Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Finish Night and read "By the River" in Siddhartha by August 5th

1. Do spiral work for each chapter when you finish Night and read "By the River" in Siddhartha by August 5th

2. Choose your own research topic.
3. Blog by August 5th:
a. In each book, describe what is continuing on for each main character.
b. In each book, describe what is changing for each main character.
c. When, in these chapters, are Siddhartha and Elie similar?
d. Think about Elie at the end of the book. What life lessons could Elie take or learn from Siddhartha from "By the River"? How can Elie move on after so much pain?


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  2. B. In each book, describe what is changing for each main character.

    In the book Night, Elie is constantly going through multiple transformations; from not believing in God anymore to changing concentration camps. He is forced to adapt to his surroundings while still try to be good to his father. He begins to change when he hears that Rabbi Eliahou’s son had left Rabbi Eliahou. He thinks of leaving his father because he believes his father is a burden but doesn’t do that because his father is the only thing for him to live for. When Elie’s father gets a fever, Elie slowly changes. He is told by an officer to leave his father because he will die soon. Elie considers the officer’s suggestion however chose to put that thought aside. But later, when his father asks for a cup of water, Elie gives it to him knowing that it would be like giving him poison. Shortly, his father asks for another cup of water but Elie ignores his request and moves on to do his work. The next day, Elie’s father dies but Elie does not shed a single tear. Elie has transformed from a caring young man to a heartless and selfish man who only cares for himself. He did not even think of revenge for his father, he only thought of getting food and more food.

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is finally starting to find himself again after all that has happened with the Kamaswami people. He has lost himself in that town because he did what he despised his whole life. Siddhartha envied the people who were rich and truly happy. He was wealthy and rich but was not satisfied with his status. He began to gamble because this gave him the sensation of losing everything. When he lost most of what he has earned, he sits with himself under the mango tree and reflects on the things he has done in the past. He notices that the goodness that used to be in him was gone. Some nights, he even dreams of money! Siddhartha represents a bird in a cage. The cage was the town he was in now, and the bird was him. After the bird was set free, so was Siddhartha. He leaves the town and Kamala and considers what he has done before and what made him genuinely happy. He realizes that the life has been living is disgusting. After getting a flash about Brahmin prayers, he falls asleep and has the best sleep in a long time. When he wakes up, he realizes he is now at the same stage he was when he was a child. He thinks he was stupid and foolish of going through all those mistakes to end up where he was today. Siddhartha changed because back then, he did not have much of a heart. He just thought of gambling and was mean to the poor people who asked him for money. Now, he thinks everything and everyone around him is beautiful.

  3. Question#1

    A: In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues questioning what he's done for the past few years living in luxury, with women, and being very wealthy. He continues to feel something dying inside of him, what's dying for him is his past life where he only knew how to think,fast, and wait, when he was a samana. He doesn't know what else to do until Govinda comes to him and just by seeing him, he's starting to come back into realization. Also hearing the Om is reviving his soul.
    Elizer in Night continues to try and help his father survive because it's all he has left. He's trying to keep his hope alive to have a future with his father where they can both escape this horrid place alive. He's also being downed by the SS officers and other savage jews as usual. Elie is just struggling for survival of himself and his father.

    B: For Siddhartha he's starting to change his mind set to think of other things. He's trying to lead his life away from luxury and wealth to go back to how he used to be. He says that he has died to live again, like a child, starting off fresh and to do what he pleases. He was tired of living with Kamala and Kamaswami so he has wandered off to find himself yet again. And his deep sleep is helping him awake. Siddhartha is going through another change similar to when he was a samana, then a rich man. Now he is becoming a new man, with a new lead in life.
    Elie has also changed as well. He is starting to hear different things from different people. Advice from other men to leave his father and memories of other children leaving their fathers as well so that they can live longer. Elie is taking this advice into consideration because his father is sick and dying. When he does die, he realizes that he could have done what others did but he didn't care. He used to love his father so much but once he stopped believing in God and then losing his hope for his family, he didn't care much for his fathers death. He died and that was that for him. He has changed much through these last few chapters just by what officers and others have told him once his father was gone and near gone.

    C: Elie and Siddhartha are both similar when Siddartha is realizing that he is "living" again and is starting a new path when his "old" soul has died out and he has to find it again. At the same time Elie has just lost his father and is trying to continue his life as if nothing happened. He's trying to find himself again to get into the right path so that he may live his horrible place in this camp. They're both similar in how that they are trying to lead their lives differently, somewhat away from their recent past and to find a new future that suits them best.

    D: Elie can learn from Siddhartha that sometimes you have to let go of your past in order to continue on toward your own future. You can't live with a dead soul as what Siddhartha might say to Elie, he has to move on with his life and the fact that his father died doesn't mean its the end of the world, it's only a new beginning for him. Elie can move on by just learning lessons and taking advice from other people like if Siddhartha came up to him. That's the only possible way to leave that much pain behind.

  4. A: In both books, Night and Siddhartha, both characters face many acts and situations caused by themselves or others that seem continues in there lives and even endless. Both Ellie and Siddhartha are very intellectual beings and because of this go through much thought in there lives. In Night for example, Ellie is tormented by the situation in which his father faces and the situation he is put into to deal with such grieving dilemma. Ellie's father grows ill and has lost the will to live, to make matters worse Ellie's father is being abused by other inmates for what he cant control and his meals. Through these acts of others Ellie goes through much contemplation that can be at one point endlessly tormenting. Through this whole situation thought is continuous.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha himself goes through endless thought as of what's next in his life. Siddhartha is tormented at the acts of atrocities he has committed and is battling the monster he became. Thoughts surge through Siddhartha's mind as to what is next in his life and everything he's done, he has let the things he once despised and hated take the best of him. Through this situation contemplation is continuous and until he can find himself it wont ever stop. Contemplation seems to continue for these two protagonist, as for every new problem and situation many thoughts shall follow and always follow these two beings.

    B: In both books, each protagonist is going through sequences of change in there own lives the greatly differ in comparison to there previous lifestyles. Followed by despair and much suffering change has come to in fact change each characters lives and current life styles. In Night, Ellie has just had to go through the burden of losing a father, a pain that no one should ever go through. With this sudden change. Ellie's whole life style changes as well, after being so dependent of his father and always having him around, then suddenly being taken away and having to depend on no one but himself. The change is drastic.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha himself must face change in leaving behind the lifestyle he once hated but yet had now become such a big part of him. After being swept away by money and luxury, the Siddhartha he had all known to love ceased to exist and became no more. After having to come to terms to the realization of what he had become, the monster he had been battling for so long seemed to be winning and Siddhartha had to make a change. After much contemplation and much dilemma, Siddhartha chose to change his ways by leaving behind what had made him into a monster and starting a new. Both characters lives and lifestyles changed, for better or worse.

  5. C: Although the two main characters in these magnificent stories, Night and Siddhartha, seem completely different, from different times in history and for a small phase in there lives they become similar. In Ellie for example, after having to deal with the loss of his father Ellie begins to loiter around and gazing idly into what seemed nothing. After such a tragic loss Ellie loses all sense of care for anything, he no longer cares about anything but what he's going to be fed and in what proportions. For a while Ellie loses himself. Siddhartha in the same sense loses himself just as Ellie did. After facing extreme depression at what he has done and what he had become, Siddhartha loses the will to live and feels as if committing suicide would be the right step to take. After battling for so long something he had hated he had become exactly that, and being tormented at what he was Siddhartha wanted to change all that by leaving behind the town where the transformation had begun. Returning to the river where he had once crossed Siddhartha gazed upon it and felt like committing suicide right there on the spot. For these small instances in time, both characters become very similar in thought and actions.

    D: At the end of Night, Ellie is around fifty years old and is being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. In the last pages of the book, Ellie expresses himself in an acceptance speech and makes it clear of his affection to wherever there are people facing oppression. At the end of Ellie's incarceration in the concentration camp, the Germans are defeated and yet Ellie feels no different then when he was in the camp. During his stay he has lost so much that death seems glorious as oppose to remaining alive to face the demons and torture of his past. Because he has gone through so much and faces excruciating pain, Ellie should in fact take life lessons that Siddhartha has learned himself. When facing much depression and contemplation, Siddhartha sleeps everything off and awakens as a new man, taking his tormenting past as a way of killing his old weak self and giving birth to a new man within himself. Ellie should really heave the words of Siddhartha and take that lesson into account. By taking his tormenting past as a life lesson instead of a horrible time period, he would learn that through this oppression it only in fact made him stronger, and built a new better man within himself. Ellie would learn much from Siddhartha's lessons and would even help him out in future times of need.

  6. A. In each book, describe what is continuing on for each main character.

    In Night, many things are being continued on for Elie. Firstly and most importantly that is continued for Elie is all the memories he has of his father and of the concentration camps. Although Elie never again remembered his father during his time in the camp, when he was freed, he would look back and remember all the times he had with his father and at the camps. Another thing continuing for Elie is the torture he was going through after his father died. He is constantly stressed about food. He thinks of only food and extra rations of bread.
    In Siddhartha, things are starting to become new to Siddhartha. He has became a different person after he got a flash from the Brahmin prayers. He found himself again and had the best night sleep ever. Siddhartha understands why he has been avoiding his ego now that he had awoken from it. He finds something special about the river which he traveled on to get to the town of Kamaswami people. He miraculously develops this strong love for the river and will continue to stay by it.

    C. When, in these chapters, are Siddhartha and Elie similar?

    Elie and Siddhartha were similar when they both found themselves. Elie was told by the SS officer to leave his father. He liked the idea of going by himself because his father was a worry but never did it. After his father got the blow in the head, Elie started to follow his heart and not care about his father because he himself did not want a blow too. He left his father sitting there with a cracked skull. He did not comfort his father nor do as he requested.
    Siddhartha found himself after he had a flash about the Brahmin prayers. He knew what he truly wanted in life and what would make him genuinely happy. He awoke from the best sleep he ever had and found something he cared deeply about; the river. He wanted to stay and live near the river because he felt there was something special about this river. Siddhartha now found what he really wants to do with the rest of his life that will make him joyful.

    D. Think about Elie at the end of the book. What life lessons could Elie take or learn from Siddhartha from "By the River"? How can Elie move on after so much pain?

    Elie could learn from Siddhartha to do what makes him really happy. Siddhartha was sincerely happy because he has had many trial and errors to end up where he was today. Siddhartha would hope that Elie does not have to go through as many mistakes as he has to find out what he wants to do with his life. He would want Elie to be a happy and joyful person but if it's going through errors, it would be worth it to live the rest of your life in an enjoyable way. He was upset it took him this long to figure out what he wants in life and will hope Elie will not take as long as him to figure it out too.

  7. A: In Siddartha, SIddartha continues to think about his life and what he has been doing all this time. He's realizing what is truly inside of him, He's been asking himself what he's been doing with what he has for the past years and why.
    In Night, what's continuing for Elie is the memories and thoughts of his father and the camp. Elie would remember the times when he was at camp. He's still going through a hard time because he's trying to stay alive and leave the camp.

    B: In Siddartha, Siddartha is changing by realizing what he has become and he's trying to change his life by leaving all the luxury and wealth behind and make his life how it was before he had luxurry and wealth.
    In Night, what's changing for Elie is the different problems and situations that he's going through. Elie is changing as time passes and by the surroundings that he has to adapt. Elie is changing by leaving his father. He's going to be more independent than before. When his father died he was like a grown man. He didnt tear or cry for his father's death. He just moved. He's making his own decisions like leaving his father.

    C: Elie and Siddartha are similar in these chapters because both of them are starting a new life. Elie is starting a new life without his father. Siddartha is is starting a new life without luxury and wealth. They both are leaving something behind and starting new.

    D: Elie can learn from Siddartha is to keep moving on with his life, no matter what. He can find happiness on his own. He can move on without his father and he doesnt have to be depressed about things. He can move on and start a new lie.

  8. Question A

    In Night, Elie begins to lose a part of himself. His father begins to get a fever and Elie closely watches him. Elie gives his father half of everything he gets ( i.e. ration of bread, soup, etc.). His father begins to become crazy and is only able to talk, never hearing anything Elie or the SS officer says. Elie's driven by his desire to survive and begins to lose hope for his father. Elie listens to his fathers last words as he is beaten by an SS officer. Elie's hope and desire to keep his father alive died within him and his desire to survive consumed him.

    Something also died in Siddhartha as well. Siddhartha was a man of greed and lust. He left town to regain his true self. Siddhartha reached the river and pitied himself, thinking he committed every sin. While looking in the river, he decided to drown himself. Before that could take place, Siddhartha hears "om", which awakens him. Siddhartha falls asleep underneath a coconut tree and when he awakes, feels as if he has been reborn. That day, the old Siddhartha died within him and the new Siddhartha was awakened.

    Question B

    In Night, many things change for Elie. He begins to lose hope for his father and has a driven to survive. Also, his father dies and all he does is listen. In the beginning, Elie was dedicated to help his father to get better. As the chapter continues, people convince Elie that his father will die and to stop giving him his food. Elie begins to only think about his survival and loses hope for his father. Later on, his father begs Elie for water and couldn't hear the SS officer. His father was beaten and died, his last words being Elie. Elie changes and has a drive to survive and for the first time is independent due to his fathers death.

    Siddhartha also changes by losing his past lifestyle. He became a person he never wanted to be. Siddhartha left town and went by a river. He thought about his past lifestyle and thought that he could never reach nirvana for all the sins he committed. Siddhartha looked at the river and wanted to kill himself. Hearing "om", he suddenly was awakened and stopped himself. When he sleeps under a coconut tree nearby, he feels reborn. Siddhartha changes from something he never wanted to be, the person of his dreams.

  9. Question C

    Elie and Siddhartha are both similar when they get rid of their past lives. Siddhartha loses the person he never wanted to become and is reborn. Elie loses himself completely, becoming a person who only thinks about their survival. While Siddhartha become something he desired throughout the book, Elie becomes a person the past Elie would've despised. Elie becomes the complete opposite of what he had been in the beginning of the book. Both lose a part of themselves and have to live with what they have become, good or bad.

    Question D

    The life lesson Elie would learn from Siddhartha is not to be trapped in the past and to move on. Elie would learn from his past and change for the better in the future. Not being able to change the past, Elie would learn not to dwell on the past. Elie would learn to change his ways and become the person he was in the beginning of the book. He would regain his faith and treasure the memories of the past. Elie would learn the life lesson that we should not dwell on the past and we should move on.

  10. Question A

    For Siddhartha he is contiuing to die of his vast wealth and the multiple sins he has committed by gambling all of his wealth. He went to the river to committ suicide by drowning in the river and then he came out of it as though re-born to life again. Elie is nearing death on the cattle car due to the insane cold they are traviling through. When he arrived at buchenwald he was happy to have protection of the barracks there and some food. He is brought back from death by the liberating army of soviet russia. They both have now found hope to push them foward.

    Question B

    In Siddhartha he is finding new hope by abandoning his wealth and being re-born. By leaving all worldly pleasures he has found a new Siddhartha and is thus re-born into a new life. In Night the army of soviet russia is coming giving all of the prissioners hope that they will soon be free. Elie is happy when the camp is taken over and given new hope in life. Both had to find hope but in different ways of finding it.

    Question C

    Elie and Siddhartha are simmilar when they are both on the brink of death. When Elie is on the cattle car and Siddhartha is runing to the river and they both feel that they are dying. They are both similar when they are turned away from death. Elie is turned from death when the Armies of the U.S and the USSR come to liberate the camps. Siddhartha is turned from death when he drowns in the water and remembers om from his childhood.

    Question D

    Elie can learn form siddhartha that everything is reborn into new life just as he has done. Siddhartha has been re-born and would tell Elie that his father will be re-born into another life. Elie can move on by remembering the good times he had with his father. He can move on by knowing that he is at peace now and will nolonger endure anymore pain. Elie can go on by remembrence and dedication that he was there at his fathers side before he was killed in Buchenwald.

  11. Question A :
    In the book,”Night,” Elie continues to fight for survival as well as his father's survival. Elie's father had lost all hope, he could not see a bright future for himself. So Elie's father chose death rather than to live. Elie disagreed with his father and thought that he was foolish to give up now, when it was all going to be over soon. He did not want his father to die now, so Elie tries to make his father realize that it was almost over and that he had fight to the very end.
    In the book, Siddhartha,” Siddhartha continues to think of what he will become next. He was a Brahmin, Samana and a rich man. But now Siddhartha ponders in what he will be next. From the beginning Siddhartha pondered of such, but never came to the solution. Siddhartha never found the answers to his questions and so he continues on a endless journey to discover himself.

    Question B:
    Elie is changing by he realizes that his father was a burden to him and that he could not continue with this burden. But the thought of abandoning his father gave him a feeling of great shame. He could not abandon his father that was the only person close to him. Elie's father was at the brink of death because he was sick and he had no hope left. When Elie's father had died, Elie realized that he was free at last. He didn't care about his father's death, all Elie cared about was to live and move on with his life. He could not ponder the past, but to embrace the future. Elie realizes that there is a limit to life and once its expired, you just have to move on, never looking back because all it causes is pain.

    Siddhartha begins to change by Siddhartha wants to become a new person. He wants to be reborn again and start fresh from the beginning. He did not want to be a Samana, Brahmin and a rich person anymore, Siddhartha wanted to become something new. Before Siddhartha had becomed a monster and lost all his morals, but as he ponders of what he is going to be next, Siddhartha realizes that he has to change and become something new, not something he had already been. This new self had to be something that Siddhartha could agree with himself. He has to become a new person with a new lifestyle and belief, that is what Siddhartha came to the conclusion of in order to change his misleading ideas.

    Question C:
    Siddhartha and Elie are similar during these chapters is Siddhartha is looking for a new self and to embraces the future ahead. Elie as well wants to embrace the future. Elie's father had just died and Elie did not feel anything when he died, but the feeling to move on and to embrace the future. Both of these characters wants to embrace the future rather than stick with the past because they know the past caused them pain for them, all the had left was the future and what they are going to become next. Siddhartha and Elie had moved on from the past, the past did not matter to them.

    Question D:
    At the end of the book,”Night,” Elie could learn from Siddhartha's idea like to start in a new beginning and to embrace the future. The event of the death of Elie's father is a symbol of a new beginning for Elie because Elie's father in the beginning was a burden to him cause he was sick and getting old, but when Elie's father had died, Elie felt that he was free. He did not pity the dead because he had experienced death and fear, it no longer affected him. Elie could just look into a better future and not the past like Siddhartha wanted to start a new beginning and not look at his past. Siddhartha and Elie had no past to look at, so they both looked at the future, to embrace it and never let the past conquer them because the past holds pain for both of them.

  12. Question 1-
    In the book Night, Elie is continuing his journey to Berlin, Germany where the SS officers will hold the Jews until Hitler gives the orders to kill whoever is left. Elie loses his father and is on his own along with other survivers. And the surviviors are hoping that the soviet gets to them in time.
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is trying to i think end his life while being at a river that he finds. Later on he finds Govinda again and they compare their journey so far. Siddharthas life is crappy compared to Govindas journey. Siddhartha looks bak at his lessons given by many people he encountered in his journey.

    Question 2-
    In Night, Elie is changing by learning how to be on his own instead of helping others and looking for others to help him and stuff. Elie becomes independent through this journey of his and learns it little by little.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha changes from deciding to end his life to keep o living i guess. After meeting with Govinda again, Siddhartha decides to stop what he was doing.

    Question 3-
    In these chapters, Elie and Siddhartha are similar in a way that they accept the change that they have gone through. Elie accepts the fact that his father is dead and Siddhartha accepts the fact that he has to change his life style around.Another similarity is that they realize that they are on their own from now on. Elie doesnt depend on anyone anymore and Siddhartha has to continue his journey by himself as well.

    Question 4-
    Im guessing that this is going to stay with Elie for the rest ofhis life. But Elie can also take the lesson that he has to look back at his journeys past and look into the future without looking back. Elie is going to have to love with this because its something that doesnt just go away after a long period of time.

  13. Question A:
    There are many things that keep on going on for Elie. A few examples is that he keeps on seeing people die and even die alone without no one helping others. He is suffering because his father can't keep on going and he needs him because he is on his own if his father dies. Elie can't stand it any more that the Germans are mistreating the Jews for any reason. Lastly something everyone is trying to do is to survive. Elie needs to keep on going because he doesn't want to die like this alone and without anyone on his side.
    For Siddhartha many issues are continuing with him. An example is that he is alone and he must survive. He is mostly just trying sees his mistakes that he has done when he stopped waiting, fasting, and thinking. Those thought can't really come out of his head because he keeps on thinking on his actions. He is suffering inside; he lost everything and now is starting in fresh new page. Then he sees his friend Govinda and thinks what he told him and he sees it is all true, but at the same time the Om is healing him and is giving him a new life.
    Question B:
    Elie has changed a lot in the book but there was a reason for it. Elie started to look around him and saw it was everyone for them self or die. Elie has also changed the way he sees the world as no hope and at some point he stop believing in God. He changed when his father died. The reason he changed that day because his father gave him advice to care for your own self and forget me. He felt that he was leaving his father but he felt guilty that he left him. But Elie was different he just listened and kept on going with his life.
    For Siddhartha a lot of things have changed for him. He has left his wealthy life and now is on the move. He is starting to think of the past and try to not do it again. Also that he is letting the Om wake him up out of this horrible nightmare. He feels that he is born again and starting out as child and he needs to grow up the way he used to be when he could wait, fast, and think.
    Question C:
    Both these characters have different similarities but they have many things in common. One of them is when they start to forget their past. Elie wants to forget that his own father died and he is on his own. Siddhartha is starting to see his past and forgets it. Both of them start new and need to keep on going. Both of them are on their own and have to keep on going on because if they get stuck in one point in their life then they might never get out of it.
    Question D:
    Elie could learn a lot form Siddhartha from his own life experience. What Elie could learn that the past is the past, you can't change what you already done. Another thing is that you must learn from the mistakes from your own past so you can live better. Also do anything that could make you happy but at the same time, make you go ahead. Eli has survived the holocaust; he can survive his life ahead.

  14. Question A:
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha continue because of a certain thing. Siddhartha always felt like he is missing something inside of him which cause him to continue on to whatever his heart takes him to. Once he get to that point, he still continues to miss something. It is like a cycle which had make him continue.
    In Night, Elie continue because of his father. His father is like the only reason that which made him wanting to survive. He keep helping his father even though he can't survive any longer.

    Question B:
    In Siddhartha, the thing that is changing is Siddhartha's way of life because he left luxury and wealth behind. He began wandering around the area and something has make him realize what he has been doing all these times.
    In Night, it's also the same as Siddhartha because Elie gets adapt to whatever environment he is in. He took advice from many people which had change his way of living.

    Question C:
    In these chapter(s), they are very similar to each other because they suffering from different kind of pain. Elie suffer from illness of his father and he keep feeling ashamed of himself when he think of leaving him behind. Siddhartha suffers from hunger because he forgot how to fasting, wait and think because all these year, he has been enjoying himself to the fullest.

    Question D:
    Elie can learn from Siddhartha about the way of life because by doing something similar like Siddhartha can cause himself less pain since he can live on even without his father. He won't feel shame and pain if he lives on like Siddhartha.

  15. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha loses a bad part of himself. He loses the greed that had became a part of him along the journey. Siddhartha finally becomes what he was before, a nice and generous man. I think he changes and loses the part of him when he was by the river, because he started like thinking about his journey, and then has various thoughts about what happened. This is when he gets like rid of the part that he gained along the way, which is a good thing. In Night, Elie also gets rid of a part of him self. He kind of gets rid of his hope that he had. His dad had become ill and even a bit crazy. His dad gets beaten, but his father was the whole reason why he had hope and really stood alive, and this is when his hope died. This is a negative thing that happened to Elie.

    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha changes when he loses the bad part of himself [the greed]. He changed along the journey from a nice, generous guy, to a greedy guy, and then transforms back to a nice and generous guy. He kind of changed to become what he was before. Its kind of like a change that was already there. In Night, Elie changes by losing his hope. Elie's hope for his dad was really what was keeping him alive. When people fill Elie's head with ideas, he begins to lose hope for his dad and kind of like focuses on himself. Elie changes by becoming more focused on himself.

Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they both lose a part of themselves. In Sidhdarhtha, Siddhartha loses the greed part of his life that he had become. In Night, Elie loses his hopeful part of him self and the focused on his dad part, and he then begins to foucus on himself and kind of lose his hope. Through both books, Siddhartha and Elie show various similarities.

    I think the lesson that Elie can learn from Siddhartha is that life happens. What I mean by life happens is that he just has to learn that things in his life happen that may or may not be under his control, but he has to move on, because there might not be anything he can do about it. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha went through various obstacles and changes, but he didn't let it get the best of him, he just moved on.

  16. Question A:
    In Night, many things are continuing for Elie. He is continuing to have these very selfish, primitive thoughts of the burden that is his father. He can only worry and fight for food and any other means of survival. He could not even defend his senile father when the time came for it because it would be a danger to himself. If anything, the death of his father was a fulfilling reward for his hard work. Even though these ideas are obvious, Elie continues to deny them. Elie has now discovered how inhuman he has become. After he was liberated, taking a good look in the mirror for the first time in years really showed him how much he has changed. Elie needs to continue trying to regain his faith.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues to try and understand his innermost self to separate from his ego. As he described, his life decisions and thinking is going in some sort of cycle. He was once the cleverest Brahmin and was eager to learn new teachings. He then becomes rich, greedy and a compulsive gambler. Realizing how much more miserable his life is, he tries to kill himself but is saved by a soft voice in his head saying “Om”. Looking at the river, he is rejuvenated and the next day, he sees Govinda again. He then tells Govinda he is still continuing his pilgrimage. Siddhartha continues to wander to find himself.

    Question B:
    Elie’s change is obviously how he cares for other people. He has lost all compassion for other people including his father. Continuing to move from location to location, all he cared about was to make the physical cut and rations of food. He continues to be a generally weak coward, but now he is even more pathetic. It could be best described as the efforts of a starved small mammal eating the little remains of a body in order to survive. Once being a young boy wanting to learn the philosophical aspect of Judaism, he is now a boy with no hope in god and not even the attention span to remember those who have been lost.
    Siddhartha has had more of a better change. Now that he has officially hit rock bottom as he has aged to be a greedy, rich, low life, his near suicide brought back the inner intellect and youth that made him so loved. The once dead bird, so unique and so alive has awoken into something more searching. Siddhartha has finally made the step to separate himself from his most challenging flaw, too much cleverness.

    Question C:
    The moment both Elie and Siddhartha are similar is the moment they have the opportunity to see what they have become. For Elie, this was the moment when he was in the hospital, and saw himself in the mirror. When Siddhartha wandered into the woods and came across the river, he too saw his reflection. Both of them feel a disgust at what they see. The emotionally dead yearning people they have become. Siddhartha spits at his reflection while the evil look in Elie’s eyes was one he would never forget.

    Question D:
    Elie could have learned that his seemingly worthless life could possibly be more fulfilling if he took the time to completely separate himself from his desires. He might have also needed to understand that his life is far from over at this point. In order to deal with such hardships and parting with the one he loved the most, Elie needed to understand that his life is more of a cycle and things would be more clear and more brighter to him once he has embraced his faith once again. From his hardships he can take what he learned in the most productive sense and move on with his life to prevent people from having the same hate that caused his pain.

  17. Question A
    In the book Siddartha, Siddartha continues to reflect upon and think about his journey. He begins to see who he truly is, after all this time searching inside himself and asking all these quesions.In the book Night, Elie continues to think about the camp and his father. Now Elie is still trying to stay alive and get away from the camp.

    Question B
    In the book Siddartha, Siddartha is changing because he is realizing what he truly wants and trying to change his life to how it was before the luxury, and he wants to leave the wealth behind. In the book Night, Elie has had to adapt to his enviorment and cope with the loss of his father. These experiences are making him more independant because he is now having to think on his own and be a man.

    Question C
    Siddartha and Elie are similar in these chapters because both of these characters are finding themselves and starting new. Siddartha is leaving his life of luxury behind to find who he truly is inside. Elie is taking on life as a man, since the loss of his father. Both characters are branching out on their own.

    Question D
    Elie can learn from Siddartha that you need to keep on moving in life, no matter what obstacles may get in your way. In this case it is the death of Elie's father. He can take this experience to better his life for
    the future. Then he can start a new life.

  18. A. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is continuing the journey that has started in the beginning of the book. He is like what he was in the beginning but now full of knowledge and understanding through the events and people he has met.
    In Night, Elie continues his life after everything he has gone through in the concentration camps. He is striving towards a new life and towards his freedom even though his parents and his younger sister had died.

    B. Siddhartha is changing back to an “unknowledgeable” kid after noticing his behavior in the town; being greedy, selfish and gambling his nights away carelessly. This time around during his adventures, he can love someone (which he wasn’t able to do before).
    Elie has changed into a different man than he was used to be. During his stay in Buchenwald, the head of his block advised him stop giving food to his father and to take his portion of his food. Another time, he thought of leaving his father, but became ashamed of this idea. Elies thoughts of betraying his father was something Elie wouldn’t have done during the beginning of the book.

    C. Siddhartha and Elie are similar by starting their fresh new lives. Both have nothing to depend on but themselves. Siddhartha has become what he was in the beginning of the book while Elie starts a new life after such inhumane events.

    D. Elie can learn how to obtain some peace by looking into the future from Siddhartha. Although it would be hard to not look back in the past, it would take effort to get rid of the pain the Nazis caused.

  19. A)Both Siddhartha and Elie have something continuing on.Siddhartha began a new life so that means he's going to hae new experiences.Elie has just recovered from food poisoning and has lost his father.His life will be continuing on lonely because his dad died,and he doesnt know where his sisters and mother are.
    B)Elie and Siddhartha are going through a change.Siddhartha is changing because he's going from rich back to where he started after the samanas.Elie is changing because after being in concentration camps for so long he's becoming a bit stronger.
    C)Elie and Siddhartha are similar when they both look back too what they did.Elie looked in the mirror for the first time in so long and realized how much he's been through.Siddhartha was similar to Elie when he had to take a step back from the rich life and get a reality check.
    D)Elie can take and learn a couple of lessons from Siddhartha.But one was to know who you are and not to forget it.Suddhartha had used this when he was near the river,he took a step back for a reality check.Elie could use this because so much has happened to him and he probably forgot his true self.

  20. Question 1

    In each book, both main characters continue to go through a certain feeling, or trouble in their path. For example, Siddhartha continues to feel as though he has been going down the wrong road for a long time. As he is, he begins to feel as though he is gradually becoming a child again and loosing his mindset and views towards life. He feels that in the tough road he has been following all his life, he has been loosing all of the qualities that made him, him. And therefore, he feels like he has truly become a child person and no longer the same person that he once was. Elie continues to feel hopeless and continues to struggle with the facts of life. He cannot bear to see his father like this. On many occasions, his father has been a victim of too many attacks and Elie has always been the one protecting him, guarding him with all his power. But soon, Elie will no longer have to protect his father, as he will soon perish from the treatment and extreme brutality of the Gestapo.

    Question 2

    In each book, both main characters, begin to change and this change soon aids the character later in life. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha faces fate and he soon realizes that in order to succeed in life, you must sometimes have downfalls. And these downfalls will soon let you experience grace. Simply stating “He had to sin in order to live again.” He soon realizes that he is meant to be a Brahmin. This “intervention” changes Siddhartha and soon transforms him into the person that he was long before his troubles. He is no longer blinded and sees life as he wants to see it. Elie faces the hardest change one can handle. Because of the brutality and harsh treatment given to him by the Gestapo, Elie’s father dies. But the saddest part is, he was half-alive, when the Gestapo took him and he was killed, “murdered”, within the lethal flames of the crematory, terminating any chance of survival. This death soon changes Elie’s whole mindset, as well as his family. Elie is no longer the son of a husband and wife, brother of a sister, as they are all dead. He now is everything to himself. He is no longer the boy he once was in Sighet, he is now the man that stares at him, deep within the mirrors.

  21. Question 3

    Although, each character has a different story and a different goal, they are very similar in many ways. For example, both Siddhartha and Elie have lost so very much. For example, this quote from Siddhartha:

    “I do not know. I know as little as you. I am on the move. I was a rich man, and am no longer one; and I do not know what will be tomorrow. . . I have lost it, or it has lost me. It has gone astray. The wheel of formations turn swiftly. Where is Siddhartha the Brahmin? Where is Siddhartha the samana? Where is Siddhartha the rich man? The ephemeral changes swiftly.”

    Can be translated into this quote from Night:

    “I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I had no more tears. . . I have nothing to say of my life during this period. It no longer mattered. After my father’s death, nothing could touch me anymore. I no longer thought of my father or of my mother. . . From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me.”

    Both Elie and Siddhartha have lost so very much, but gain in the process. This is what makes them similar, except, Siddhartha loses what he hates and gains what he needs, but Elie loses what he needs and gains what he hates. As Siddhartha wins, Elie loses.

    Question 4

    At the end of Night, Elie could really use some advice. Now if Siddhartha was to be the one to give him the advice, I believe that in some form or another, Elie would be happy. I believe that Siddhartha would mourn with Elie over the loss of his father, but at the same time, help him move on. I believe that Siddhartha would use his own personal troubles and crossroads to help Elie with his problem. I believe that Siddhartha would explain that in order to fully live again, you must have downfalls and these downfalls, will soon make you experience grace and lead you to the highest point in your life.

  22. Question 1

    In the book Night, Elie had faced death countless of times and was able escape death. He was both mentally and physically exhausted. What had him continued on is his father, the only surviving member of his family. While the other Jews had abandon their family and friends, Elie had never gave in to this temptation, even when it called to him. He had hanged on to the last bit of hope, his father, to the very end.
    Siddhratha had also faced death when he was in the in the world of the rich and powerful. Realizing that what he did was wrong, he abandon all his wealth. At the last moment, he even thought of commiting suicide by drowning. What had him continuing on was when he was about to meet death, he somehow heard the word "om" which revived his dead soul. Then he reunited with Govinda which made him reborn into a "new" Siddhartha.

    Question 2

    In the book Night, Elie had faced many hardship during his time in the concentration camp. During these experience, he had transformed into an entirely different person.In the last few pages, Elie saw his father being beat up, but instead of defending his father, he just sat there and watched his father being beaten to death. In the book Night, there was a person giving him advice about abandoning his father and worry about himself instead. Elie actually considered the person's advice about abandoning his father for a moment. These are the result of surviving in the concentration camp.
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha also had reached many transformation. he started off from a powerful Brahmin to a poor samana, then he grew rich again being a merchant and at last he went back to being poor and having nowhere to go. In the chapter" By The River" Siddhartha had also transform from wanting to commit suicide from his sins to being reborn, feeling like a child.

    Question 3

    In these chapter, there are many similarities between Siddhartha and Elie. One of the similarities was that both Elie and Siddhartha was so mentally exhausted that they're indifference if they are dead. In Night on page 93,"...what difference did it make? To die today or tomorrow..." This quote here shows that Elie was indifferent about meeting death. In Siddhartha on page 78 "...he felt entirely filled with the wish to let go..." This quote shows the situation similar to Elie's.

    Question 4
    Having to go through so much pain, Elie could use some advice from Siddhartha. Having gone through so much I believe that Siddhartha would not tell Elie to forget everything because it would be almost impossible to forget everything. I think if Siddhartha were to give an advice to Elie, he would probably say to continue living on, to never give up after being finally free.

  23. Question:1

    Siddhartha sees inside of himself and sees nothing but dead. He thinks by experiencing death he will find peace. And Siddhartha only wants to find peace which leads to Nirvana. When Siddharthas is ready to end himself and experience death he hears the word "om" and later sees Govinda once more. While they talk he regains hope and will continue on seeking peace trhough difference experience.
    Elie continues to fight off the horible experience that he is gaining from the Concentration Camps and with his father taken from his life things only get rough. Elie must now survive the camps with out his hope, with out his father.


    Siddhartha is changing by going through many experience. He no longer wishes to feel like a brahmin again. He no longer wants to live with kamala. So he again goes on his own path wishing to see his rebirth once more just like he did when he left Govinda. While he almost experience death he runs in to Govinda and from those deep sleeps he had been having he is being awaken


    Both Siddhartha and Elie both wonder if death is better then to seek anything else. Elie wants to die because he feels as he can no longer go on with his father gone. In addition to want he is going through with the camps. Siddhartha wants to experiemce death to seek peace. Both want to experience death to seek peace. Both seek peace through similar perspective.


    Elie can learn from Siddhartha that sometimes forgeting and moving on can be the best. Elie still longs for his father. Elie has to move on to live or even recover from the camps. Elie can move on by forgeting and experiencing many new things. Most of which should be joy and love. Elie's father may be a lost soul but Elie can still move on from it. Siddharthas paths and state of mind can really make Elie think and move on after so much pain was suffered.

  24. A:
    In the book Night, Elie is continuing to support himself and his father. He still continues to believe that he and his father will outlast the horrible life of the concentration camps and move on. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha still continues to feel that his real self is dying. Through all of the riches and women, deep down Siddhartha realizes that he is losing his real self, the person he used to be.

    In the book Night, several things are changing about Elie. One is that his father is now dead. Now Elie is alone with no family to lean on or to help. He is now a man who is on his own and now makes decisions for only himself. Elie also has changed because he now is taking advice from other people. This makes him stronger and changes him for the better. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha also changes for the better because he realizes who he has become and walked away from it. He was so ashamed of who he was, he thought of commiting suicide. But now he is reborn once again. He is now someone who seeks something better than he did before.

    Both Elie and Siddhartha are similar because at one point they both thought of and seeked death to find peace and freedom. Siddhartha feels he can only become who he once was before and find peace if he dies. Elie feels all his hope and faith to live is now gone because his father is now dead. The only way he can be free and be at peace is death.

    Elie could learn a very good life lesson from Sidhartha. Siddhartha could tell Elie that you can always move on and start over, it is never too late. Even though Elie has been through concentration camps and the loss of his family, he can still move on and start over fresh. By puting all of these horrible things behind him, he can start a new life.

  25. Question a:
    In Night, what's continuing for Elie is suffering and pain. Not only for himself, but for his fellow Jews as well. They are carried as cargo for a long time without food or water. They must survive off snow and ignore the dead people that are around them. They have family who die and they must watch them being thrown away while everyone just continues on as cargo. The suffering of food withdrawal causes the prisoners pain and causes them to have anger towards each other when small amounts of food are provided for them. In Siddhartha, what's continuing for Siddhartha is the realization of the way he's living. He's seeing that the way he has lived for a good portion of his life is against everything he learned as a Brahmin and a Samana. He continues to see how disgusting the child people have led him to be and finally reawakens. He is continuing to find himself.

    Question b:
    In Night, there's a big change. Not only for Elie, but for all the Jews who have pulled through the hard times. All the moving from country to country and torturing has come to an end because the Americans have finally liberated the area. All the prisoners have finally found freedom and so has Elie, even though his father is gone. He's changed from worrying about his family to worrying about his next meal. Siddhartha has a significant change as well, where he is reawakened from his time of wealthiness. He's see's that it's against what he has learned and it changed him for the worst, so he finds that he needs to change.

    Question c:
    If there was a time during these chapters that Elie and Siddhartha are similar, it's when they realize what's important and what they should be doing in their lives. Elie has been taking care of his father throughout the whole journey and been giving him the food that he should be eating. He's been making himself weak for the sake of his father. Finally a blockalteste tells him what he really should be doing. He tells him that his father is going to die inevitably and that he's wasting his time with feeding him. Siddhartha realizes what is important because he went into a deep sleep where when he woke up, he knows what he's been living is a lie, something that was wrong. He was living everything with the thoughts of a wealthy man. He realized what his life should really be like. Both Elie and Siddhartha learn what they should be doing.

    Question d:
    There is something important that Elie can learn from Siddhartha in "By The River". Everything that Siddhartha lived meant nothing when he awoke from his deep sleep. He once again was starting from the beginning. Elie can do the same. When he finally gets all the food and drinks he hasn't been getting and the sleep he needs, he can start all over. He can forget all the toturing and the lost of friends and family. He can forget about Hitler and the Nazi's. He can be like Siddhartha, and reawaken from this nightmare.

  26. Question A :
    At this point in the book, Night, Elie is at a difficult stage because everyone that is on this journey with him are dying, everyone who fell asleep in the snow, never woke up. His father was close to dying as well but he slapped him until he blinked his eyes to prove to the men throwing the dead men out the train that he was still alive (pg94). He looked out for his father because he’s the only person he has But once his father becomes very ill, that leads up to his death (pg104-106) , Elie doesn’t cry or feel sad, he felt free and he was now able to just look out and take care of himself. In the end, Elie along with all the other men still standing were finally set free and all they had in mind was to eat. After a couple of days he got sick due to food poisoning but when he finally had his strength back he was able to see himself once again. Elie was no longer sick and now had recovered his freedom he had once before.
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha leaves the town and steps into the forest with the thought of never going back because the life he has been living was over with. He didn’t want to learn more of himself because he now wanted to die, he thought of various of ways that he could possibly die(pg 77). Hunger had made him weak which was something he was able to control once before because he was able to fast but at this point he no longer has a set destination for himself. Siddhartha felt he had to end his “shameful” life. This then later ended with him falling into a deep sleep to wake up to see his childhood friend, Govinda before his eyes. He spoke to him for a little while and Govinda mentioned he hadn’t seen a pilgrim dress the way he was before and that was that he has been traveling for many years .

    Question B:
    In Night, a lot of things have change over the course of time in their voyage because many men are dying along the journey due to the freezing temperatures they have faced along the road. Elie is only fifteen years old and has already been in a life and death situation. And at this point his father has died which is the only reason he kept going on the journey and he doesn’t feel upset or has nevertheless cried. Elie each day is closer to ending his journey and his father seemed to get weaker as days passed by, Elie gave him all his father asked of him, coffee and water, he also gave him his ration of bread to keep his father alive. He’s scarifying his own hunger to keep his father going along, they have made it this far and he didn’t want to lose his father, not at that moment.
    In Siddhartha, a lot of things have changed for him as well. He went from wanting to find himself to leaving the town where he became very wealthy and left it all because of a dream that changed it all from him. He was done with the life that he had been living for the past years. He no longer had a destination for himself and he thought that there was nothing left of him but to snuff himself out (pg78). At this point Siddhartha had a desire to die (pg78), he was lost and thought he would find peace by snuffing himself and he also no longer had the ability he had once before too fast and think which he was once so good at. Toward the end of this particular part of the book Siddhartha realizes that he thought he killed his ego with all the fasting he’s did while the whole time it hid while being a priest. Siddhartha, the grasper died and the new Siddhartha came after he woke up from his deep sleep.

  27. Question C:
    Siddhartha and Elie are similar in these chapters because they both consider the thought of dying. After living his past few years trying to find himself to then going against what he didn’t like, he had the desire to die because he felt nothing was left of him. Elie also consider the thought of dying because he felt there was no difference whether he died that same day or the next, he suffered enough and his only reason to keep going was for his father. His father ends up dying but Elie lived
    to see his freedom once again.

    Question D:
    After such experiences and all the pain that Elie has gone through at his age, from being separated from his mother and sister to his father dying, Elie still has the opportunity to get back on his feet for himself. He could possibly learn to praise himself the way Siddhartha does for being able to get as far as he did to being able to live to see the day he was free again. Elie could also learn from Siddhartha of having a point in which all he thought about was agony, misery and despair to then being able to think well and good again. Despise their ways of thinking about death as a solution , Elie could learn from Siddhartha of being able to get passed all those thoughts to being joyful and full of life once again because he now has what he didn't have before, his freedom and food to eat.

  28. a.(Night)
    Elie continues his fight to survive his stay at the dreaded camp he is staying at. His goal like before is just to get through the war alive with his father. After he and his family lost everything they owned, all he has now is his father. Everyday he struggles through and comes out alive, hoping the next day will lead him and the other prisoners into freedom. He is pitted against the likes of the camp guards (the SS) and other inmates who threaten him or his father. Survival is highly unlikely in this camp, Elie just hopes that the Red Army will come soon and liberate the camp.

    Siddhartha continues his merchant life after a while since he was accepted as Kamaswami's peer. He still continues as a successful man, he still continues to be the same clever samana he always was, and still sees no importance in wealth. Siddhartha still thinks of other humans as inferior to him, as he sees no point to worry about money or other foolish things and laughs at the sight of it.

    Elie has changed a lot as his time in camp progresses. Elie has become more unfeeling, he lost care for his own father. When one of his block leaders suggest he forget about his old, sick father, he considered it, something he would never think of doing it a few months earlier. He noticed this especially when he saw his father get beat right in front of him, and he just stayed and watched like if it were nothing, if it happened earlier in his life at camp, he would have reacted without a thought to defend his father. Elie also lost his desire to live. After the death of his father, Elie saw no reason to live now that he was alone, he thought he was better off dead. His stay at camp changed the young Elie dramatically.

    Siddhartha also changed a lot since he started life as a wealthy merchant. Siddhartha now starts to hate himself, he feels dead inside. He wants nothing to do with this lifestyle anymore, he really wanted to die, he would just get more miserable as he progressed in his life like this. Siddhartha did not want to be with Kamaswami or Kamala or anyone in this village anymore, so he left, and it was the best thing for him to do. Once he left he fell asleep and woke up more happy and cheerful. He laughed at himself for what he has been doing and thinking. Siddhartha now realized that it would be best to go on alone and follow a new path and leave everything behind.

    Both Elie and Siddhartha are similar when they both lose interest in life and feel that they are better off dead. They both lost something dear to them that made them change and depressed. Elie lost his father, while Siddhartha lost the person that he used to be, and became a much worse person, someone he never wanted to become. Both of them at this point think that they lost all hope and the only solution is death, they felt that they couldn't go on with life anymore, it was too unbearable to live.

    Elie should learn from Siddhartha that one must be able to move on with their life and forget what has happened in the past. He should learn that losing his father does not mean that he should lose hope, he should have set aside this tragic time in his life and leave it behind him. Siddhartha learned that no matter what happens in life, you can always find a way to move on, no matter what happens, and start life again on a fresh new path. Like Siddhartha, Elie should leave this path and start his life on a new, and potentially better path.

  29. Question A:

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is thinking about all the things he has done during his past years. He is finally realizing that the wealthy life isn’t for him and that he has to start a new life. In Night Elie is faces many situations in his life. Elies father becomes very sick and he wants to help him, and both are struggling to survive.

    Question B:

    In Night Elie changes from being very dependent to his father to becoming independent since His fathers death. While Siddhartha in the other hand must change from being rich to starting a new life.

    Question C:

    Siddhartha and Elie are similar in these chapters because they both are going to need to start a new life. Elie must start a new life after his father death and Siddhartha doesn’t want to live the wealthy life anymore he says he has to “start all over again (pg 85).”

    Question D:

    Elie can learn from Siddhartha is that “you must leave the old life behind, no matter how much pain you have inside of you.” I think Siddhartha would explain to Elie about his old life and how he is changing and to “start all over, like a child.”

  30. 3a). Siddhartha: he continues questioning what he has done with his life. Living a life of luxury that he knows that isn’t for him. And he continues to feel like something inside of him is dying and that he is missing something from his life. But then he realizes that while he was living a life with the samana he actually knew how to live, think, fast, wait and live without asking for much and without needing much. Then when he sees his old friend Govinda he starts to hear the voice of the Om giving his soul life again.

    Night: Elie continues to try and help his father and himself survive because he is the only other family member that he has left. So he keep protecting him from the SS officers and the other jews that keep trying to take the only little things that they can take from the dead.

    3b). Siddhartha: he is starting to change his point of view and his way to think of things. He is trying to live a different way, all the opposite of what he was living. He said that he has to die in order to live again. After he awakes from his deep sleep he feels like he just woke up. He feels like he had just begun a new life. He is living just like he is living when he was a samana.

    Night: Elie is taking advice into consideration because his father is sick and dying. After he is he realizes that he could have done what others did but he didn’t care. Since his father died Elie noticed the death but he also noticed that he couldn’t do much to help his father. So he is seeing life in a different perspective and having fewer emotions to bring him down.

    3c). Siddhartha and Elie are both similar when Siddhartha realizes that he has just been “born again”. And he is living a new life different live than he had. Elie had just lost the only family that he had left. He is trying to find himself and a path in which to take and to go so he can live and see the freedom. They are both trying to live a new life and find the right path so nothing can go wrong.

    3d).Elie can learn that sometimes you’re going to have to let go of your past and live for tomorrow. Like Siddhartha he felt the need to let go of his old life and go on. Just because he lost his only family it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the whole world. It just means that he needs to learn to cope with pain and use it to go on in life and use it to make him stronger instead of letting it harm him. And this you help him mature and appreciate things that he has.

  31. 3
    In both books, Siddhartha and Night, the main characters both have ongoing things, whether they were memories or worries. Siddhartha had ongoing memories. They were about the kind of life he had. Siddhartha kept thinking of what he learned, forgot, lost, and gained. He kept thinking of how he forgot to wait, fast, and think just to gain what the children people had. In Night, Elie kept having ongoing worries about his father. Whenever a selection was over or anything happened, Elie would run to his father to make sure he was alive and ok. His biggest worry was during the train ride when his father fell into deep sleep and he had to struggle hard to awake him. These worries and memories are never ending.

    There are big life-changing change in the lives of the main characters of the two books. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha has to change his life. He went fro a poor samana to a rich dicer. He owned a sedan, a house, a garden, and a mango tree. He also had his own slaves to which he ordered what to do. It was like he had his own kingdom. He ends up leaving this life and goes back to pilgriming. As for Elie in Night, he has no one to depend on anymore. His father, the one and only person left to depend on, died. Now he must depend on what he has learned to survive what is left of the concentration camps.

    In these chapters, Elie and Siddhartha, are very similar, just in different sittuations. Elie ends up losing his father. He doesn't believe that he has any reason to live anymore. Siddhartha feels the same when he realizes that he is not who he used to be. He has destroyed what once was. Now Siddhartha must start a new life like a newborn child. Elie has to start and new kind of life without his father.

    Elie should learn from Siddhartha that you should move on with life even when things get bad. He shouldnt get discouraged at the closing of a door in his life, but he should look for the opening of another. Just like Siddhartha, Elie should not mourn much about the past. He should just try to start a new life today and worry about how his life will be tomorrow.

  32. Question A
    In the book Night, Elie is continuing on doing certain things. Elie continues to fight for survival and the memories of his father. His father has died due to giving up and losing hope of getting out of the concentration camp. Elie has been helping his father out, as in giving his father parts of food he gets and protecting him as he is being attacked. In the end, Elie’s father was still beaten to death. Elie continues to have the hope to get out of the concentration camp, but now he has to watch out for himself.
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues to think about where his life has taken him. When Siddhartha has realized that he was turning into someone he doesn’t want to, he approaches a river where he thinks of drowning himself. He falls into a deep sleep. As he awakens, he realizes himself as a different person where he is all new now.
    Question B
    In the book Night, Elie is changing. His father’s death was what really caused the huge change in Elie’s actions. Elie gave food and everything to his father, but he eventually realizes that his father would die one day. He decides to watch out for himself because he needs to survive and after all, his father has already given up. When Elie’s father dies, he is now alone. He has to now watch out for himself and tries his best to go through rough times in the concentration and to accept the fact that his father has passed away.
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is changing. Before, Siddhartha was a wealthy person and had everything. This made him gamble and do other things. This brought him to realize that he is becoming a person of greed or even a person he never wanted to be. For this, he decides to drown himself, but he falls asleep. When he wakes up, he realizes he has become a different person. This means that now he is a new person and he has changed.

  33. Question C
    In the chapters, Elie and Siddhartha are similar. Elie and Siddhartha are both becoming a different person and starting a new beginning. For Elie, he used to always stick around with his father and goes up and down with hoping to leave the concentration camp. Due to his father’s death, he now realizes he is alone now and he needs to help himself to live. For Siddhartha, he used to be a person and greed because he was wealthy. When he wakes up by the river, he realizes himself as a different person without the greed and isn’t that monster anymore.
    Question D
    Life lessons Elie could take or learn from Siddhartha from “By the River” is to “Let the past go, the future is what matters.” Although his father has passed away, doesn’t mean he can’t continue to live as a person. Elie can always start as a new person. Things must happen in life and sometimes we can’t control it, but we still have to continue on with life. There is still always a long way to go in the future.

  34. Question A:

    In Night, Elie’s father no longer wants to live. Elie continuously tries to help his father stay alive by giving him food. His father wasn’t given any food. When Elie’s father was asking Elie for water, SS men began to hit him. As he was being hit, Elie didn’t do anything to help his father. He didn’t want to get hit by the SS men, so he didn’t do anything. Elie’s father was taken to the crematory and Elie felt pain that he his father died and relieved that he no longer had a burden to deal with.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha thinks about his past and what he has done. He continues to think about and question his past; when he used to live in luxury and riches. But after Siddhartha tries to drown in the river, he feels like a new person.

    Question B:

    In Night, Elie has changed because he followed the head of the blocks’ advice. He was advised to leave his father and not give him food or care about him. He followed his advice and didn’t do anything when his father was being hit. The next day when his father was sent to the crematory, he didn’t feel any sadness, and yet he felt relieved because he no longer had a burden.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha has become a different person. When living in luxuries with Kamala, that lifestyle didn’t suit him so he left. Now he feels reborn and his life is changed. He’s now a different person and that’s going to be a big part and change his life.

    Question C:

    Elie and Siddhartha were similar when they both continued to live no matter what happened in their life. Elie’s father died and he continued to live. He didn’t grieve over his father’s death because his father was his burden, and without his father it made life at the concentration camps easier. Siddhartha left the lifestyle of living with luxuries and riches. Both Elie and Siddhartha have a new life now because in the end, Elie leaves the concentration camps and is free. Siddhartha has a new life now because he isn’t living in riches anymore. He feels reborn after trying to drown in the river.

    Question D:

    In the end of Night, Elie was free at last. He no longer had to deal with living in the concentration camps not knowing when he would finally be free. Elie had endure all that pain in the concentration camps, where as Siddhartha would just move on with his life. If Elie learned to live like Siddhartha did, he wouldn’t feel the pain and can easily move on in life no matter what happens.

  35. A

    Siddhartha continues to wonder what was the point of living the way he did. With the love, the fine robes, great food, being wealthy and having fragrant hair. He continues to feel the death inside of him. The death is what his past was. The wealthy life, and the life of the samana. He gave up thinking, fasting and waiting. Elie continues to look out for his father, to see that they make it untill the end. He still ontinues to give hope when his father is at his side. Although his father becomes very ill, Elie is there and continues to believe that they would make it out alive and togther.


    Siddhartha is chaning his views once again. He was on the path of a very nice and wealthy life, but now he gave it up. He did not approve of this, he was dieing inside from all the gambling and the riches. Now he has fully died inside, and he is beginning to start all over again. Elie as well is changing his views. His main objective was to saty with his father. But as he sees his father ill and with advice from other prisoners he begins to change. He sees that every one is racing to live. He is on this race alone. No father, brothers, sisters or mothers. When Elie's father dies, he goes through the change. Never thinks about his father and just wants bread, to live. He kept going. He was free.


    Siddhartha and Elie were alike when Elie's father died, and so did Siddhartha's inner soul. For the both of them, something was in the way of their right paths. When Elie's father died, he no longer had any worries. When he was alive, Elie's main worry was his father. When Siddhartha's soul died, it was gone for good. He no longer can go back to the life he had. He does not have to worry about leading himself to his previous life. Both characters do not need to worry.


    Elie could learn from Siddhartha to move foward. Yes his father, one who he loved the most, died but its not the end of the world. His Father was set free from cruelty. Elie's father is the same as Siddhartha's dead soul. You have to restart and go on foward.

  36. A:

    In the book NIGHT, Elie continue on living in the concentration camp with other Jews. He struggles to stay alive with his father because his father is his last hope of strength. His father tells Elie that his is going to be over soon and Elie wants to leave the concentration camp alive with his father. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha continues finding what he really wants to be or do. He lets nature take him where ever it wants. All Siddhartha has to prepare for his to face the next challenge of what might be next.


    In the book NIGHT, Elie has changed into a completely new person after the death of his father. Elie has to depend on himself to fight his way through the concentration camp. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha changed has much has Elie has. Siddhartha was a poor samana, though he has to start as a new person when he first left his family. Now, Siddhartha became very rich and owns a house, garden, etc. After the rich stage of life, Siddhartha decide to start a new life because he wants to fit in.


    In the books NIGHT and SIDDHARTHA, the two main characters, Elie and Siddhartha thought of a similar idea to solve their problems, death. Elie thought his death was imminent when he was in the concentration camp. Elie thought he have to suicide in order to get rid of pain and suffer. Similar to, Siddhartha thought he has to suicide to find inner peace.


    One life lesson Elie can learn from Siddhartha is to forget the past and move on with life. Elie should stop feeling melancholy after the death of his father and instead, find another source of strength. Elie can move on by thinking about the wonderful things he is able to do after he leaves the concentration camp and find ways to achieve that goal.

  37. Question: A
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues to find out what has he become. First he was a Brahmin, samana, & a rich man. He was on the verge to commit suicide in the river, but after repeating “Om” a few times he was awakened/restored. Then he encounters with Govinda who barely recognizes him & says he is pilgriming.
    In Night, Elie tries to keep things together as his father is gone. His father was his only hope & now he must continue to stay strong not with his family but on his own.

    Question: B
    Siddhartha is trying to change his whole life around after his downfall with the samsara game. After gambling countless times & learning about love with kamala, Siddhartha wants to live his life the way he did before all of this had occurred. He wants to keep away form the wealth & luxury he’d occupied & wants to start all over.
    Elie is changing by him becoming more of an individual other than being with his father now that he’s gone. Elie has to make choices that will benefit himself & moving on from his father passing was one.

    Question: C
    Elie & Siddhartha were both similar in the chapter where Elie begins to live independently & makes decisions for his own well being. Siddhartha begins to leave his past behind as he starts over and live a new life. So basically both characters are going to significant changes that helps their lives, starting a new page in their lives.

    Question: D
    The lesson Elie would learn from Siddhartha is a quote from Buddha “ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” This is trying to say that he must not think back of his horrible past but to look at his successful life now & to be happy to still be standing with all of the losses of family, hope, & faith.

  38. Question A:
    Each character has something continuing. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues to look for his future. He thought about his past when he used to be rich and had many friends. After he tries to drown in the river, he finally realize reality, and that he needs to face forward in life. In Night, Elie continues to live in concentration camp. He tries to prevent his father from dying. His father wasn't fed any food, and also had the thought of dying, but Elie tried to stop him and calm him down. Since the only person Elie has is his father, he didn't want him to die. Elie continues to do what he can in his own way.

    Question B:
    The characters are changing, by going through experiences and challenges they never faced. In Night, Elie's father's deaht caused him to change dramatically. Elie loved his father and wanted to save him from death at first, but then he realized his father would die one day anyways. He knew his father already gave up on life, so now he has to take care of himself, and stop worrying about his father. Even though Elie is forcing himself to try not to help his father, and try not to feel sad when his father is being killed, Elie still goes on with his life, only worrying about himself. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha changes. He used to live in a life following other's believes and living in a life of wealth. After he left home to try to find his own life, he realizes that this life was what he had been trying to find all along. Now his life and his way of life has changed, he also realizes he, himself, had also changed.

    Question C:
    Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they both found what they really wanted all along. In Night, Elie chosen to forget about his father and live on. He realize his father will soon die away, so he decides to walk his own path. He stops caring about his father, and tries to go on with life without him. Since his father has already given up on life, Elie decides to also give up on him, a nd live his own life. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha also finds his own life, he discovers the path he wanted to walk. He left home, and found a new home where he can live his own way, and not follow others. He decides to do what he can, and live the way he wanted, and not worrying about his past. Elie a nd Siddhartha are similar because they discovered what's the meaning of their lives.

    Question D:
    After his father's death, Elie would be in great pain, but if it was Siddhartha, he would tell Elie to move on with life. Elie can learn from Siddhartha that, the death of his father doesn't mean the end of the world, there are many futures ahead. Even if you have lost all the people dear to you, there is still a future and a new life ahead. Elie could move on because he accepts the fact that his father is dead, and the fact he has no loved ones anymore. He decides to move on even if it's painful. Since there are many possibilities ahead, Elie goes on with his life, and holds a story of his life to tell.

  39. A. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues to question himself. He keeps thinking about what experiences he has gone through. It made him realize who he was and what he wants to do. He decides to start his life all over again like a child. In Night, Elie continues to help his father survive. Without his father, he has no reason to keep living. He gave rations of his food to his father to help him get better but his father was too ill and died.

    B. Siddhartha has been through a lot of change. He experienced being a brahmin, a samana, and a wealthy merchant. But he left all of that. Those parts of him has died and he had lost everything he had. He is now going to start all over like a child. Elie has changed a lot after being in a concentration camp. To Elie, God did not exist anymore. He abandoned his beliefs. He was worked and tortured for so long that he looked like a corpse. People told Elie to abandon his father because his father is weak and doesn't look like he could survive. Eventually, Elie stopped fighting for his father when he was hit.

    C. Elie and Siddhartha are similar when they both lost everything they had. They had to start a new life alone. Elie knew his father was a burden to him and had to think for himself to survive. Siddhartha has to start a new life without wealth and greed.

    D. Elie could learn from Siddhartha that his life is only beginning. He shouldn't think of the past. You start over again once you've lost everything. Elie can take what he learned and use it to make his future better.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Question A

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha has left the wealthy town and continues to feel disgusted with himself until he wakes from a deep sleep and feels rejuvenanated. While following his own path, Siddhartha comes across his friend Govinda who is now a monk. After speaking with Govinda Siddhartha feels that his life is going downhill and he continues to find himself.
    In the book Night, Elie continues to struggle on the journey to the new concentration camp. When Elie and his father along with ten other men have reached Buchenwald, Elie's father becomes close to death and Elie continues to struggle to survive not only for himself but for his father too.

    Question B

    Siddhartha is trying to change the way he lived. He is trying to take his mind away from the wealthy lifestyle he has just left and he does this by falling into a deep sleep that makes him feel new again,"... and this very long sleep seemed to have been nothing but a long absorbed uttering of 'om,' a thinking of 'om,' a sinking and full merging into om, into the nameless, the complete and perfect. What a wonderful sleep this had been!" (page 80) This sleep refreshed Siddhartha and left him to continue on with this new life. Elie is changing the care he has for others. He listens to the advice of other men to let his father be even though he is dying. Elie does love his father but the hardship of moving from camp to camp has taken a toll on Elie and when his father did die it did not affect him as much as it should have,"I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could have searched the recess of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last!.." (page 112)

    Question C

    Siddhartha and Elie may be very differnet but in some aspects they are simliar. For example, both main characters continue to lose themselevs. Siddhartha has lost who he is because he had taken on the wealthy lifestyle that he is now trying to escape from. After the death of Elie's father Elie also loses himself in the simple fact that he no longer has a care for anyone except himself and how much food will be given to him.

    Question D

    A life lesson Elie can take from Siddhartha is to move forward with life no matter how
    tragic it may be. Although Elie's father has died he should not dwell on the past and he
    should keep moving foward to become blissful which is what Siddhartha would say. Elie can
    not control everything that occurs in his life but he can control how he deals with every obstacle and he should deal with it in a positvie way in order to become happy. Siddhartha at first when leaving the wealthy town was at a suicide state but once he fell into a deep sleep and woke feeling refreshed he wanted to take on a new life, he was "curious." Elie should take on this trait so that he too can move on with his own life.

  42. A:
    Both books, Siddhartha and Night, show that their main characters have something continuing. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues to go into a circle of life. He repeats all the steps he takes in life over and over again. He realizes that after wandering off from the child people and falling into a deep sleep, he feels reborn again. The new, happy life was the same feelings and thoughts he had when he was younger, before he joined the child people. “He had died; a new…he too would have to die someday” (pg 88, Siddhartha) He constantly renews himself, from Brahmin to samana, then to wanderer, then to being a rich man, and back to a new beginning as a wanderer. In Night, Elie continues to follow his thoughts for survival. He kept thinking about his father and figured out ways to keep them both alive until he died. After his death, he immediently let his father slip his mind and replace it with the only necessity now that will save his life, food. He constantly listens to his thoughts and ignores what others do or want to do, unless they deal with him personally. “I spent my days in total idleness…thought of my father or of my mother.” (pg 107, Night) These are the things that continue with the main characters.

    Both books, Siddhartha and Night, show that their main characters are changing. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha experiences different teachings and different ways to transform back to “new Siddhartha”. Every teaching he learns, he changes to a different person. After meeting Gautama, he became happier and a wanderer to continue his search of becoming perfection. Kamala taught him the pleasures of love, and Kamaswami taught him how to do business. After learning both these, he became rich, greedy, mean, and a child person. Then again, he realizes he is losing himself again, and needs to escape from samsara. He awakens from a deep sleep, feeling like a new man. In Night, Elie is a completely different person since he was sent into concentration camps. “I wanted to see myself…a corpse gazed back at me…never left me.” In the ghettos, he was a young boy who loved his family and believed in god. At this point, Elie hasn’t has a single thought again about his mother or sister, and when his father left, he never thought about him too. Elie has also given up his belief of god, stopped worshiping him, and went against him. He only cares about one thing now, and that is food. These are the changes that the characters experienced.

  43. C:
    During these chapters, Elie and Siddhartha are similar when they become a new person. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha falls into a deep sleep and wakes up feeling renewed. He felt something left him, and that was his old self and becoming whom he was when he was younger. He realizes that when he was young, being a Brahmin and samana that he was the happiest then. In Night, Elie changes from someone who cared about his father deeply to someone who doesn’t care about his father as much anymore. There was one point where his thoughts changed completely, “But at the same time…and only worry about myself.’” (pg 101, Night) When his father died, he didn’t cry, he only thought “ free at last!” (pg 106, Night) After the death, he never thought about his father again, only to survive with food. Becoming a new person is the similarity between Siddhartha and Elie in these chapters.

    At the end, Elie describes himself as a corpse, something dead. Elie could learn from Siddhartha that through all the tough times, you could always restart. Siddhartha comes from being greedy, dirty and miserable to a happy man again. He ignores what happened to him before and decides that he will not be like that again. Elie just needs to learn that it is his choice to choose when to move on, and to choose a new path and way to live life. To do this, he must not always cling onto the past and continue with his head held high for a new future. In conclusion, Elie would learn from Siddhartha, to let go of the past and to choose a new path away from it, like pressing

  44. Taneka Johnson

    A)In each book, describe what is continuing on for each main character.

    In each book there is something continuing on for each main character. For example, in Night, Elie’s father becomes ill and starts to give up on his fight to live, also, he faces major abuse from other inmates. His father’s situation causes Elie to worry and stress. Though, he continues trying to have hope in being able to keep his father, the only family he has left, alive long enough so that they can escape and begin a new/better life.
    In the book, Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues to think about his past and what is about to become of his future. He is ashamed of the acts he committed in his past life and is struggling with the person he has become. Still, he continues trying to find his true self.

    B)In each book, describe what is changing for each main character.

    There is something changing for each main character in these two books. For example, in Siddhartha, Siddhartha goes through multiple changes, from being a Samana to studying with Kamala. Now finally, he begins to find himself again in the end and change back into a different person, the person used to be when he was a young child. He changed from being a wealthy, upper class,non- caring person to being a person who cares about everyone and everything around him. He made the mistake in the past of not being able to be satisfied with his riches and higher class in life and hopes he does not make the same mistake again.
    In Night, Elie changes a lot. At first, he was a strong person trying to do everything in his power to help keep his father alive as well as himself. Now, he has been given some advice from people that he is taking into consideration. The advice is for him to focus on moving on without his father because, his father has grown too ill and is about to die, and the thought about his father growing ill is only stressing Elie and holding him back. In the end, his father does actually die. Though, Elie does not cry or feel at all saddened. He changes from a loving and caring person to a person who is only caring for himself and his survival.

    C)When, in these chapters, are Siddhartha and Elie similar?

    In these chapters, Elie and Siddhartha are similar when they both start a new life. For example, In Siddhartha, Siddhartha has to start a new life without his wealth and riches. In Night, Elie has to start a brand new life without his father and he starts losing his care for anything or anyone around him.

    D)Think about Elie at the end of the book. What life lessons could Elie take or learn from Siddhartha from “By the River”? How can Elie move on after so much pain?

    At the end of the book, Elie has completely transformed. He has lost all care for anything in the world including his father. The life lessons that Elie could take or learn from Siddhartha from “By the River” are that it is possible for a person to find true happiness in life no matter what their situation is. He can move on with his life and make the best of it, eventhough his father is no longer with him. He should still care about the people and things around him, and not stress himself about anything. Through all his struggles, he must try to keep a positive attitude. Elie can learn that somethings in the past just have to be let go in order for him to contniue on with his life peacefully in the future. His father’s life has ended, but a new life is about to begin for him. With these life lessons from Siddhartha, Elie can move on with his life even after so much pain.


  45. Question 3

    A- In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is continuing his journey. He continues walking around, going on the ferry to experience new things and to gain knowledge. In Night, Elie continues his journey in the concentration camps even after his father had died.

    B- In Siddhartha, after Siddhartha awaked from a long sleep, he suddenly feels as if he's a 'newer' Siddhartha. He feels as if he's a child all over again; rediscovering and learning. He also doesn't have the money he had before, and he doesn't have the beautiful clothing except the ones he's wearing now. In Night, Elie used to stand up and defend for his father. However, near the end of the book, he became heartless, and didn't care about his father getting beaten up anymore.

    C- Both main characters, Siddhartha and Elie consider the issue of death. Both want to die for a reason. Elie's reason was that he nothing was important to him or meant anything to him ever since his father died. Siddhartha's reason was, because he wanted to obtain peace.

    D- Elie could learn a lot from Siddhartha. Siddhartha had the power to move on; to become a 'newer' Siddhartha. And Elie would experience less pain if he could become a 'newer' Elie.

  46. Question A:

    In Night, Elie is at risk of loosing his life as well as his father’s life. The men from the work camp, as well as Elie and his father were being transported by train to another camp. Along the ride Elie had experienced hard times because no food or water was distributed to them. The only way he could eat was by fighting over the rations of bread that were thrown in the train by the passerby. However, the prisoners in the train would kill for a piece of bread; therefore Elie chose to not be a part of them. When they had arrived at their destination, Elie’s father wanted to give up on himself. Elie had to be strong and take full responsibility of his father. However, towards the end Elie’s father gave up on himself entirely. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is continuing to doubt the steps he has taken to where he is now. Siddhartha still continues to wonder where his Brahmin and samana self is. Siddhartha thinks to himself that he is a child once again because he is nowhere. He knows he is now nothing, not a Brahmin, not a samana, not a wealthy man. Siddhartha is continuing to be determined to start over again with his life and to be a normal self.

    Question B:
    In Night, Elie’s responsibility and consideration for his father is changing. Over the past time, Elie has shared everything with his father. Elie would share a ration of bread, soup and water. Also, Elie would advice his father in what to say or do in case of being taken away by the SS men. However, Elie was starting to realize he didn’t care much for himself, because he would share or give away his food to his father. Elie was advised by an older man to give up on his father because his father was already ill and would die soon. Elie’s way of mind started top change; he was now going to not share his food with father, so he can have more for himself, since he was still young.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha’s way of thinking starts to change. Elie had started off with being a Brahmin, then he became a samana, then he became a wealthy man, and now he is nothing. Elie starts thinking that his Brahmin beliefs are back in his soul. Later on, he bumps into his old friend Govinda and they both discuss their current points in life and past experiences. After his talk with Govinda, Siddhartha then analyzes his feelings and notices him a child, a child who knows nothing and is nothing.

    Question C: Elie and Siddhartha are similar when Siddhartha losses his old soul and when Elie looses his father. Elie’s father had given up on living, the he had passed away. Elie thinks to himself of what his life would be now, without his father. Elie thinks that he should leave behind his memories with his father to move on with his life. Siddhartha had lost his old ego which was combined with him being a Brahmin, a samana, and a wealthy man. Siddhartha then thinks he is a child, and that he should start over again with his life. Both Elie and Siddhartha have chosen to start their lives again, and leave behind their past.

    Question D:
    Elie can learn life lessons from Siddhartha’s experiences in “By the River.” In “By the River” Siddhartha bumps into his childhood friend, Govinda, they talk but continue on with their OWN lives. Siddhartha didn’t go back to Govinda, he moved on with his life. Siddhartha was determined to start over again and not forever leave behind his past. Elie should do the same. Elie should learn, that he has to leave behind his past with his father because it would get him nowhere in his new life. Elie should be determined to make his own life with his own self. A way Elie can move on after so much pain is to be dedicated to start over with his life and to dedicate himself to find happiness

  47. A. In the book Night, Elie continues to survive in the camps and he still feels responsible for his father. By the end of the book, Elie feels guilty after his father's death because he was silent when his father called for him as he was being beaten by an SS officer. Siddhartha is still traveling and trying to find his goal in life.
    B. Siddhartha is changing his view of life and his past due to his 'rebirth'. Before, Siddhartha was depressed and disgusted over how much he had changed. He was feeling suicidal until his spirit was awakened by Om. After his rebirth, Siddhartha started over again, realizing that he is capable of love and his past experiences that he was originally disgusted of made him stronger and wiser so he shouldn't try and forget his past. In the book Night, Elie was finally free from his father and the camp.
    C. Elie and Siddhartha are both experiencing change in their lives. At the end of Night, Elie's father died and he was finally free from the camp. Siddhartha also changed; he was fed up with his rich lifestyle and all the negative emotions that came with it so he left the town. He was going to kill himself when he heard Om and fell asleep. Afterwards, Siddhartha felt that he was reborn and now has another chance to start his life completely over. Both characters are similar because they are determined to have their future be completely different than their past.
    D. Elie should learn from Siddhartha that he is capable of moving on and surviving through anything. He can't change the past but he has control over the future and how he will continue living his life, even without his father.

  48. Question A -

    In Night, Elie has been Continually changing himself. Every hardship he faces means that Elie must push himself further to survive in this camp. For example Elie pushed him self to run miles for his survival, Elie Force himself to adapt to the extrema cold weather during the Winter, Elie must survived with out his loving father.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha realized and stated that he hated everything that he became. In The chapter Siddhartha would think back and he would see more faults in the past. He hates how he can't do anything to really change it because he has become too old. With all of this selflessness Siddhartha is in deep despair and continues to feel that way to the very end of the chapter.

    Question B -

    The biggest change that Elie went through was that he started to care more about himself then his won father. When Elie left his father in the the snow after roll call Elie did not(!), look for his father. The two (father and son) always stuck together but this time Elie started to change. He started to look after himself.
    The Biggest change for Siddhartha is that he went from being wise to being foolish to becoming wise again. During this chapter he is in the process of leaving foolishness and becoming wise. The change in that process is that he went from being very happy and rich to becoming homeless sad poor and Hungary!

    Question C -

    In the two books the main characters Elie and Siddhartha are very different but in the past few chapters they both are the same in one little way. Elie and Siddhartha hated they things they had done. Elie should have looked for his father instead of trying to fend for himself. Possibly finding him and bringing him to safety could have saved his life before his fever became extrema. Siddhartha hated the face he spent his entire life wasted away and now he is old and has nothing! If he would have stayed a Samana he would have still been happy and still live and active.

    Question D -

    I think Elie learned (at the end of night) that What ever life throws at you always keep fighting to live. Every aspect of life is worth living for what every hard ships you face you must move on and fine new things to help you live on to see the next day. As sad as Elie felt he should have learned that life is worth living for. Even after his father died Elie's spirit was still living. life was worth living for that's why he still living to day!
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha learned that time is very important. Sadly Siddhartha wasted many years gambling. But not his fun live is over and he gained nothing out of it. Now he knows but its too late for him.

  49. Question A
    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is continuing to ask himself. He questions himself about what he had done in the past years and why. The fasting, waiting, and thinking skill that he learned when he’s semana had all gone during his years gambling and drinking. He finally understands why he had to go through all the years wasting his life on wealth and power. Siddhartha found out that the ego that he had when he was young had die because in his years as a merchant, he had forgot how to be a semana. The ego was grown in his life as a semana and a Brahmin. But since he had forgotten how to be a semana, he can entirely kill his ego. Now Siddhartha asks himself what’s next in his life and what should he do.
    In the book Night, Elie was continuing to trying to survive. All he hopes is food and maybe can be free from the camps someday soon. Elie also did keep helping his father to live since he got ill and he was old. His father can’t even keep his own food and got abused by others. People had told him that gives up on his father and Elie should even take his father’s food so he can live longer. However, Elie didn’t, because his father is the only thing that he had left.

    Question B
    For Siddhartha, Siddhartha had changed by that he is trying to get use to the new life without luxury and money. He is trying to make himself think again about life since he had forgot how to be a semana during the years with money and women. Siddhartha is starting new like a baby because all he had done when he was young had washed away with the terrible years of gambling. But since the lifestyle of beginning rich was such a big part of him, it was really hard for Siddhartha to change.
    Elie had changed in the book Night, too. He had turned more independent since his father’s dead and he had no one to rely on when he’s sad or scare. Elie kept moving on with life after his father’s death. But if it was the Elie in few chapters before, he would had killed himself because he’s now alone.

    Question C
    Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they both are starting a new life. For Siddhartha, he needs to give up the luxury life and go back what he was again because he was done with killing his ego. He felt dead and reborn and fresh as a child. He had forgot how to be a semana and the skills of fasting, waiting, and thinking are all gone for him, so he had to start new. For Elie, his father died and he now had no one. He had to be independent and start to think for himself.

    Question D
    In the end of the book Night, Elie had suffered a lot and had move on with those pains. Some life lessons that Elie could learn from Siddhartha from “By the River” maybe starting new again no matter when. Siddhartha had to start new after all his journey as an immigrant and a semana because he had wasted his time gambling. However, Siddhartha was reborn and he started new as a child. Elie would have learned the lesson that he had to move on in life and never give up. You can always recover from pain by doing something else to forget about it. Especially Elie is in the camp having so much other stuff to think about. By forgetting the pain, Elie can always start new and move on.

  50. Question A:
    In the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha is continuing on, on the memories of his past and of what he had done to be at his state, thinking under a coconut tree by a river. He was thinking of suiciding and dying, having the end of his life. In the book Night by Elie Weisel, Eleizer is continuing on with the sufferings of the concentration camps, and taking care of his dying father, continuing on being slaughtered bye the SS officers, and suffering from hunger and the snow.
    Question B:
    Throughout both books Night and Siddhartha, both characters are slowly changing. In the book Night, Eliezer is slowly changing, in the terms of his thoughts. After seeing what the rabbi's son did to his father, Eliezer swore that he would not do that to his own father, leaving his father on purpose so his father won't be a burden to him. But throughout the journey to Buchenwald, and of what the head of the block told Eliezer, changed Eliezer's thoughts. He had a spare of thought of abandoning his father, and letting him die. Like what the son of the rabbi did. The rabbi's son purposely separated from his father, because he thought that his father was going to be a burden. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is also slowly changing. After he realized he was wrong, giving up all the good things that he had for luxury and wealth. He started changing, he was awakened again. He says that he had chose the right path and he wasn't wrong at all. He had to go through all the suffering, because he had to make that samana inside him dead, so that his true ego will show. " seemed to him now that he had been so ill earlier because he had been able to love nothing and no one" (Page 71). He starts to love everything he sees, and he starts to love everyone he sees.
    Question C:
    Throughout both books, both characters, Eliezer and Siddhartha were very similar. Both characters had a spare thought of dying. Eliezer wanted to die because he thinks that after the death of his father, what is going to be the purpose of living anymore. Siddhartha wanted to die because he thinks that he is living in a life of misery, and he had done nothing that was even close to his goals. He thinks that he should end his life also because he think he lived a shameful life. Both are also similar because they were both also awoken to their true selves. Siddhartha realized that the path he chosed was right all the time, "...losing himself into pleasure and power, in women and money.....until the priest and the samana inside him were dead" (Page88). After this his true ego that was hidden in his priesthood was revealed. Eliezer on the other hand, after going through the harsh conditions between life and death situations. "The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me" (Page 109). He realized that he hadn't changed from the beginning.
    Question D:
    Some lessons that Eliezer can learn from Siddhartha is that, you can live a new life, start from the beginning again, when you want to, and if you can gather up all the strength to do so. Siddhartha had been awakened many times, and the last time he was awoke, he lived a very happy life, a life full of loving, loving everything in his sight. Eliezer, after the death of his father, he can be like Siddhartha too. To gather up strength and start a new life without his father, prove to his father that he is living a good life, and that his father can rest in peace.


    In Siddhartha, the main character, Siddhartha has went through a long journey of trying to be a samana and learning everything on his own. His result was that he forgot about his family he forgot to love, and he ended everything right back in the begining, as he started his life, as a child! He realized what he did was for nothing, because it was foolish and it brought him nowhere. In the book Night, Elie was going through rough times. He tried his best in helping his father from giveing up, and dieing. His father was getting weak, and he got sick, so he could not stay alive, especially because the doctors did not care for themand knew they were allready going to die. So Elie`s father died.


    Siddhartha`s change is that as he goes through a village and lives there as a working wealthy man, then he runs away from it to end up where he started, as a child. Elie`s change was that in the beging of being in the concentration camps he was weak and scared of what would happen to him and his father, then his father helped him to be strong. Then his father got weak and Elie had to start taking care of him, and after he died, Elie did not care about death because he does not have his famiy anymore.


    Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they both come to a thought of death. When Siddhartha goes by the river he wants to let the fish and crocadiles eat him. Elie thinks of death after his father dies but then they are also similar because they get over it and keep living their lives.


    Elie can learn from Siddharha that expieriences can most definitly be bad, but you cant allways keep it inside you, you must let it go and start over. If you do not let it go then you will continue to want death.

  52. A: In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha continues questioning what he's done for the past few years living in luxury, with women, and being very wealthy. He continues to feel something dying inside of him, what's dying for him is his past life where he only knew how to think, fast, and wait, when he was a Samana. He doesn't know what else to do until Govinda comes to him and just by seeing him, he's starting to come back into realization. Also hearing the Om is reviving his soul.
    Elizer in Night continues to try and help his father survive because it's all he has left. He's trying to keep his hope alive to have a future with his father where they can both escape this horrid place alive. He's also being downed by the SS officers and other savage Jews as usual. Elie is just struggling for survival of himself and his father.
    B. In each book, describe what is changing for each main character.
    In Night, many things change for Elie. He begins to lose hope for his father and has a driven to survive. Also, his father dies and all he does is listen. In the beginning, Elie was dedicated to help his father to get better. As the chapter continues, people convince Elie that his father will die and to stop giving him his food. Elie begins to only think about his survival and loses hope for his father. Later on, his father begs Elie for water and couldn't hear the SS officer. His father was beaten and died, his last words being Elie. Elie changes and has a drive to survive and for the first time is independent due to his fathers death.
    In Siddhartha also changes by losing his past lifestyle. He became a person he never wanted to be. Siddhartha left town and went by a river. He thought about his past lifestyle and thought that he could never reach nirvana for all the sins he committed. Siddhartha looked at the river and wanted to kill himself. Hearing "om", he suddenly was awakened and stopped himself. When he sleeps under a coconut tree nearby, he feels reborn. Siddhartha changes from something he never wanted to be, the person of his dreams.
    C: Elie and Siddhartha are similar when they are both on the brink of death. When Elie is on the cattle car and Siddhartha is running to the river and they both feel that they are dying. They are both similar when they are turned away from death. Elie is turned from death when the Armies of the U.S and the USSR come to liberate the camps. Siddhartha is turned from death when he drowns in the water and remembers om from his childhood.
    D: Elie can learn from Siddhartha about the way of life because by doing something similar like Siddhartha can cause himself less pain since he can live on even without his father. He won't feel shame and pain if he lives on like Siddhartha.

  53. A new door has opened for both Elie and Siddhartha. From this point on they can continue on with their lives as they please. Elie is now free and can live his life how he chooses to since he no longer has the restrictions of a prisoner. Also Siddhartha has found peace within himself. He has his life ahead of him and no longer feels depressed or wishes to die.
    The main character in each book is experiencing a change within himself as well as his lifestyle. Siddhartha is no longer a part of any group. He is a new person and no longer falls under the category of the “child like people”, Brahmin, or even a Samana. He feels free since he has realized the brain wash is undone. His ego has died and he feels brand new like a child and now he can live as he pleases. On the other hand Elie is finally free from the torture he has been put through. The American troops found them and he can now live his life in peace and not have to follow all of Hitler’s rules.
    Siddhartha and Elie are similar in the sense that they were both miserable at one point and then finally experienced what they have been waiting all along for. At first they were both unhappy with their life. Elie hated life at the concentration camp and Siddhartha was disappointed with himself for the life he had lead for so many years. When the American troops came into the camp and when Siddhartha realized he had to go through everything he did in order to kill his ego they both felt hope. They had hope to live they were finally free. Siddhartha found a freedom within himself and Elie a more physical freedom. There is no longer anything holding them back.
    Elie would probably learn from Siddhartha that the things you experience have shaped the person you are today. Everyone goes through hard times you just have to learn from them. Elie did and is experiencing pain but he has to sit down and realize what he has benefited inside from this. He is now a stronger person and has learned not to let things bring him down. He has frown up so much through camp life.


    In Night Elie is still being tortured, and being forced to do things by the germans. They were continuing there journey from camp, to camp, and suffering. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha was continuing to find himself.


    In Night Elie’s father dies. He loses all of his spirit, and hope. Finally he was rescued by the Americans. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha wanted to commit suicide when he saw his face in the water, but then he heard the word “om” and suddenly something just changed inside of him he had lost his ego, and just became a new person.


    During these chapters Elie, and Siddhartha were similar in the way they lost hope, and were brought back. Elie had lost his hope when his father had died, but he regained it when he was rescued, by the Americans. Siddhartha lost all his hope when he saw his reflection in the water, and was about to commit suicide, but when he herd the word “om” something died, and something was born inside of him. This is how Siddhartha, and Elie are similar during these chapters.


    Elie could learn the lesson of leave the past in the past, only think about the future. Siddhartha shows this lesson when he was thinking, about his past, and everything he done he has to do it all over again, because he is at the starting point, even though Siddhartha knows this, he takes it as a challenge, and smiles. This is a lesson that Elie could learn from Siddhartha.

  55. A. In the book Siddhartha, siddhartha continues to travel on towards a goal. In the book Night, Elie continues to think about his survival and his father's. His father was on the verge of dying any day. Elie wanted to help his father but it was no use because nothing could save his father. There was no cure for his father and no doctor could help him. Elie continues to think about his memories from the concentration camps at the end.
    B. What's changing for Siddhartha is that he realized his wealth overcame him. He let his riches change him. Siddhartha noticed this and he wanted to change this. Elie is changing because he realizes that he has to survive without his father being around. He tried all this time to keep his father in good health and to take care of him. Elie changed because when his father died, Elie did not shed a tear and he started to look out for himself, even when his father was alive.
    C. Elie and Siddhartha are similar because they both become a different person. Siddhartha fell asleep under a tree for a couple of hours. After he had awoken he felt like a total different person. He felt that he had changed. Elie became a different person because he started to care about himself and not his father. When Elie's father called out Elie's name, Elie didn't respond. Any other time he would have responded but Elie became a different person and started to care only about himself.
    D. Elie could learn to find happiness in life no matter what their situation is. He should be able to move on with his life although his father died. By doing this, Elie would learn not to deal with the pain in his life.

  56. question a- In Night Elie begins to start changing and losing part of himself. His father begins to get sick and Elie attempts to make him feel better. Elie gives his father half of his rations to help him feel better. His father begins to have mental problems and is only able to talk, never hearing anything Elie or the SS officer says. Elie is begining to lose hope as he's trying to take care of his father and himself. Elie hears his fathers last words as he is killed by a beaten from an SS officer. Elie's struggle and determination to take care of his father died within him and his desire to survive consumed him.
    A part of Siddhartha was lost as well. Siddhartha became a greedy man who only wanted wealth and power. He left town to change his bad ways and regain his old true self. Siddhartha reached the river and attempted to drown himself, thinking he committed every sin. Before he did Siddhartha hears "om", which awakens a new part of himself. Siddhartha then sleeps under a coconut tree and when he wakes up he feels new and reborn. That day, Siddhartha became a new person.
    question b- In Night, Elie’s responsibility and consideration for his father is what is changing Elie. Elie would share all of his rations with his father. Elie would help his father in what to say or do with the SS men and Elie was starting to realize he didn’t care much for himself anymore because he would give away his rations to his father. Elie was told to stop helping his father by an older man, to stop taking care of him because he will eventually die. Elie’s decided to not share his food with his father, so he can have more for himself to surive. Siddhartha’s way of thinking starts to change. Siddhartha went through many transformations in his life, he was a brahmin, then he went to learn the ways of the samanas, then a wealthy,greedy man and now hes starting to change and reawaken his old self. He starts thinking that his old beliefs are back in his soul. He bumps into his old friend Govinda and they talk about their life and old expierences. After his talk with Govinda, Siddhartha thnks about his life and how hes messed up and ruined it.
    question c- Elie and Siddhartha are similar when they both go through transformations in their life. When Elie loses his father he changes and starts to think about himself and whne Siddhartha is about to drown himself in the river he also changes and looks at life in a new perspective.
    question d- Elie can learn to let go and forget about his past problems. He should learn to forget the old and start the new like Siddhartha did when he entered the river and woke up under the coconut tree. Elie should wake up and forget and move on with his fathers death. He needs to do this to leave behind all his pain

  57. Question A
    Even though the books are ending, some incidents are continuing. For example; when Elie looked in the mirror for the first time since the ghetto, he said he will never forget it meaning it still remains in him. Siddhartha’s search for himself and what he will become is continuing for him just like it has been for the whole book. Their stories may have ended, but some parts will live on.

    Question B
    In each book, Elie and Siddhartha both have something changing for them. Elie finally was freed from the concentration camps and had a whole new life ahead of him. Siddhartha stopped his old life and started a new one, with a new Siddhartha. Many things change throughout these books, but these are major turning points for each character.

    Question C
    Elie and Siddhartha are fairly different, but in these chapters they have one thing alike-- they both have to leave someone close to heart. Elie had to let go of his father who has been with him throughout the concentration camps when he died. Meanwhile Siddhartha, even though briefly, had to let Govinda leave and go back to his fellow monks. Each character had been with someone they loved and had to leave them.

    Question D
    Elie would learn from Siddhartha that even if you love that person dearly, you need to let them go if they want to. Siddhartha wanted his dear friend Govinda to stay longer with him when they met, but he knew that Govinda wanted to return to the Buddha. Elie would learn from him that he should have leave his father on the floor when he said he couldn’t go on , so he can spare him some torture. If Elie was with Siddhartha, he would learn this moral from his actions.

  58. A- In the book Night Elie must continue on with life and with the past that he has been through. All the bad terrors that happened, now has him dramatized. He and his father must now live a new life with the memories of the rest of the family. In the book Siddhartha he still is going on and trying to find another life a better one, one where he knows in his heart that he belongs.
    B- The changes made by the characters were both sort of unexpected because In the book night Since Elie’s Father is sick he has to keep strong enough to be able to survive 4 both and since he was losing his faith he has to go back and find it. The changes made by Siddhartha were to be strong enough to stop himself from doing the things that he used to and that he knew what was wrong.
    C- Siddhartha and Elie are similar because both of them still are trying to find happiness. Both still seek for all kinds of new knowledge because the world is now different. Elie has to now fine how to live in this new world without having to remember the past as well as Siddhartha.
    D- Siddhartha can teach elie to be happy by making him remember to forgive and forget because just like he should do everyone has to learn that life goes on and no matter what You are still living.

  59. Question A:
    Elie continues to help his father survive. His father has elped him through these camps so he is still needed. His father is all he is in this world so he still wants their future to be there. There is just a huge struggle to survive for the both of them. Siddhartha is still questioning about himself and his decisions. The path he chose and what he left behind.

    Question B:
    Siddhartha is starting to change his way of thinking.He is trying to move away from the luxury life and go back to how things were. Again he wanders to find out who he exactly is.
    Elie has been convinced by others and himself that what he is doing to save his father's life isn't working.That he must go on and that his father's death doesn't mean as much as it would have if he still believed in God.

    Question C:
    Both Siddhartha and Elie are similar in the way that they are in new parts of their lives. Its another new section in their lives that they are continuing. Elie's father has passed and Siddhartha decided to go on and keep trying to find himself.

    Question D:
    There are many things Elie can learn from Siddhartha. For instance,Siddhartha might tell Elie that everything he's been through in the camps is just an experience that will always be in him and that the death of his father is tragic but he can't have that stop him from living. The death of his father should be a sign to move on and to become stronger so he can go on alone in his life.

  60. A.
    In Night, Elie must thrive to survive alone since his father is gone. He continues to fight on for the front is getting closer and closer to there aid.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha thinks about his past decisions and learns about the bad choices he has made. And he wants to start new again.
    In Night Elie is finally free. The The American Army has come to the rescue. Elie's prison is taken over by the Americans who then try to help and save all the prisoners in the conectration camp who have suffered.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha falls into a deep sleep and wakes up as a new man once again. Siddhartha wants to start a new pilgramage. He wanted his life to fill back up with joy and not wrongful decisions.
    C. I think Elie and Siddahrtha are both similiar in these past chapters becuase both of them have basically started off new. Elie is a free man out of the concentration camps as well as the other prisoners. And Siddhartha wants to start all over again being a better person. They both also try to look back at their decisions in the past.
    Elie can learn from Siddhartha that you can always start over no matter what happened in the past. Theres always space for a beginning. And Elie needs a fresh new start after what has happened. And by starting over Elie just grow stronger and stronger.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. a) In Night, Elie continues thinking of the past memories in the concentration camp. When he saw two kids fighting for money the lady was giving out for charity. He told her to stop. Siddhartha continues looking for what he’s really searching for using experience.

    b) Elie is changing how he cares for people. When Elie’s father was facing death, Elie would forget that he even had a father. After the Blockalteste advised Elie to stop giving his ration of food to his father, Elie was listening to him and agreed with what he said. He didn’t feel pity for his father or sadness. Siddhartha is changing to a mind of a child. Siddhartha wanted to leave the wealthy life he went through. Soon he found something new and it was to reborn.

    c) Siddhartha and Elie are similar in many ways in these chapters. Both Elie and Siddhartha mentioned death. When Siddhartha was wandering through the forest, he felt as if he was dead at heart, not knowing himself. Elie always think of when death reaches. After Elie’s father’s death reach, he didn’t care about anything.

    d) Elie can learn from Siddhartha to let go of the past and to think on the bright side. Everything has already happened so just move on with life. Start on with a new life.
