Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Finish Night and read "By the River" in Siddhartha by August 5th

1. Do spiral work for each chapter when you finish Night and read "By the River" in Siddhartha by August 5th

2. Choose your own research topic.
3. Blog by August 5th:
a. In each book, describe what is continuing on for each main character.
b. In each book, describe what is changing for each main character.
c. When, in these chapters, are Siddhartha and Elie similar?
d. Think about Elie at the end of the book. What life lessons could Elie take or learn from Siddhartha from "By the River"? How can Elie move on after so much pain?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chapter 6 in Night and Samsara in Siddhartha: Due July 27th

1. Complete spiral notebook work for each chapter
2. Define symbol. Give example from each book.
Define turning point. Give synonyms.
3. Blog Entry
  • Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation.
  • Here are two quotes from these chapters that show a similar theme:
Elie says on page 82 "not to feel anything..."--that there are "two entities- my body and

Siddhartha explains on page 75 that" he was frightened and his heart ached as if...he
thrown away all value and all goodness. Inside him, he felt, something had died."

Both are close to death and have reached a turning point. What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man.
  • What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sorry it's late!!! Due July 21st: Kamala and Amoung the Child People/Ch 5 of Night

  1. Read Kamala and Amoung the Child People in Siddhartha and chapter 5 in Night
  2. Research topics: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur- Day of Atonement, Kaddish, cortesan, Vishnu, Lakshmi, merchant
  3. Spiral notebook work as usual
Blog questions:

  1. EQ: How do humans explain the world? Explain how three of the main humans (Siddhartha, Kamala, Elie, his father...) in each chapter would explain the world.
  2. What would Elie say to Siddhartha when Siddhartha indicates that it is good not to love (65)? Would he agree or disagree at this point? Explain.
  3. What would Elie say to Siddhartha about Siddhartha's journey and experiences at this point?
  4. What would Siddhartha say to Elie about Elie's journey and experiences at this point?
  5. In a short paragraph, describe each main character in these chapters. Is there anything that is common or similar about Elie and Siddhartha at this point (beliefs, ways to deal, circumstances..)? Summarize your explanation.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chapters Four: Awakening

1. Complete spiral work for each book for chapter 4.
2. Research topics: Kapo, SS men, Aryan, gallows, forced labor camp, air-raid siren
3. Blog questions due by July 13th on this blog:

a. Describe how Decision Making is a theme in these two chapters.

b. Explain how each main character is "awakened".

c. Describe through the books the assumptions different groups/types of people within the books have about:
1. power
2. authority
3. law

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Second Assignment Questions due on blog by July 6th

Hints for posting: Be sure to have a gmail email account. Once you put your post in the comments box, be sure to choose "gmail" from the drop-down menu. Then submit. Sometimes you have to try it three or four times before it goes through.


1. In Global 1 and 2, you saw governments that were individual-based (monarchy) and also collectively-based (Greeks). Explain how each book shows the struggle between making decision for the individual versus making decisions for the collective (whole group).

. What decisions did each main character make about his situation based on the collective? Were they good decisions for each of the main characters?

3. What decisions did each main character make about his situation based on his individual need? Were those decisions beneficial or harmful?

4. Explain how Madame Schachter and Buddha are similar.

5. Describe the similarities in how Elie and Siddhartha react to Schachter and Buddha. Do you feel their reactions were beneficial?

6. Why do they react this way? Explain separately for each character.