Monday, July 6, 2009

Chapters Four: Awakening

1. Complete spiral work for each book for chapter 4.
2. Research topics: Kapo, SS men, Aryan, gallows, forced labor camp, air-raid siren
3. Blog questions due by July 13th on this blog:

a. Describe how Decision Making is a theme in these two chapters.

b. Explain how each main character is "awakened".

c. Describe through the books the assumptions different groups/types of people within the books have about:
1. power
2. authority
3. law


  1. Question A.

    Decision making is a theme in both books of Siddhatha and Night. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha's decision was to leave behind his friend Govinda, fellow men who would have been monks with him, the samanas, the Oh so perfect One(Buddha). He left them and had to pay the price of being alone, that was the only negative consequence for Siddhartha. Although this decision allowed him to now be "Awakened."
    In the book Night, Elie's decision of this chapter was to keep his Golden crown and lie to the Germans and the dentist. His consequence for his poor decision was later, his crown was taken away anyway and for nothing but a beating. He was whipped several times by the German officers for lying to them. Thats how decision making was a theme

    Question B.

    Siddhartha is awakened as now he is alone and he's realizing what he has left behind and what is in front of him for the future. He's leaving his previous life behind him and he's starting a new one, so to speak. He's taking all he has learned and leaving himself behind for the future.
    Elie is awakened when he sees the Germans hanging the 3 people on the rope to be hung. One of which was a little boy who managed to live even though he was hung. He struggled and struggled until he had died. Elie realized that the Germans had no heart, they didn't care, there's no true God anymore to some of the people around him as they all witnessed this little kid die. He has become a man now, he witnessed all he needs to know, he has been whipped and seen death, Elizer is awakened.

    Question C.

    In Siddhartha, people respect power as they are apart of Brahminism which is a branch of Hinduism. Power to the Brahmins is important as they have castes. Siddhartha was at the top with his father as he was very wealthy as the rest of his family. Siddhartha thinks power is meaningless. It hasn't fulfilled his life being a prince so why should power matter to siddhartha? He thinks it's nothing to him. Authority deals with power in this book but it matters to Siddhartha. Power is nothing as he has givin it up to find his enlightened path in life but authority is something he assumes people have it in them. He had authority over his father when he said that he was going to be a samana and he was respected. Siddhartha and the rest of the Brahmins through the book is really just based on respect. If you give respect and you recieve, you have authority and people see it as a good thing( this also goes with Gautama Buddha and his followers). Law in Siddhartha hasn't been seen much but the assumptions are that they are already in order with power/authority that laws aren't seen as much. They are all very peaceful people and it hasn't been seen but to assume it isn't very much needed

    In Night, Jews practically have no power once their town of Sighet was invaded by the Germans. They assume to have none and that Germans have all the power because of all the cruel things that are being done to the Jews. Elie has no power, he knows it but he thinks he has superious in the German officers because of the power placed upon them. Authority which is connected with power is given to leaders or SS officials. Jews thinkg that Germans have authority and you should respect them. Germans to Jews believe they are worthless and you should just spit on them as they have no respect. . . no authority. Laws are enforced in the consentration camps and if you break them, you'll be severly punished by being whipped or by getting hung. Everyone assumes the Laws are enforced for a reason and they should be respected, respectfully.
    All in all these 3 are all intertwined with each other and relate in many similar ways. Each book assumes and sees them differently but they are there within the pages of the books.

  2. Question a:

    Decision making is a theme in these two chapters because both characters goes through a point where they must have to choose what they believe is right for themselves. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha makes the decision of going on his own path, where there’s no teachers & and no teachings. This final decision of Siddhartha awakens him on who Siddhartha really is. But then this decision also makes him realize that he is alone. So he no longer goes to his father, no longer home, basically no longer back.
    In Night, Elie made one decision that seemed to help him a little throughout the chapter 4. A dentist ,A Jew from Czechoslovakia, summoned Elie to remove his gold crown. Elie didn’t want him to do this, so he made a wise decision to lie about his physicality and say he was sick. The dentist let him off the hook several time as every appearance of Elie would come with the same lie that he was sick until the dentist was brought to prison & hanged. This decision would make a drastic turn as he gave his gold crown away for food that didn’t last long.

    Question b:

    Chapter 4 shows how both characters is awakened, has a sudden recognition of who they are. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha ponders to himself and comes to the attention that he is no longer a youth, he has become a man. He realizes that he has left something that has accompanied him thought his youth & that was the wish to have teachers & to hear teachings. He continues to have thoughts like him seeing that he was afraid of himself which was the reason to why he knew nothing of himself. So then as he breathe a deep sigh of relief, he comes to another thought that he will no longer start his thinking &and living with Atman and the suffering of the world. He will learn from himself, and that’s where is awakened and starts a new start in his life, to be more specific he has begin his life anew.
    In Night, Elie was awakened at the near end of the chapter where he witnessed three men being hung. Usually after several people were hung. Elie would mention that the soup tasted better than before, but not this time. A man behind Elie repeatedly asked “Where is God?” while they were forced to look at the child who was still moving while being hung from the rope. So his awakening would be the his faith/belief that his creator, God, is no where to be found while him & his surroundings are being put through tremendous torture.

    Question c:

    The assumptions that types of people had for power in Siddhartha was that it is an honorable force to have upon yourself while having faith in this religion. Being a Brahmin consists of power so everyone has to assume it’s a great responsibility to have. As for Siddhartha, Power is something that he doesn’t want to be put upon himself. Therefore his reason of going alone and leaving his past of teachers such as The Buddha.
    The assumptions for authority is similar to power but the change is that Siddhartha had the authority to make those decisions he went with & didn’t let even his father tell him otherwise. Lastly the assumption of law would be a demand to follow so that continues off to where I stated about authority & power. Siddhartha would assume this isn’t great for him since the law of a follower is to listen to the teachers and live with the teachings which puts a gap in his life.
    In Night, The Germans assume that they have all the power since they have control of the Jews which are insignificant to them. The Jews assume they have no power because of what is occurring. Authority would be for the SS officers, Lageralteste, & Lagerkapo that assume the Jews must obey every demand or request they have. Lastly is Law from the power & authority the Germans have to keep the Jews stable or they would pay a serious consequence, Death.

  3. Question A

    In chapter four of each book, "Night" and "Siddhartha" the main protagonist faces a handfull of decisions where chosing the right choice didn't always seem like it at first. Each character had to go through there own stride of personal growth in order to live on and see what was in store for the future. In "Night" Ellie's innoscence is torn away from him and he's forced to grow up and become a man into a world most cruel then the one he was just ripped away from. On one of Ellies decisions, Ellie was forced to give up a gold tooth of his that could of come in handy in the future, but left with the choice of seeing his father beaten daily or handing the tooth over, Ellie finally gave in. In "Siddhartha" Siddartha is left with the choice of continuing on his quest for nirvana but by himself. If he continued he would have to go alone, for his best friend decided to stay and learn from the reknown Buddha. Siddhartha made the decision of continuing on by himself and finally growing up to see the world through his own prespective, and not through the presepective he had been taught to see. Through these decisions Both main characters face the theme of decision and make decisions on there owns.

  4. Question B

    In both books, especially in chapter four, each character goes through a series of events eventually leading to there own awakening. Faced with many problems and constant let downs, each character is forced to leave the world he was so use to, the dream world, and enter reality, a reality merciless to anyone and everyone. In "Night" it is safe to presume almost all of Ellie's childhood innocence has been destroyed but still, some remains. With constant beat downs, and murders in front of his eyes, Ellie is forced to become a man and go through his own awakening. Ellie witnesses several people get hanged right before his eyes, Ellie also gets beaten and in this chapter even whipped for something so simple. Through these inhumane processes Ellie faces his own awakening, before his time and becomes a man. In "Siddhartha" Siddhartha makes a manly decision of continuing on in an unknown journey by himself, with no ones help but his own. Siddhartha decides to leave his best friend behind because Siddhartha feels he does not need a mentor, or any kind of teachings. Facing questions against himself, and why he could never appreciate a teacher, Siddhartha faces his own awakening and discovers that to reach nirvana he would have to do it himself, without the help of anyone but himself. Through this new realization Siddhartha begins to see the world through his own perspective and not through the perspective of anyone else, which he had been doing all this time. Through decision making and the world around them, each character faces his own awakening and continues on in life as a new being.

  5. Question C

    in each book many statements and demonstrations are made to display several different aspects of control. Many other characters in each book display there control through power, authority, and law, using all three as there right hand in complete control of others or themselves. In "Night" the German officers basically abuse these rights in order to control the Jewish inmates, through instilling fear through these three aspects, they have won complete control. The German officers use there power to give commands, such as roll call in getting the Jewish inmates to line up outside, and tattooing them with permanent marks forever destroying there past identities. The German officers state there authority through having the Jewish inmates locked up, through displaying there rank each officer has higher authority then kapo's or block leaders. When ever the officers desire something, things always go in favor for them, displaying there authority. Through law, each officer keeps his control, the law is the fundamental structure through a German officers authority and power. Certain example of law are displayed in chapter four of "Night", for example when inmates are convicted of something, an officer would always state "according to law" and if it lead to a death penalty then it would be served. In the book "Siddhartha" not many examples are displayed of these three key points of control but there still are. When Siddhartha chose to leave the samanas, Siddhartha displayed acts of power in pretty much controling the oldest samana to make them leave. The oldest samana was completely against it but when Siddhartha stared into his eyes his mind soon changed. With acts of power being displayed acts of authority would soon follow. Siddhartha had always stated his authority and when he and Govinda went to see this Buddha, Siddhartha remained with his authority even stating a fault of the Buddha. With these acts of control in perspective, Siddhartha had shown his control, and Ellie had faced control from others, and that how how, power, authority, and law are displayed in both books.

  6. Question A
    In the book Night, decision making is a theme in this book for many reasons. One of the reasons was when Elie's gold crown was going to be removed by the dentist. Elie made many excuses for not taking away. Then someone found out and they forced him and took it away from him in return for nothing but a terrible beating. Also another moment was when Elie made the decision to help his father march, because his father didn't know how to. Lastly was when the French girl helped him and told him to hold his anger. Elie listen and did what she told him to do. Elie didn't want to get beat up again by Idek.
    In the book Siddhartha, decision making is a theme in the book, because Siddhartha had to choice between many things. One of them was not to follow Buddha. Siddhartha was not unable to understand his teachings. Also when he let his friend Govinda follow Buddha. Siddhartha also told him his self that he would follow no one else but himself. He will be his own pupil. Siddhartha made the choice to go to the world alone. Siddhartha was going to find Nirvana alone.
    Question B
    How Elie is awakened was when he saw three people being hanged in front t of his eyes. He could not believe that people were being killed for some rash reason. He was truly awakened when a boy was hanged and he was still fighting death to live. One person would say "where is God now?" (Page 62). Elie was beginning to see that the Germans are evil and heart less for killing people for no reason. He was starting to think that there is no God watching over them.
    For Siddhartha he is wakening by the way he sees the world around him. He is awaken because he is alone and has no one on is side. He is awakening that he is not going to follow the Buddha and his friend is. He is not a young one but a man. He is going follow his own self and reach nirvana alone. He is starting a new life and leaving his past away to reach his goals.
    Question C
    In Night, there is power between two groups of people. One example was when the Jews were not in control and the Germans were. Power is always an issue in these types of situations. Another concept of power was when Idek would beat up people like Elie and his father. Authority was also in the book. One of the first examples was when Elie wanted to study cabbala. But his father didn't want him to study it yet because he was too young. When the Germans were taking Jews out of their home to the concentration camps, the Germans had complete authority over the people. Another authority was when the dentist was going to take gold teeth out of their mouths. Another one was when Idek was with a Polish girl in a mattress half naked and Elie saw and laughed. Idek grabbed him and beat him up. Idek right there had authority over Elie. There is also law in this book. One of them was Elie got beat up for not minding his own business. There were laws that you can't escape, if you do then you died. Also force labor when they forced the Jews to work for nothing for return. Another one was when the Germans had to feed the Jews.
    In Siddhartha there was power in the book. An example is that the Brahmin is the highest caste in the caste system. They rule almost everything. But for Siddhartha it doesn't really mean anything for him, it doesn’t give him something in return. There is also authority in the book when Siddhartha wanted to follow the samanas and his father said no. His father had authority to let Siddhartha stay with them or leave. But later on, Siddhartha leaves because his father let him pursuit his goals. There are laws also in this book. One of them was that Siddhartha listened to father and didn't take off without his permission. Also when he learned to do so many new things that was required to be a samana. Both of these books show power, authority, and law.

  7. Question A
    Decision making is a theme in these two books. In the book "Siddhartha", Siddhartha had made a decision to leave the samanas and not follow them. With him making this decision, he lost his friend Govinda. In this chapter, Siddhartha realised he wasn't anything. He wasn't a priest, he wasn't a brahmin, and he wasn't ascetic. Siddhartha chose not to go home and not to go return to his father. In the book "Night", Elie's decision was to keep and lie about his gold crown that the dentist was willing to pull out and keep. the dentist had wished to pull out Elie's gold crown, but Elie chose to lie to him saying he was sick. The dentist believed him and wanted to see Elie again. Elie went to the dentist for a second time, still feeling "sick." After that visit, the dentist was put into prison and hanged for stealing prisoner's gold teeth. But since Elie still had his gold crown, Franek (the foreman) wanted it. Eventually Elie's gold crown was stolen from him with nothing in return for it. Elie's decision in this chapter was to keep his gold crown and not let anyone have it until Franek took hold of it. For this, Elie witnessed what the Kabo was doing while there was no work on Sundays and made prisoners go to the warehouse, and ultimately got 25 lashes for this. Those were the decisions in these books.

    Question B
    In the book "Siddhartha", Siddhartha is "awakened". He is awakened because he realized he was nothing. Siddhartha was afraid of himself and he was trying to find the Divine One (Atman). But while doing this, he "lost" himself in the process. Siddhartha realized he was lonely and did not want to return back home or return to his father. In the book "Night", Elie is "awakened". Elie was awakened when he saw all those people being brought to the gallows to get hanged. Elie realized these SS men were disturbed. He called them disturbed because they had no heart and they hung a young boy. The SS men forced the prisoners to watch them be hung and then to stare them into their faces as they were dead. Elie had to look a young boy who was still alive on the rope about to die and realized these people just had no heart. This is how these two characters were "awakened".

  8. Question C
    In the book "Siddhartha", the people who have the power are the the Brahmins and the Buddha. They are powerful because everyone listens to to the Buddha. Also the Brahmins are the highest caste system. Buddha had power among everyone because many people listened to and believed his Teaching. The book also shows authority. It shows authority because Govinda had his own authority and chose to leave Siddhartha. govinda eventually became a monk. He had authority over Siddhartha because he chose to do something that Siddhartha wouldn't think he would do (to follow his own path and not Siddhartha's.) This book also has laws involved. It shows laws because in the beginning when Siddhartha wanted to leave for the samanas and his father said no, Siddhartha said that he had always obeyed his father. It shows that Siddhartha never went against his father's word and followed what he had said to do.
    In the book "Night", the people who have power are the Germans. They had control over the Jews because they placed them in concentration camps and made them work. They had power over them and its shown because people were being whipped for not following orders and/or doing something wrong. The book also shows authority. It shows authority because the Germans made these people do work. Whatever the Germans said, went. If someone did not follow orders they would be whipped. If someone did something completely wrong, they would be hung. The SS men (germans) would force the prisoners to watch them be hung and stare them in the face as they were dead. This shows how the Germans had authority over the Jews/prisoners. The book "Night" also contains laws. It has laws because the prisoners did whatever the SS men/Germans told them to do. This was basically a law because no one wanted to be whipped or hung. The prisoners tried to follow this "law" as best as they could have.

  9. Question A

    Decision making is the main theme in both chapters of the book. Siddhartha faces decision making throught the book. Siddhartha decides to leave his family and join the samanas, as well as Govinda. They both also decided to leave the samanas and go on a journey to hear the teachings of the Buddha. Siddhartha's last decision, seen in the past two chapters, was to go on a journey alone to have experiences to reach nirvana. This is the first time in Siddhartha's life where he is being separated from his best friends, Govinda, and he sees that for the first time he is alone and is scared. Decision making is also seen in the main character in Night, Elie. Elie also makes many decisions that influece his life. He dcecides to go behind his fahters back and learn kabballlah, he decides to lie about his age, and the most important in this chapter was following the leader of the barrack. By making this decision, he had been beaten about twenty-five times and kocked unconscious. Both of these decisions lead to the characters reflecting on their life. Siddhartha saw taht he was the only person that was alone. Govinda and his father were not alone, only he was. Elie decides to follow the leader, which lead to him being beaten. These decisions had negative effects on the main characters.

    Question B

    In this chapter, both characters are "awakened". Siddhartha, while walking on his journey, reflects and notices that he has no loger been a boy, but rather has grown to be a man. Siddhartha also realizes that everyone he knows is not alone, but he is. This scares him and he decides to continue his journey and to avoid the topic. The main character, as well as the townspeople, were "awakened" in this chapter of Night. One day, during roll call, bombs were dropped on the camp, bringing hope back to the townspeople. The raid had lasted a half hour, but the people wanted it to last longer. The townspeople saw the fear in the guards and saw that help was on the way. During their whole time in the concentration camp, the townspeople lost hope and believed that they would be stuck there forever. Seeing the bombing, it "awakened" the townspeople, including Elie, that hope was on the way and to keep their faith. This "awkwakening" was both a postitive and negative experience for ELie and Siddhartha.

    Question C

    Power, authority, and law are clearly displayed in these books. In Siddhartha, he had both power and authority. The people admired him and being a Brahmin only helped his reputation. Being adored by the people and having this popularity, Siddhartha had power and authority. The only law seen thus far in Siddhartha was the caste system, being a part of Hinduism. Siddhartha loses power, authority, and law when he left his family. Siddhartha, in this chapter, displays no power or authority because he was, for the first time, alone. Power, authority, and law are seen throught every chapter in Night. The townspeople were powerless to the Germans and were taken to the concentration camps. The leaders of the barracks as well as the guards had power and authority, their words also being law. Elie sees the leader with a young girl and is beaten repeatedly. The leaders and guards had authority, power, and their word was considered law. Power, authority, and the law are the central theme of these two books.

  10. Question A

    Decission making is evident in both books because in the book Night you see a decission being made durring the Air-Raid. When the decission to steal some soup was made by one of the prissioners is decission making for the individual and his decission helped him die on the spot. A Decission made in Siddhartha was made by Siddhartha himself and that was to find his own path and to get to know himself through himself. Siddhartha also made the decission to leave Govinda. His decissions were wise because he is now free to find himself through himself.

    Question B

    In Siddhartha he is awakened by realizing that he is free of past teachings and of his ties to his friend and family. He now knows that he can find himself within himself which he did not know before and he now feels re-born into life. In Night Elie is awakended by the real threats of the war and what he is going through. Elie sees how Idek one of the head Gestapos is torturing the prissioners and the danger that is arround them at all time. They both know now what they did not know before and in terms are now awakeneded.

    Question C

    In the Book Night we see how the Germans are asserting their power and authority over the prissioners at the concentration camps. They use authority and power to force them to work in the warehouse and to stay in line. The version of laws that the Germans have would be work and you won't die, no work and you will die. In the book Siddhartha we see power through Siddhartha himself in how he has the power to leave everything in his past life behind him. He also shows authority by telling Govinda that he will not follow him and Buddha. There realy are no laws in Siddhartha because everyone is free to find their own path.

  11. A

    In The books Siddhartha and Night there are many decisions to be made. Siddhartha has made many decisions. He has decided to leave his father, joing the Samanas, leave the samanas, follow the buddha, and then leave both the buddha and Govinda. He did not agree with the Buddha, he was a thief. the buddha stole his friend Govinda but as also gave him Siddhartha. Siddhartha now sees that his path is in no ones hands but himself. In the book Night, Elie's decision was to lie about feeling sick to keep his crown. He kept lieing to the dentist and eventually he kept the crown. Later on, the crown was taken from him. Another decision was to not go out for the soup. One man decided to go and had the consequence of death becuase of the American Air raid going on between that time. That is how decision making is the theme.


    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha has basically awoken from a dream. He takes a look at his past life with his father, the samanas, govinda and the buddha and finally awakens. He is on the start of a new path within himself, alone as well. Everything that has happened in the past is nothing but a dream. He is awake and is ready to move foward, not backwards. In the book Night, Elie is awaken as he sees with his eyes, the three people being hung. As Elie is watching the execution, he hears the man behind him say "where is god?". But as the men are hanging of the ropes, 2 of them die instantly, except for the kid. AS the kid hung there in pain, slowly dieing Elie awoke to see that god was there, on the gallows. That is how they awoke.

  12. C

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha had power. Born into a Brahmin family automatically gave him power. A Brahmin has a high spot on the caste system which made him and his family respected. With all that respect there comes power. In the book authority came when Siddhartha asked his father to become a Samana. At first his fathher siad no, and Siddhartha waited outside. Then when his father said yes, that was when Siddhartha was able to become a Samana. With the Law, people obey each other. The people of the towns and villages don't seem to hate each other, instead there is peace in the air.

  13. C

    In the Book Night, the Germans have all the pwoer. Since the Jews are in the concentration camps and are defensless, it makes the germans powerful. The jews have no authority in the camps, The German SS men so since they can easily beat and frighten the Jews. The laws that the Germans have set must be followed when in the Conectration camps. if not followed, The jews who break them could be executed, beaten or whipped.

  14. Question A
    Decision making is a theme in these two chapters.In Siddhartha,he had to decide to change and start a new life and ti teach himself.In Night,Elie had to decide if he wanted to give away his crowned tooth to Franek.It could sometime be useful one day when he needs food or sell it for money.
    Question B
    Each main character is awakened in these chapters.In Siddhartha, he is awakened when he discovers that he was losing himself but he knew he had to start a new life that fit him best.In Night,Elie realizes the penalties are really cruel and that basically nobody is safe.
    Question C
    Siddhartha was full of power because he was able to leave everything behind to start over.Elizer had to follow laws and have authority take charge.One law was not to meddle in peope's affairs.By the authority the person found meddling would be whipped 25 times,like Eliezer did when he spotted Idek and the girl on a mattress.


    Decision making is a key theme in both chapters. For example, in Siddhartha, Siddhartha decides to live his life anew and to see the world in his eyes and not be blinded by the beliefs of others. He realizes that he has been immune to the world around him and he decides that he will no longer be the same person that he once was. In Night, Elie and the other Jews are transported to Buna, where Elie is told that he will be brought to a good unit. . . for a price, which would be his shoes. Over the course of this journey, Elie has lost his pride, his dignity and his self-respect. He has lost his family and has lost contact with any of them, except his Father. He has lost all materialistic possessions and his shoes are the only reminder of the home that he once had. Elie decides not to give them up, not even for larger rations of bread. Nothing can make Elie give up his shoes, they just help him remember the times before the Gestapo. He refuses, but only to get them taken away from him, but this time, in exchange for nothing.


    In each book, the main character is “awakened” in some way or another. For example, in Night, Elie is awakened by seeing the harsh world of the Gestapo around him. He wakes up to the danger and suffering and wants to do something about it. He cannot bear to see his peers treated like they are animals. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is awakened by opening his eyes and realizing that all his life, he has been living, seeing the world through others eyes, not his own. He realizes that he has been living his life, believing in others beliefs, not his own. He ponders the fact that there is a world outside what he has been taught and he himself can follow his own path, not somebody else’s.


    In each book, there are many assumptions based on power, authority and law. In Night, for example, POWER is shown by the extreme brutality and strength of the Gestapo. Basically whatever they say goes. They hold a great amount of influence and their actions, as well as words affect the Jews mentally, as well as physically. Elie’s religious decisions are a prime example of the German’s power. AUTHORITY is shown when the German’s express their “discipline” by beating and whipping the Jews for their wrong actions. LAW is shown when the Gestapo explain the Jews the rules of the labor camps. When the rules are broken, the soldiers show the consequences to the Jews, which goes back to authority. In Siddhartha, a prime example of POWER is Buddha. Buddha teaches his people the path to self-fulfillment, as well as the road to end suffering. He holds a great amount of power and influence over his people. Whatever he says, they believe. A prime example of AUTHORITY is Siddhartha’s Father. His Father is a figure of authority in Siddhartha’s life, which explains why Siddhartha informs him of the change he wants to make in his life and his decision to join the samanas. LAW is not really shown in Siddhartha, as Siddhartha really has no law to follow. He is the complete opposite of Elie, having control of what himself.

  16. Question A :

    Decision making is a theme in these two stories. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha and Govinda will go on there own paths. Siddhartha realizes that he has been “ awaken” and that he is not a priest, a Brahmin, and an ascetic. But what Siddhartha does know is that he is Siddhartha and won’t be anyone but himself. His decision is that he will go out to the world and find Nirvana by himself. In Night, Elie made a decision that he was not going to give up his gold crown teeth to the dentist and he kept lying to the dentist, but then at the end his decision cost him a lot he got it taken away and a terrible beating.

    Question B :

    Each character is “awakened.” In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is “awakened” because he realizes that he cant go back to what he was being a Brahmin, and a samana, so he must start a new life. In Night, Elie has been “awakened’ because he saw the youths being hanged by the gallows and realize that that could be him and the SS men are nothing but heartless people.

    Question C :

    The power Siddhartha had was that he was born to be Brahmin. A Brahmin were the highest in the caste system and had great responsibilities. Siddhartha’s authority is that he had with his father to join the samanas. Siddhartha has not shown law in the book, but in Night, Elie has shown law. An example is that in the concentration camp he must follow the laws the SS men give him or not he will be killed and whipped. The Germans have the authority and power over the Jews in the camp. The Jews are controlled by the Germans.

  17. Question A:

    In both books, decision making was a major theme. It was a major theme because the decisions that they made impacted them greatly. In Night, Elie refused to give up his gold crown. Lying to the dentist twice saved his gold crown from being taken away. Franek also asked for his gold crown but Elie wasn’t given a choice and his gold crown was forced out of him. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha made the decision of leaving Govinda by himself to learn with the Buddha. Leaving Govinda was a life changing decision since they always stuck together. Making that decision led him to become the person he is. He is also closer to reaching nirvana.

    Question B:

    Siddhartha becomes awakened after leaving Govinda. He felt as if he was reborn into a different person. He realizes that he doesn’t need anyone to help him reach Nirvana and that he can reach Nirvana on his own. Elie becomes awakened when he sees the victims of the Nazis being hanged. He sees how cruel they can really be and becomes awakened by it. He is awakened because he realizes that they are inhumane and no one is longer safe, anyone could be the next victim.

    Question C:

    In Night, the Nazis have all the power. Elie and the other Jews don’t have power to rebel against them. Rebelling against the Nazis might lead them to being hanged. The Nazis also hold all the authority. They basically control everything in the concentration camps. To the Jews, whatever the Nazis say is law. They have to follow the laws or pay the consequences. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha’s father was a Brahmin. Brahmins are the highest class in the Hindu caste system and they have all the power. With power comes authority. The Brahmins have authority over people and make the laws that they follow.

  18. Question A
    Decision making is a main theme in both chapters. In the book Siddartha, Siddhartha has to make many different decisions. Siddhartha decides to leave his family and join the samanas. Siddartha and Govinda also decided to leave the samanas. Siddhartha's last decision which was seen in the past two chapters, was to go alone to experience reaching nirvana. For the first time Siddartha is finally seperating from his family and friends and branching out on his own, he is now scared and alone. Not only is decision making shown in Siddartha, but also in the book Night. Elie the main character of night, makes decisions that have a impact on his life. First, Elie went behind his fathers back and he learned Kabballah and then he lied about his age. In the past chapter he made an important decision to follow th leader of the Barrack. This had a impact on his life because this caused him to be beaten and unconscious. Showing that theme is an important theme in these two chapters.

    Question B
    The main characters of both Night and Siddartha are awakened in these chapters. In Siddartha, Siddartha realizes that even though he had left his family and friends, he had to start a new life that fit who he was. In Night, the main character Elie discovers that penalties are harsh. That is how the main characters of these two books were awakened.

    Question C
    In both Night and Siddartha, many assumptions are made based on power, authority and law. In Siddartha power is shown when siddartha has the power to leave his family and friends to better his life for himself. He also shows authority by ordering Govinda not to follow him. In Night, the Germans have power and authority over the people suffering in the concentration camps. They make them work hard and suffer. Showing power, auhority and law in Night and Siddartha.

  19. Question A
    Decision making is a theme for both books. In the book,"Night",Elie made the decision to not give up his gold crow to the dentist, so Elie decided to fake a sickness and the dentist let him go. This decision he made shows that he didn't want to give up his valuable possesion, which at the time Jews could not own any valuables. Elie thought his gold crow could be used to buy food or even time for his life.
    In the book,"Siddhartha", Siddhartha made a decision to leave Govinda and go to somewhere where he could learn and change, but he had a conversation with the Buddha as he was about to leave and realized he shouldn't learn from others to complete his thirst of knowledge, but to learn about himself and to become his own pupil.

    Question B:
    In the book,"Siddhartha", Siddhartha has "awakened" when he realized others couldn't fill his thirst of knowledge, but only himself. He had become his own pupil.
    In the book,"Night", Elie has "awakened" when he sees a execution in progress of Jews. Elie had seen many hangings, but none of the victims ever cried, the fear of death was even greater than sadness. He realized that God isn't going to save them and bring peace, rather they had to survive by themselves and deal with the cruelty of the Germans.
    Question C:
    In the book,"Night", power is shown in the German army. They forced Jews into concentration camps and made each day of their liveshorrible. Some Jews were killed because they could not work. Babies were the likely target of death because they were weak, powerless and of no use to the Germans, so the babies had to be annihilated. Authority is seen by the German soldiers have the authority to control the Jews and make them do whatever they desire. The Jews had to follow laws that the German army stated and if they broke these laws, the penalty would be death.
    In the book,"Siddhartha", power is seen when the samana elder didn't want Siddhartha to leave the teachings of samana because he had not completed it. This shows the samana elder has power over his pupils. Authority is seen in the book by Siddhartha's father had authority over Siddhartha's life. Laws are seen in the book when Siddartha had to follow the teachings of the samana and accept their way of life. So basically the samana belief has a set of laws you have to follow in oder to be in the path towards being a samana.

  20. question A

    Decision Making is a theme in both books. In the book Night on page 52, " father crouched under the blows...I was thinking of how to get farther away so that I would not be hit..." Elie saw his father being hit by Idek but yet instead of helping his father, Elie decide to stay away as far as possible from the fight.
    In the book Siddhartha on page 36, "...I will learn from me, from myself, I will be my own pupil..." After parting from Govinda, Siddhartha realized that he never known himself.His decision was to not be tought by any other teachings he will be tought by himself.He decide to learn from himself not other teachings.

    question B

    In the book Siddhartha in page 36,"...I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing brighten his face and a deep feeling of awakening..." Siddhartha had been questioning himself after he left Govinda, and finally came to one solution: he knew nothing of himself is because he was afraid of himself. He realized that only he can teach himself.
    In the book Night on the last few page in chapter 4, Elie witness the hanging of three people. He awakened when he realized that there was no god to save them. That's why the prisoners all asked "where is god" when they witness the child hanging.

    question C

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhratha started out as a Brahmin. Brahmins is the highest caste in the caste system, and since Siddhartha's a Brahmin, he have alot of power and people in the lower caste respect him. In the book Night, there's a power difference in the concentration camp. People like Idek have the power to beat the prisoners and no one can stop him except his superiors.
    Authority is seen in both books, in the book Night the German soldiers use their authority to control the Jews. They even have death penalty to those who dare to disobey their law. Authority is shown in the book Siddhartha. When SIddhartha wants to be a samana,he asked his father's permission showing his father's authority over Siddhartha.
    Law is shown in both books. In the book Siddhartha, law is seen when Siddhartha follow the teachings of the samanas when he decide to be a samana. Law is also seen in the book Night. There are law and rules the Jews have to follow to survive in the concentration camp. If the Jews disobey these rules or laws they will recieve strict punishmentsand death penalty.

  21. Question A

    Decision making is the theme of the chapters because both Elie and Siddhartha's decisions had effected them in most of the chapter. Siddhartha's final decision to leave Govida and follow his own path had lead him to becoming something he always wanted to be a Samana. This have him motivation and became what he wanted. Elie's biggest decision in in this chapter was lying to the dentist when he wanted to take out his golden tooth. Elie lied to the dentist and said he wasn't feeling so well for a few weeks. Then the dentist was killed and Elie forgot about the teeth. But later on in the story the commander wanted his tooth but Elie refused but then Elie was beaten and lost his tooth. Later on in the story he walked in on the commander (who already disliked him)and he threatened his life and whipped (X25) Elie unconscious. His decision wasn't the best but it was a big deal during this chapter.

    Question B

    Both Characters have "awakened" in the chapters in the book. Elie lied to the dentist and he use his surviving skills because he needed his tooth the eat! and Siddhartha finally achieved to become a Samana! The two characters have both grown through the hard ships and decisions they made.

    Question C

    In Siddhartha people respect to powerful humans, for example when Siddhartha and Govida mett the sage. Siddhartha always assured that he wasn't disrespecting him after he heard his speech. Siddhartha also respects authority, like when he wanted to become a Samana he asked his father and didn't defile his word. Laws in Siddhartha don't really show but I'm sure that they all are civilized and 100% human.
    In Night Elie respects power but he must or it will end his life since the Germans will take his life at any moment. Authority is also respected once again all the Jews are forced to do everything the Germans say! Laws are also deal with night must laws are do or die for the Jews. Mainly the higher Germans tell that the lower Germans what to do and the lower Germans tell what the Jews to do.

  22. Question A:
    In night, the Germans made it clear that any gold or valuable objects must be given up. ELie had disobeyed this since he had a gold crown in his mouth. One of the officers noticed it and made him go to the dentist to remove it. Elie came up with countless excuses to the dentist to prevent it from being removed. In the end, it was taken out and he was rewarded with a beating. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha made a very difficult decision. He decided to go upon his own journey. During this journey, he figures out who he really is. He is alone in this world.

    Question B:
    Both the main characters in Night and Siddhartha are awakened. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha realizes that he left so much behind. He is now alone and can't go back to those who stood with him throughout his beginning years. In Night, Elie has experienced seeing death and dealt with excruciating pain. He has become aware of how cruel this world can be.

    Question C:
    In Night, power was a very big thing. Germans were full in power. They had complete control of the Jews. They forced the Jews to concentration camps to do labor work. Authority is very similar to each other. The Germans had all the authority. The Jews could do nothing to stop them. And for law, the Jews had to do everything they were told by the Germans or else there will be consequences.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha took matters into his own hands and was able to use his power to decide on going on this path. Siddhartha shows authority when he decides to go on this journey and tells Govinda not to go with him.

  23. Question A
    In Night and Siddhartha, the main characters have made their own decisions which make decision making a theme for chapter 4. Siddhartha decided to not follow Buddha’s Teachings but Govinda had decided to follow the Teachings. Siddhartha decided he’ll be his own pupil in his own path. One decision Elie had made on his own was lying to the dentist, saying he was sick so his gold tooth wouldn’t be pulled out but it was taken afterwards.
    Question B
    Siddhartha and Elie have been “awakened” during this chapter. Siddhartha was awakened by figuring out how his method of learning was wrong. He decided to learn from himself and learn to love and study the world rather than think poorly of the world. He is also awakened after he noticed he is alone; he left his old life as a Brahmin for his new life. Elie was awakened after seeing the deaths of others, especially a young kid who was hanged but still lived trying to survive the hanging.
    Question C
    People have assumed different thoughts of power, authority and law. In Siddhartha, power is seen in Siddhartha. He used to be a Brahmin, the highest ranking cast in the Hindu system. Siddhartha used to have power and authority. Everyone loved him. Being a Brahmin was thought to be the best because one would have power, authority and was able to maybe defy law by money. Elie and others were confined by power. The Nazis used fear and their power against Jews for their own purposes. The authority came from the power they received from fear. Laws were made at the concentration camps. If they were to be broken, the punishment will be death.

  24. Question A:
    In Night, Elie have to make decisions in order to survive in the camp like the time when he tries to keep his gold crown from taken away and he has to lie his way through. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha chooses his own way of living after he went through all these troubles with loosing his friend and leaving the semanas.

    Question B:
    In Night, Elie awakened by learning how to make decision of making himself survive in the camp. Like when he try to keep his gold crown for as long as possible since everyone want to get like the dentist and the officer. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha awakened by choosing his path and he knows that the way he learning is wrong. All these time he has been lonely after all this problems.

    Question C:
    In Night, the Nazis have the power over the Jews and get to order them around and do whatever they want. Since they have the power, they might as well have authority as well. Law is whatever the Germans say and if you don't follow you receive punishment. In Siddhartha, powers goes to the highest class which is the Brahmins and with power, you will have authority. Semanas have to rules for Siddhartha and Govinda to follow when they are there and that is basically like Laws.

  25. Question A

    Descision making is an important part of chapter four in both books. In Night many decisions were made. Elie decides to not let the dentist get his golden crown. He wanted to save it for something important in life. Also, when Elie gets beat down by Idek the French girl tells Elie to calm down in German even though nobody knew she spoke the laguage.

    In Siddhartha there are some decisions made too! Siddhartha decided not to follow the Buddha and started to leave. As he was walking he decided to be himslef and not leave his ego. When Siddhartha continued to ponder deeply into his thoughts he wondered what he was going to be? What will he do? He continued to walk but, not to his fathers house.

    Question B

    The main characters of both books have been awakened during chapter four. Elie has been awakened by the hangings. There was a hanging of three people and one was a child. He then had his eyes opened and he saw what was happening to his people. Siddhartha has been awakened while walking away from his friend Govinda and the Buddha. He realizes that nobody's teachings can teach him what he wants. Siddhartha discoveres that he learns best from himself and he is his own teacher.

    Question C

    Power, authority, and law are conveyed in the two books. In night the Germans had the power to get the Jews out of their homes and to go to concentration camps. Authority is shown when the Germans shave of the Jews' hair and tattoo them. There is law in the concentration camps. It is "Work makes you free." In Siddhartha Power is shown when Siddhartha was a Brahmin. That is the highest class in the Caste System. Authority is shown when Siddhartha stood up all night when his father didn't let him leave. Siddhartha didn't do anything. Law is shown because Siddharta didn't want to do anything before he had permission of his father

  26. Question A

    In books, Siddhartha and Night, they both include the theme of Decision Making. Main characters, Siddhartha and Elie constantly make decisions throughout the chapters. Siddhartha had made the choice of leaving his friend, Govinda behind to experience and learn on his own. Elie made choices of staying with his father, and lying to the dentist so he was able to keep his gold tooth.

    Question B

    After Siddhartha left Govinda and had spoken to the Buddha, he became 'awakened'. He started questioning about many things, but he also saw his surroundings become 'real'. He noticed the colors and he noticed the rivers, and other resources. Elie becomes 'awakened' when he continuously saw others dying from being hanged.

    Question C

    In Night, the Germans have the power and authority to order the prisoners around at the camps, and the prisoners can't do nothing about it. There were also laws Elie, his father, and the other prisoners had to obey. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha was born with power, because he was the son of a Brahmin.

  27. A:

    Decision making is a theme in NIGHT, was when Elie told lies to the dentist in order to keep his golden crown. He thought that he might need the golden crown later in the future. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha decided to leave Govinda in order to start a new life and learn more about himself. By doing this, this would lead him closer to nirvana.


    In the book NIGHT, Elie is "awakened" by realizing what danger he is in. Elie now can see how cruel the Nazi has become. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha is awakened by realizing that he had changed his way of living. He does not need anymore to help him reach nirvana.


    In the book NIGHT, Nazi had taken over the Jewish people. Nazi can aggressively use power and authority to control the Jews. What ever the Nazi says, its a law, if the Jewish people does not follow it, they would suffer harsh consequences such as being hang to die. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha is allowed to do anything freely without anyone to stop him. Siddhartha's father is a Brahmin, has a lot of power and authority. He can tell people what to do and make laws for others to follow.

  28. Question A
    Decision making is in both of the books. It's a theme because both of the characters go through a situation where they have to make their own choice or someone makes the decision for them. According to Siddartha the book SIddartha had to make his decision and his final decision was going on his own journey. According to Night, Elie's chose to make excuses so that the dentist wont take his gold crown away.
    Question B
    In Night, Elie was awaken when he witnessed three people getting hanged with his own eyes. He then doesn't think that the Germans are evil and bad because they were heartless enough to hang people for light reasons. In Siddartha, Siddartha was awaken when he went on his own path. He left his past behind and continued to reach Nirvana.
    Question C
    In SIddartha, the ones who has power are the Brahmins and Buddha. Buddha is powerful because people listen and follows to what he says. The Brahmins are powerful because they are among the others, they are the highest caste system. The book SIddaratha shows authority because Govinda chose to go on his own and not follow Siddartha.It has laws involved because Siddartha never went against his father and he follows his demands. In Night, the ones who has power are the Germans. They had control over the Jewish people. The book shows authority because the Germans got people to do what they say. It also contain laws because whatever the Germans say is like the law, and if they don't follow the orders they get punished.

  29. Question A:
    Decision making is a theme in both books because in Night, Elie decides to lie about not feeling well so he wouldn’t get his gold crown removed from his tooth (pg49) because he wanted to save it so it would help him buy something someday. He could’ve gotten in a lot of trouble and could have been faced with harsh consequences if the dentist wouldn’t have been arrested for conducting his own business (pg50). Elie was in between deciding whether or not to lie so it could help him in the future economically; he took the risk in lying although he still got his crown taken in the end from Franek for nothing because after a few nights the Poles went to another camp, he lost his crown. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha decides to follow his own way and continue on finding himself, he left his own teaching, Hinduism and the samanas as well. He decided he learn from himself because he’d become both his own teacher and student as well (pg36), he wanted to get to know himself. He made the decision of leaving beliefs he’s tried before to learn more of Siddhartha, whom he is.

    Question B:
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha “awakens” when he realizes that he would become both his own student and teacher because he says it was his own ego’s meaning what he really wanted to learn, so he abandons all the other teachings and follows his own. In Night, Elie “awakens” when he sees the person getting hanged for the first time, he says the soup tasted great that night yet when the young boy, The Oberkapo’s pipel, out of the three being hanged, still remained alive after the chairs were removed, he says the soup tasted like dead people that night and not great like the last time he saw someone get hanged. He realized the boy was competing against living and dying which was more painful because he died slowly. What he saw and based on how he felt about the person affected the way he felt afterwards.

    Question C:
    In the book Siddhartha, power is shown through the caste system. Siddhartha, born into a Brahim family is very powerful because he lies under a powerful class, although he does decide to leave such rank on the caste system, he used to be part of a powerful class which has power over the other social classes. Authority is shown in the book at the beginning when Siddhartha requires his father’s permission in order to go on his journey because his father being in charge of him, his permission and authority is necessary, he has to make the decision of letting his son go on this journey before he actually can go. But later on Siddhartha decides that he wouldn’t follow any path but his own, which shows that he brought the authority upon himself to do so because he realized that he wanted to learn more of himself. The assumption of law in Siddhartha, are that the people whom have the most power have the ability to make and follow law. Siddhartha’s father’s word is an example of law because what he said was what went. Siddhartha didn’t go off until his father said he could. He made sure he was able to go and he was allowed to because his father allowed him to. On the other hand in Night, the assumption of power and authority combine as one because the Nazis believed that they were above all and the Jews didn’t have the right to be free. They took control over them and forced them off their homeland in order to go work for them, being separated from their families, friends and neighbors. They were forced to do labor work which was supervised under their authority because they were then under their control. The assumption of law is shown in Night, through the way that the Jews followed what they were told to do, although they didn’t want to, they couldn’t do anything about it because if not they would’ve faced themselves with death, a bigger consequence. Law was shown trough word, because what they ordered them to do is what the Jews did.

  30. A

    Decision making is showed throughout both of these books. Both characters, Siddhartha and Ellie, undergo an experience in their lives where they have to make decisions that will change their lives. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha's decision is continuing with his own path. Siddhartha knows that there will be no teachers/teachings. He finds out that he is alone on this journey. Siddhartha also discovers who he really is [awakened]. In Night, Elie was advised by the dentist to remove his gold crown. Ellie however did not want to remove his gold crown and made the decision to pretend he was sick.


    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is awakened when he comes to the realization that he is on his own in his journey. Although Siddhartha has been on the journey, I think it now became clear to him, and hit him, that he actually has no one with him. Siddhartha is leaving his past and will reach nirvana alone, like a new beginning. In Night, Ellie is awakened when he sees the three people being hung. Ellie was starting to see how disturbed and evil the Germans were.


    Power, authority and law are showed by different people in Siddhartha and in Night. In Siddhartha there is a different figures for power, authority and law. The people who have the power are the Brahmins, because they are at the top of the caste system. However for Siddhartha, Buddha holds power, because that is who he is following. The authority figure in Siddhartha is Siddhartha's dad. Siddhartha has to ask his dad for permission for things, and his father has sort of like the highest word. In Night, I believe the Germans hold the power, authority and law. The Germans basically control everything that happens to the Jewish people. The Germans hang people, send them to concentraition camps and kill them. During the Holocaust, it was basically all about the Germans, with the highest power, authority and law.

  31. Question A:

    Decision making is a theme that is used in chapter 4 of the books Night and Siddhartha. In the book Night, Elie makes the decision to stay with his father at all times. This was a critical decision for him to make because his father is his only hope and possibly the only family member he has left. In the book Siddhatha, Siddhatha made his decision to be alone. Ever since his good friend Govinda left to follow what he believes in, Siddhartha feels he can start a new life. He feels he is reborn and has learned from his previous mistakes from his "past life".

    Question B:

    In chapter 4 of both books, each character is "awakened" and realizes several new things about themselves. In the book Night, Elie realizes what has been going on around him and really the type of people the Nazi's really are. He just thought of them to be very mean and abusive to the Jewish people. But when he saw three people being hung in front of the whole camp he realized how terrible the Germans are. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhatha is "awakened" by realizing he is alone. Once he realizes he is alone and no one is really close with him, he can start a whole new life. He realizes his previous mistakes and wants to be error free in his new life on the road to reach Nirvana.

    Question C:

    Power, authority and law were widely used in chapter 4 of the books Siddhartha and Night. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha had power and authority over everyone below him in the Hindu Caste system, but when he left his father to join the Samanas, he lost that. He always obeyed his father as if it was a law but now he is past that and is alone. He can do what ever he wants in his "new life". In the book Night, Nazi's were the only people who had power, authority and respect. Jewish leaders may of had that before but now it is taken away and they have none of that, no laws, nothing. All the Jewish people have is laws to follow by the Germans who hold all the power, authority and respect.

  32. Question 1:
    In chapter 4 of Siddhartha, decision making is a theme because Siddhartha is now alone on his journey and all his decisions are only going to affect him and he has no help in making these decisions. Before Siddhartha had his friend Govinda to help with his decisions if he needed help. He also had teachers, like the Samana teacher and the Buddha, but even then he was making decisions, all of them were based on his thoughts and opinions. In chapter 4 of Night, Elie has been growing and all his decisions have been changing from the beginning of the book where he was first put into the camps. Before he wouldn’t be able to endure the sight of his father or family being beat, but as he watches his father get beaten after being in the camps for so long, he just stares and does nothing. He also learns that his decisions must be about protecting himself, which he starts doing. An example would be when he was told to say nothing he saw Idek doing or else he’d be whipped five times more than he was.

    Question 2:
    Siddhartha is awakened in chapter 4. He now realizes that everything about the world doesn’t have to do with his teachings from the Buddha or the Samanas. He also realizes that he is alone in the world and homeless. At first he was traveling around, learning what would inevitably be thought of as useless. But once he was by himself, he realized that he had nowhere to go, or anything to do. Elie is awakened as well. As he becomes older, he understands that cruelty can be found anywhere in the world. He understands that where he is not a place to relax and that the consequences for anything he does wrong can be fatal, as was the consequences for the condemned.

    Question 3:
    The assumptions in Siddhartha about power, is that you can only achieve power from being weak and losing desire. Their assumptions on authority must be that authority isn’t important because all the monks are just traveling around and begging for food, as Siddhartha is changing religion left and right. Their assumptions on law are that law is run by religion and desire is what needs to be released to find eternal bliss. The assumptions in Night about power through the Nazis, is that they should be in control of all the Jews and make them work for a living or die. Their assumptions on authority are that it’s okay for them to bring people to do what they want them to do or make them suffer. Apparently, the Jews didn’t seem to mind because they had a chance to get away while the Nazis were taking over but they stood. The assumptions made on law are that the Jews must listen to the Nazis on whatever they, and that’s the only rule, so it must not be too important.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. 1) Decision Making is a theme in both of these two chapters. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha made the decision of leaving everyone, and not ever coming back. When he was all alone, he realized that he knows nothing about himself. He made a decision to teach himself with no help from others and to find his path alone. In Night, Elie had to make many decisions. He chose not to give away his gold crown. Elie refused to give his gold crown to the Franek and went through many things, but in the end, it was taken away from him.

    2) Siddhartha is awakened after deciding to leave Govinda, his best friend. He felt as if he was no longer a youth and felt as if he had become a true man. It was his first time feeling as if the world was beautiful. He realized that he didn’t need the help from others. Elie is awakened after seeing what has happened. He realized that nothing can save them, so he no longer feared death after seeing the child being hanged

    3) Both of the book Siddhartha and Night has all power, authority, and law. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha’s father had the power, authority, and law whether or not to let Siddhartha go away from home or not. He felt as if Siddhartha has already left his home place so he allowed him to go. In Night, the Nazi had the power, authority, and law. They were commanding every Jews to obey. If they don’t listen, they would get killed. They had no choice but to follow their power.

  35. Zurisaday Castellano
    Question a-
    Decision making is an important theme in both books. In the book Sidhartha, Sidhartha makes the choice in leaving everything behind. He left behind his family and now he has made the choice in leaving behind his friend Govinda. Govinda who has been with him everywere and has been his shadow. Sidhartha leaves behind everything he has ever known to find nirvana. In the book Night the main character, Elie, decides to lie to the doctors when they tell him that they're going to take out his crown.Hedecides to lie to them and say that he feels sick. Elie also makes the decision to listen to his father when they realize that his father might die. Elie's father was trying to convince Elie to take the knife and the spoon. Elie had to decide if to take the thingsthat his father might leave behind.
    Question b-
    In the books Sidhartha and Night both the main characters are awakened. They come to realize the world around them and what life is really like. In the book Sidhartha,Sidhartha comes to realize who he really is. He see's how he is no longer a boy but a man. Sidhartha see's everything that he is leaving behind; his friend, his home,and his family. In the book Night, Elie, sees the actuall world he's living in. Elie was able to see death and it wasnt because he wanted to but because he was forced to. As Elie saw the three people die, among them a young boy, he was able to realize how the Germans really were, how they had no heart and no mercy for them. To the Germans it didnt matter if it was a child or an adult, if they did something wrong then there punishment was death no matter what the age. Elie also see's how he's alone and how theres no God for him. Even though other people around him keep on prayin and believing in God, he no longer believes there is a God. he believes that hes alone and that theres noone there to help him annd his father.
    Question c-
    In the book Sidhartha authority is seen in the begining of the book. As Sidhartha's father was the top of the castes system he had authority to do manny things. Along with the authority came the poweR. Because his father had authority he had alot of power and people respected him because of it. Even though power and authority meant very little to Sidhartha its still showed in the book. Since Sidhartha always had everything (even the thigs he didnt want) he was respected because he came from such a high family. Law really hasnt came up in the book of Sidhartha. Though Sidhartha has decided to leave the samanas there really isnt a law that says that he has to follow certain things. There are orders from people that he follows. like in the begining of the book when Sidhartha asks his father if he can leave and he doesnt until his father says he may. This shows us how Sidhartha is obediant to others but they really arent laws they're just orders.
    In the book Night there is alot of authority and power. In the begining of the book Elie's father had alot of power and whatever he said was followed. He had alot of authority and power and because of this many people also respected him. Later on in the book authority and power are combined as one. As the SS men are listened to and how everyone was devide into blocks. All the Jews had lost everything that they had. noone no longer had power among them. everything they had, all they're power was taken away by the guards. Law was also really important in the book Night. If anyone didnt listen to the guards they would get killed or beaten to teach them a lesson. It also wasnt something that they were tryin to hide. If someone was to get punished it was there for everyone to see. Everyone was forced to see how everyone around them had to suffer. It was all men for themselves. Being in this camp Elie was able to see how everyone, including himself, had to suffer. Elie himself was hurt and beaten several time s and he had to see how they beat his father.

  36. A-In these two books decision making is almost the point of even having to read the books together. It shows you that even though you are not making the right decision you are bound to make the right one sooner or later. In the book Night Elie tried his best to keep his gold crown but instead they tortured his dad and that killed him inside. While Franek is being happy with the tooth Elie is hurt because he had put his dad through so much for being strong. This seemed like one really bad decision. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha had a feeling to follow his heart and he knew that he had to leave the samanas because he knew more knowledge will come. But as he seeks for knowledge he tends too loose himself and his knowledge.

    B-In the book Night Elie is awakened when he saw the men hurt his dad he knew that he had to give up and give this tooth away because if not they will hurt him even more. Also when he saw the people getting ready to get hanged in the gallows. The SS men we really idiotic they had forces prisoner into doing things that were so terrifying that they would have nightmares or even be dramatized. He realizes that now he must be extremely strong even though faith is out of the picture. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is awakened because he realized that everything that he had learned in the past and everything that many people were telling him were things that couldn’t be explained and that they would leave u in a gap of questions. As he realized this he now has to figure out who is the real him.

    c-In the book Night the Germans are the ones with the overall power and the ones that control everything even though they are being controlled over a higher leveled person. They destroyed many people’s lives and may have dramatized them forever. As they make these people (prisoners) watch death and their fate right in front of them they show no respect for themselves because it shows how self centered they all are. I believe that the person with the most authority in this book would have to be the madman behind all this which we all know is Hitler. The laws of the Germans are the laws that have to be followed by the prisoners. In the book Siddhartha the people with power the Brahmins and the Buddha, they had power because they each had something to offer to the people. They is many different authorities because there is Siddhartha who chooses to find information or knowledge of the world he has to stand up for himself to be able to find where he belongs. All the laws of the teaching from the Buddha were mostly shown to Siddhartha but then came the teachings of the samanas.

  37. A. Decision Making is a theme in the chapters in the books Night and Siddhartha. In the book Night, Elie makes a decision that he thinks would help him later on in the future. In the concentration camps, dentists were hired to take the gold teeth in the mouths of the Jews. Elie had a gold crown. When it was his turn, Elie decides to tell the dentist that he was sick and he would come another day to have it taken out, so he doesn’t have to lose his gold crown. Instead, he keeps his promise and comes again a week later, and tells the dentist the same excuse. Soon, it was figured out that the dentist was doing this just for his benefits. Elie made this decision in case he needs the gold crown in the future. In the book Siddhartha, Govinda decides to leave Govinda and learn from Buddha. This decision helped him get closer to reaching nirvana.
    B. The main characters in the books Night and Siddhartha are “awakened.” In the book Night, Elie awakens when he sees people being hanged. Innocent people are being hanged for no real good reason. It must be wrong for such to occur, so he is awakened by realizing how things are working around here and how harsh things can turn out. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha awakens when he realizes he’s a different person. He can go on about himself to reach his goals without anyone else’s knowledge. He can reach nirvana on his own.
    C. In the books Night and Siddhartha, the groups or types of people in the book have power, authority, and law. In the book Night, when the Germans forced the Jews into concentration camps, that showed that they had the power to do that. Authority is as well shown by the Germans. Germans were able to have the Jews work as they wanted and how they wanted. Basically, the Germans make the laws and the Jews have to follow them or they get their punishment. In the book Siddhartha, power was shown by him having the power to let himself go the own way he wants. Authority is shown when he goes on a journey and was able to command Govinda to not follow along. Law is shown when Brahmins made laws for the people to follow.

  38. A)
    Decision-making is a key concept in chapter 4 of both Night and Siddhartha. In Night the dentist sends for Elie to remove his gold crown, Elie fakes being sick and asks if he can do it some other time. The same thing goes for Elie's shoes; he is offered a good condition with his father and even extra bread and margarine in exchange of the shoes, Elie refuses to do so. In the end both items are taken away from him but he made the decision of not giving them up because those items were part of his identity. As Elie's time in the camp progresses it is harder for him to realize who he truly is anymore, those items gave him a sense of security, which is what he based his decision off of. On the other hand Siddhartha makes the decision that he is capable of following though on his journey a lone, even though he knows there will be no teachings or anyone to teach him. This is important decision concerning Siddhartha because it shows he is mentally prepared.

    When Elie waits in line with his dad for the crematory, the sudden change of events has not caught up with him yet. He keeps telling himself that it is a dream, that humanity would not accept it. Elie is "awakened" when he sees with his own eyes the Jews being hung. At this moment Elie discovers an inner hate for the Germans. Siddhartha's awakening is more gradual. Although he has been traveling on his journey for quite some time now, it suddenly becomes clear to Siddhartha that he is in it alone, that no one is with him, and no one will be there to reach nirvana with him.

    In Night the Germans satisfy the task of power, authority, and law. During the Holocaust the Germans were in complete control. If any Jew did not follow the law, the Germans had the power and authority to punish them. In Siddhartha the Brahmins hold the most power because they are the highest in the caste system. This differs for Siddhartha though because to him Buddha is the most powerful because that is whom he follows. Siddhartha's dad has the most authority and law because this is whom Siddhartha goes to in the beginning to ask permission, his dad has the final say.

  39. Question 1
    In chapter four of books, Siddhartha and Night, decision-making is a key theme. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha realized his decisions of leaving the youth behind and following his own path. The want to learn new teachings and meet new teachers was his old ego, and he decides to leave it behind. He is a man now, and as he continues to ponder, he realized another thing. Now he knows that he lost himself and will need to keep himself, of whom he is. Though he discovers this, another thought arises about who he is now. He now knows that he is lonelier than before, but makes a decision to move on, and continue his journey wandering. In Night, Elie had to make a decision about his gold crown. He decides to lie about him being sick and asks the dentist to push his appointment to another day. He comes back with the same excuse and he is, again, allowed to come back another day. Elie also decides to teach his father how to march because they both chose not to give Franek Elie’s gold crown, but his father’s progress was the same, and both Elie and his father decide to give the gold crown to Franek. With so many decisions made its no wonder why decision making is a key theme.

    Question 2
    The main characters of the books, Siddhartha and Night, are both “awakened”. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha realizes that he is not the same as he was before. “He realized he was no longer a youth, he had become a man.” (page 33, Siddhartha) As he ponders more, he also notices that he will need to keep who he is, and not lose himself through his egos. His realizations awaken him, and it also awakens reality. He then notices that he is alone, and lonelier than before. He was new and reborn, but there was no place for him anymore. He understands that he needs to continue wandering until he finds who he is. In Night, Elie used to be very dependent on his family and other around him. He never really made his own decisions. He awakens when he spends his first night in the reception center, and is not the same. He knows that this is no joke, and that reality is either do as told or death. Elie thinks ahead now, and would try to lie many times in order to stay alive. He also wouldn’t move a muscle when he sees his father getting beat for almost no reason. “I watched the whole scene without moving. I kept quiet. In fact…I was angry with him, for not knowing how to avoid Idek’s outbreak. That is what concentration camp life had made out of me.” (page 52, Night) These two characters are not the same as they were in the beginning of the story, they have “awakened”.

  40. Question 3:
    Power, authority and law are all showed by groups/types of people within the books Siddhartha and Night. In Siddhartha, power is displayed when the Siddhartha was a Brahmin. Everyone loved him, and he even has a shadow named Govinda that loved him so much. He was “to be a great sage and priest, a prince among the Brahmins.” (page 1, Siddhartha). When Siddhartha wanted to move to the samanas, authority was shown when his father denied his request of joining a lower caste. When he was in the samanas, the eldest taught him and Govinda and when he wanted to leave, the elder was mad and disapproved of it. People also paid respect to the Sublime One, and followed under his teachings. Law is displayed when Siddhartha wanted to leave the Brahmins. It was not allowed to move between castes, especially for the highest caste to the lowest caste. In Night, it is obviously shown the Germans have more power over Jews. They have the weapons, to torture and kill the Jews, while the Jews were unprotected and helpless. They also have the power to do anything they want with them, such as beating them up for no reason. “ ‘From this moment, you come under the authority of he German army.’” (page 21, Night) With that, the German soldiers force the Jews to separate from each other and to do work. Some are forced to work in the crematory, burning other’s bodies, and some get simple jobs like Elie’s, counting small electrical fittings. Laws were pretty much the SS’/Kupo’s demands/words. It is also displayed on page 59 in Night, “ ‘In the name of Himmler…According to the law… is condemned to death.’” The consequences of breaking the laws were pretty much either death or torture. Under the request of a Kapo, Idek, Elie was whipped twenty five times because he “has no right to meddle in other people’s affairs.” (page 55, Night) In both Siddhartha and Night, power, authority, and law are displayed throughout the books.

  41. Question:A

    In chapters 4 of the books, Night and Siddhartha,decision making is a theme. In the book Siddharrtha, Siddhartha`s decision was leaving his friend Govinda, his family, and the Buddha behiind so that he can start his life over like a new birth. In the book night, all the jews at the concentration caamps had a dentist check their mouths for any gold. When Elie was being checked he had a gold crown. His decision was that he lied to the dentist by saying he was sick and he would come back in a week, so the dentist believed him, though he lied because he was scared. He came back the next week and the dentisst gave him another week to come back because Elie kept his word. Then a few weeks latter Elie finds out that the dentist had been killed because he had been doing this for other jews.


    In chapter four of each book, Siddhartha and Elie are both awakened. Siddhartha is awakened when he decides to leave everything behind and anew his life. As he does this, he begins to realize that he is becoming a man, and he no longer is a youth that will depend on anyone, but himself. He begins to think over everything and let it all go, then he begins to learn everything by Siddhartha to reach nirvanna, which is himself. Elie is awakened when he is forced by the germans to watch other jews be hung at the gallows. He begins to understand more, that this place is serious and he must be strong, wise, andhe has to work hard in order to stay alive in this terrible environment.


    In chapter four of each book they have different assumptions. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha had power to do what he wanted and so he left the Buddha, Govinda and his family behind so that he can start over his life to be alone and reach nirvanna alone. In the book Night, Elie has to go through trouble with the germans taking authority against him and other jews. So Elie had to do what they told, because where he is, that is the law.

  42. Questions: A

    Decision making is a them in both chapters because both Elie and Siddhartha had to face difficult decisions.Siddhartha decides to leave the samanas in seek of the Buddha for Govinda path of choice. When in Finding the Buddha Siddhartha isn't to fond of hearing the Buddha teachings. But Siddhartha comes to a sense in seeing that Govinda no longer needed Siddhartha because he had found and followed his own path. With that said Siddhartha leaves Govinda and the Buddha realizing Buddha had given him himself. As for Elie He had the choice of thinking through his experience of the concentration camps. After seeing people getting cremated and his father being slapped he had the decision of thinking this through. he decided to question his religion. In addition when Elie sees Idek and the young girl half naked Elie bursts in laughter but decides to stay. For that poor decision he got punished and wiped several times.

    Question: B

    Siddhartha is awaken when he travels with Govinda to find the Buddha. Siddhartha realizes Govinda no longer is Siddhartha shadow. In addition when talking to the Buddha he realizes two things. That the Buddha had robed him of his friend but given him himself. From this Siddhartha had awaken from that. Siddhartha reborn himself.
    Elie in Night is awaken when he sees his father get struck at work. Not only had Elie had been force to do labor but he had seen his own father the man he looks up to get struck down by another man. In addition to that another part to his awakening was when they killed people on the gallows. when the child managed to survive the gallows but fail to live much longer when hanged he awaken to see that Germans had no hearts and that God had not been there no longer to anyone.

    Question: C

    In Siddhartha, Power is much respected because Siddhartha and the story includes Brahman which is part of the highest branch in the Hindu caste system. Siddhartha and his father were caressed with power. Siddhartha found power useless and dicided to leave that power and seek something else. Authority is what he seeks in himself. he find that power is useless but authority is something he thinks every one should have.
    In Night power comes from the Germans has they controlled all the Jews in the concentration camps. They were showered with power over the Jews. The Jews had no sense in power. They were held captive. Authority places in Siddhartha when When his father would not give a reply he says he shall do what ever his father wishes him to do but Siddhartha wanted a reply. Siddhartha also stared at the elderly samana trying to spell over him after he explains he will leave the samanas. As the Samans ranted Siddhartha stared and showed what he learn from them. Authority place a big role in Siddhartha has he wishes to walk the path of enlightenment. Authority places role in the SS men and again the concentration camps. They had Authority over everything as well as power. They had authority over people and life and death. They authorized the Jews to live or die to be put to labor or rest. Law Place a role in Night because when Elie goes to the concentration camps he and the rest of the prisoners had to be force to do labor and be controlled under law by the Germans and SS men.Elie had to lie about his age as well as his profession to stay in the camp and even with with his father. Everyone must obey. It was wither work or be cremated. As For Siddhartha Law places a role in again the Brahman structure. Siddhartha father stated that his son going among the samanas wasn't what a Brahman son should do so. Siddhartha also obeys the laws and never disobeys it. He follows his own path and never betrays it. In both Siddhartha and Night, Power, Authority, and Law are seen and displayed through the books.

  43. Question A:
    Decision making is a key theme in both chapters because both protagonists need to make decisions as to what they need to do in order to live happily. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha made the decision to leave Govinda with the Buddha previously. Once he makes his realization that the only way to learn about himself is from himself, he goes into a pre-awakening where he sees the world for the first time. Then a realization from this awakening, he is alone. He can no longer return to his father. Nothing can be learned there. There is no other option and his decision is to venture forward to find himself.
    In Night, Elie made the decision to keep his gold crown and whatever else of value. He did this by lying to the dentist and running around the bush until they closed down. Elie has found out that you can only rely on yourself in this environment. What he has can be cashed in during the perfect opportunity to prolong his survival. Although this edge was taken away from him for nothing, the mere decision to risk everything to keep it is an important decision for Elie.

    Question B:
    Each character has awakened in viewing the world. Siddhartha has finally found an answer as to how understand himself. He no longer needs scriptures, or to learn new teachings. In order to find out more about himself, he has to learn from himself. This awakening opened his eyes to a world filled with hope, color and brightness. This is of course different from his idea that every color, animal and thing was a lie. Now he’s a simple traveling samana.
    Elie’s awakening was completely opposite to Siddhartha’s being that it is more of a rude awakening. During the execution of the pipel and the other two men, Elie responded to a man’s question “For God’s sake, where is God?” as the thought “Where is he? This is where—hanging from this gallows…” Elie has now a very cynical view of the world being more of a dog eat dog situation. From what he has experienced in the camps, he has realized all of his contemplation on philosophy and Kabbalah useless. No matter how much the Jews prayed, there was no relief from the death, pain and suffering. This is how his world works.

    Question C:
    In Night, there is a more corrupt and discriminating view on power, law, authority, whatever you want to call it. The Jews are treated in the most inhumane way possible. Any German officer is viewed as deceiving, murderous, and simply evil. From a German officer’s point of view, the Jews deserve the treatment they are getting. They find themselves the highest power in all that is just. There is nothing possibly more degrading to any sort of order than what went on in these camps. Misguided Germans were stripped of any sort of compassion or common sense in order to what seemingly was the only way to help their country from their crippled state. Even though this was at other’s expense.
    In Siddhartha, the Hindu caste system is one that is highly regarded. This is obvious since your caste reflects on how you live your life. Being a Brahmin from birth, Siddhartha is used to the constant compliments and opportunities. Although this is not important to Siddhartha, he does respect those who command respect. His father and the Buddha are prime examples. People live with the caste every day of their lives. The few who do not are the followers of the Buddha and Siddhartha.

  44. Question#3.a-
    Decision making is a theme for these chapters. In Night, Elie makes the decision to stay with his father since he is the only family he has left at the concentration camps. In Siddhartha, he makes the decision to leave the Buddha and Govinda to go find himself.

    Elie is awakened by realizing that the German Nazi are beyond cruel people. He is awakened by seeing them hang 2 men and a child. Before he thought that they were just bad people but now he sees that its beyond bad. Siddhartha is awakened by realizing he is alone and that he has to start a new life as a new Siddhartha, leaving the old Siddhartha behind with the Buddha and Govinda.

    In the book Night, power, authority and law is used alot throughout the book. The only ones with power and stuff are the German Nazis. The jews have to do what the Germans say because they have all power. They have the power to decide if they live or die. And the Jews have to respect the SS officers because they have authority over them. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha used to have the power as a brahmin and everyone below his caste in the Hindu caste system. Vut now since he is a brahmin no more, he has lost all his power as a brahmin.

  45. Question A

    Decisions are made all over in the books of Siddhartha and Night, but the ones made in chapters four were very important, which makes decision making a great theme for this part of the stories. Siddhartha decided not to come home after he talked to Buddha Gautama, in fact he decided he was his own teacher. Elie decided not to give away his shoes or his gold crown because he knew it was all he had left and he could even buy his way out of death for a few moment longer with them. These decisions altered the story completely, whether its venturing out further rather than going home or simply living a few days longer.

    Question B

    In each book, the characters undergo a realization about themselves. In Siddhartha, he realized that in the process of overcoming his ego, he lost himself. He had an epiphany that he didn’t need a teacher, because he was his own. In Night, Elie found out what the camps made him become. This happened when he was angry at his father that he didn’t duck from the man who was beating him. Both characters awaken by realizing what has become of them.

    Question C

    In Siddhartha and Night, the assumptions of the people in each book are different. For Siddhartha, power meant nothing to him as shown when he left his life as a Brahmin (one of the most respected and powerful parts of Hinduism). In Night, the Germans had all the power and the prisoners had absolutely none. In Siddhartha, authority was very important like the time Siddhartha waited for his fathers permission to leave. In Night much like power, the Germans had all authority and the prisoners had none. In Siddhartha, the laws were followed every day and were apart of everyday life so it was never mentioned. In Night, the law is whatever the Germans say and if you don’t follow it, the penalty is a beating or even death. In different situations, the assumptions of power, authority, and law are far from the same.

  46. Question A
    Decision making is a theme in both books, Night by Elie Wiesel, and Siddartha by Hermann Hesse, both characters had to make decisions throughout their journey. Siddartha had made the decision to leave his long friend companion, Govinda. And also making the decision to leave Buddha, and being unable to accept Buddha's teachings, and so Siddartha continues on his own. Thus leading to, he continues his path finding his true self, learning from himself, to learn the ego, and finding the beliefs of himself. In the book Night, Eliezer made many decisions. One decision that he made was to be with his father no matter what. Another decision was that it would be better if he didn't quarrel with any of the people in the camp, like Idek, and Franek. Once Eliezer accidently saw something by accident, Idek with a half naked Polish girl, because of what he saw, he was being whipped by Idek. And was told that if Eliezer told anyone what he saw, the whipping will be five times as much. Another decision Eliezer made was to keep his gold crowned tooth, thinking it might be use someday. Which this led to Franek, punishing Eliezer's father because he wasn't willing to give the gold crowned tooth to him, but Eliezer gave in.
    Question B
    In both books, Night by Elie Wiesel, and Siddartha by Hermann Hesse, both characters from each book awakened. After leaving his best friend and leaving the teachings of Buddha, Siddartha had awakened. Siddartha had became a man, he wanted to learn from himself, from his own ego, learning beliefs from himself. He realized he could find the answers because he was afraid of himself. "No, that is past, I have awakened, I am truly awake, and today is the day of my birth" (Page 37). Siddartha is awakened, and is on a path of discovering more to himself, saying that this is the day of his birth. Though throughout his journey, with a sudden moment of loneliness, even from that, he had learned and notice ad bit more about himself, he is learning from his feelings and decisions, another awakening. In the book Night, Eliezer was awakened too. After seeing the hangings of many victims, who never even weeped, because fear had already taken over them. Eliezer realized that God is with them, but in this situation, they need to depend on themselves, and realize how cruel the Germans were, even though they are praying and chanting, all these wouldn't work. He realized the Germans were so cruel that, even hanging Dutch Oberkapo's pipel, a very young boy, the Germans can hang a boy without any hesitation.
    Question C
    In the book Night, power, authority, and law took place. The Germans held a huge amount of power and authority, enough power and authority to force Jews to do forced labor work, they even had the power to kill innocent people before being proven guilty. They had the power and authority to punish, and do whatever they wanted to the Jews. Laws also took place in the book, where everyone had to follow order, and if they didn't they would be whipped like Eliezer, and strucked like Eliezer's father, or perhaps will be hanged. In the book Siddartha, power, authority took place, not much law. Siddartha had the authority and power and choose his own way of living, and to continue on by himself to find the answers to his questions, and learning from himself.

  47. Question A

    Siddhartha and Night both show a great deal of decision making throughout both books. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha makes many decisions in order to accomplish his main goal in life which is to reach Nirvana. In chapter 3 Siddhartha makes the decision to leave his good friend Govinda behind in the hands of the Buddha while he creates his own path in life. This decision allowed Siddhartha to come to terms that the reason he was not able to accomplish his goal was because he was stopping himself. He was willing to do anything to reach Nirvana, to reach blissfulness but in doing so he let himself slip away in the process. Therefore because of his decision to leave Govinda and the Buddha he was awakened in chapter 4.
    In the book Night, Elie doesn't have many choices to make because of the fact that he is in a concentration camp. The only decision he does make is to work and if he chooses not to he will be burned to death. In chapter 4 Elie made a decision that he thought he could benefit from but instead turned out to be useless. In the concentration camp called Buna, any prisoner that was to have any gold in their mouth was to be removed by the dentist. When Elie was summoned to have his gold crown removed he faked that he was ill several times and the dentist would let him go warning him to come back again when he was well, but the dentist office was eventually shut down due to the fact that the dentist was thrown into prison and would be hung. Although the dentist was gone Elie's gold crown was recognized and was taken out by the dentist from Warsaw, but two weeks later the Poles were transferred to another camp which meant Elie had lost his gold crown for nothing.

    Question B

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is awakened because he realizes why he hasn’t reached Nirvana because of he was losing who he really was as a person. He was willing to sacrifice everything in order to become blissful but in doing so he lost who he truly was which made him awakened and gave him a clearer path to follow of his own.
    In the book Night, Elie is awakened when he sees 3 people being hung before his own eyes. Hangings never bothered Elie before but the fact that one of the people being hung was only a child who at first did not die and was struggling for his life until he finally did die, awakened Elie and made him realize that the Germans are brutal people that have no hearts.

    Question C

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha had power because he was born into a Brahmin family. Being a Brahmin meant that people respected you and your family because Brahmins hold a high place in the caste system. Authority was shown in the book when Siddhartha stood up for what he wanted which was to become a samana after his father did not allow it. He waited all night without sleep standing up to show his determination that he really wanted to become a samana, and because of his authority his father gave in and allowed it. In the book Siddhartha, law is not shown as much as in the book Night.
    In the book Night, Germans are the ones who have complete power, all the authority and who create the laws for the Jews. The Germans hold all the power and authority because they create these laws that Jews must follow and if they choose not to they threaten them, beat them of burn them to ashes.

  48. A. Decision making is a theme in Night and Siddhartha. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha made a decision to leave behind his family and now he can't go back. He also left Govinda to find nirvana and himself. In Night, Eliezer refuses to give up his gold crown to Franek because his father told him not to. As a result, his father was beaten and Eliezer had to give it up to save his father. The decisions that they made is the reason for what happened to them.
    B. Siddhartha and Eliezer are both "awakened" . Siddhartha realized what he had been doing wrong. He realized what he had to do; he had to get to know himself. Siddhartha is awakened because he had finally figured out what he has to do. Eliezer is awakened when he witnessed people being hung. He realized that the Germans would kill anyone. No one is safe and he needs to survive. Eliezer and Siddhartha are awakened by their new experiences.
    C. In Siddhartha, people in the upper classes had authority and power. Siddhartha left his Brahmin family because he doesn't care about power; he just wants to reach nirvana. In Night, there was power, authority and law. The Germans had the power and authority. The Jews had to do whatever they were told to do by the Germans. Ther Germans' words are like the laws. If the Jews refuse to do as they were told, they would be punished.

  49. Question a:

    In the novel Night, Elie is forced to make life changing decisions. In Chapter four Elie had to go to the denstist's office. The dentist saw his gold crown and wanted to remove it. Elie had to decide whether to keep his last piece of dignitry or give it away.Elie made up an excuse saying he was in pain when he ate therefore he needed his golden crown. Later on, Elie and other prisoners were tested to see if they would get the two soups that were placed on the floor. Their choice was to live but starve for the day, or eat the soups and loose their life. In chapter 4 decision making was a theme.
    In Siddartha, decision making was a serious situation. Siddartha had to decide what to do since he had chosen not to live the life of the samanas and not to follow Gautamas'teachings. Govinda had to choose, to either stay with his friend Siddartha or follow Gautama's teachings.

    Question B:
    In Night, Elie has awakened to the reality of his life. He knows that his father is having troubles marching,therefore he rather not be selfish and he rather teach his father how to march so he no longer would have to suffer with the SS mans' rude comments.

    In Siddartha, Siddartha is awakened when he chose to live his unique life. Siddartha was now his own individual because Govinda had chosen to follow Gautama's teachings. Siddartha then notices he doesnt want to learn from anyone because he doesnt believe in teachings of any teacher. He then notices the world isnt so ugly it actually is beautiful. Siddartha awakens with letting go of his beliefs un seeking Atman and Brahma. He awakens by believing in himself.

    Question C:

    In Night, the SS man had the authority over the Jewish prisoners. The SS man threatened to take away their lives if the prisoners attempted to go against the "law." The SS man had the power to kill whom ever they wanted in the gallows. Elie was forced to watch the "ceremonies" as to everyone else. The SS men took advantage of the power and authority they had over the Jews.

    In the novel Siddartha, Siddartha doesnt like authority of the eldest samana. He thinks their is no such thing as a leader or "smartest teacher." Therefore, Siddartha thinks the authority the all the elders have over the youth isnt necessary.

  50. Question A:
    Decision making is a theme in these 2 chapters because it has a great impact on the main characters. Elie was faced with the decision to drink or not to drink the soup. When the guards were away, there was a big pot of soup left unguarded. No one dared to drink it because they didn’t know what was going to happen to them. Elie wanted to drink it but he was too afraid of the outcome, so he didn’t. Siddhartha was faced with the decision of going back home or not. In the end, he decided that he didn’t belong there and did not go back. This decision will affect what he will do in the future.

    Question B:
    Siddhartha is ‘awakened” because he finally realizes what his true goal in life was. He has been avoiding his ego for his whole life and now its time to learn more about it. He will not waste his time with the teachers and their teachings anymore. He will try and know himself better. Elie is “awakened” because he and the other people are wondering where God is. God wasn’t there to help the people when they were tortured or sometimes put to death. The people did nothing wrong and now they also know how mean the SS men are.

    Question C:
    In Night, there is power and authority because the Nazi/Germans controlled the Jews They told the Jews what to do and forced them into labor and concentration camps [power and authority]. There was not much law because there was nothing for the Jews to fight back to protect themselves and it wasn’t fair. In Siddhartha, there was authority because Siddhartha was responsible for himself. He had the right to choose what he will do with the rest of his life. There was no power and law because no one mush control and there was no “laws” to follow.

  51. Question A
    Decision making was a theme in chapter 4 of both books. Siddhartha had made the decision of leaving his old self and leave his youth. He decided to follow no one else’s teaching but his own; because no one know more about him than himself. Siddhartha decided to be his own pupil, go on with his own path. He now will not ask about life of why things are the way they are, but accepting the way things is. Siddhartha need to go on with his life by himself now because he had left everything. He’s alone by himself; try to find nirvana by himself. In the book Night, Elie had also made many decisions throughout the book. The dentist checked Elie’s mouth and Elie was found out that he had a golden crown. The dentist wanted it, and Elie lie to keep it for using it later on, when he can get out of the concentration camps. However, the lie worked out for the dentist, but not Idek. Idek is a German soldier who found the golden crown of Elie’s again and it was took away because Idek was beating up Elie’s father for it. Elie also got beat up because of not giving in for the golden crown but he got exchange of food after he did.
    Question B
    Siddhartha is awaken in chapter 4 of Siddhartha because he finally leaves his old self and know what he really wants. Siddhartha now know that no one understands himself better than himself. He now decides to be his own pupil and learn from his life, himself, his own teachings. Siddhartha had left his youth as hearing about other people’s teaching and let others teaching him. He now will accept the way things are but now asking why it is that way. He also knew that he had leaved his family, his home, and he’s all alone now. Siddhartha is awaken in life. Elie also awaken in the book Night by facing the cruel reality. He got beaten up and even whipped for little and simple mistakes. People were hanged in front of him and he had to watch until they are dead. Elie is forced to face to become a man through all these experience that ruins his childhood purity.
    Question C
    In the book Siddhartha, people had more power and authority when they are in a higher class of Hinduism. Siddhartha was in Brahmin, one of the most powerful and respected in the caste system, and Siddhartha was respected and loved. He can choose his own way of live his life. He also had many more chances to experience life and opportunities to learn. Authority was a big part in the book Siddhartha and it was shown when Siddhartha waited for his father’s permission to leave home as a semana. Buddha was also in a high class, and that’s why he has so many followers. Since the caste system give the people their way of life, they know their role in society and they knew the law or rule as a routine of life. In the book Night, whatever German said is law and they have the absolute power and authority. The Germans have the most power during World War II in the concentration camps, so Jews had to be following whatever the Germans said. Law was that everyone in the camps had to follow order, or they are getting punished. The power of the Germans is enough to kill the Jews and beat them up whenever they want. It is like the lives of the Jews are decided by the Germans. All the Jews must respect and do what was told or you may get whipped and tortured.

  52. a. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha decided he couldn't return to his father or his past homes because he didn't belong there. He can't be a priest, a samana or anyone else he was striving to be because he needs to learn about himself and become his own pupil. This decision is a major theme in the chapter because Siddhartha finally realized what he needs to do. In Night, Elie decided not to give up his gold tooth and told the dentist he was sick. Eventually the dentist was hung because he was dealing gold crowns for his own benefit. This chapter revolved around the idea of making the right decision for the future. Elie is surrounded by death and he decides to hold on to anything that might help him survive, like the gold crown.

    b. In Night, Elie is awakened at the end of the chapter, when he witnesses the hanging of a child. Any other time, when the prisoners were forced to watch the hangings of others, Elie described the soup to taste "better than ever". After the child was hung, however, Elie mentioned that the soup "tasted of corpses". His awakening would be realizing that God can't exist if he lets an innocent child die like that. This is around this time where Elie beings to loose his faith. At the end of the chapter, a man is asking "Where is God?" and Elie answers, "This is where-hanging here from this gallows...". This basically means that God is dead to him and doesn't exist anymore. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is also awakened after he realizes his path isn't with Buddha. He starts to think about how he is a man now and he doesn't want or need teachers anymore because they were teaching him the wrong things. As a samana, Siddhartha was hiding from himself and that led him nowhere, so now he is going to try and learn about himself. He realized that the world is not really suffering and everything has meaning and is beautiful. He will become his own teacher and start his own life again, on his own.

    In the book Night, the Germans had the power over the Jews because they threatened people's lives, so everyone gave them the authority to do so. In the concentration camps, laws were enforced to keep everyone in line and to keep the Germans in power. The Jews had no power, authority or impact on the laws while the Germans were exactly the opposite. They were in control and therefore everything they did was supposedly the norm and justified. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha always had the power to make people accept his decisions even though he had no authority. He basically forced his father into letting him go by threatening to kill himself as well as hypnotizing the most powerful samana into wishing them luck on their journey to the Buddha. Siddhartha always followed the law and never disobeyed anyone, yet that still didn't stop him from getting what he wanted by manipulating the people around him. In both books, the ideas of power, authority and law differ based on the person who's telling the story.

  53. Question A

    In Siddhartha decision making is a theme, because Siddhartha decides to stop following what he has to do to reach nirvana, but he decides to follow what he Siddhartha would do. In Night decision making is a theme, because we see this when Eliezer gives up his gold crown to make a s.s soldier stop beating on his father for messing up the beat this is how decision making is a theme during these two chapters.

    Question B

    In Siddhartha, he is awakened when he was walking. He just realized what he did. He realized that he is now alone, because he left Govinda, and the Buddha.
    In Night Eliezer is awakened when he sees the family being hung. He sees the little boy still alive, but the Germans do nothing, and let the little boy perish. These are the places where each of the main characters, were awakened.

    Question C

    In Siddhartha to have power, is an honor, your also respected. Brahmins have the power, because they are basically the head of the food chain. In Night the Jews have no power. All the power belongs to the Germans.

    In Siddhartha the people who have the authority are once again the Brahmins. In Night it is once again the Germans, who hold the authority. I guess power, and authority, go hand in hand.

    In Siddhartha we have not really seen anything about law. In Night we saw that the Germans have the law. What they say goes!

  54. Decision making is a theme in both books of Siddhatha and Night. Elie made the decision to keep his Golden crown and lie to the Germans and the dentisthelp and help his father march, because his father didn't know how to. Also Elie listened when the French girl helped him and told him to hold his anger. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha makes the decision to become alone. He leaves behind everyone and goes on his own path.

    Both characters are awakened. In Night, Elie is awakened because he sees the Germans’ true color. He sees how mean and cold-hearted the Germans can really be. The Germans hang the 3 people for having arms and not telling the reason why and Elie thought this was very cruel and finally knows how the Germans are now. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is awakened because he finally knows what he wants to achieve in life now. He is going to find out more about his ego instead of listening to the teachers and their teachings. He found flaws in it and will never follow it again. He realizes how alone he is and will try to take advantage of the situation and know himself better.

    Siddhartha’s father is a Brahmin. Brahmins are the highest class in the Hindu caste system and have a lot of power, and if you have power you have authority and are able to make the laws that they follow. In Night, the Nazis have all the power. Elie and the other Jews don’t have much power . Rebelling against the Nazis might lead them to being hanged because the Nazis hold all the authority. They control everything in the concentration camps. Whatever the Nazis say is law and the jews have to follow the law.

  55. question A- In Night and Siddhartha both Elie and Siddhartha had to make many difficult decisions. Elie was deciding how to not get his golden crown removed and when to do it. He decides to stall for time and fakes he's sick so he doesn't have to get it removed. In the end he loses it because Idek a german soldier beats his father up for it. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha made the decision to leave Govinda and Guatama and decides to follow his own paths and teachings. He decides to be alone and accept things in life for the way they are. Thats how decision making was a theme in this chapter.
    Question B -
    Both Elie and Siddhartha go through changes that awake them. In Night when Elie goes through these cruel beatings and unsantitary condintions. Whenever he gets whipped or has to see someone get killed. He has to bear with all this pain and death. Siddhartha finally leaves his old ways and decides to rely in no one else but himself. He decides to teach himself about life and awakes himself like this.
    question c- In Siddhartha the people who were Brahmins in the caste system where the ones who had the most power and authority. Siddhartha was a brahmin and he was very respected and powerful. He can live his life however he wanted too and do anything he wishes. Authority was shown when Siddhartah was with the samanas and he had to follow their orders. Law is shown with the samanas when Siddhartha is forced to follow a certain life style. In night power is shown when the german officers decide what to do with their prisoners and how to treat them. They also have the authority to do what they wish and their word was law. If they broke the "law" they were severely punished or killed

  56. Question A

    In both books, decision making is critical, and they wouldn't be where they are because of the decisions they have made. If they make the wrong move, then the concequences may be devastating. In the book Night, during the bombing, Elie and everyone find two cauldrons full of soap ready for the taking, unguarded. Nobody was brave enough to take, except one man. Because of what he did, he was immediately killed. In the book Siddhartha, he decides to leave Govinda, his best friend. Because of this, Siddhartha finally realizes what he truly wants to do now. Decisions are a main theme in these books because it determines the main characters fate, and what will become of them.

    Question B

    In Night, Elie is awakened when he realizes in what type of place he is in, a very dangerous place. He gets beat badly, and witnesses people getting hanged, even a kid. He has to watch out and follow the rules, for he might be the next one. In Siddhartha, he has been following other people's teachings and views, not his own. He then says thatt he must start to see the world in his own way, and teach himself, about himself.

    Question C

    In Night, the Germans who are running the whole show, have power, authority, and law over the jews being held captive there. They do whatever they like to the Jews. One beats up Elie randomly, and then walks off as if he had done nothing wrong, and nobody told him also. The germans controlled the jews, and gave them rules to follow, and if they did not co-operate, then they would be hanged. Jews didn't have much freedom, and they had to survive with what they had.

  57. c) In each book there is a different outlook on power, authority, and law. In Siddhartha, everything is based on religion, so it is fair to say that religion is the power, authority and law. Religion has the power since everyone bases their life on seeking Nirvana. Also religion places people in society through the caste system, for example since the Brahmins are at the top of the caste system they are the most respected and with the most say. It is also the law since it places so many restrictions on one’s life. People had certain rules to follow, such as those who decided to seek deliverance through following the Buddha had to give up everything they owned and everyone they knew. Finally religion was authority since people followed the many teachings taught by their teachers or masters, for instance since the Brahmins were head of the caste system people listened to them and in a way looked up to them. Not only did power, authority and law play a role the book Siddhartha, but in the book Night as well. Although unlike in the book Siddhartha, in the book Night the Germans were the law, authority, and most powerful. They were the most power since everyone feared them. They were also the authority figure since everyone had to listen to them or else they would be put to death or tortured. Since the Germans controlled the concentrations camps and the prisoners had to obey or else seek punishment, they were the law. Just like if we don’t obey the law we would get a penalty depending on how harmful or offensive our crime was. In each book there were different perspectives on law, authority and power.

  58. Question A:
    Decision making is a theme in these two chapters because it has a great impact on Siddhartha and Elie. In the novel Siddhartha, the midst of such despair, something suddenly drives him forward with renewed determination, as he "stood alone like a star in the heavens...That was the last shudder of his awakening, the last pains of birth. Immediately he moved on again and began to walk quickly and impatiently, no longer homewards, no longer to his father, no longer looking backwards" Chapter 4, pg. 34. Siddhartha rejoices in this sudden freedom, realizing that he will never see his father again and that he is alone in the world. But he finds strength in his Self instead of ignoring it and continues eagerly ahead. In the book Night one day, Franek, the foreman, asks Elie for his gold crown. Elie comes up with various excuses but Franek insists on getting the tooth. He uses Elie's father's inability to march in step as an opportunity to torment Elie by beating his father day after day. Elie tries to give his father marching lessons, but it does not help. Finally, Elie gives in to Franek's wish. Elie ends up getting nothing for his gold crown.
    Question B:
    Both main characters in Night and Siddhartha are awakened. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is "awakened" whe he realizes , he had to begin a new life cycle that is suitable for him. In Night Elie is "awakened" when he realizes that the Germans are cold and cruel people and when he watches Jews being hung.
    Question C:
    In both novels Night and Siddhartha, many expectations are made based on power, authority and law. In Siddhartha the Brahmins hold the most power because they are the highest in the caste system. In the book Siddhartha’s father holds the most authority because in the beginning of the story Siddhartha had to ask his father permission and what really matter in this case was the father’s opinion. In the novel Night Germans were in complete control. Jews were suppose to follow their orders or else they would get severe penalize or even killed. Since the German’s had the had the power and authority to punish them.

  59. A) Decision making plays a vital part in both books. In Night, Elie is put in various situations in which he must make very important decisions for instance when he was called in to have his gold crown taken out of his mouth, he lied to the dentist by pretending he was sick. In turn the dentist let him go as long as he came back on his own when he was feeling better. Unfortunately the dentist was later hung but Idek then took notice of Elie’s crown. Idek kept picking on Elie’s father by frequently beating him numb, since Elie at first refused to give him the crown. Elie had to come to a decision as to whether he should give up his crown, which could come in handy to him in the near future, or to allow Idek to continue torturing his father and keep the crown. Although it was a tough decision, his father wouldn’t last much longer through the abuse, so Elie chose to give up his crown and a ration of bread. Much like in the book Night, in Siddhartha, Siddhartha had to make many important decisions. He came to the decision that he was going to take his own path in life instead of constantly following his teachers. Basically Siddhartha just wanted to live life his way and discover his place in society. He also chose to leave his friend Govinda behind as well as not return home to his father. Both characters faced circumstances in which they had to make imperative decisions for either their own good or their loved ones.

  60. B) Although Siddhartha and Elie’s situations are very distinct, they are both awakened through the experiences they face in each book. Throughout this chapter Siddhartha comes to the realization that he is not a child any longer, that he is now a man. Siddhartha is growing up and trying to discover his own path. He is awakened because he begins to realizes that he needs to find himself, his own path, but in his own way. Siddhartha doesn’t miss having his teachers around. He begins to realize that he has been living his life not how he wanted but how somebody else has taught him and it’s time for him to spread his wings. On the contrary Elie is awakened in a less positive manner. Through his experiences as a prisoner at a concentration camp, Elie begins to toughen up. He realizes that to succeed in this life, you must always be at your best. You must never find yourself lacking, which is why he doesn’t feel bad when his dad was getting beat up by Idek. Overall, Elie realizes what camp life has made him in and how much he’s changed. Both Siddhartha and Elie have under gone some incidents that have helped shape the person they are now and will be in the near future.

  61. 3a). Decision making is a theme in these two chapters because in Night, the Germans say that the Jews aren’t allowed to have any type of gold or any type of valuable things with them. But Elie disobeyed this order because he had a gold crown in his mouth. But one of the officers notices it so Elie is ordered to go to the dentist so he can get that removed. But while he is going there he thinks of a whole list of excuses so they won’t take it from him. Finally they end up taking it out of his mouth and he also receives a beating. In Siddhartha also made a very difficult decision because he chose to leave his best friend Govinda and he kept going onto discovering what he wants in life and he kept going on in his life journey.

    3b). Siddhartha is awakening because he realizes all the things that he left behind. But since he had already left everything that he had and everyone that he loves he can’t go back now. Elie also had just experienced watching a person being killed and he also just finished dealing with the pain that lying has.

    3c). in Night power is one of the things that is really emphasized and is taken into a lot of importance. But since the Germans are the ones that have all the power they get to boss everyone around and they get to do whatever they want. They force the Jews into concentration camps and they force them into doing forced labor. And if they oppose they either get beat very hard or they get killed. Siddhartha had taken all matters into his own hands. He had the power into choosing what he could do with his life and what he wanted to do in order to find his meaning in life.

    In Night authority is connected in a way to the power that is had between the people (Jews) and the Germans. The authority is given to the leaders or the S.S officers. Since the Jews think that since the Germans have the authority and the power they should be respected even if they kill you and beat you for no apparent reason. In Siddhartha authority is also related to power. Because Siddhartha has authority over his own life and what he was going to do with his life so he can fulfill what he wanted to do. But to get authority and power you have to respect others. Like Gautama Buddha, he has many followers because of the respect that he showed them.

    In Night, laws are enforced when in the concentration camps you disobeyed a law you would get severely punished. You either got whipped, beat, shot, or hanged so you can be an example to others. And people think that laws are enforced so people can respect and be respectful. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha hasn’t been able to see much. But he assumes that power and authority keep people in peace and together in harmony.

  62. Question A

    Decision making is a theme in both Night and Siddhartha. In Siddhartha, he makes decision that will change his life. He decides to leave behind his father, his friends, and his past. His decision is what he feels is right, and these decisions he makes is a theme in Siddhartha. In Night, Elie decides to lie to the dentist and the germans in order to keep his golden crown. But later he gets beaten and tortured, in the end he gave up the crown to save his father. Elie's decision as well as Siddhartha's, are part of a theme.

    Question B

    In both Siddhartha and Night, each main characters is "awakened". In Siddhartha, Siddhartha awakens to realize that he had been following what others believed in, his whole life. He realizes that he had never follow what he, himself, believed in. He awakened, and decides to search for this own way of life. In Night, Elie awakened to realize that all the things he do wouldn't change the fact that everyone will be tortured by the germans because of his decisions. He realizes what he done can hurt the others. The experience the characters go through, leads to the awakening.

    Question C

    In Siddhartha, power is based on the caste system. Siddhartha was at the top, he was rich and powerful, but he didn't care much about his power. He also had power and authority over his father, but he gave up on his power and authority to find his own path in life. Law is like the power and authority over the people. Siddhartha lost his power, authority and law when he left his family. In Night, the germans had the power over the jews. They treated them like trash, and sent them to camps. The germans had the authority over the jew's life, they had the authority over power. The jews also were to follow what the german say. This was the law. In both books, people have different assumptions on power, authority and law.

  63. Taneka Johnson
    Question A:
    A main theme in both of these chapters is decision making. For example, in Siddhartha, Siddhartha makes the decision of becoming a whole new person, his own educator/teacher. He decided to start seeing the world from a different perspective,or from his perspective you might say. In Night, Elie was told that in order for him to be brought to a good unit he would have to give up his shoes. But, he decides to not give up his shoes since they're like the only thing he has that brings back memories to him about his old/past life. Though, his shoes still got taken away from him and he got back nothing in return.
    Question B:
    In these two books, each main character is awakened in some way. Siddhartha is awakened when he realizes that he has a huge future ahead of him. He is leaving his old life in the past and beginning a new one. Elie is awakened when he witnessed the hanging and the murder of three people, one of which was a young child, a little boy, by the Germans. Elie realized that the Germans are heartless, wicked, evil and brutal. Other people also witnessed those people being hung/hanged. Elie has become a man. He's getting wiser and wiser and using his past experiences such as him being whipped, beaten and witnessing the murders of innocent people to help him to move on with his life and get through it successfully.
    Question C:
    In Night, the Germans have power and authority over the Jews and the prisoners on the concentration camps. The prisoners on the concentration camps had to follow and obey the German laws or they would be punished. In the book Siddhartha, you can see that Siddhartha is a powerful person. He came from a high ranking family, the Brahmins. He was powerful enough to leave his past life behind him. Siddhartha showed he had authority by not following Buddha and Govinda. Power, authority,and law are all shown throughout the book Night. But, in Siddhartha mostly power and authority was shown. There wasn't really any laws because, everyone could choose and follow their own paths.

  64. 1) Humans explain the world based on what they believe in, what they have been through and how they see the world. Elie used to believe that God created the world , but after what he’ve been through. It made him think life is a torture. He stopped having faith in god. He began to view the world differently. He doesn’t care anymore whether he dies or not. Elie’s father is different, he still believes that the world is full of religion and belief. He still have the faith in God. Siddhartha has been through many things in his life being a samana and brahmin, he never viewed the world as beautiful until he chose to take another path alone.
    2) Elie would disagree when Siddhartha indicates that it is good not to love. Elie would always think about his family father, whether they’re fine or not. If Elie doesn’t love his father, he wouldn’t worry about him. Siddhartha never been through what Elie has been through.
    3) Elie has been through a harder journey than Siddhartha has been through. Elie would probably tell Siddhartha to keep on going no matter what’s in his way. Elie has been unable to see his father for awhile when his father failed the selection and was send to camp, and Elie kept moving on.
    4) Siddhartha would’ve probably tell Elie to use think fast, overcome his hunger and be patient. Continue on with life using those method. Soon everything would be over and you can live a peaceful life and see how beautiful the world really is.
    5) Siddhartha and Elie has some similarity with each other. Both Elie and Siddhartha was being tested. Elie has to pass the selection test or else he would be moved to camp. Siddhartha has to pass the requirement in order to stay in Kamaswami, the merchant’s house.

  65. Question A
    In Chapter four in Night Elie basically starts to give up and wonders if theres a God to keep faith in anymore. Elie tries to keep what he has left and make sure no one takes his dignity away from him. So when Elie is called down to the dentist to get his golden crown removed, he thinks of excuses so that the dentist will soon give up and let him be with the golden crown. Elie takes a risk but it gets pulled off after a while and he gets to keep his crown for a little longer. So in a way his decision is pretty good.
    In Siddhartha the chapter the awakening is a great example of decision making because it shows a good effect and a bad effect. Siddhartha's decsion was to leave Buddha and his best friend Govinda. The good effect is Siddhartha now feels likes he's been born as a new man, this is a good because he starts out fresh and theres nothing really to worry about. This decsion is bad however because his journey may be a little harder and tougher and he won't be getting help from anyone.
    Question B
    Siddhartha is now awakened because he realizes he's starting off new again and is a new type of a man. His journey may be a little tougher but its a good wake up call for him and prepares him for the challenges ahead in the future.
    Elie gets awakened in two ways. One way his eyes opens up a little is when he witnesses the three men being hanged. He realizes how ruthless the Germans are and questions if there still is a God out there. The second way is when he gets punished and gets whipped 25 times after witnessing Idek laying with a Jewish girl. Elie realizes even the little things can get you in deep trouble and theres no going back after you make that risky choice.
    Question C
    In Night The Germans are the ones with the power, they control the camps and right now they are mostly controlling Europe right now. The Germans have all the authority while all the people inprisoned in the concentration camps have none what so ever. The Germans are the law in the concentration camps and if you don't follow there laws you'll either be killed or tortured.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha annd the Brahmins are the ones with the power because they are on top of the Caste System. Siddhartha doesn't believe in this because he doesn't believe people should be born into something and be misjudged by others because there class. Siddharthas father has the authority, Siddhartha always asks for his fathers permission like when he joined the semanas for example. The Caste System is the law because it has many restrictions to a person life. For example the higher you are in the Caste Syetem the more you can do.

  66. a.
    In these chapters, decision making is an important theme between the two characters. In Night, when Elie was asked for his shoes by a young man of his age, he refused and decided he wanted to keep his shoes, it was the only possession he really had left after having to leave his home and move into the camp. He was also called into the dentist's office to get his cold crown removed, but he decided to keep that to, it might come in handy some time in the future. He lied to the dentist that he was sick on two occasions, but then when the dentist was killed, Elie could keep the crown in his mouth. Siddhartha also made a decision. Siddhartha had decided to continue through his journey alone, leaving Govinda with Gautama. Siddhartha had thought that whatever knowledge he was seeking, he wont be able to learn from teachings or teachers, he would have to find it alone. Siddhartha decided it was best for his best friend and his only companion to stay with Gautama and let him go on without him, he thinks it is for the best.

    Elie awakens when he gets to the camp and sees what life in the camp is like. He watches his own people being abused, tortured, and killed. The worst part is that he can't do anything about it or else he will become the next one dead. Elie is then awaken to the horrors that life can give. He realizes how life can be unfair and how dangerous and unpredictable it is. Siddhartha awakens once he leaves Govinda and realizes he is now alone on his journey. Siddhartha left Govinda behind because he thought that whateve he is looking for, he should look for it alone. Siddhartha now feels that he and his friend Govinda have become men, and as men they needed to separate in order to find their own enlightenment.

    In Night, all the power is given to the Germans and the SS. With all the power they have, they use that to have authority among the Jews. With their power and authority they pass laws that say what a Jew can or cannot do. In the book Night, the Jews are given hardly any power at all, and they have neither authority nor law against the Germans. In Siddhartha, most power is given to the Brahmins, since they are at the very top on the caste system. Since the Brahmins are at the top, they also have authority among the people lower in the system, with this authority they can pass and enforce laws onto the lower people in the system.

  67. question A
    Decissions, small or big, will hold some sort of impact on us in our futures. Wheather the choice be between what type of gum to buy, or what colleges to apply to, we are trying our best to always make the correct decission, or the decission that will give what we want. (This choice is not always looked at as the "right" choice). Elie makes life altering decissions every second of his life. He is constantly choosing wheather he wants to live or die. If he follows the SS officers' rules and does what he is told he will most likely live. If he does not, then he will most likely die. He is always thinking of his consequences and evaluating the possiblities of what might happen when he commits his actions. He is always facing death in the face, and he is always trying to make the right choices while still trying to get what he wants. Siddartha had to make an extremely difficult decission that I think still ponders him. He has the choiuce of wheather or not he trully wants to be alone, and wheather or not he thinks it will help him in the long run. He is deeply sadened when he realizes that he no longer trully has a place to be or fit in with others. he only has himself. He is his own teacher. he is who he lives with. It is simply him, and that it all. he now has to choose if that is what he trully wants in his life. If he wants to acheive his ultimate goal then yes, this is what needs to happpen. But sometimes plans change, and sometimes we change our minds so we can be safe, although I do not beleive Siddartha will change his mind.

    question B
    Each character is awakened or enlightened in some way. Siddartha is awakened by discovering what he beleives to be his next step. he beleives that he has now found the path that he needs to walk upon to reach himself. Elie is awakened by realizing that in this dreaded life that he is being forced to lead, he is losing himself. He is no longer himeself. He no longer acts like himself, or does the things he would have once done. He simply does what he is told so he can get by and hold his life, but what is his life worth if it no longer him who is living it? His life is nothing without him. He is not himself, and therefore his life is not worthy, therefore there is no point in him doing what he is told so he can hold on to his life.

  68. question C
    The opinions of power and law are extremely different in these two books. In Siddartha power and law come more within oneself and one's state of mind, and how one projects themself. Siddartha was ordered to follow many people in his life. Two of them were his father and the samanas. Both of these people refused to allow Siddartha complete his requests, and yet both of these powers gave in to Siddartha's own power. He proved himself using his power and the very laws that these people had inbedded into him. Although these are two very strict authorities, they both were overcome by Siddartha because he was able to not state his power but to show it and to put it into action. Elie has to constantly deal with authority, power,, and law. It is what rules his life and it is what makes sure he will never come close to being in charge. He is no longer to make any decissions. Whereas before, even though he was forbidden from studying Cabala, he still did. Now, he can barely think of ways to get out without being in danger because of the stricts laws and authority figures that control him.
