Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Two final assignments: Due August 12 and 19

August 12th Assignment: Read The Ferryman and The Son
1. Complete spiral work.
2. Select own research topic.
3. Blog entry:
a. What could be Elie's river? Who could be Elie's ferryman, Vasudeva- a person from the past who can help Elie recover? The ferryman has to be alive, so he cannot be Elie's dad, right?
b. What would Elie's father say to Siddhartha about parenting? About Siddhartha's decisions with his own son, Siddhartha?

August 19th Assignment: Finish Siddhartha
1. Complete spiral work.
2. Research OM. What does it represent?
3. No blog entry.

Final Assignment
This last part is due typed on the first day of school. Use white paper, black ink, double spacing, 12 font and Times New Roman type. It should be at least two pages typed. Here is the final topic:

Write a story of how Siddhartha ferries Elie across his river.
  • Describe in detail the situation/setting
  • Describe what is in each man's heart
  • Describe who each man is in this moment.
  • Then, write a dialogue between them about this Essential Question:
What defines a turning point?
  • Use details from their lives and how each man has had turning points.
  • Make sure they each describe turning points that were forced on them AND ones that they chose themselves
  • Have each man give the other advice
Thoughts: Would they be friends? Would they argue? Who would learn from the other? Why?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. a: In Night, the protagonist, Ellie faces a life changing experience caused at the hands of others. In Siddhartha, a new friend of Siddhartha's named Vasudeva explains that a river, in which he works in as a ferryman, can either be one of two things, for most people it represents a burden to them, getting in between there journeys, which would be where he comes in. On the other hand he explains, a river can be a source of spiritual guidance in which only a certain few can understand its message and should seek guidance from. If the river were to represent a burden to Ellie in his path of life, i would say that would have to be the German oppression he and many others alike faced in and out of the concentration camps. If this were the case then Elllie's ferryman would have to be his father. Because of his father Ellie gained a lot of motivation throughout his stay in the many camps he took part of to keep on going. His father inspired him to never give up weakly, and that someday better days were to come. If he river in Ellie's life was the concentration camps, then Ellie's father would be his ferryman to help him get across such a burden in life. If the river was in fact a source of spiritual guidance then that river would have to be his Moishe the Beatle. Early on in the book Ellie met a mentor who he learned much from named Moishe the Beatle, for a long time Ellie seeked much guidance from this man and came to him for any doubts or questions. The ferryman against this river of knowledge would again be Moishe, because he helped enlighten Ellie and who better to teach him then a master at his art. Overall Ellie faced a multitude of atrocities that no one should ever have to go through, after this ordeal was done i can imagine it would be pretty tough to recover quickly, if Ellie ever needed support from others in his past to help him recover, those others should be Moishe the Beatle for guidance, and his father for support.

  3. b: In The Son, which would be a chapter in the incredible story Siddhartha, the main character Siddhartha reunites with a son he never knew he had after the tragic loss of his past lover Kamala, she being the kids mother. Although this sounds like a heart warming story it soon became a story much different as time continued. Siddhartha wished for his son to grow love for his father, since his son was accustomed to a fancy life and pretty much a mama's boy. It was because of this state of mind that Siddhartha's son, also named Siddhartha not only didn't grow to love his father but in fact grew to despise the old man and grow with hate. Because Siddhartha was so naive and let his son do anything and did his chores for him in attempts to gain his love, the son quickly went against his father and tormented him day in day out, since Siddhartha truly did love his son. In my opinion as in many others i quickly realize the methods of bad parenting poor Siddhartha uses, if it were up to Ellie's father, who was described as a stern, decisive, leader figure, things would have a different outcome. The way Ellie described his father throughout the book Night, Ellie's father earned his respect and love of others including Ellie, for whatever happened to his father Ellie felt it ten fold, only out of his love for his father. Early on, Ellie's father's decisions were so decisive that when he prohibited Ellie from learning and studying a certain type of knowledge, Ellie had to go undercover and hide the fact that he was studying, only showing his fear that his father might find out. In my opinion and based on the actions of Ellie's father, if he were to talk to and advise Siddhartha about parenting he would explain to him that parents are here to guide kids, they have to be stern and decisive, whatever they say goes and that's that. Ellie's father would surely advise Siddhartha to be stern with his son, to make him work with him, help him where they live, contribute with his and Vasudeva's cause and never allow the child to back mouth you. After seeing Siddhartha's methods on parenting and witnessing how they backfire daily Ellie's father would not only question the methods but even go as far as to insult Siddhartha for even using such naive and weak methods, he would surely advise Siddhartha on better methods like the ones I previously mentioned. That is what Ellie's father would say to Siddhartha about parenting.

  4. Question A

    Elie's version of a river would be his home back in Sighet. His home was very peaceful and happy before the Germans invaded it. Elie's home just like Siddhartha's river taught them each a lot. Elie learns more and more about his religion just like how Siddhartha learns about listening, waiting, and etc from the river. Elie's ferryman, Vasudeva could be God. In the beginning, Elie was very religious and even wanted a mentor for guiding his studies in the cabbaka. As time continued on in the concentration camp, Elie begins to lose faith in God. He feels that the Jews did nothing wrong and did not deserve this kind of punishment. He constantly sees Jews being tortured or killed because they were not pleasing to the SS men. Near the end of the book, Elie starts to lose his conscious and leaves his father to die. I think only God can recover the old Elie and make him the loving and caring person he used to be.

    Question B

    Elie's father would overall disagree with Siddhartha's parenting. In the beginning, Elie states that he wishes to study with a mentor about the cabbala but his father does not approve of this. His father sticks with his original decision unlike Siddhartha. Siddhartha let his son take advantage of him from the beginning. If this were to be Elie's father, Elie's father would force young Siddhartha to do chores because his family was strict and very religious. When Siddhartha tries to win his son over with love, his son does not care. Elie's father would do more than Siddhartha to try to win his son over, he might even torment his son to get his son to do the chores. After young Siddhartha runs away, [old] Siddhartha goes to the forest to look for him, he gives up and lets his son venture the forest by himself. Elie's father would also look for his son but he would not give up. Elie's father would stay strong and not leave the forest until he find his son. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha to be a stronger and stricter parent. Siddhartha is too loving and can easily be taken advantage of by his son. Elie's father would also tell Siddhartha that there are plenty of other ways to win young Siddhartha's heart besides being very kind.

  5. Taneka Johnson
    A.)What could be Elie's river?Who could be Elie's ferryman, Vasudeva- a person from the past who can help Elie recover?

    Moishe the Beadle could be Elie's river. In Siddartha, Siddhartha is told by Vasudeva that he could rely on the river and it will be the one to give him Knowledge and guidance. In the beginning of Night, Elie relys on Moishe the Beadle for guidance and knowledge and recieved enlightment in return. Elie's father could be his ferry man, Vasudeva- a person from the past who can help Elie recover. Though his father is no longer with him, in the past, he encouraged Elie to move on, never give up. He helped Elie to believe that better days were nearer than they appeared and helped Elie to recover from his worries a little.
    B.)What would Elie's father say to Siddhartha about parenting?About Siddhartha's decisions with his own son, Siddhartha?

    Elie's father would give Siddhartha alot of advice about parenting. He would tell Siddhartha that he should raise his son the right way and make the right decisions towards him since he has now met him for the first time. He would also tell Siddhartha to teach and encourage his son to be prepared, stay strong, never give up and keep hope alive in any situation, whether it's a good situation or bad situation. Also, Elie's father would tell Siddhartha to not do anything to hold his son back keeping his son, Siddhartha, from persuing his dreams and possibly better himself. He will tell Siddhartha to not be too easy or too hard on his son, but make sure he stays in his place and does what he is supposed to and what he is told to do.

  6. Question A

    I believe that Elie's father could be the river. Elie always found refuge in his father. The river in Siddhartha taught Siddhartha things and gave him answers to his questions. It is the same in Night. Elie always asked his father questions and his father always had an answer that reassured and calmed Elie down. Also, Elie learned about survival from his father. While his father did not directly teach him, he saw his fathers state and overtime decided that his health was more important. While being a negative thing to learn, Elie did learn this from his father. I also believe that Moishe the Beadle would his ferryman. The ferryman in Siddhartha is wise and is a friendly. This is seen in Moishe the Beadle. Moishe the Beadle befriends Elie and tells him about the experience he went through with the torturers and how he escaped, yet he is not believed. Later, Elie clearly sees what Moishe the Beadle was talking about and wishes he had listened. In Night, Elie's father would be his river and Moishe the Beadle would be his ferryman.

    Question B

    Elie's father would completely disagree with Siddhartha's parenting. Siddhartha allows his son to disobey him and do as he pleads, which is not something a father would allow. Elie's father would teach Siddhartha to discipline his child. By disciplining his son ,he would be a father figure, something his son yearns for. Elie's father would also tell Siddhartha to talk to his son about why he left. Siddhartha's son never had a father and did not understand why his father left, so Siddhartha would have to explain. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha to allow his son to make his own mistakes, even if they are ones he himself have made. His son would experience the mistakes and learn from them. Siddhartha always said that you had to have experiences to reach Nirvana and that you could not learn it. Siddhartha would need to follow his own advice and all his son to make his own mistakes to learn from them and to reach Nirvana. Elie's father would advise Siddhartha many things to help Siddhartha become the father figure his son yearns for.

  7. Question A

    Elie's river could be the joureney through the conncentration camps. I believe this because the journey told him not to give up even if alot of people did. Siddhartha's river gives him addvice as does elie's journey by telling him not to give up although he wanted to but decided to continue no matter how hard it became for him. Elie listened to the journey he was making in germany as Siddhartha listened to the river through the forest. They both listened to their rivers and the bennifits were beter than the old benifits were.

    Question B

    Elie's father would think siddhartha is an idiot for not trying to connect to his son through words and only silence. Elie's father would want siddhartha to take his son and try to understand him as he has done. Elie and his father were ther untill the end and now Siddhartha's son doesn't want to be there at the end. This would probably show that Siddhartha is an unfit parent and an idiot for not trying to help his son. Elie's father raised his son right and Siddhartha has not showing that they would dissagree.

  8. Question A:

    In the story,"Siddhartha," Siddhartha finds a calm river and he realizes that this river contains knowledge he had never learned before. A river for Elie could be the concentration camps, he was forced into. Siddhartha learns from his river and develops as he begins to understand. Elie as well learns from the concentration camps. He realized the people around him hoped and kept on hoping, but hope never came and Elie realized that, thus leading him to deny this "God" and this "hope". Elie learned and develops as he has to survive through horrid events and has to accept the German's rule over him. A person that could be a ferryman for Elie and help him recover from all that he has been through would be Moishe the Beadle. If Moishe was to meet Elie at the end of the book, "Night," Moishe would help Elie move on and help him recover. Moishe experienced what Elie went through and they share a common purpose to recover and to move on. He would be Elie's ferryman because Moishe was there for Elie when the German troops started to create "Ghettos," but Elie at that time did not listen to Moishe. But now, Elie would take Moishe's advice and Moishe would help Elie recover.

    Question B:

    Elie's father would say to Siddhartha that his parenting is bad and he needs to get his act together. Elie's father would explain to Siddhartha how to discipline a child and how a bad behaved child can be controlled. He would tell Siddhartha all his experience when he was raising Elie and his other children. The decisions Siddhartha chooses are bad decisions and Elie's father would disagree with what Siddhartha is doing. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha that he has to be strict and firm when making decisions, he cannot let his son control him. He would tell Siddhartha that he has to be dominant over his son, so that his son knows who is in charge.

  9. Question A
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha learned a lot from a river. And in the book Night, the river for Elie’s could be his time in the concentration camps. Life in the camp was hard, and Elie learned the cruelty of the real world. He had to work like a slave and look at people getting hang, even little kids. He had learn to never give up because there’s always hope for survive, even though it’s very little. Elie was forced into the concentration camps and he had suffered and develops like Siddhartha did in the book Siddhartha. Elie learned how to listen and follow whatever the Germans told him, just like Siddhartha learned how to listen and wait. Elie never gave up in the camp even it was hard. It was like an advice that the camp gave to Elie like the river gave to Siddhartha. A person that could be the ferryman for Elie and help him recover would be Moishe the Beadle. Moishe had guild Elie in studying before, and he is like a guiding light to Elie’s life. Elie learned a lot from Moishe’s life. Moishe would probably help Elie by using his own life to let Elie understand that life is tough and you can always overcome the difficulties on the road of life.

    Question B
    Elie’s father would say to Siddhartha that his way of parenting his son is terrible and you can’t teach a child like that. Siddhartha had never talked to his son, Siddhartha. He was trying to use his silent love to let the little Siddhartha understand that he really love him. But little Siddhartha was little and he had never lived with his father before. They had no connection in between and Siddhartha is like a stranger to little Siddhartha. Siddhartha should have try to know more about his son and be a little stricter, but not letting his son controlling him. Siddhartha’s decision with his son to let him do whatever he wants is not a way that Elie’s father would agree to. Elie’s father had been the leader of the community before. His words are strong and he knows how to control his son. Whatever he said no to, Elie won’t even dare to try. However, in the other hand, Siddhartha didn’t use that method. Siddhartha let his son to be spoiled and he let him do anything he wants to. Elie’s father would be a really good teacher for Siddhartha about parenting.

  10. Question I

    I would have to say Moshe The Beadle would end up being someone like Vasudeva. Since Elie's days of the Holocaust, he left his religion and his god and everything he believed him. But Moshe The Beadle was the one who told him about this religion because he was so eagerer to learn many years ago. He told elie everything he wanted to know. Back then Elie was happy and still young learning slowly but after this horrible incident Elie had to learn about life the hard way. If only Moshe The Beadle could come back to remind him of the past, a time where Elie was once truly happy.

    Question II

    If Elie's father Could give Siddhartha Advice about being a father i think he would tell him to be apart of his life get to know him stand by there side no matter what don't think of your self think of him and care. In other words "he is your life now take care of every aspect of it", a quote i made up possibly what Elie's father would say to Siddhartha! As good of a man Elie had became with his fathers help. The advice of always being there would be great advice, being a father to Siddhartha's son.

  11. Question A:
    The River in Siddhartha was something that you could learn and hear with your own ears. But few could understand it and it could be seen as something holy or as spiritual guidance. It has helped Siddhartha keep on going in life. Elie's river could be many things but it has to be something that helped him and became a part of his life. It could have been God for helping him surviving the horrible nightmare that he had when he was in the camp. Another thing could have been home back in Sighet. Home is somewhere that you feel safe and be with those you love, it could also help you in many things that you never notice like, shelter you, protect you, etc.
    In Siddhartha the Ferryman helped Siddhartha find hope and become once more patient with many things. For Elie his ferryman would be his father that helped him get thought all the though obstacles that could mean life or death. Elie's father was there when Elie needed it, for example he gave him food and helped him when Elie was being choked by a man and Elie's father stopped the man. Also the father gave his son advice as when the ferryman gave advice when Siddhartha went to look for his son. Vasudeva helped Siddhartha recover his past, For Elie; someone that could help him recover his past from so much suffering could be God, his family and himself. All of those people could guild Elie to over come his past.
    Question B:
    Elie's father would tell him "you got a lot to learn Siddhartha." The reason why is because the boy was spoiled and was a mama's boy. He had to stay with his father because his mother had died and had nowhere else to go. Siddhartha kept him but the boy was spoiled and was used to giving orders not obeying. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha to learn from his mistakes and try to do what his parents did to him when he was a child. When the child acts in bad way punish him so that he could learn that you’re in control not him. The child should learn to obey and listen to his elders and respect everyone. Try to turn around every bad thing about the child into something good. Elie's father couldn't agree with what Siddhartha is doing with his son because of the action the son is doing and the father just trying to be patient with his son. Siddhartha does have a lot to learn from Elie's father. Elie’s father would be very disappointed with Siddhartha for not acting fast for the actions for his son. But the boy was used to a different life style and he couldn’t adapt to the life style of the father.

  12. A-
    Elie's river could be the concentration camps. While he was there Elie learned alot of things like how cruel people could really be. Elie learns how few people have mercy on others. they both learn alot from their own river. Elies Vasudeva could e God because in the beginning of the story he was really religiuos but as his journey goes on he starts to lose his fate in God. Even though Elie tells himself that theres is no God he always finds himself praying.
    Elies father would probably disagree with everything that Sidhartha is doing with his son. Since its the first time that they meet Sidhartha is letting his son do whatever they want. Elies father would certainly tell Sidhartha to be more strict with his son. Elies father would tell Sidhartha to take more responsibility and to take care of his son.

  13. Question A:
    Elie’s river in this case is the journey he went through in the concentration camps. The river in Siddhartha represented a source of all knowing wisdom. Through Elie’s experience in the camps, he learned cruel lessons of life. Humans’ true natures revolve around the survival of themselves. It would be impossible to learn such a reality without going through hardships. That inner voice that Elie had that answered questions so harshly can be compared to what Siddhartha hears from the river. That is the insight that is similar to how the river interprets Siddhartha’s situation or problems. The last notable comparison is the fact that in the river’s eyes there is no such thing as time. In Elie’s life in the concentration camps, he can barely keep track of time or keep track of events. Elie’s recovering point or “ferryman” could likely be Moishe the Beadle. Beadle had the deep philosophical understanding that made Elie actually think about his actions. A revamp of prior discussions or lessons about the Kabbalah could rekindle interests in Judaism and make Elie regain his faith.

    Question B:
    Elie’s father would most likely not agree with Siddhartha’s style of parenting. Elie’s father has always been strict with his child. Siddhartha’s parenting is too soft and there is no discipline given to young Siddhartha. It might have seemed like he was indifferent to the wellbeing of Elie, but his indifference is basically what made Elie listen to him whenever he did show signs of affection or words for advice, mostly. Siddhartha is too overjoyed about having a son and is hoping to win his son over with kindness and wisdom. I would imagine as a parent, Elie’s father would assume that children are not capable of logical reasoning so there is a need for order and obedience. On the decision to let young Siddhartha return to the village would have also make Elie’s father criticize Siddhartha’s parenting. Elie’s father clung to Elie as much as he could before he died and made sure with all his power they would not be separated.

  14. Question A.

    Elies River would be his home town, Sighet. Being in Sighet can help Elie find peace from many precious memories his home holds. Memories of his family (father, mother and sister) can help him relieve of his loss and find closure.
    Elies ferryman can be his father. His father can help Elie recover because of their love and what they have been through together. The way they parted was an unsettling moment. If Elie had another chance to see his father again, Elie would be in peace like how Siddhartha is.

    Question B.

    Elies father would tell Siddhartha to not give in to the child’s demands. Although it may hurt a parent to punish their child, they must try in order for their infant to rise into a well thoughtful person. It can be hard to understand and care for a child. Elies father would also advise Siddhartha to try not to push his way of life onto his son. Even though one would want what’s best for their child, it’s best to know they have their own life and destiny.

  15. Question A:
    In the book Night, Elie's river could be his own father. Someone he enjoys being around and listen alot to. Always strives to be around his father because he's eager to keep him alive and learn as much from him as possible even when he was in the concentration camps. Elie's ferryman could be moshie the beedle. Someone from the past that could have come back to help him. Moshie was the only one that actually helped out Elie and taught him many things before he was sent out to the camps. Moshie could have helped him overcome all this pain he went through losing everything. And be a friend to have through the future.

    Question B:
    Elie's father would have to go against what Siddhartha is doing. Siddhartha let his son push him around expecting him to change, Eliezers father would have probably gone a different direction since he has his religion to help him out. Siddhartha to him made the wrong decisions as he really wasn't parenting whatsoever. Siddhartha was treated as a slave from his own son and didn't even really talk to him or make him do things. He just waited it out, that is not parenting Elie's father would have to say. His father would question every thing Siddhartha has done and go the complete opposite way to truly take care of his own son. Elie's father would have to tell Siddhartha to at least reason with his child and make him learn to respect you whether or not you have to hit him or use words that can pursuade his son.

  16. QUESTION 1

    In each story, each main character has a river, one that guides them and “speaks” to them and often leads them to where they must go. Like Siddhartha, Elie also has a river. I believe Elie’s river is his mind. From the very beginning of the aggression of Hitler and the Gestapo, to the final hours of WWII, it was his mind and way of thinking that helped Elie get through the brutality of the Gestapo. Using intellect and smart thinking, Elie managed to evade many obstacles often thrown at him. For example, after staying at camp for many days, Elie was called to the Jewish dentist. It wasn’t until he was strapped to the chair, that he realized that he was going to get his gold crown removed. This gold crown was more than just a cap that covers his molar, but a symbol that represents who he is and where he came from. It symbolizes all he had before the war and before the rise of the fuehrer and is a reminder of a simpler time, when there was no war, but just family. Without this, what does he have? Using his wits, Elie devised a plan to fake an illness, to be granted another appointment, thus keeping his crown. Elie, on many occasions, used his “river” to help him overcome everything that he was going through. His “river” often spoke to him, helping him, giving advice to help him conquer his problems and to overcome what others had feared and died from: The Gestapo.
    Everyone has a Vasudeva: Someone from your past that helps you with any problem you are facing. But what if, for Elie, his Vasudeva was not a person, but rather a thing. Something from the past, that had memories and information about his past and could help him overcome his problems and help him recover from any situation. In this case, it could be the book Night, itself. Elie Wiesel wrote the book, long after the war. It was his way of sharing his experiences and his personal feelings with others that took things for granted and never saw the full picture. But what if today, in 2009, Elie Wiesel was at a crossroads, unable to navigate his way to the end of his problems? What if he was faced with another problem? How would he fix it? A way he could, would be to go back to where it all began and read Night. Doing this would take him back to his roots and would help him use his skill once again to help himself overcome his problem. It would be like going around full circle. It doesn’t seem intelligent to read a book that you wrote about the toughest part of your life and the most feared time in your life to help you, but it really could. It could help Elie open his eyes and realize that if he has gone through this, than he can go through anything. It could give him more confidence and help him end his problems.


    If Elie’s father had the chance to sit down with Siddhartha and discuss parenting, I’m sure that Elie’s father would reprimand Siddhartha for running away from Kamala and his son. He would tell him that it takes a man to be a father and it takes a coward to run. However, he would applaud him for trying to reconnect with him, after all these years and trying to be a part of his son’s life, after all the lost time. He would tell Siddhartha that times can be tough, the Gestapo was relentless and the Jews were ignored. But he was there, until the end, making sure that his son was okay. Even though sometimes his son protected him more than he protected his son, that’s how it goes. It’s fifty-fifty and if his son refuses to care, than it’s his loss, because he’s losing his father. He may find other father figures in his life, but none would be the true father, the father that shares his blood, his feelings and his love.

  17. A)Elie's river can be the concentration camps.Just like Siddhartha's river,the camps taught Elie how to be tough and independent.Elie's Vasudeva could be Moshe the Beadle.In the beginning of the story it described how Elie liked to be with Moshe and they would learn together.Moshe can heelp Elie recover better than anyone else.He didnt have as much of a connection with anyone else like they both did.Just like how Vasudeva is there for Siddhartha,Moshe is there for Elie.
    B)Elie's dad would tell Siddhartha many parenting tips.The first one is to not let his sons boss him around.The adult is to be in charge of the child not vice versa.Another would be not to be too soft with his son because the child will be stuck up and snooty.For example when Siddhartha let his son scold him because Siddhartha asked his son to gather brushwood.If Siddhartha was a bit more tough his son would be doing chores instead of laying around all day.Just because Siddhartha wasn't there as a father for those ten years that doesn't give the boy the right to scold his father about how he's poor and how much he despises him.Elie's father would make it clear that Siddhartha should have talked to him as a father-like friend and not be dragged around like a mop of worries and sadness.

  18. question #1

    Siddhartha had learned many things from the river. On page 94 "...river also teach you...time does not exist...river is everywhere at once..." Elie's river would be the journey from his home town in Sighet to the experiences he had in the concentration camp. From the quote above, it shows that the river is everywhere at once and that time does not exist. It doesn't matter whether Elie's in the cocentration camp or in sighet, there's a river wherever he goes because the river exist everywhere. Elie learn many things from the river. In his home town Sighet, Elie learn about his religion and cabbala. Elie learn through his experiences from the concentration camp that life is harsh. The ferrymen that could helps Elie to continue on from his past would probably be his father. It is because during his time in the concentration cap, Elie's father was the one who encourage Elie to never give up.

    question #2

    Elie's father would probably tell Siddhartha not to let his son to continue to command and humiliate him. Just like when Elie's father wouldn't allow Elie to study cabbala because he was too young. I think Elie's father would disapprove of Siddhartha's parenting, espeacially withletting him continuing to be spoiled. I feel that Elie's father also disapprove of Siddhartha's decision to let his son go. It is because Elie's father had lost his family with the exception his son, he would probably be angered that Siddhartha would let his son go so easily.

  19. Question A:
    Elie's version of the river is the warmth of a family and home because all these time Elie has suffer enough from the camps and he was finally able to be free from the camps and the violence, so it might be time for he to enjoy his warmth of family and a home. After all he haven't been home for a long. It was his warmth of a family which had keep him alive until the end of the story. If it wasn't for that Elie would've been dead. A person that can be his ferrymen is his mother and sister because they can be still alive out there since the story didn't say that his sister and mother die. They can give the family warmth to Elie since they are probably his only family members left.

    Question B:
    I think Elie's father will kind of disagree with it and kind of agree to it because it is good to treat your son nicely, but if he actually gone out of control making him to be the head of the family that will be a bad example for others. Elie's father probably tell Siddhartha to be more strict with his son and don't accept his order like he is the head or something.

  20. Question 1:
    Elie's river could be a new house in the old neighborhood. This is because the river is a place that was encounted more than once and helped Siddhartha start all over. If Elie was to have a new house in the old neighorhood, it could help him start all over and start a family, and a new life just like Siddhartha. As for Elie's ferryman, it could be the blockalteste that told him about how he should divide the food he gets. The blockalteste helps him realize what he should be doing, told him what would be for the better, just like Vasudeva does for Siddhartha.

    Question 2:
    Elie's father was a father that recieved respect and was firm as well as fair. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha that he has to be caring like he is, but also show authority. He'd tell him how to gain the respect from his son that he needs to be able to show him love and compassion. He tell him what it takes to recieve love and compassion from his son after hard work. He'd also tell Siddhartha how he can't force his son to do something he doesn't want to do. I don't think Elie's father would say that Siddhartha needs to let his son go but he'd give him advice on how to allow him space.

  21. Question:1
    Elie's river would be the concentration camp. During his time there he was forced to witness the real world. The real world was cruel and evil. Elie went through a lot throughout the camp. But in the end he learns from the causes like how Siddartha learns to be patient from the river and kept moving on with his life.
    Elie's ferryman is Moishe the Beadle. Moishe the Beadle helped Elie with his decisions and he helped Elie overcome his pain. He was closet person to Elie besides his family.

    Elie's father would disagree with Siddartha with his parenting. Siddartha's son is disrespectful and he doesnt listen to him. His son is pretty much spoil since Siddartha doesnt care. Elie's father would tell and teach Siddartha what to do with his son. Elie's father would say Siddartha is a horrible parent and would make him teach his son manners and respect.

  22. A:

    One place that can be Elie’s river is the concentration camp. To Siddhartha, the river is a place to learn new knowledge which is very similar to the suffering Elie has to go through in the concentration camp. Elie transformed himself to be someone that he didn’t know, he started to doubt god and there was no such thing. One person that can be Elie’s ferryman is his mother and sister which is still alive in the concentration camp. Elie’s mother would be a great support in recovering Elie back to the person he was before he entered the concentration camp. Elie’s mother might even be able to help him turn Elie to believe in god once more.


    Elie’s father would disagree with Siddhartha’s teachings to his son. Since Elie’s father has many children, he would be more experience as a parent than Siddhartha. Elie’s father would tell Siddhartha to curb his son and do not let his son take the best of him. You should not try to make decisions only if it goes to the extremes.

  23. Question A:
    Elie's river is most likely the concentration camps. Since his arrival to the camps, there was fear in his eyes. These camps opened his eyes to the evil in the world where he witnessed so much cruelty and deaths. I don't think there could be a recovery to such a past like this. but the one person who could complete this task is his father. There is no one better than your own blood. He could bring Elie through whar he has seen and been through and make him realize that he must go on with his life and not go on in life with a bad affect from his past.

    Question B:
    Elie's father would tell Siddhartha that he must be sensitive and compassionate towards his son, but to show authority. This way he doesn't feel as if he is in complete control. If you allow him to get some space,things should clear out.

  24. Question A
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha learns new knowledge from it. Elie’s experiences in the concentration camps could be Elie’s river. From the moment he had left his peaceful home in Sighet, he was a spoiled child and always clung onto his father. When Elie was terribly hungry, he wouldn’t eat, but he must discover that not eating isn’t doing others any bad. It only harms himself. Also, as Elie loses his father, he finds out that he must depend on himself. He notices himself that he must not give up. Seeing so much happening in the concentration camps gave Elie new knowledge.
    A person who could be Elie’s ferryman is Moishe the Beadle. From the beginning of the book Night, Moishe the Beadle was the strange one which people found hard to believe in his words. Elie learned from Moishe. When Moishe had came back to warn Elie about the Germans and all that he had seen, no one would believe him. Soon enough, the Jews experienced it and they now know his words were true. Moishe was able to show Elie the hardships in life with the example of the concentration camps.

  25. Question B
    Elie’s father would tell Siddhartha that his way of parenting is wrong. Elie’s father would let Siddhartha know that in order to teach a child something, it’s for you to take control in and not go along and let the child be. When a child and a parent have bad communication, relationships turn bad. For Elie’s father, when he Elie was to go about on a decision and his father was to say no, Elie would learn to listen.

  26. A

    In Elie's story, the river would be the concentration camps and what he went through. To Siddhartha, the river provides him with knowledge and answers. The journey Elie took taught him lessons and gave him knowledge about himself and others. Elie's ferryman could be Moshe the Beadle. In Siddhartha, the ferryman opened the way for Siddhartha to obtain answers and wisdom from the river. Moshe the Beadle had Elie to believe. Moshe was one of the only people that spent the most timw with Elie, besides his family. Therefor Moshe the Beadle could help elie recover and become the younger boy who was eager to learn more about beliefs.


    I believe that Elie's father would ahve to disagree with Siddhartha's parenting methods. Siddhartha is trying to be gentle with his son, and tryign to win him over with kindness. The child does not care, he just does not listen. Elie's father would probably say that it's okay to be a bit strict at times. Sometime kids dont know what's best for them. Showing the kid that you are soft and gentle will allow him to take control of you. You have to show the child how to be obidient. A child should show respect to their parents.

  27. Question A:
    In the book Night, Elie's river could be his father. Elie's father is someone who he finds peace with and loves. He also listens to him all of the time and wants to learn more and more from him. Even through the hardest of times, Elie stayed by his fathers side to feel safe and calm.
    A person from the past who could be Elie's ferryman would have to be Moshe the Beadle. Moshe the beadle would definitely help Elie recover from all that he has been through. With all of the knowledge Moshe posses he would be able to help Elie put those horrible times in his life behind him. They would always be there for each other through the good and the bad.

    Question B:
    Elie's father would be slightly disapointed with Siddhartha about parenting. It is a good thing that Elie is being nice to his son no matter what he says, but he must also be a little strict in order to get his son to respect him and what he says. Elie's father would say Siddhartha's decisions with his son were wrong. He should not of treated him as a loving friend. He should of treated him as a loving, respectful father. There is a big difference between a best friend and a good father. A good father is someone who has control of his son and they both respect and love each other equally. A best friend is someone who may be very close to another person but has no control over him and what he does at all. Overall, Elie's father would be slightly disapointed with Siddhartha's parenting.

  28. Question A:
    The crematory would be Elie’s river because every time he looked over he would think about things and how people would be burned. He could’ve been burned since the first selection but lying allowed him to stay and when he would look at the crematory it was as if he fell into deep thought, he realizes what could’ve happen to him and how far it brought him. When people died or didn’t pass the selections they would be taken to the crematory, to die. Elies ferryman would be himself. Along his journey, although Elie did have his father for a while he turned to himself once his father became sick, he had no one and realized he was living for his own survival. He made his own decisions and did what was best for him. Elie did have people that surrounded him but overall he made decisions that were benefited him and that allowed him to go on. The ferryman in Siddhartha, was Siddhartha’s friend Vasudeva and during his time period with him, he listened and supported him along the way and he taught him another way his other teachers never did. Siddhartha learned from him and Elie learned from himself and his own experiences.

    Question B:
    Elie’s father would tell Siddhartha that even though he’s trying to win his son over, being nice to him while he mistreats him is wrong; he should know when to take control over the situation. The love he has for his son should make him realize that. He would tell him that parenting is both about discipline and emotions toward the child. Siddhartha should know, when to discipline him and when to be nice, and not by being nice although his son mistreats him. The right time to do one thing when it’s the right time, such as being nice when he should be and tell his son, right from wrong when its necessary.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Question A:

    Siddhartha’s river listened to him and taught him a lot of things. Elie’s river could be his father. His father always taught Elie things that would help him survive in the concentration camps. For example, during the selections, Elie’s father told him to run fast to show that he was healthy. Elie listened to his father and passed the selection. Listening to his father always helped Elie. Elie’s ferrymen could be Moshe the Beadle. In the beginning of the book, Moshe the Beadle taught him the cabbala even though Elie’s father didn’t want him to learn about it at a young age. Later on, Moshe warns Elie’s family and everyone else about what happened to him. No one listens to his warnings, but afterwards they realize what he said was true. If Moshe was there to help Elie in the end of the book, he would recover from all the pain that he endured in the concentration camps and continue with life.

    Question B:

    Elie’s father probably wouldn’t agree with Siddhartha’s parenting. Siddhartha spoiled his son. He doesn’t force him to do anything, or tell him to do any chores, and doesn’t hit him at all. Siddhartha’s son also doesn’t listen to Siddhartha and disrespects him. When Siddhartha tells him to do something, his son rebels him and later on he leaves. Elie’s father would consider it to be bad parenting. Elie’s father raised Elie to be respectful. Elie would usually listen to whatever his father tells him to do.

  31. Question A: What could be Elie's river? Who could be Elie's ferryman?

    Elie’s river would have to be the concentration camp. The concentration camp is Elie’s river because the river spoke to & helped Siddhartha the same way the concentration camp spoke to & helped Elie to overcome all the odds. At times the river would laugh at Siddhartha when he’s going through some difficult situation. (ex. When he tried to comfort his son with his pious attitude.) This also happens in Night as the concentration camp is laughing at Elie when he felt the need to just give up & die. The concentration camp would support Elie by giving him secrets of life which is perseverance & persistence. So in conclusion, The concentration camp would be Elie’s river. In Siddhartha, The main character had a ferryman, named Vasudeva, that was from the past to help him recover. In Night, Elie’s ferryman would be Moishe the Beadle. Even though he is a bit similar to a Govinda, Moishe the Beadle was the closest person to Elie other than his family & he helped Elie with his lessons on the Cabbala. So He would be the person to rekindle Elie’s past life when he was in peace & happiness.

    Question B: What would Elie's father say to Siddhartha about parenting? About Siddhartha's decisions with his own son, Siddhartha?

    Elie’s father would disapprove Siddhartha’s parenting abilities. He would do this because in Night, He wouldn’t let Elie go on & learn about the cabbala, But in Siddhartha, Siddhartha just allowed his son to respond to his orders in such an aggressive manner. So one thing he would say is to take orders, be forceful even if beating would accomplish it. If you look at the relationship between Elie & his father & compare it to Siddhartha & his son you would see that Elie has a way better bond with his father despite his disapproval to his wishes of knowledge other than allowing him which is what Siddhartha would’ve done. So in conclusion, Elie’s father would tell Siddhartha that you must show the line between Father & Son by setting certain standards so he would be able to live & also know it was you that showed him the light of the world.

  32. Question A:
    In the book Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse, Siddhartha lives with Vasudeva, and spends his new life studying and observing the river. The river as Vasudeva, the ferryman says is very special, and only a few can learn and know the knowledge and sayings of the river. Vasudeva talks about how the river speaks, and how he learned how to be a superior listener. The river is like a teacher to Siddhartha. It was too, the river that awoken Siddhartha, it was the river that taught him, it was the river the saved his life when he tried to die. Eliezer’s river can be back to the Jews of Sighet, where there was peace, where all Eliezer’s friends and family are, where he was living in. Moshe the Beadle can be Eliezer’s ferryman, like how Vasudeva was Siddhartha’s ferryman. In Siddhartha, the ferryman, Vasudeva is like a companion, and a teacher, someone who can listen and understand. Siddhartha had learned more from the river, all the voices becoming one, because Vasudeva led him to. Just like Moshe the Beadle, Eliezer asks Moshe the Beadle the questions, and they both interact with each other. “And throughout those evenings a conviction grew in me that Moshe the Beadle would draw me with him into eternity, into that time where question and answer would become one” (Page 3). Eleizer felt that he can learn from Moshe the Beadle. “I love his great, dreaming eyes, there gaze lost in the distance” (Page 1). Eliezer can learn from Moshe the Beadle that he admired and loved, just like how Siddhartha wanted to become Vasudeva’s apprentice and learn from him and the river.

    Question B:
    Throughout the book Siddhartha, Kamala had given birth to Siddhartha’s son. After the death of Kamala, Siddharthartha tried to use patience and kindness towards his son, so his son can accept him as him father. “….but none of these were qualities that could win the boy over” (Page 108). The boy continued to be naïve, and rebellious against his father, he basically despises his father. Even Vasudeva says that Siddhartha’s patience and kindness won’t work, because he never scolded, ordered, his own son to do anything. And one day Siddhartha’s son runs away, probably going back to town, and live a life of luxury. Siddhartha continues on to suffer from the wound for the love of his son, and he was still unable to let go. Eliezer’s father would tell Siddhartha, “You should know when to let go, and when not to let go.” Eleizer’s father was willing to let go of Eliezer, when they were at the concentration camp. He knew he didn’t have the strength to live on, so it’d be better if his son would let go of him, so he can live without a burden. Eliezer’s father would tell Siddhartha that because if Siddhartha continued to hang on with is son that doesn’t want to be next to him, they both would be suffering, and would not find peace to live on with.

  33. Question A

    Elie's river would be the time he spent in the concentration camp. He used to live a life of peace, and then he was brought to the camp, which changed his life. The hardship and challenges Elie went through in concentration camp led him down a road in life. This made him realize he has to take care of himself, even at the times of pain. During the concentration camp he decided on his own, to leave his dad. He would have never done so until he was advised, and he thought of how hard is to take care of his father, and at the same time, take care of himself, while at the camps. This river, taught him many things, and changed his whole life. Elie's ferryman is most likely, Moishe the Beadle. Moishe the Beadle helped Elie overcome the pain he is going through. He helped Elie with his problems, and helped him choose the right path, and the right decisions. Moishe the Beadle was closet person to Elie aside of his family which he has lost.

    Question B

    Elie's father would tell Siddhartha, that his parenting is wrong. Siddhartha seems to careless about his son's future. He spoils him, letting his do what he wants. Elie's father would strongly disagree. He would also tell Siddhartha that, he should never let go of his son, and tell him to keep on going, even in the hardest time. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha not to put his burden on his son at times of hardship. He would also tell him to not make his son worry about him. Siddhartha's parenting is wrong, he should let his son feel hardship, or else in the future he wouldn't know what hardship feels like.

  34. Question 1

    Elie’s river could be the journey he went through in the concentration camps. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha’s river helped him gain knowledge and answers that he needed. Throughout Elie’s journey in the concentration camps he too gained knowledge not only about himself but of others and because of this knowledge he now views the world differently then when he first started the journey. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha’s ferryman helped him find hope. I think Elie’s ferryman should be his father. Elie’s father is now in his past and has been by Elie’s side throughout Elie’s journey in the concentration camps. Elie’s father gave Elie advice and helped him when he looked weak just as Siddhartha’s ferryman who gave Siddhartha advice when he went searching for his son.

    Question 2

    Elie’s father would disagree with Siddhartha’s style of parenting and would most likely tell him to reevaluate his way of parenting and to discipline his child. Instead of Siddhartha having a firm hand with his son, he lets his son push him around in hopes that his son will change. Elie’s father would tell Siddhartha that his style of parenting is not teaching his son anything. He would tell Siddhartha to teach his son respect and only then will his son change.

  35. Question 1

    Elie’s version of Siddhartha’s river and ferryman would be the mirror he first looked into and Moishe the Beadle. When he first looked into the mirror like Siddhartha did with the river, it symbolized a whole new life for him. Moishe the Beadle would help Elie get in touch with his spiritual side likewise Siddhartha and Vesudeva. Both of these factors for each character stands for a new life for them.

    Question 2

    Elie’s father was more experienced in parenting than Siddhartha was, so he can give him some good advice. He would tell Siddhartha that if his son truly wants to do something, you must let him do it. This is like the time he didn’t do anything when Elie studied kabala even though he didn’t want him too. It made his son happy, so he didn’t try to prevent it any further. This advice would help Siddhartha let his son choose his own path.

  36. Question 1.
    In Siddhartha, Siddharthahad a ribver which he learned many new things and had a ferryman who taught him and became very close friends. In Night, Ellie too has his river and feryyman. Ellie's river is the concentration camp. In the camp he learns a lot new things whether they were good things he can learn from or bad things he could refuse to do. In the story an SS officer told Ellie to stop helping his father, when he was ill, and instead of giving him food he should take his father's food. He told in the camp it's one man for himself.Many of the officers were very greedy. He also learned many things such as people's point of view in God's existence. Ellie's ferryman was Mioshe The Beadle. In the begining he taught Ellie new things that others wouldn't. He gave Ellie advice and helped him whenever Ellie doubted something. This guided him through the future. All in all, Ellie's river and ferryman taught them to be and stay strong and independent.

    Question 2.
    If Ellie's father were to ever meet Sidhartha as a man, Siddhartha would learn many parenting advice from him. First of all he would tell Siddhartha no matter what to always love and respect your son because in the time of need the son will always be there for the father. He would also tell him to have good communication with each other so that they will be able to talk to each other about anything and they 'll both trust each other. Ellie's father would tell him that Siddhartha should talk more to his than do more work because the boy some attention and if he still wanted to go he should let him go as long as he knows and proves that he loves him.

  37. Quuestion 1-
    In the book Elie, Elies river could be the the joiurney to Berlin be cause he learned about his journey and a lesson to be independent on these conditions. But i mostly think that the American tank showing up is the river because it meant that the war was going to be over.
    A person whio can be Elies ferryman is the kid whgo i think died after being crushed by the people and was playing the violin before he dies.
    i guess that his father would say to Siddhartha to protect his son until his son is ready to go on his own because his own son had to learn that the hard way by losing his son.

  38. Question A :

    Elie’s river could be a very peaceful place where he can empty all his thoughts and think about all his action. And the river could give him knowledge and teach him like Moishe the Beadle did for him, so he can continue to learn from the river. Moishe the Beadle could be Elie’s ferryman because in the beginning of the book Moshe the Beadle made Elie really think about his actions and questioned himself. And Moishe the Beadle could help him recover after the lost of his family and help guide him through his life.

    Question B :

    Elie’s father would probably say to Siddhartha about parenting is that to be stronger and make his son give his father respect and not to walk all over his father. He would give Siddhartha a lot of advice and to never to give up hope on his son. Elie’s father would tell Siddhartha to have a one on one conversation and tell him about his old life and why they just met.

  39. A. Elie's river would be Sighet, his home. It is where he is from and a part of who he is. When he was home before the holocaust, with his family, he was happier. It was peaceful and a part of his good memories. Moshe the Beadle would be Elie's Vasudeva. Moshe is someone who Elie remembers from his childhood. He warned everyone about what was coming but no one believed it until it happened. Maybe because of that memory, Elie would trust Moshe most. So he would let Moshe help heal his wounds.

    B. Elie's father would completely disagree with Siddhartha's parenting. Siddhartha let his son do whatever he wanted. His son even disrespected the two old men. Siddhartha doesn't ask anything of his son. Elie's father had power in their communnity. He know how to have people listen to him so he would know how to control his son. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha that if he wanted his son to do something, he would have to take control. He would also need to communicate with his son.

  40. A- The concentration camps would be Elie's river, because he has learned many things during his stay at the concentration camps. Elie's ferryman would be Moishe the Beadle, because Moishe the Beadle has taught Elie things. Also, Moishe the Beadle has helped and informed Elie with issues.

    B- Elie's father would tell Siddhartha that he has to learn when he needs to be in control of his son and when to show a loving, care side. Also, Elie's father would tell Siddhartha that continuing to spoiling and giving his son the best doesn't help.

  41. a.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha had a river which he could go to, to listen to, to learn things from. Siddhartha was aleays glad and cheerful when listening to the river. Elie's version of Siddhartha's river could be his home town of Sighet which he had been living since birth until the Germans arrived. Elie could walk around, and try to listen to the sounds that he was so used to, sounds he never really appreciated before but would so now. He could learn about appreciation and remember precious memories he had of his childhood there. Elie would be very happy and calm to be around his town of Sighet. Elie's ferryman could probably be Moishe the Beadle. Moishe could now continue teaching Elie about Kabbalah now that the terror has gone. Moishe could probably help Elie go through the pain he is going through once the Holocaust ended, he could maybe teach Elie some Kabbalah ways to relax and forget the past. Moishe could also possibly listen to all Elie has to say like Vasudeva listened to all Siddhatha had to say.

    Elie's father would try and tell Siddhartha that his method of parenting is not a good one. He would try and explain to Siddhartha that he must not repay his son's disrespect and misbehavior with kindness and patience. He would tell him that he would have to discipline his son when he disrespects his father, he must not show kindness to his bad deeds. Elie's father would probably tell Sidhartha a couple of tricks he used to raise Elie, after all, Elie seems like he came out as a good young man.

  42. Question A:
    Elie’s hometown Sighet would be his river When Elie lived in Sighet, his life was peaceful and worth living. His hometown was his dedication. Sighet spoke to Elie, to be motivated to help out his fellow Jews. Elie’s ferryman could be the violinist, Juliek from his past in the camp. Juliek would play the violin calmly as if they weren’t in a bad situation while at camp. Later on, when Elie was treated harsh in the concentration camp, Juliek appeared again playing his music, calmly even when his face was near death looking. Juliek was a determined man who wanted to help the Jews before they would all loose hope. Elie listened to his music, and knew everything would be okay. Elie's ferrymen would really be the violin with Juliek because the violin was what produced the easyness to him.

    Question B:
    Elie's father would tell Siddhartha to give up on his son. While Elie and his father were on the harsh journey, Elie's father kept insisting on giving up on himself and his son and hedid. He felt it wasnt worth to keep trying. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha to keep his ease with his son, to allow him to do as he wishes, because he already is a grown up. .Elie's father had chosen to give up because he knew it'll be the best decision for the both of them. Elie's father would also tell Siddharta that giving up on his son would be best for the both of them.

  43. A
    The River for Elie are the Consentration Camps. As Siddhartha learns from the river, Elie learns from the camps. Elie learned about how there are many evil humans. He also learned life-long lessons. Elie learned that he should mind his own bussiness after he gets a beating from Ivec. The ferryman of Elie is Moishe the Beadle. He taught Elie about Kabbalah. He was close to Siddhartha just as Vasudeva was.

    Elie's father would explain to Siddhartha that his parenting methon wasn't such a great one. He would clarify to him that if Elie was let to disrespect his parent the way Siddhartha did, they wouldn't have such a bond as they do now. Siddhartha would have been told that if he had not let his son go away sometime he would realize and respect him somehow. It is good to have someone to look up to when you are growing up just like Elie did to his father while they were in the camp. Young Siddhartha could have turned out almost as good as Elie.

  44. Question 1:

    Elie has been through many harsh times. Most of his life was hell. His river would be his experience in the concentration camps. The experience and the fear from the Germans eventually becomes helpful and a spiritual guidance. Elie at the begging was scared. Then he turned on his religion and eventually he was not afraid to die. So he can say when he has another harsh time that it cant be as worse as the concentration camps. So his river is the camps and his experience in the camps. Elie also learn not to give in so quickly to defeat of the Germans. His father help him believe not to give in to them as well as making him belief that there will be an end to this and see better days. His ferrymen is his father for he guided him all the way through his father end. Although a ferryman has to be alive i think his father spirit being alive in his memory, the memory of his father and the experience of which he gain is enough to say that his father is alive spiritually. But another ferryman would be Moishe the Beatle. He helped Elie ignorant to many things be enlightened. Although he at some point no longer believed in a " God " Moishe the Beatle was still a big influence.

    Question 2:

    Siddhartha is reunited with his son after he left Kamala. He wishes that his son to grow love for him and some what have a mental connection. But as any child would,. he grew hate towards for abondoning him and his mother. So now His son is a very spoiled kid and is used to the fancy life. Siddhartha has very bad parenting skills. If it was Elie father, he would say that he should try to explain his thoughts and why he had left. Try to explain how he thinks and why he pursues many things and has to leave. But since ignorant is still an issue nothing but hate and sadness his left in the relationship.

  45. Question 1
    Elie's river would have to be the concentration camp. Through hard times at the camp he was able to face reality and the real world. to Elie the real world was a evil place, but these exact obstacles made him stronger and more independent. Elie's ferryman would have to be Moishe the Beadle. Moishe the Beadle had helped Elie through tough decisions and also helped him overcome tough times.

    Question 2
    Elie's father would most likely tell Siddhartha that he has to learn when to be a tough parent and be in control, and when he has to be nicer and show that he loves his son.

  46. A:
    In Siddhartha, when Siddhartha left another life, he followed into a new one. The new life he began was to become a ferryman, and to learn from the river. In Night, Elie left his old life in Sighet and went to concentration camps. These concentration camps would make Elie’s river because he learned from them, how to take care of himself, to lie, to think ahead, and to risk it all. This changed who he is, like how the river changed Siddhartha. The ferryman for Elie would probably be Moshe the Beadle. Moshe looked out for Elie, and warned him to run away before the Germans come to take everyone away. He taught Elie the cabbalah because Elie wanted to, and he didn’t stop his choices. He helped Elie before moving onto a new life into concentration camps, to help him for what was ahead of time. Like the ferryman to Siddhartha, Moshe would’ve always been there for Elie.

    If Elie’s father saw Siddhartha’s parenting skills, he would give Siddhartha some advice of his own to “improve” and change it completely. Siddhartha, the son, disobeys his father and does as he pleases and Siddhartha, the father, just allows it to happen. Elie’s father is very strict with Elie, like the time when he forbids Elie to learn the cabbalah from Moshe. He would tell Siddhartha that he needs to take control over his son, instead of his son controlling him. Elie’s father would also tell Siddhartha to learn more about his son, because his son knows mostly nothing about his father. They need to learn about each other, because they’ve been separated for so long, so they’re almost like strangers to each other. Elie and Elie’s father have been together all Elie’s life and never left his side until his death. It was Elie’s choice to stay with his father, because this was the man he knew and loved for many years, and wasn’t a stranger to him one bit. Elie’s father in total would tell Siddhartha to step up in being a parent, to take control and not spoil the child, and to learn from each other, before it’s too late.


    In my opinion, Elie's father could possibly be the river. In Siddhartha and Night, the river has great importance to both characters. In Siddhartha it kind of like guided him. In Night, Elie is kind of guided by the river as well, the river calms Elie. His father was the reason why he stood alive, and I think with his father being the river, it kind of showed him that he was always going to be there, so he still needs to have the hope that his father being alive had given him. It also was kind of his father guiding him. I also think that Moshe the Beadle was the ferry man in Night. In Siddhartha the ferry man is frieindly and very knowledgeable. He has various past experiences and shares them with Elie.


    I think Elie's father would highly disagree with the parenting choices of Siddhartha. Elie's father was more strict with his son, which turned out pretty well. It kind of showed that he cared a lot, which I think really inspired Elie and motivated him during his last days. It let Elie know that he cared about his son a lot, and he was a great father to him, he was responsible and Elie really liked that, which is why he really wanted to stay alive, because of his father. Siddhartha let his son disobey him and do whatever he likes. He was very carefree which might have given off a vibe to him that he didn't really care about him and he could just do whatever you know, there wasn't really something to hold on to, which was total opposite of Elie's situation, Elie had something good.

  48. 1) Elie’s river could potentially be his father and Tibbi or Yossi his ferryman. His father has guided him throughout his concentration camp life and occasionally gave him advice for his own good like the river to Siddhartha. Siddhartha listened to the river as Elie did to his father. When Elie was listening to the river he felt at ease just like Elie with his dad. Experiencing all these hard times with his dad gave him a sense of comfort and motivated him to do his best to survive. The river also changed Siddhartha and gave him a reason for life. After discovering his connection with the river he no longer wished to die just like Elie wanted to stay alive for both himself and his dad. Not only is Elie’s dad potentially his river but Tibbi or Yossi his ferryman. They have both experienced everything that Elie has gone through. Just like the Ferryman and Elie share their gift of listening to the river. They can help each other cope with all that Hitler has put them through. Together they can help each other recover and try and put aside all the torture they have been through. Much like Siddhartha and the Ferryman have kept each other company and helped each other with the daily work.

    2) Elie’s dad would probably disagree with many of the decisions Siddhartha has made as a father and would advise him to do otherwise as he too is a father. Elie’s dad would have encouraged Siddhartha to not let his son talk to him and disobey him as he did. Kids need to know their place as parents their responsibilities. Elie’s dad always guided Elie through life and that’s what Siddhartha should be doing instead of just letting young Siddhartha do as he pleased. When young Siddhartha got out of line, Siddhartha should’ve punished him and made it clear that what he was doing was wrong. For example, Young Siddhartha yelled at his dad and refused to get brushwood as he was told. Siddhartha should have punished him not out of hatred but out of love because in the future his son is going to need the skills to listen in order to survive. Also maybe instead of giving his son so much space, Elie’s dad would’ve advised him to comfort his son instead and be there for him. Young Siddhartha might have misinterpreted his fathers intentions for being careless. A lot is happening in the boy’s life from his mother dying to moving away from town. Siddhartha should’ve made more of an effort then he did.

  49. question a- For Elie the river could be his father's death during the time in the concreation camp. Before Elie's dad died Elie would struggle to keep his dad and himself alive by giving him part of everything he got. When Elie's dad died he was reawaken and changed like Siddhartha did in the river. Elie decided to only help himself and try to keep himself alive. The ferrymen would be Moishe the beadle, Moishe always helped Elie in the past, guiding him through life and if Moishe could help Elie in the concrentration camps he would do it and help him guide his way to survival and give him hope.
    question b- Elie's father wouldn't approve Siddhartha's parenting at all. Elie's father would say hes teaching his son the wrong things. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha to not give him to much freedom and to disclipine him and be a bit strict so he can learn rules, obedience and respect.

  50. a. Elie’s river would be his father, because Elie loves and listens to his father as does Siddhartha to the river. When they were in the concentration camp, Elie always found refuge in his father and that is what kept Elie fighting to survive. Similarly, when Siddhartha was at his lowest, he wanted to throw himself into the river yet the river’s Om is what kept him alive. Also, Elie’s father was his role model while Siddhartha constantly turned to the river for guidance and answers to his questions.
    Elie’s ferryman would be God because they both influence the character’s thoughts and actions. God was a reoccurring subject in Elie’s life as was the ferryman in Siddhartha’s. At the beginning of Night, Elie accepted and worshipped God. Throughout his experience at the concentration camps, however, Elie was constantly questioning and grew distant from God and even rebelled against Him by refusing to fast. The ferryman appeared once before in Siddhartha’s life and is now an important character because he influences and teaches Siddhartha on how to act with his child.

    b. Elie's father would tell Siddhartha that no matter what happens; family belongs together yet it should be the child’s decision to stay. Elie’s father would probably support Siddhartha’s decision, because he himself let Elie decide on multiple occasions if he wanted to leave or stay with him.
    Elie’s father would disagree with how Siddhartha is raising his child. Siddhartha is letting his child humiliate and disrespect him and that is not something Elie’s father would continue to let happen. When Elie wanted to study with a mentor, his father voiced his opinion on the matter and tried to get Elie to understand him. Siddhartha isn’t really doing this because he is just letting his son do whatever he wants and is not interfering even though he knows it is the right thing to do. Elie’s father would also tell Siddhartha not to give up on his child. After not being able to find his son, Siddhartha just gave up and went on living with his life whereas Elie’s father would have been persistent and not left Elie all alone.

  51. Question A:

    I think that Elie`s river would be the concentration camp. It taught him how to be strong and independeent as he went through his hard ships. I believe that Moeshe the Beadle would be Elie`s ferryman. Both Elie and the ferry man were close,and there is no one else that is as close to Elie then him. Like Siddhartha and Vasudeva.

    Question: B

    Elie`s father woould probly disagree with Siddhartha`s parenting skills. He lets his son do what ever he wants, so his son is being disrespectful, rude, and he is being spoiled. Elie`s father would tell Siddhartha that he is doing good by being good to the son, but he is not doing well if the son is trying to be head of the family, hee should give respect to the father, no matter what. he would say Loveing, careing and respecting are important in these relationships. So try harder and think deeper when parenting.

  52. Question A

    Elie’s river could be his journey through the concentration camps. It could be that because when Siddhartha was looking at it he described it as timeless, and Elie spent an insane amount of time going through, and staying at concentration camps, before he was released. Elie’s ferryman, and the person to help him recover could be Moshe the beadle, because at the beginning of the book he taught him about kabala, and was good friends with him.

    Question B

    Elie’s father would give Siddhartha, many tips on parenting. Such as when Siddhartha tried to bond with his son with words, and silence. Elie’s father would tell him that he was a fool for trying to do that, because his son isn’t accustomed to him, and he is thinks that his son understands what he means, when he doesn’t. Siddhartha has a long way to go to get him, and his son’s relationship like Elie, and his father’s.

  53. Question A:
    Elie’s river could be the camps in which he passed. The concentration camps could be the river because in Siddhartha the river represented a source of all knowing wisdom. Elie gained a lot of wisdom while he was going through all the camps and seeing all the different people that were being tortured, and he was also getting lessons on how to survive in harsh, tight situations. Also Elie barely kept track of time while he was in the concentration camps and so does the river (river’s eyes there is no such thing as time).Elie’s ferryman could be Moshe the Beadle because he had the deep philosophical understanding that made Elie’s think about what he wanted to do and his actions.

    Question B:
    Elie’s father would tell Siddhartha that Siddhartha doesn’t really discipline his child that much and that he should be so soft with his child. So his child could respect him and listen to him. He would also tell him that he shouldn’t hope that he could win his son with kindness and wisdom. Elie's father would also assume that children can’t have a logical way of reasoning and that’s why they need to be obedient. So Elie's father would criticize Siddhartha’s parenting skills.

  54. Question A:
    Elie's river could possibly be his father. This is because the river was an important figure and so was Elie's father. In "Siddhartha" the river guided Siddhartha towards the path he was following. In "Night", the river could be Elie's dad because he guided/helped him through concentration camps. Elie's father was with Elie as they struggled through the cold winter marching. They guided eachother and looked out for one another. The ferryman could be Moshe the Beadle. Moshe the Beadle could be the ferryman for Elie because he can help Elie recover. Moshe the Beadle would always pray. He could help Elie get through the sadness the concentration camps caused him because of this. They could both follow and pray to god and hopefully recover.

    Question B:
    Elie's father would disagree with Siddhartha's parenting. He let's his son disobey him. Elie's father would not like that because a son should not disobey or go against his father. Elie's father would make Siddhartha discipline his son. By disciplining his son, Siddhartha would gain respect from his son because by Siddhartha doing this, it would show that he cares about his son. But, Siddhartha let his son disobey him and he probably thinks that his father doesn't care about him for letting his son disobey him.

  55. A- The river could be his future. This is because since all this happened with his father and the concentration camp he now has to find a way that he can be happy, even though I believe that’s impossible. Since the river is important what lies ahead in as well to him and all the others. The person that could be Elie’s ferryman is Moshe the Beadle because ever since the beginning of the book he was always there to help him. Also he is the one who will help him in life, to fine peace and happiness.
    B- I believe that they have different observations but disrespect I don’t believe is one of them. Because Elie’s father made sure that his song was strong but also respected others good or bad.

    Sorry its late

  56. Question A.
    Elie's river could be the concentration camp. Even though the camp did terrible things to its prisoners, it made Elie grow stronger no matter what had happened. The camp also gave Elie great discipline. The concetration camp made him realize no matter how bumpy the road is, you can still travel through it. and example of some of these bumpy roads could be when Elie's father died and he Elie still stood his ground and fought through till the Front came.
    Question B
    Elie's father would probably disagree with Siddharthas parenting skills. His son is spoiled and disrespectful and needs great discpline. Elie's father would probably give some tips to Siddhartha about how to improve his son's behavior.

  57. A river separates two pieces of land where to go from one to another you just cross the river. I believe Elies river is the concentration camp, because Elie went from being a normal jew boy to a much mature and stronger person that went through and a lot and seen a lot of what the world around him. Just like in the book Siddhartha, where Siddhartha learns a lot of from the river. Similarly, Elie learns a lot from the concentration camps.

    Elies father will tell Siddhartha that his way of parenting was completely wrong. He will say to Siddhartha to be a little more cruel and hard. Elie father will say I am not saying you shouldn’t love your children, but there are more than one way of showing your love. If I truly didn’t love Elie I would’ve never interfered in his business. I wouldn’t stop him from doing things, but my love for him made me be a little cruel, and in the end my son loves me. You on the other hand Siddhartha let your son have its way, and never taught him responsibility and respect therefore your son hates you.

  58. a. Elie’s river would be the concentration camp and going back to Sighet. Elie learned many things from the concentration camp with experiences. Elie’s ferryman would be Juliek. When Juliek plays the violin, Elie can feel the violin sound come to life. The violin being played when there were many deads. Elie would never forget Juliek, Elie felt as if everything would be okay even if there were many dead people and soon he fell asleep.
    b. Elie’s father would say to Siddhartha that he needs to control his son and don’t let him control you. He shouldn’t let his son control you like that or he wouldn’t listen and be spoiled. Siddhartha shouldn’t let his own son leave like that. It would show that he doesn’t care about his son. Elie’s father would never leave Elie no matter what.

  59. hi ms karvunis i returned a few days ago and did not have a chance to post the assignments i missed because of my internet service. these are all the assighnments i missed while i was away

    Blog assignment due July 27

    1) Elie and Siddhartha’s situations are similar because they both have lost hope in something that used to make them happy. Elie used to believe in god, knowing that god would always support him made his life more enjoyable. When Elie’s belief in god gradually starts fading; he comes to the conclusion that the only thing left in the world is himself. The same goes for siddharha, at one point he is completely satisfied with the wealthy life he lives with kamala, but as the fun starts dying down he realizes that he was not being himself and that money does not complete his life.
    2) In Night Elie’s turning point is when the rabbi comes looking for his son and Elie realizes the son had purposely left him. When Elie first discovers this, he realizes that people now only cared about survival; it had become survival of the fittest. This affects Elie by making him question his own strength to stick by his father’s side. Siddhartha’s turning point is when he has then dream about Kamala’s bird dying. The bird represents Siddhartha and all of his original values and intentions in life. This dream provokes Siddhartha to leave town because he realizes he did not fulfill what he desired in life.
    3) The main difference in Elie and Siddhartha’s turning points is that Elie’s is about survival and Siddhartha’s is about being happy. When Elie realizes that the rabbi’s son was willing to leave his father to survive, Elie starts to estimate his own courage. Knowing that there is a strong possibility he could die and managing sticking by his father’s side awakens Elie to the full extent. When Siddhartha has the dream about Kamala’s bird dying he is awakened that he got so sidetracked that he never found what he was looking for in life. Inside he feels as if he is dying but physically he knows he will be fine unlike Elie.

  60. Blog assignment due August 5

    A) In each book both characters have an aspect of their life that is continuing. In night Elie continues to look out for his father. As time progresses his father becomes sicker and Elie feels obligated to share his rations of food and get water for his father when needed. Elie’s father is a main part of the book and helping him is a main part of Elie’s life. Siddhartha continues to wonder were his life went wrong for some time. After experiencing his turning point, Siddhartha realizes that the happiness has been drained from his life, being unhappy is something that continues until he has his life changing sleep.
    B) Both Siddhartha and Elie have major changes at this point in the book. In Night Elie loses his father, after relying and depending on him for so many years. Elie’s father dying affects him in so many ways, one being that he is completely independent and he no longer has to carry his father burden. Elie also becomes a free man in the end of the book which is a huge change from living his past years from camp to camp; he gets to do simple things now like look in the mirror unlike before. Siddhartha has a huge change emotionally after realizing that money was not important to him. Siddhartha becomes miserable and is even on the verge of killing himself. After he has a memorable sleep he starts to feel like he is a new person. His attitude toward life is now carefree and he is able to just laugh at himself.
    C) In these chapters Elie and Siddhartha are similar because they are both able to love nothing and no one. Both characters consider death being a better option than continuing on with their lives. Elie and Siddhartha are similar because they both had their own burden, Elie’s father and Siddhartha’s money. The characters are also similar because they experience big changes.
    D) Elie could learn from Siddhartha that experiences make you stronger if you apply them. Elie has gone though a lot , too much to process and moving on is very difficult. Siddhartha too had a hard time accepting his past but he then figured out that instead of sulking to learn from them. If Elie were to do this he would be able to channel himself into a very kind and respected person because he knows what it is like to be abused emotionally and physically.

  61. Blog assignment due August 12

    A) Elie’s river could be god. In Siddhartha the river acts as a guide and mentor, Siddhartha seeks answers and advice from the river. God is someone who Elie hopes to answer his prayers, he relies on god for good fortune which is a long the same role as the river for Siddhartha. Elie’s ferryman could be Yossi and Tibi; his friends from the past. The ferryman acts as a provider and supporter to Siddhartha, Elie’s friends could act as this too.
    B) Elies father would respect Siddhartha fir being so kind to his son but would enforce him to be stricter and stand up for himself. It is impossible to make everyone happy and sometimes structure is needed.
