They both grew up in different places, Siddhartha seem to be rather secluded while Elie interacted with the rest of his community. This resulted in different cultures and thinking. For example, when their fathers told them that they couldn’t do something they reacted differently, Siddhartha protested until his father agreed while Elie just ignored him. They also thought differently about religion. Siddhartha was experiencing doubt while Elie was not only sure about his god but he advanced to a more complex part of Judaism. Siddhartha and Elie grew up differently, which resulted in different behavior and thoughts.

    Question 3

    In various scenarios belief systems have different impacts on people, but in Siddhartha and Night it divided them. In Siddhartha, his thinking about his religion divided him from everyone. He grew away from his friends, family, but most of all himself. In Night, Elie was separated from the rest of the world because of his religion. He was hated and discriminated because he practiced Judaism, and taken to a horrible place away from humanity. Their belief systems cut them off from others rather than bringing them together.

  18. Question #1

    Siddhartha and Elie are similar in many ways. For example, they both go on a journey, leaving their natural surroundings. They both go to a new and sometimes frightening place. In his case, Siddhartha leaves home to join the samanas and Elie leaves home, forced by the Germans. They both have a love for their families, and care about them. In the smaller ghetto, Elie’s family refuses to separate when a nice lady named Martha offers them refuge, and the Father chooses not to go, so they all stay together, and Siddhartha has the love and respect for his father to ask him first, before he joins the samanas. They also believe in certain gods, and live their lives based on their teachings. Elie believes in God, and Siddhartha believes in Atman. This is what makes them similar.

    Question #2

    Siddhartha and Elie are different in many ways. For example, while they both study religion, they study two completely different religions, as Elie practices Judaism and Siddhartha practices Buddhism. While they both go on a journey, they both go on it for different reasons. For example, Siddhartha leaves his home to go on a journey of self-fulfillment, while Elie leaves home because of the authority and power of the Gestapo. And while Siddhartha is free and under no authority, Elie faces the wrath of the Germans. This is what makes them different.

    Question #3

    Belief systems divide people. In Night, the Jews believe in Judaism, which is the main reason why they are expelled and deported from their homeland of Sighet. During the holocaust, the Jews were separated from their families and others, by gender and age. In Siddhartha, belief systems divide people as well. When Siddhartha decides that he will become a samana, he must tell his Father. After heavy consideration, and seeing Siddhartha’s determination, he realizes that no matter what he says his son is already gone. He allows Siddhartha to become a samana, but in order to become a samana, Siddhartha must separate from his family and go on a journey of self fulfillment.

  19. Question I

    Elie and Siddhartha seem like very similar people. In the first Chapter of Night, Elie sought knowledge and in Siddhartha, Siddhartha also sought knowledge. But before finding this knowledge they both asked there fathers for permission. Both fathers disapproved of there decision. But once again the two main characters of both books both had good friends, Elie had Moshe the Beadle and Siddhartha had Govinda.

    Question II

    As similar as they seem there are some differences between Siddhartha and Elie. Elie is a normal child during the 1900s while Siddhartha is a strong and young man who is loved for his wise and strong features. Elie seeks knowledge about religion while Siddhartha seeks knowledge of everything or what's important. When They asked for permission from there fathers Siddhartha waited for this father to say yes while Elie rejected this authority.

    Question III

    I say that Belief systems divide humans. In Night Adolf planed to exterminate the whole Jewish race for being Jewish! This divides the Jews from everyone else and mostly from the people who follow Adolf. In Siddhartha wanted to become a Samanas this forced him to leave his family. Both characters where separated from others mainly from what religion they where. I thought this was something unnecessary and inhumane Just because they they where born into a region or they choose to be in it, why must they be divided from everyone else? We are still human our decisions on religion don't change us or make up different from human.

  20. Question 1:
    In chapter 1 there are many ways that Elie and Siddhartha are similar. Both Elie and Siddhartha’s families are religious and that’s why they both brought into the religion they are at first. But as they grow they both seek to learn about another religion. Elie’s family is Jewish and she studies the teachings of the Torah but in the evenings, she meets up with Moishe the Beadle to learn about Kabbalah. Siddhartha is a Brahmin but he’s unsatisfied with what he knows so he seeks to become a samana. Both characters have fathers that don’t completely approve with their decision but both characters do something that helps them to learn about the secondary religion despite what they were told. Elie meets Moishe in the Synagogue after everyone has left to be taught by him. Siddhartha presents his idea to his father who gets up and walks away after telling him that he doesn’t want to hear his request again. But Siddhartha decides to make a stand and doesn’t move from that spot with his arms crossed until his father gives him an answer. Both Elie and Siddhartha have to leave their home for some reason because of the religion they study. Elie and all the other Jewish people are forced out of their homes by the Germans and forced to wear yellow stars. Siddhartha who seeks to learn religion from a non-Brahmin has to venture into the forest to learn the teachings of samana. This is what makes them similar.
    Question 2:
    Elie and Siddhartha also have many differences in their character. When Elie wants to learn a new religion and her father tells her no, he decides to find his own teacher without his father knowing that he’s learning the teachings of Kabbalah. When Siddhartha tells his father that he’s planning to learn something new and his father disapproves, Siddhartha doesn’t go behind his father’s back, he waits for his father to give him the answer he wants to hear. Elie is also different because she has a friend that she spends a lot of time with but she’s the one learning from her friend. Siddhartha is so intelligent and loved by people that his friend is the one that wants to follow him wherever he goes. Elie is different from Siddhartha because the reason she has to be brave is different. Siddhartha has to be brave to stand up to his father but Elie had to be brave to go warn her father’s friend of the tragedy that was coming upon them and to march as her family was told by the Nazi’s with the whips. These are some differences.
    Question 3:
    Belief systems unite the people that have the same belief but divide the people that think different. In Siddhartha, the young Brahmin was united with the people that loved him when he was with them in their beliefs. But when he decided he wanted to learn something else, he had no choice but to leave. However, if something went wrong, he was requested to come back and practice Brahma again. “‘You will,’ he said, ‘go into the forest and become samana. If you find bliss in the forest, then come and teach me bliss. If you find disillusion, then come back, and let us jointly sacrifice to the Gods again’” (11). As long as he seeks to become a samana, he will be apart from his family, but if he decides to come back and be a Brahmin again, he’ll be a Brahmin with his family. In Night, Elie and the rest of the Jewish people are brought together in the ghettoes, but that’s because the Germans don’t like them and want them to be tortured and enslaved. “People thought this was a good thing. We would no longer have to look at all those hostile faces, endure those hate filled stares. No more fear. No more anguish. We would live among Jews, among brothers…” (12). All the Jewish people were united but also divided from the rest of the world, just because they believed in a specific belief system. Therefore belief systems unite and divide people, it just depends on which people at present at the moment.

  21. question #1

    Siddhartha and Elie had many similarities because they both live in a world where their religion is value. Elie wanted to learn more about Kabbalah but his father thought that Elie was not ready yet, Elie disobeyed his father and found himself a teacher. Siddhartha, simiilar to Elie, thirst for more knowledge and wanted to be a samanas, his father disagree with his choice but that did not stop Siddhartha. "I will stand and wait" this quote is found in page 10 of Siddhartha. He stood all night in the same room determine to pursue his own beliefs. This also shows another similarity between Siddhartha and Elie. they both are very determine and stubborn on their beliefs.

    question #2

    Even though Siddhartha and Elie are similar they are also some differences. They both have different belief system. Elie is a Jew while Siddhartha is a Hindu. They both have different ideas and opinion about their religion. "I found a master for myself, Moshe the Beadle," in page 2 for Night. Elie wants to explore more about his religion so he had Moshe the Beadle to be his teacher. Siddhartha have his doubts about his religion ha wants to be a samanas. There's also the fact that they both live in different time period. Elie live in a time where they are in the middle of war and Jews were being persecute for their religion. Siddhartha live in a peacful village where he is respected because he is born a Brahmin. This is how while Elie and Siddhartha is similar they are also different.

    question #3

    Belief systems divide people in both books Night and Siddhartha. Found in page 9," ...not fittingfor a Brahmin to speak angry and violent words..." When Siddhartha wants to be a samanas, his father said these words. This shows that his father disapprove of Siddhartha's choice because he's a brahmin. Being a Brahmin not only divide Siddhartha from his father but also divide from his own self because being a samanas is Siddhartha's choice but his Status held him. In the book Night, in page 9 "...living among Jews, among brothers..." Ghettos were built for the Jews in sighet. this divide the Jews from the outside world and other people. This is how Belief System can divide people.

  22. Question #1

    Eliezer and Siddhartha share similar characteristics and actions. Both their fathers had power in their society. Eliezer's father was respected by the jewish community and Siddhartha's father was a Brahmin, one of the highest people in the Hindu caste system. They both share the desire for their knowledge to grow. Eliezer seeks knowledge about the kabbalah but his father believes that he is too young to study the Kabbalah. He found a master, Moshe the Beadle, and studied it anyway while still obeying his father by studying Talmud also. Siddhartha wanted to join the samanas. He knew his father would disapprove so he waited and waited for his father's approval before going. They are both also obedient. They obey their fathers' commands and don't want to let them down. These elements show Eliezer and Siddhartha's similarites in their character and actions.

    Question #2

    There are many differences between Eliezer and Siddhartha. One main difference is their religion. Eliezer practices Judaism where he prays and Siddhartha practices Hinduism by meditating. Another difference is that Siddhartha has so many things expected from him. People had higher expectations for him while Eliezer was expected to do what other kids his age are doing; going to school. In Night, everyone's life is threatened because of the war and not in Siddhartha. People looked up to Siddhartha and thought of him as a god. Eliezer looked up to others like Moshe the Beadle and learned from him. They both have many differences that lead them to different lives.

    Question #3

    Night and Siddhartha show that belief systems divide people. Each belief system have different traditions, laws, gods, and lifestyles. In Night, the different belief systems caused a war. Hitler wanted to exterminate a whole people simply because their religion makes them Jews. In Siddhartha, the people that follow Hinduism have a caste system. People were expected to stay in the part of the system that they were born into. Power is determined by the caste system. Siddhartha was expected to be a Brahmin. His father disapproved of him joining the samanas because it was a lower class. Different beliefs divide people from each other.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Question 1:
    Siddhartha and Elie is similar to each other. They both want to know more about their interest, Siddhartha interested to become a semana and Elie wants to study more about Kabbalah. They both disobey their father to do what they interested in, Siddhartha want to become a semana and Elie wants to study Kabbalah with Moishe the Beadle. They both aren't satisfy the way they are because Siddhartha want to have more intelligence which cause him to join the semenas and Elie want to go study more about the Kabbalah which his father didn't allow him to.

    Question 2:
    There are also some differences between the two characters. The environment they grew up in is very different, Siddhartha is born in a upper class which he can lives the way he wants and Elie grew up during a war which his death may come upon him. The belief systems they wanted to be in is different as well, Siddhartha wants to be a semana and Elie wants to study more about Kabbalah. Their lifestyle is different as well because Siddhartha lives as an upperclassman and Elie is just like a middle class man.

    Question 3:
    Belief systems divide people because it can cause problem between people and nationality. It can separate families and friends. Wars can be caused because of belief systems. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha wants to join the semanas and separated from his family. He also argue with his friend, Govinda about it. In Night, a war occur because of belief systems. The religion of Jews is Judaism and it was hated by the Nazis. They take family members from their household and put them in a separate camp to work. It separates people apart from each other.

  25. Question 1
    Elie and Siddhartha have many things in common. Both of them have a taste for new knowledge; they are curious in some way. For example "One day I asked my father to find me a master to guild me in my studies of the cabbala"(page 1). In Siddhartha "My longing is to become a samana. May my father have nothing against it"(page 9). More similarities are when Elie went to go learn Cabbala (Kabbalah), from Moshe the Beadle. But for Siddhartha he stood in the same spot for a long time until his father said yes. All Siddhartha would say "you know what" (page 10). When his father would say, “what are you waiting for?" (page 10). They both still live with their family. Both of them would question but had trouble what the answer could be. They were both trying to find out more about their religion. Both their father were well respected. Siddhartha’s father is a Brahmin which is the highest rank in the Hindu caste system. Elie's father is respected in the Jewish community. All these elements show that both these characters have many things in common.

    Question 2
    There are some differences in Elie and Siddhartha. Elie is a Jew and lives in a Jewish community. This religion is monotheistic, which believes in one God. While Siddhartha is a Brahmin, which is the highest rank in the caste system in Hinduism and they believed in many gods (polytheistic). Another difference was the time era, Elie was happening during World War II (30's and 40's) But for Siddhartha it was 563 BCE to 483 BCE. Another difference is the status of both of them. Siddhartha lived a peaceful life. But for Elie it was a time in war, and he is between it. Siddhartha was very handsome and smart and many people loved him for his looks and his personality. Elie would cry in his prayers and Siddhartha would question his faith. Both these characters were respected in some way that made them different form one another.

    Question 3
    Belief systems unite people. Beliefs systems are common beliefs that people use to explain the world around them. One example was with Elie, "Our old servant, Martha came to see us... My father did not want to hear it. 'You can go if you want to,'I shall stay here with your mother and the child....’ Naturally, we refused to be separated" (page 18). That showed the family didn't want to be separated. Another example shows that Elie had to stay together was when they all moved as one because they were Jews and had the Yellow Star. It was also dividing people because the Germans were separating the Jews from their home land. The reason they were being divided because of their belief. But for Siddhartha, belief systems divided people. Because the Brahmin is the highest rank they are different to the untouchable and that separates both of them. A Siddhartha show that he divided from the Brahmin was when he wanted to join the samana. He wanted something different. But if he failed his father told him to practice Brahmin again. "If you find disillusion, then come back again, and let us jointly sacrifice to the gods again. His father gave him a chance to do something different to pleasure his needs. This shows that Belief Systems can unite people and divide people.

  26. Question 1:
    The first chapters in both books show similarities between Elie and Siddhartha. Elie from Night and Siddhartha from Siddhartha both seem to want to learn more about religion. They respectfully ask their fathers for permission and although their fathers don’t agree with what they want, they are determined to do what they wish although they do stand at a well position within their communities. Elie begins to expand his mind together along with Moshe (pg 3) to find an interpretation of the Zorah of the cabbala, Siddhartha on the other hand wants to learn more of samanas and wants to join them in along in the forest in order to become one of them as well(pg8). They also both have well respected fathers within their communities because Elie’s father was viewed as a leader that others came to about public matters and confidential matters as well. “The Jewish community in Sighet held him the greatest esteem.” (pg2) And Siddhartha’s father was a Brahmin which is at the top of the caste system in Hinduism. Elie and Siddhartha both share the similarity in following their religion the way they’re supposed to by praying which is what Elie does “...One day at dusk, when I was praying.” (pg2) And Siddhartha meditates along with Govinda. “Come with me to the banyan tree, let us meditate.” (pg7). Although they each practice different religions there are similarities between the two characters.
    Question 2:
    The differences between the two are that Elie is part of the Jewish community which is monotheistic while Siddhartha is part of the Hinduism community which is polytheistic. Elie also goes through a tough stage in which he is faced with the Holocaust at the age of fifteen along with his family, friends and neighbors. Siddhartha is viewed as the person who can bring joy to others but not himself and being a Brahmin he’s in the highest class of the caste system which he should be delighted with but really isn’t. “He brought joy to all, he delighted them all. But Siddhartha did not bring joy to himself, he did not delight himself.” (pg4) Another difference is that Siddhartha has Govinda that admires him and looks up to him and whom he has there for support to talk things with. On the other hand Elie doesn’t have anyone because he’s pretty much going through this experience alone. Siddhartha has the opportunity to be able to tell things to Govinda such as his plan of joining the samanas.
    Question 3:
    Night and Siddhartha demonstrate how belief systems people share unite them but when other religions play a role, it causes to divide them due to their different beliefs. In Night when Elie’s community, which are Jewish, are driven out from the ghetto they all believe in the same thing within their community but due to Germans beliefs which were different came to evicting them to bring them to Hungary. This causes the division of people because although they all believed in the same God, the different beliefs of the German divided them. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is Hindu but when samanas passed through their town he wants to join them. He considers the thought of following another religion because he’s unhappy himself although he brings joy to others he needs this for himself to possibly find bliss in the forest.

  27. Question #1:

    In the beginning of the books, it revealed many similarities among the 2 main characters, Siddhartha and Elie. Both of these characters lived in a high social class. Shiddhartha's father was a Brahmin, highest class in the caste system and Elie's father was viewed as a leader of the Jews. Another similarity is that Siddhartha and Wlie has goals they want to achieve and won't let their father stand in their way. Siddhartha wants to become a semana and ELie wants to learn mroe about Kabbalah. Lastly, both character have confidants; they can speak with someone when they are confused or needs help. Siddhartha speaks with Givunda and Elie speaks with Moishe.

    Questions #2:

    Despite the similarity, they also have differences. Siddhartha believed in Hinduism while Elie believed in Judaism. Siddhartha lived in a different place and time period than Elie did. Elie had to suffer through a war and Siddhartha didn't. Lastly, Siddhartha and Elie have very different reputation. Elie did not have as much popularity as Siddhartha, Siddhartha is highly intelligent, rich and is able to influence others in a way Elie cannot. These are the differences.

    Question #3:

    The author clearly display that belief system divides people. One example is when Siddhartha doesn't want to believe in Hinduism and wants to do what he thinks is right, to become a samana. His father disapproves that and tries to convince him to stay. Soon later, Siddhartha's father gave up and told his son that he can do whatever he wants. So then, Siddhartha left his family to become a samana. Another example that belief syste, divides people is when Elie and his family believe in Judaism during World War II. Hitler started a genocide to wipe out all Jews just because they are Jews. This is how belief system divides people.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Question 1 :
    Elie and Siddhartha have many common traits and influences. Both Elie and Siddhartha are curious to learn more about their religion. They both want to learn beyond the average knowledge of their morality. Elie is puzzled by the wisdom Moshe the Beadle possesses. He wishes to be able to learn about the Cabbala. Siddhartha is similar to Elie. Siddhartha hopes to gain more expertise about Buddhism. He is so devoted to Buddhism that he is willing to dedicated his life for this teaching to learn more about it. Another uniform trait between Elie and Siddhartha is that both fathers refuse to let their son study more about their religion. Elie's father ignores Elie's request to study from Moshe the Beadle because he believes Elie is too young. Siddhartha's father disagrees with Siddhartha's idea for going to join the ascetics because he thinks that it is too violent for a Brahmin. An additional similar triat between Siddhartha and Elie is that both are looked up to by people. Siddhartha provides joy, delight, and love to all people. Siddhartha's friend Govinda looks up to Siddhartha because he thinks Siddhartha is perfect and loves all the things he do. Elie is looked up to by his neighbors because he and his family is fortunate enough to be in the last convoy. The other families were forced to leave the ghettos first.
    Question 2:
    A difference between Elie and Siddhartha is that Siddhartha's father eventually allowed Siddhartha to become an ascetics. Elie's father on the other hand stick to his original decision and not let Elie study the Cabbala with Moshe the Beadle. Besides their fathers’, the environment each of them live in was also different. Siddhartha was born into a family where his father was a Brahmin [high class educator]. Being in a high class family, usually a lot is expected from the child. Siddhartha’s father hopes that one day, his son will also be a Brahmin just like him. Elie on the other hand was not born poor but in middle class. In the middle class, you are just expected to be average and fit it. The hopes for Elie are not as high as the hopes for Siddhartha. Siddhartha and Elie also have another difference; their religion. Religion plays a big role in both these stories, it mostly determines Elie and Siddhartha’s actions. Elie is a Jew and believes in Judaism. Judaism focus on the teachings in the Hebrew Bible and they believe in God. Hinduism [the religion Siddhartha believes in] primarily teaches its followers “daily morality”, karma, and etc.
    Question 3:
    Religion is practiced by many followers and usually unites its followers. In NIGHT, when someone knew something such as when the time the Germans were coming, they informed everyone they knew. They worked together as a community to try to be prepared for the arrival of the Germans. In SIDDHARTHA, the people were somewhat united. They all agreed that Siddhartha was delightful and joyful and all loved him. This can unite all the people because they have a common ground and do not disagree. Having the same religion is a crucial factor in determining if people will unite together or divide them. People with the same religion usually are united because they share a common set of beliefs.

  30. Question 1:

    Siddhartha and Elie are both common in a few ways. One way is that they both are curious of the things they don’t know yet. Siddhartha wants to know more about the true important thing, how to get to the “celestial world” (page 2-5, Siddhartha). Elie wants to know more about the cabbala, and wanted a master to teach him it (page 1, Night). Another way they’re both similar is that they both defied their fathers. The Brahmin, Siddhartha’s father, didn’t approve of the idea of Siddhartha being a samana, but Siddhartha didn’t move from his position and would rather die than not be a samana. Elie’s father didn’t allow Elie to learn about the cabbala because “ ‘You’re too young for that. Maimonides said it as only at thirty that one had the right’” (page 1, Night), but Elie went right ahead and found himself a master to teach him the cabbala at night. Both are also from a pretty high standard in society. Siddhartha is from the Brahmin family (a Brahmin is the highest class in the Hindu caste system) and Elie’s father is the person that the community would talk to about both public and private matters, and was one of the last people who left Sighet. Curiosity, family status, and defying their fathers are what make Siddhartha and Elie similar.

    Question 2:

    Siddhartha and Elie are different from each other for a few reasons. One reason would be that Siddhartha chose to move into a different lifestyle and social status, “ ‘Tomorrow morning, my friend, Siddhartha will join the samanas. He will become a samana.’” (page 6, Siddhartha), while Elie and his family was forced to move out of his house and Sighet itself. Another difference between the two would be that they are both from different belief systems. Siddhartha is part of Hinduism as a Brahmin, soon to be samana, and Elie is part of Judaism as a Jew. Siddhartha also is more free, peaceful, and can do whatever he likes because everyone loves him, but Elie is limited and can only do things that the Germans allowed and this was during WWII. These reasons draw the line of difference between the two.

    Question 3:

    Belief systems divide people from each other in the books Siddhartha and Night. In Siddhartha, the belief system is Hinduism, and it divides people by class, such as Brahmin and samanas. These classes separate the weak and poor from the wealthy and powerful. When Siddhartha wanted to become a samana, his father disapproved because “ ‘It is not fitting for a Brahmin…a second time from your lips.’” (page 7, Siddhartha) His father wants Siddhartha to stay a Brahmin and forbids him to become part of a lower sect. In Night, Elie and his whole Jewish community were forced to be deported because they were Jewish. They were forced to give all prized possessions and wear a yellow star to show that they were Jewish. If the community didn’t listen, the penalty was death. The Germans destroyed the Synagogue, and forced the people into two Ghettos. “ ‘I have terrible news,’ he said at last. ‘Deportation.’...following day.” (page 11, Night). Both these books show that belief systems divide people from others.

  31. I have no idea how to underline in a blog, but the tittle are underlined D:
    Does blog work the same way as like a myspace profile code?

  32. Question # 1:

    There are several similarities between Siddhartha and Elie. One similarity is that both have their own beliefs. In chapter one of the book Siddhartha, the character Siddhartha believes in hinduism, which makes him a hindu.In the book Night, Elie believes in judaism, which makes him a jew. Another similarity is that they both have good friends that they can rely on. Siddhartha has a good friend named Govinda and they are both ready to go out to become samanas together. Elie has a friend named Moishe the Beatle, and they communicate by giving advice and answering eachothers questions. One final similarity would be that both Siddhartha and Elie are going through new journies in life. Like Siddhartha and his good friend Govinda are going out to start something new, by becoming samanas. Elie, his family and his friend Moishe, are also going through a new journey in their lives, because they are going together and changing the way they view things from positive to negative actions. This is how Siddhartha and Elie have similarities.

    Question # 2:

    There are also several differences between Siddhartha and Elie as well. Like the journies that both characters are about to go through are not very similar. Siddhartha is about to go through a new journey with his good friend Govinda, and it is somthing that they want to do and they are happy to do it, (which is for them to become samanas). The journey that Elie, his family and his friend Moishe the Beatle are about to go on is not similar to Siddhartha`s because they are being forced to go through it. This means that Elie,(unlike Siddhartha) is unhappy to go on his new journey.This is because Siddhartha comes from an upper class and Elie comes from a middle class, so he and his family can not get what they want or do what they want to do,(like Siddhartha and his family can).Another Difference between both Siddhartha and Elie, is that they have different beliefs. Like siddhartha believes in Hinduism. Elie believes in Judaism. So this means that they might not live or do things the same, because what they believe shows them how to behave. Which would be different behaviors from each character, so, Elie prays and Siddhartha meditates. One final difference between Siddhartha and Elie is that they are from different time periods, so their times in life are very differnt.this means that thay veiw things very differently because the time periods taught differently.As i said in the examples above, this is how both Siddhartha and Elie are different.

    Question # 3:
    I think that Belief systems unite and divide people. In the book Siddhartha, the character Siddhartha, obeys his father when he asks permission to join the samanas, because he believs in hinduism which teaches him to obey and respect his parents. Then in the book Night, Elie`s belief is judaism, which during his time period caused conflict with the Germans. So Belief systems can affect people in positive and negative ways.

  33. Question 1:

    Siddhartha and Elie are similar in several ways. Both characters have a large thirst for knowledge and to learn different things other then what they were raised to believe or live by. Another similarity between the two characters is that they both want to study more about their own religion and at the same time they want to study somthing different than what their parents or family believe. Lastly, another similarity between Elie and Siddhartha is that no matter what decision their parents make, they will do what they have their mind set on.

    Question 2:

    Even though Siddhartha and Elie have several similarites, they also have several differences. Elie is a strong believer of Judaism and Siddhartha is part of the Hindu caste system as a Brahmin. Another difference Between these two main characters is that Siddhartha is someone who brings joy to all people. He is free and is looked up to by other people. On the other hand, Elie is someone who has no freedom at all. His freedom was taken away from him by the Germans. In his life he is looked as just another jew. The third difference between Siddhartha and Elie is that through Siddhartha's peace, there is many questions that arise through his faith and what he believes in. Elie, through all he has been through remains to have strong faith in Judaism.

    Question 3:

    According to the books Siddhartha and Night, belief systems divide people from eachother. In the book Night, belief systems divide Jews and Germans by a great deal. Germans have more power over Jews and no respect at all for them. This divide's them and causes each belief system to hate eachother. In the book Siddhartha, people are divided within their own belief system. Hindu believers are divided up into a caste system when they are born. This determines their social class, place in society and basically their lifestyle. Respect is highly seperated between each class and that is what divide's them.

  34. Question #1:

    The beginning of both books displays many similarities of both Siddhartha and Elie. One of those many similarities would be the fact that both characters would like to learn more about their beliefs. Elie would want to guided in her studies of Kabbalah & Siddhartha would sprout his destiny, answers all those doubtful questions & thoughts in his head to join the samanas. Another similarity in both characters is that their father play a high role on their belief. In Night, Elie’s father was held highest in esteem by the Jewish community of Sighet and his advice on various matters was frequently sought. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha’s father is a Brahmin as well as his friend Govinda. Govinda & Moishe the Beadle would be another similarity as both Siddhartha and Elie both had friends that they highly rely on. On pg 3 of Night it states Elie’s views on Moishe the Beadle “As for me, I liked his wide, dreamy eyes, gazing off into the distance. He spoke little. He sang little. He sang, or rather he chanted, and the few snatches I caught here and there spoke of divine suffering, of the Shekhinah in Exile, where, according to Kabbalah, it awaits its redemption linked to that of man”. Also on pg 4 of Siddhartha it states Govinda’s view of Siddhartha “But more than anyone else Govinda loved him, his friend , the Brahmin’s son. He loved Siddhartha’s eyes and lovely voice, he loved the way he walked and the perfect Redding of his movements…And someday, when Siddhartha became a god, someday, when he joined the radiant ones, then Govinda would follow him, as his friend, as his companion, as his servant, as his lance bearer, his shadow.” Lastly, Another similarity between Siddhartha and Elie is that they both have fathers that didn’t approve them wanting to follow their plan of being a samana or learning about the cabbala.

    Question #2:

    Also, The beginning of the book showed the differences between Siddhartha and Elie. One difference between both of the characters is their beliefs that they follow devotedly (belief system) Elie is a Jew, Follower of the religion of Judaism, and Siddhartha on the other hand is a Hindu, adherent of the belief system of Hinduism. Another difference is that even though their father disapproved their goals, at the end of the first chapter of Siddhartha, His father eventually allowed Siddhartha to join the samana after hours of standing motionless with hatred. One other difference is that Siddhartha questions his beliefs many times and wants to solve them as to Elie ,on the other hand, is happy with his faith.

    Question #3:

    Based from the events of Siddhartha & Night, It seems as if both authors show how belief systems divide people. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha asks to join the samana which his father disapproves that eventually starts tension between the two and him asking his son if he would do several actions such as disobey his father and die to become a samana. Also, Everyone loves him and the adores his features but he doesn’t communicate with those as he goes on his own path. This could start a separation between his friends, family, and religion. In Night, Separation also occurs as the Jews are being exterminated Elie still keeps her faith a main thing. As for his friend , Moishe the Beadle, that was not believed by the Jews about his stories was not the same. Not even Elie would believe him. So this would create a seperation of them. So in conclusion, Beliefs systems would divide people as displayed in both stories.

  35. Question 1:

    Siddhartha, Elie have many similarities. They may have diffrent religons,but they both want to know more about it. Siddhartha, and Elie, are both very religous, Siddartha meditates a lot, and Elie likes to pray whenever he gets a chance. Siddhartha, and Elie are both have respect in their families, Siddharta is a Brahmin, while Elie's father is a well respected man in the community.

    Question 2:

    Even though there is many things in common with Siddhartha, and Elie, there are many diffrences between them. I think Siddhartha is more sturborn, and hard headed, because he made his father agree to let him become a samana, but Elie had the oppertunity to leave with Martha, but he stayed with his family. Siddhartha, and Elie also are diffrent, because they encounter diffrent problems. Lastly Siddhartha has it way easier then Elie, because the Germans are making many laws, while Siddhartha gets what he want, so far.

    Question 3:

    I think belief system divide people, because of many reasons. in Night the germans hate the Jews, so they are divided. In Siddhartha since they are believe in Hinduisim they are devided throught their belief system, because of the castes. this is why I say belief systems dive people!

  36. Question 1:

    Siddhartha and Elie are similar in many ways. In the book, Siddhartha, Siddhartha has a thirst to learn more. In the book, Night, Elie wants to learn more about the studies of the cabbala. In both books they are eager to learn. In both stories, the father of Siddhartha and Elie disagreed with what they wanted to do. Elie wanted to study the cabbala, but his father said he was too young. Siddhartha wanted to become a Samana, but his father disapproved at first. Siddhartha and Elie are two faithful people. They follow their beliefs or reilgions and stick to it. They express it every where they go. These are the similarities between Siddhartha and Elie.

    Question 2:
    Siddhartha and Elie have several differences. Both characters have to go on journies that are not the same. Siddhartha goes on a journey to find his destiny, while Elie goes on a journey he is forced to go on. Siddhartha and Elie have different beliefs. Elie is a jewish boy, therefor he believes in Judaism. That is why he practices praying. Siddhartha is a Hindu. That is why he practices meditating. Elie is not a wealthy person or a poor person, but he would be considered middle class. On the other hand, Siddhartha was a high class. A Brahmin. These are the reasons Siddhartha and Elie are different.

    Question 3:
    Belief Systems both unite and divide people. Some belief systems cause people to stay in groups. In the book, Night, Elie lives in a community of Jewish people. If they were not Jewish, they would not be together. Siddharthas belief has divided him. The prior belief has opened his eyes to another path. A path that could reveal his destiny so he could truly understand who he is and seek answers to his questions. That is how belief systems unite and divide people.

  37. Question #1
    Siddhartha from the book Shiddartha and Elie from the book Night is similar to each other. Both of their fathers get respect from them and they obey and doesn't disrespect them. Another similarity is that they both have their own culture and belief systems; their own religion. They both believe in god. Elie and Siddartha both not only respect their fathers but also god and religion. They both are thirsty for more knowledge. Their fathers stopped them from learning from others too. Elie and Siddartha's fathers both stops them from learning more about their religion because they're too young. Elie and Siddartha wasn't in a poor family, as a matter of fact they're pretty rich and their rank is medium too. Elie's father and SIddartha's father both get respect from others.

    Even though Elie and Siddartha is similar to each other that doesn't make them the same person or have the same social life. One of the differences is that they both believe in different belief systems, different religions, and different culture. In the book Siddartha, Siddartha goes onto a higher class, but for Elie he was born into a middle class so he doesn't work as hard as Siddartha to stay in the highest place. Siddartha has to do his best in order to become like his father.

    Question #3
    Belief systems divide people. It divides people because the belief systems separates people in different groups. Groups like rich and poor. Also groups between the powerful and the weak. In the book Siddartha, Siddartha, he wasn't allowed to become a samana and he argued with his father about it. In the book NIght jews were being killed by Hitler because of their belief system. Because of their belief system they were known as jews and they were an outcast. Belief systems makes people differ from others and they will be divided into a different part of the society.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Question 1:

    Even thought Siddhartha and Elie have different belief systems, each shared similar qualities. One thing, they both have something they want to do. Elie wants to learn the studies of Kabbalah and Siddhartha wants to join the semanas, choices their father disapprove of. Siddhartha and his family are Brahmins, this means being very high rank and Elie's father was held in highest esteem in the Jewish community, giving them both an advantage over the people. They are both obedient the last thing they want to do is let their fathers down.

    Question 2:
    Siddhartha and Elie, are also different at the same time because they both follow different beliefs systems, Siddhartha follows Hinduism which involves meditation every day and Elie follows Judaism which requires that you pray in the temple every day. Elie lives in a world torn apart by the world war II and he and his family become prisoners of the Nazi reign. Siddhartha on the other hand is living in India and is surrounded by a peaceful paradise of freedom where there is no war and or terror . Siddhartha is part of the very highest class in India known as the Brahmin caste and with that comes wealth and recognition of who you are, Elie is not as worthy as Siddhartha because he’s in a lower class . Elie’s family owns a store. These are some differences of the two characters.

    Question 3:
    Both authors show that Belief systems can unite or divide people depending on the situation. In this case, it shows how belief systems divide people. In the book, “Siddhartha,” Siddhartha wants to be a Samana rather than stay a Hindu. Siddhartha wants to explore different ideas, but his father doesn't approve of the idea to become a Samana. So this tears Siddhartha away from his father. In the other hand the book, “Night,” Germans are dividing the Jewish community into ghettos. The Germans want the Jewish to be exterminate. People were separated from their family and were forced against each other in order to survive during this period of time.

  40. Question 1:
    There are many ways in which Elie and Siddhartha are different,but they are also very similar. Besides the fact that they both come from a family of different religions and are totally different people, they ended up doing the same thing. In coming of age, both Elie and Siddhartha have become very curious about their religious beliefs. This became a difficult task since their fathers didn't approve of this happening at this state of time. However, thins didn't stop them from doing what they needed to get what it is they wanted to know.

    Question 2:
    Elie and Siddhartha live their lives differently. Their belief systems tell them what it is they can or can't do in their daily life. Siddhartha is a hindu which forces him to meditate daily. Elie's family follows judaism which consists of praying daily. Also, they both come from different social classes. Siddhartha is from a family of high class and Elie is in the middle class. These things are differences in both their lives.

    Question 3:
    Depending on the situation or belief, belief systems could either unite or divide people. In the book "Night", everyone in the ghettos were gathered together to go on a journey forced by the Germans. What they believed in brought them together since the Germans had a lot against them and wanted them all dead or used for work. In "Siddhartha", Siddhartha had a problem with being a Hindu. He wanted to be a Samana. Making this decision led him to drift away from his family.

  41. Question 1:
    Both Elie and Siddhartha are similar in a way. They both respect and obey their father. Elie and Siddhartha is raised by their religion. Everyday Elie would pray and Siddhartha would meditate, they are very dedicated to their religion. Both Elie and Siddhartha wants to learn more. Elie asked her father if he can find her a master who could guide her to the studies of Kabbalah and Siddhartha was thirsting to know more things, which made him want to become a Samana.

    Question 2:
    Elie and Siddhartha have a different livestyle, Elie is raised in a middle class and Siddhartha is raised in a highclass. Brahmin is the highest class for Hinduism. The belief system they believe are differet. Siddhartha's belief system is Hinduism. Hinduism believes in more then one god (polytheistic). Elie's belief system is Judaism. Judaism believes in only one god(monothies. tic)Also, in "Night", when the Germans approached to Elie's town, Sighet. They took power of the town. Elie and the rest of the people had no clue what was going to happen to them after the German's in power. She didn't have the choice to obey them or not, she had no freedom. Siddhartha wanted to join the ascetics and become a Samana, and he knew what was going to come and happen to him after from what he had seen and what his father have warned him, he still wanted to join. Siddhartha had to have the acceptance from his father. Elie didn't have any clue what was going to happen to them after the German took power and Siddhartha knew what was going to happen to him if he join the Samana. What Elie and Siddhartha where going through happened in different times. "Night" happens in 1944, during World War 2 and "Siddhartha" was before "Night" was occurred 1922. Elie is going through more hardship than Siddhartha.

    Question 3:
    In my opinion, belief system divide people. In the book "Night," the Germans were torturing and killing the Jews because of their belief system. The followers of the belief system Judaism are called Jews. The Germans that time was following Hitler's order, who was a fascist. Elie's family members may have not been killed but other's family members are, which is seperating them from each other. It's just the beginning. Also, in "Siddhartha", Siddhartha was a Hindu, but he wanted to be a Samana. He was arguing with his father and for the first time, he disobeyed him. Belief systems makes Siddhartha and Elie seperate from their family.

  42. Question 1
    In the book Night and Siddhartha, Siddhartha and Elie both have many similarities in their lives and their actions. They both have a goal in wanting to learn and study or join in about their religion. In the book Night, Elie wants to study Kabbalah. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha wanted to join the Semanas. With their goals, they both confront their fathers and they were both rejected in some way. When Elie approaches his father for a master who could guide him in his studies of Kabbalah, his father disapproves. His father says, “’You are too young for that, Maimonides tells us that one must be thirty before venturing into the word of mysticism, a world fraught with peril’”(4). Siddhartha’s father had said no to Siddhartha joining the Semanas. Because of their rejections, both took action to this. Elie, himself, went to learn from Moishe the Beadle. Moishe the Beadle chants and speaks of the divine suffering and of the Shekhinah in Exile. As for Siddhartha, he stands the whole night until his father agrees. His father agrees due to watching Siddhartha standing and he hears that Siddhartha would rather die than listen to the words of his own father. Both Siddhartha and Elie both takes action due to the rejections they receive to have their knowledge.

    Question 2
    In the book Night and Siddhartha, Siddhartha and Elie both also share differences. Their religions or beliefs are different in ways. Siddhartha believes in Hinduism. In the belief of Hinduism, Siddhartha meditates in that religion. In the book Siddhartha he meditates with his friend Govinda. Elie believes in Judaism. In the belief of Judaism, Elie goes into the act of praying. The characters both face a different problem in the books. For Siddhartha, he brings joy to everyone, but himself. For Elie, he has to go through the beginning of the holocaust. They had to go through the leaving of their home not knowing what’s going to happen ahead of them. Siddhartha and Elie also live differently. Siddhartha’s life is calmer and the things that occur aren’t as harsh and rough. Elie goes through the need of moving away from their home and listening to Nazis. Siddhartha and Elie have differences as well as similarities.

    Question 3
    Beliefs divide people. In the books Siddhartha and Night, it shows how the beliefs of Judaism and Hinduism divide people. In the book Night, Hitler judged Jews due to their belief system of Judaism. Jews were being pulled apart from each other. In the book, foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet. Later on, Jews were being forced into Ghettos. The act of believing in Judaism pulled the people apart and it divided people. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha wanted to join the Semanas. He wanted to be able to learn more and create of something new. His father said no to him. His father’s rejection to him shows the division of people. From the two books Siddhartha and Night, it shows how beliefs divide people.

  43. Taneka Johnson

    Siddhartha and Elie had similar appearances. They both had a thirst for knowledge. Both of their fathers were a leader in some way. Siddhartha and Elie both had difficulties with their father, because they wanted to study different beliefs. Siddhartha wanted to become a Samana(page 8) and Elie wanted to start studying Kabbalah(page 4 ). They were both religious and had beliefs.
    Elie and Siddhartha also had differences in their approach. Elie was in a lower class than Siddhartha. They had different belief systems. Siddhartha worshiped Hinduism while Elie worshiped Judaism. Siddhartha was popular and loved by all(page 4). Elie on the other hand was just like any other ordinary person.
    Belief systems divide and unite people. In these two particular stories called "Night" and "Siddhartha" belief systems divided people. Siddhartha changed from a Brahmin to a Samana(page8-11). He had problems with his farther at first, because his father did not approve of him being a Samana(page 9). Elie was Jewish. The Germans wanted to kill all the Jews, because they did not think that their existance was necessary in this world. The conflict between the Germans and the Jews caused them to become divided, and Siddhartha became a little divided from his father after he decided to become a Samana.

  44. Question#1-
    Both the main characters in the books have similarities. Both Elie and Siddhartha have challenges in their life. they both want to learn more about other things yet both their fathers reject their request. even though they belief in different things both their fathers are in power. there fathers are respected for who they are and what they mean to the society. both Elie and Siddhartha leave their homes but for different reasons.

    Elie is a Jewish young men that is living through a time of war. He wanted to learn more about the Kabbalah yet his father refused. Elie also admired Moishe the Beadle whom noone really paid attention to. he was used to being invisible.Elie really didnt have a best friend like Siddhartha did. Siddhartha in the other hand, had Govinda to practice their beliefsystem and to accompany him evreywere. Elie was just a regular boy who did what the other boys did. Siddhartha was really popular in his town and everyone looks up to him. Siddhartha is loved and has everything thatElie doesnt, yet he isnt satisfied with himself.Elie is used to being with his family and going to the synagogueand now that theres troubles he's closer to his family then ever. Siddhartha wanted to leave his home to go see a new life and to see new things like how the samanas lived. Elie and his family were forced to leave there home because of the war going on around them.

    the auther in both books are showing that belief systems are what seperate us. Its because of what we belief in that other people think of us the way they do. Belief systems shows who we are and has a big role in how we act abd behave to certain things.Like in the book "Night"it says that one day all the foreign Jews had to leave sighet. but why only the foreign jews. people were torturing them and using them like if Jews were worth nothing. But most of the time people are seperated because of what they believe in.And thats what seperates us. people may think we're crazy because we believe in certain things. People jugde us because of what we belief in and thats what seperates us!

  45. Question#1-
    Siddhartha and Elie are similar in many ways. Both characters want to learn something new with a thirst for knowledge. Elie wants to learn Kabbalah and Siddhartha wanted to learn Samana. Both characters have some sort of relation with their father. Siddhartha wanted to go off into the forest to search for im guessing a new belief but his father disapproved until Siddhartha proved otherwise. Elie wanted to learn Kabbalah but his father also dissaproved. another similarity is that both i guess had to leave their home for different reasons except Elie left with his family and Siddhartha left with his friend Govinda.

    Elie is a 15 year old boy who is jewish and is living during the second world war. He also follows his father's orders. Siddhartha is a boy whos belief system was Hinduism. He aslo had a close friend who sticks with him all the way. Siddhartha however goes against his fathers word upon Siddhartha's request. But he manages to prove himself worthy for his request.

    In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, belief systems I think unit the jewish people because they believe in Judaism and they were all together in the beggining. But compared to Siddartha by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha's father's belief divides him from his son. His father believes in Hinduism but Siddhartha doesn't want to believe in that. So in both books, they have a different way how belief systems affect the characters.

  46. Question#1

    In the beginning of both books, Siddartha by Herman Hesse, and Night by Elie Wiesel, both characters share some similiar things. From the book Siddartha, the character Siddartha had a thirst for knowledge. Like in Night, Eliezer was also having thirst for more knowledge. Both characters wanted to know more about their religions and the answer to their questions. Another similarity is that, both characters had to go through hardships in order to understand the meaning behind their questions. Siddartha, had to disobey his father in order to be a samana, a person who abandons their social life in order to find a way of life more. Siddartha was born into the Brahmin cast, having a life of luxury, is he able to have that change in his life, wandering around the world? Eliezer also had hardships, since Eliezer was a Jew, Germans were at the discrimination of them. So Eliezer had a very hard life, moving from place to place, worrying over everything. Can Eliezer endure all this? Another similarity both characters have is that, they both have fathers that don't agree with their actions. Siddartha's father was not willing to let Siddartha to be a samana. Eliezer also wanted to know more about the studies of Cabbala, but his father said he was too young to know.


    Besides the similarites that both Siddartha and Eliezer share, there are also differences between them. One difference is their belief systems, Siddartha is a Hindu, Hinduism, and believes in Buddha, both seeing the world differently. Eliezer is a Hasidic Jew, and believes in Judaism. Also since Siddartha believes in Hinduism, where they also believed in castes. And Judaism didn't have castes. Another difference is that Siddartha was born in the Brahmin caste, having a life of luxury, and having high education, "....growing up as a prince amoung the Brahmins" (Page 3). While Eliezer was just an ordinary boy that went to school everyday. Also another difference is that Siddartha chosed to be a samana, leading to a hard life. While Eliezer on the other hand was forced to leave by the Germans, leading to a hard life.


    Belief systems can unite and divide people. But in both books, Siddartha and Night, belief systems divided people. In the book Night, belief systems divide people because of Hitler, his view of the Jews were different from the others. Hitler thought that, Jews were not important in the world. "We gave up some of out rooms to relatives who had been driven out of their flats" (page 9).Germans were forcing Jews out of their homes, making them move from place to place, keeping them away from other people. "The barbed wire which fenced us..."(Page 9). "We were no longer allowed to go into restaurants or cafes, to travel on the railwau, to attend synagogue, to go out into the street after six o' clock" (Page 9). Both of these lines show that Jews were separated from the others, wiping them out. Hitler's beliefs had driven Jews out of their homes. In the book Siddartha, Siddartha was also divided from his beliefs. Wanting to know more about his beliefs, and thirst for knowledge, he gave up on his luxury life, and wanted to become a samana, searching for his answers. Also, because of Siddartha's beliefs, he was separated from his father, disobeying his father for the first time. In both books, beliefs systems divided people.

  47. Question 1

    Elie and Siddhartha are two very different people. Yet they still share similarities between the two of them. The both of them have loyal friends. Siddhartha had a friend named Govinda, who loved him and cared for him. Elie had a friend named Moishe the Beadle, and they both prayed together. They both seeked knowlegde, and would do anything to obtain it. Elie disobeyed his father to study Kabbalah after he had asked him. Siddhartha stayed up all night in order to get his father's approval of becoming a samana.Their last similarity is that they both saught their fathers approval for gaining more knowlegde.

    Question 2

    Even though Siddhartha and Elie have many similarites, they also have many differences. They both live in very different places and different times in history. They both also have very different beliefs. Elie lives in Sighet during the holocaust. He and his family are jewish. Siddhartha is in India, and believes in Hinduism. They both also have different places in society. Elie's father is well known, but he is just a regular kid. Siddhartha is loved by his family and his society.

    Question 3

    In The books, Night, and Siddhartha, because of their belief systems, they are divided from everyone else. In Night, Elie and his family are Jewish, which are being killed by Hitler during the Holocaust, which separates them from the rest of the world, who are not being saught and killed. The Jewish are separated from everyone else because they believe in different things. In Siddhartha, the young boy is born into the social status of a Brahmin, and yet he is still unhappy. He then seeks to become a samana, and soon gets separated from his father and family.

  48. Question 1:

    In the first chapter of the two books Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse and Night by Elie Wiesel, both characters had shared many similarities. Siddhartha and Elie both want to know more things about life and their religion that they haven't learn yet. Siddhartha had people’s love but it did not satisfy him. All the knowledge of his father and his other teachers was not enough for him. Then Siddhartha want to join Semanas but his father won’t let him. The same situation happened in the book Night by Elie want to learn Kabbalah but Elie’s father disapprove. They are similar also because both of their fathers are some leader in their communities. Siddhartha’s father was the leader of the Brahmins and Elie’s father the leader of highest esteem in their Jewish community of Sighet, giving him the highest esteem. Another thing that Siddhartha and Elie had in common is that they both had moved away from home for more experiences in life. The experience of both characters and their action made them have a lot of similarities.

    Question 2

    A lot of differences were shown by both characters even though they had shown many similarities. Siddhartha was under the belief system of Hinduism, and Elie was in Judaism. They studied different religions and it will cause them have different thoughts and actions toward things. The two characters were also different because they were in a different period of time in the different place. Siddhartha lived in India while Elie was in the period of World War II in the 1900’s. Both characters were also shown as different by that they were under different situations for their experiences in life. Elie was forced by the Hungarian Police to move to new ghettos but Siddhartha was going to join the Semanas because he wants to.

    Question 3
    Belief systems divines people and it was shown in the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse and Night by Elie Wiesel. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha want to join Semanas and seek for more knowledge and experiences, but his father refuse. Siddhartha and his father are both under Hinduism, in the caste system of Brahmins. Maybe it is not okay for a Brahmin to join Semanas because they are not the same and may not have the same beliefs. And for Elie in the book Night, Jews were sending to ghettos by Hitler because they are Jews. Germans were treating Jews all because of their religion. Evidences from both books showed that belief systems separates and divines people.

  49. Question # 1- These two books have few similarities but what the characters do have in common is that they are really in tacked with having more knowledge about and many things in the world. Both characters had asked for some knowledge because the search for it was denied by their fathers, although it was denied the still find themselves going to a place of mysteries.

    Question # 2- The books have many differences. Some are that they study or practice different religions. In the book night it is Judaism and in the book Siddhartha it is Buddhism. Siddhartha also had more freedom than Elie and his family who are being taken to a concentration camp.

    Question # 3- I believe that belief systems divide people because in the book Night because Hitler was not being merciful with the Jews. The Jews had to be separated from their families and most were killed. Beliefs many times make people judge others many times on first impressions other than letting people getting to know each other. In Siddhartha, he was born in a family with power but still he seeks for more knowledge he wants to know more than of what his family teaches him.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. question 1-
    In the books Siddhartha by Herman Heese and Night by Elie Wiesel many similarties occur between these two books. Siddhartha and Elie both have a thrist for knowledge. Everyday Siddhartha learns something new but isn't satisfied. As critical changes occur in Elie's life he tries to learn what will become of him and his family. When Siddhartha decided to go with the samanas his father didn't want him to do it. Elie's father didn't want him to seperate from the family when they were going to be taken away. Siddhartha has a strong belief in religion, he meditates everyday and tries to learn more about his religion. Elie keeps his faith in religion as his life becomes worse. He celebrates his jewish holidays and attends his service. Both Siddhartha and Elie have many similarities

    Question 2
    Siddhartha share as many similarities as they do differences. Siddhartha is a Hindu but believes in Buddhism and sees the world in a different perspective. Elie is a Jew and believes in Judaism. Siddhartha also goes through Hindu beliefs like the caste system which seperates hindus in different systems/rank of society one being higher than the next. In Judaism everyone is equal and they go to the temple for service every saturday. Siddhartha seperates and leaves his family and friends to go with the samanas. Elie stays with his family and is forced to go with the nazis to an unknown place. Elie is forced to stay in one area and is given limited rights and freedom. Siddhartha has the freedom to go where ever he wishes and chooses what he wants to do with himself. Siddhartha has freedom while Elie doesn't.

    question 3
    From the reading it shows how belief systems seperate people rather unite them. Elie and his people were forced to live within their own people and seperated from the rest of the world because of the nazis and their evil regime. Families and friends were separted and killed by Hitler's reign and were divide because of their belief. Siddhartha decides to abandon his life and learn more about his religion because of his thrist for knowledge. He gives up his normal rich life and goes against his father's will and leaves. Belief systems have caused Siddhartha and Elie to drift from others.

  52. 1. Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they are both stubborn, have a thirst for knowledge and have some sort of religious conflict in their lives. Siddhartha wants to become a samana and when his father disapproved, he threatened to stand in the same place until he died unless his father would let him go. Elie is similarly stubborn because even though his father didn't approve, Elie finds a master to study Kabbalah. He wants to know more about and become closer to God by studying and reading the Zohar over and over again. Similarly, Siddhartha is consumed with all the questions he has that are left unanswered by his father and teachers. His thirst for knowledge brings him to question life itself and whether or not he is destined for a great life. Ultimately, he wants to understand the spiritual world and quench the "eternal thirst" and strives for that goal by becoming a samana. Both characters also had religious conflict; Siddhartha had doubts about the life he was leading by becoming a sage and priest while Elie was being persecuted because he practiced Judaism.

    2. The differences between Elie and Siddhartha are those of religion, time period and social class. Siddhartha is Hindu while Elie is Jewish. Another difference is that Siddhartha is a Brahmin which is considered the highest part of the Hinduism caste system whereas Elie is just a regular guy that is nothing special in the community. Elie is also living in Sighet during World War Two when Jewish people were sent to their death to concentration camps. His experiences are completely different than those of Siddhartha because all Siddhartha worries about is having a fulfilling life, and Elie is surrounded by death.

    3. Belief systems can both unite as well as divide people. The book Siddhartha shows how the main character isolated himself from the people around him because of his beliefs. Siddhartha was trying to find his own path in life, separate from the casts of Hinduism. In the book Night, Jews were rounded up in the ghettos, divided from the rest of the people in Sighet. Their beliefs were different that those of the Nazi and because of the hatred and racism, the heinous treatment Jews endured seemed justified. Another way of looking at what happened is that the Nazi's shared a common hatred towards the Jewish, which united them based on their beliefs of their inferiority to them. The Jews that were in the camps and the ghettos were also united not only because they were cooped up in the same place and treated the same way but they shared the same beliefs and had only each other for support.

  53. 1, Ellie and Siddhartha share many common factors that are shown in there personalities,lives, and time. Both Siddhartha and Ellie are very religious and culturally respectful people, and they are both young boys as there storyies begin to commence. Ellie looks for a mentor to enlighten him on his traditions and the main principles of kabbalahcism, further showing his traditional and religious life style. Like Ellie Siddhartha was very religious as well, following the customs of his people. Customs that included, holy offerings, and holy abulations. Through that, that is how the two characters are alike.

    2, Although these two characters are very alike, they also have there shares of uncommon factors that separate the two from being truely alike. These factors include where there stories take place, there change in mentality as they grow older, and some of there surroundings. "Night" is based in Sighet, Transylvania Austria, where Ellies life changes forever. Ellie is also respectful towards his mentors and never goes against his mentors. Finally Ellie grows up in a common household where the families not so good in an economical stature but yet no so bad, he is a son and just that. all these three appose to Siddhartha where his story begins off in India. At a very young age a boy named Siddhartha is loved and respected by all due to his stature and intelligence, he is held at a high point in life. As he grows older he begins to question his teachings and his mentors, questioning all he has learned and besieging his instructors, something Ellie would of never done. This is how Ellie and Siddhartha are unalike.

    3, Throughout the first chapter of these two magnificent stories, belief systems play a key factor in the people of these stories. In "Night" the community is dominantly Jewish, which is a major belief system in today's world and probably back then as well. The people of this Jewish community stay together untied under one banner constantly seeking eachother in the time of need. Especially when German occupancy on there lands took control and decided to do an atrocity known to everyone that occured during the twentieth century. In "Siddhartha" as well, belief systems serve as a way of uniting people. Everyone stuck to there love of the young prodigy Siddhartha because he had so much knowledge of there beliefs. Therefore everyone was united, because when people share the same beliefs they must also share the same ideas, therefore creating bonds. Which proves that belief systems serve as a way of uniting people more then dividing people.

  54. 1). Elie and Siddhartha are similar because they both are thirsty foe knowledge. Elie wants to continue his studies in Kabbalah. then he keeps studying Talmud during the day and Kabbalah during the night. Siddhartha is also "thirsty for knowledge". Siddhartha knew everything that he could know but yet he wasn't happy. They are also sons of very important men. they also have special people that they can count on. Elie has Moishe the Beadle and Siddhartha has Govinda.
    2). the differences between Siddhartha and Elie is that Siddhartha is Hindu, whereas Elie is Jewish. Siddhartha is also in a very high social status, while Elie is just a regular person. Another difference is that Elie has to leave everything he has because of the Nazis unlike Siddhartha cause he leaves his home because he wants to learn more.
    3). belief systems can divide people and can unite people. For example different beliefs systems can divide people and cause wars because look at Elie and his family, they had to leave everything that they owned because they were Jewish. and in the case of Siddhartha his community is all very united and peaceful because they all have the same belief systems. so it's safe to say that people that have the same belief systems can be both, unite and divide people. because sometimes people with the same belief systems fight and cause wars between each other.

  55. 1)Elie and Siddhartha are similiar in many ways here some examples. First off Elie and Siddhartha are very interested with there religions and always want to know more. For example: Elie wants to more about the Kabbalah and Siddhartha want to become a semana. Another similarity is that both there fathers disapproved this and they still fought for what they wanted to know and become. Lastly both of them are hihly recognized in there society for example Elie's father is the type of person people go to for help and he will always be involed with the community especially when the Jewish Council told him of the deportations. And Siddhartha is part of the Brahmin family which is the highest class in the Hindu Caste syetm.
    2)Some differences between Elie and Siddhartha are: First off they both have different belief systems Elie-Judaism and Siddhartha-Hinduism. Even though both are highly recognized in society they still both have different social classes siddhartha Brahmin and Elie starts off at the bottom of the social class once the Nazis take over. Lastly Elie leaves his home to go off to the concentration camps, while Siddhartha goes on a journey to prove himself as a semana.
    3)I think belief systems will always and forever unite people because for example no matter what happened during the Holocaust the Jewish people stayed together forming the Jewish Council, and through Siddhartha his descions didn't affect his people and how they act to them, they know the journey he must embark on.

  56. Question 1:
    Elie and Siddhartha are similar in quite a few ways. They are similar because both characters wish to gain more knowledge within their religions/beliefs. Example: In chapter one, Siddhartha wants to learn some more about his religion and such. Where as Elie also wants to learn about religion, the Kabbalah. Another way these two characters are similiar is because they are both young boys willing to do something for their own good. For example: Siddhartha is the son of the Brahmin who wishes to join the "samanas" where his father does not wish for him to do so at first. Elie wanted to find some one to teach him about the teachings of the cabalistic books but couldn't find someone to do so. Another way in which these two characters are alike is because they both follow their fathers. In both books the characters obey their fathers. For example: Siddhartha has always obeyed his father and Elie also respects his father as well.
    Question 2:
    The characters Siddhartha and Elie are different. They are different because they both are in different situations and deal with it differently. For example: Siddhartha wishes to become a samana and at first his father does not want him to become one. Elie is also in a situation where people from his neighborhood are being deported to a place where no one knows of. They are also different because they believe in different religions. Elie believes in Judiasim while Siddhartha believes in Hinduism. One last reason why they are different is because they both grew up in different places which affects their culture. elie grew up in Sighet and Siddhartha grew up in India.
    Question 3:
    Belief systems can divide people and also bring them together. In "Night" belief systems caused people to be divided. They divided people because there was a war going on between two different cultures. Belief systems can also bring people together because like in "Siddhartha" everyone was peaceful having the same beliefs. So belief systems can do both, unite people and cause people to be divided.

  57. QUESTION 1

    Siddhartha and Ellie are both similar. Both Siddhartha and Ellie want to learn more about their religion, and other parts to it. Siddhartha wants to learn about a lower rank in their caste system, the samanas, and Ellie wants to learn more about the Kabbalah. Siddhartha and Ellie both strongly believe in their religion. Siddhartha enjoys learning more and more about their religion, while although things are rough in his life, Ellie still has faith in his religion. The final reason how Siddhartha and Ellie are similar is because they both respect their fathers authority. Siddhartha and Ellie listen to their fathers insight of what they want to do.


    Although Siddhartha and Ellie share their similarities, they also have differences. They have different freedom, religion and social class. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha has way more freedom then Ellie does. Siddhartha decides to become a samana, while Ellie is sent to a concentration camp and has to obey all of the Germans commands. Siddhartha and Ellie do not share a common religion. Siddhartha believes in Buddhism/Hindu, while Ellie believes in Judaism. Siddhartha and Ellie also are not in the same 'social class' or ranking. Siddhartha's family is at the top of the caste system, and are highly known and appriciated, while Ellie's family isn't so much.


    Belief systems can both divide, and unite a community. In Siddhartha, the belief system unites everyone, and they live in a peaceful village. However in the book Night, the Holocaust takes place which is the Germans and the Jewish people. This shows how people can fight [and break out into a war] because of various belief systems.

  58. Siddhartha and Elie are similar in that they both have a thirst for knowledge. Siddhartha wanted to join and learn more about the semanas and Elie wanted to learn more about Kabbalah. Also both their fathers object their decisions, but they both are very determined Elie doesn’t respect his father and is able to go and study with Moshe and Siddhartha stood still until his father would soon gave in.

    Siddhartha and Elie have very different belief systems. Siddhartha is Hindu while Elie is a Hasidic Jew. They also are born in very different time periods. Elie grew up during the world war 2. While Siddhartha grew up around 500BC. They also are from different social classes. Siddhartha is from a rich and powerful family while Elie is from a middle class family and is not highly popular.

    According to Siddhartha and Night belief system divides people, for example Siddhartha is hindu and his choice to become a samana created a division with his father. Also in Night there is a huge barrier between the two religion. Which causes pain and suffering.

  59. 1.
    The beginning of these books show a lot of similarities between Elie and Siddhartha. First of all, they both want to do something that their fathers don't want them to. Siddhartha wants to be a Samana and live the life without the wealth and appearance of a Brahmin. Elie wants to study Kabbalah but his father forbids it at his age, but Elie still fands a way to study it by having his friend Moishe help him in his studies. They are also both young and in the beginning still live with their family. Elie and Siddhartha also come from good families. Siddhartha came from a wealthy Brahmin family with teachers and good things, Elie comes from a fairly wealthy Jewish family with his father as an important figure in their community, so you can also say that both their families have some sort of importance in it too.

    Even though Elie and Siddhartha have much in common, they also are very different from each other too. Elie at this point in the story lives in the year 1942 in Trnasylvania. Siddhartha however, lives somewhere in India a few thousand years ago. These two are also different in belief systems, Siddhartha is a Brahmin like the rest of his family, which means that he has to be a Buddhist. Elie in the story shares the beliefs of his other family members which is Jewish.

    Belief systems do both, they divide and untie people. In the case of Siddhartha, it divides people into caste systems, Siddhartha and his family are at the top in a group called Brahmins. The best example of this seperation is when Siddhartha wants to become a Samana, which would seperate him forever from his family and friends he once had. Belief systems also unite in the case of Elie. Elie and Moishe come together to learn about Kabbalah and its teaching whenever they have the chance. The Jews in that town also have a place where they all meet to pray and come together, a Synagogue.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Question 1 response:
    When you are first introduced to Elie and Siddartha, you get similar auras from them. They both wanted more than what they were given. They were pleased with what they had been given and taught but they wanted more. Siddartha for instance was taught in depth by Brahmin, but he wanted more. He wanted to go out and explore on his own means. I found Elie to be very similar. Elie wasn't upset that he knew about Talmund, he simply wanted to learn more and begin to develop his own beliefs. These two characters are also similar in the way that a lot was expected out of them. Siddartha, with all that he was taught, was expected to be mature and able to use his commen sense. When Elie's family is put into a concentration camp, he is expected to grow up and be able to really take of himself, while in this near death lifestyle he was forced to be part of. Although Siddartha was not in a near death experience, this too was expected of him. They also both share the same determination for freedom. Siddartha wanted to go study with the samanas, however his father forbid this. Similarly, Elie wanted to study the ways of Cabala, which his father would not allow. Neither of these characters would give in. Siddartha proved himself to his father by refusing to move from the position he was in when he requested his father's permission. Elie found a teacher, Moshe the Beadle who would teach him Cabala at night, while Elie was still able to please his father and learn the Talmud by day.

    Question 2 response:
    Just as there are similarities between these two, there are also differences. One of them is friendship. Elie and Moshe were more than just a pupil and his teacher. They understood each other and had bonded. Siddartha and Govinda are very close friends who had grown up together. They lived the same lifestyle and although their friendship wasn't one full of words, they had an extremely close bond. When Siddartha had left to be a samana, he wanted Govinda to come with him. When Moshe the Beadle had come back from the concentration camp after being captured, Elie had proven to not be a loyal nor considerate friend unlike Siddartha. Elie did not choose to stand by Moshe's side and try to get the people of Sighet to listen to him. These two also have very different lifestyles, which in turn caused them to act very differently. Siddartha had a very calm lifestyle that was very routine and proper. He did certain things every day and that was that. Mopst of his time was spent maditating which caused him to remain a very calm person. Elie did not lead such a soothing life. He lived day to day trying not to die. He too had to follow lots of routines but he had more of a choice than Siddartha. Their religions are also booth very different. Siddartha is Hindu while Elie is a Hasidic Jew. This is also another difference that causes them to act differently and differentiate their lifestyles.

    Question 3:
    While reading this book I definitly beleive that religions will split people apart rather than connect them. With Elie he is put into a concentration camp because there of the fact that he is Jewish. Siddartha wants to develop his own religious veiws by being more educated about the different ways of life. This seperates himself from his family because he leaves them to go find his own way.
