Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chapter 6 in Night and Samsara in Siddhartha: Due July 27th

1. Complete spiral notebook work for each chapter
2. Define symbol. Give example from each book.
Define turning point. Give synonyms.
3. Blog Entry
  • Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation.
  • Here are two quotes from these chapters that show a similar theme:
Elie says on page 82 "not to feel anything..."--that there are "two entities- my body and

Siddhartha explains on page 75 that" he was frightened and his heart ached as if...he
thrown away all value and all goodness. Inside him, he felt, something had died."

Both are close to death and have reached a turning point. What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man.
  • What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain.


  1. Symbol: A symbol is something that represents something else usually by association or a resemblance of something else. An example of a symbol from the book Siddhartha is the bird that Kamala released into the air to be free after she had been noted that Siddhartha has left town. The bird symbolizes Siddhartha as the bird was trapped in a golden cage much like Siddhartha. He was trapped within a town with all the money in the world but no where to go. When he had left, the bird was free'd as well to show that Siddhartha is free from this town and to do as he pleases or to continue onward to find his true path in life.
    In Night, an example of a symbol would be that the snow was falling down on the Germans. Little by little it would fall harder sybolizing that soon it would be their downfall, that the russians were closing in to bring them down much like the snow is wearing off the Germans, this includes the suviving Jews but right now they are eatting the snow as if it was water to survive and it sybolizes, to me, that the Russians are helping them in some sort of way to help them survives even longer than they should.

    Turning Point: A turning point is a point in life when everything changes, the way you see things, react, do things, etc... Or another word for a Turning point in a book would be a Climax. Another word for it can be a big change. Also a transition to something else can be described into it.

    Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation:
    There are many similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's at this point. One similarity is that both were had near death experiences and could almost "touch" death. Other similiarties between their situations can be that niether of them are caring for the other people around them. Siddhartha gambles all day and does what he likes, has slaves and whatnot, but he doesn't care for anyone else but himself and Kamala. Elie similarly only cares for one person and that's his father. Everyone is dying around him and he just continues on because he cares more for himself than anything else.

    What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man:
    What defines Elie's turning point is the amount of effort he is putting with his body in order to please the Germans and live. He has to drag his body along is what he feels. What he wants to say is that he kind of whats to die so that he doesn't have to pull this body along with him. He's two separate beings. He has had enough with the Germans making him do so much and his body is fatigued. It's making him more selfish and only caring for himself.
    For Siddhartha his turning point is that he has left behind him this life that was looking for Nirvana and bliss and enlightenment, but all that has left him so that he may live the life of greed which is what he was onto right now. He saw this and now it's the turning point, he left all the goodness and he's dying inside because of that. It's making him think differently now and wanting to live that life again.

    What is the main difference between their turning points?
    The main difference is that Elie wants to die or just give up on his body to live on and Siddhartha wants to thrive and live, he wants to find meaning in life again, in his new body that had death within but is open again. Elie is dying and sees none of that.

  2. Symbol: Something used in regard or to represent something else, usually within objects holding a brander meaning.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha faces an unimaginable change within himself, both physically and spiritually. The bright master of wisdom we once knew becomes a merciless gambling addict with a taste for destruction. After having lost almost all remnants of his former self Siddhartha needs a way out, a way to become what he once was, this is found in a symbol. A dead bird plays a symbol for all the good he once was, and in a dream where he threw it far away, that became a symbol for him to get his life intact, and he did.
    In Night, Ellie faces unimaginable torture in the fact that he and many others alike are forced to run in conditions not suitable for anyone. These inmates are forced to run for hours to get to a new camp, this running is placed at a high pace in order and anyone who cant keep up or gets out of this strict order is immediately killed. With such a burden being placed on the inmates Ellie views a symbol, a symbol found in the Rabbi who comes looking for aid in his search. when resting for sometime in a roofless house, a re known Rabbi, comes asking if anyone has seen his son and explains the story that during the run he lost his pace and fell to the back of the running crowd while his son stayed in front. Ellie later recalls seeing the rabbi's son noticing his father falling back and instead ran ahead. This became a symbol to Ellie because it in fact brought fate into Ellie to pray to god to never let himself do what the rabbi's son had done.

    Turning point: a point in which a decisive change takes place.
    synonyms: climax, change, axis, critical moment, defining moment, twist.

    Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation
    - In both books, both characters face an extraordinary problem in which both head into a path of destruction and can't do anything to stop it. In "Night" the main character Ellie along with many other inmates of the camp are forced to run to another camp at an alarmingly fast pace for hours with no stop. During this many inmates die and or face excruciating pain, like Ellie. This would be Ellie's situation in which he's on a path of pain that should insinuate death unless something is done to stop it.
    In "Siddhartha" the main character Siddhartha faces a major problem within himself that is similar to the problem Ellie faces. In this chapter Siddhartha changes both physically and mentally into someone who we usually look down upon in society. From being a wise, good natured, intellectual, to being poisoned by greed and lust to become a gambling addict with an angry joy within risking high stakes. With this Siddhartha ages terribly and grows apart from what he once was. That is Siddhartha's and Ellie's situation and there similarities.

  3. Both are close to death and have reached a turning point. What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man.

    In Night, after having been tormented and forced for hours into running none stop by the German officials Ellie and the other inmates face a turning point. In this chapter Ellie could in fact have faced two turning points. The first being when Ellie was struck hard by the Rabbi's sons actions in deserting his father, after realizing this Ellie gains faith in god and prays, something he hasn't done in quite a while. Ellie prays to god asking for gods help in never letting Ellie become the Rabbi's son in similar actions. Something as significant as that could be Ellie's turning point or something as insignificant as the prisoners being herded into train cars and no longer being forced to run could be a turning point. In both, Ellie's usual life style changes, one more significant than the other but both define and affect Ellie.
    Siddhartha's turning point is much more of a personal choice. Siddhartha had been going down a dark road he hadn't noticed and continued going. This could of defined our protagonist in this story but instead his turning point he chose to get out of this life style defined him and showed us who he truly was. Siddhartha was not a gambling addict, that was not his personality, even though he had become that the original Siddhartha was not like that, and once being faced with death he changed, leaving behind a lifestyle so senseless that would get him no where. This turning point affected Siddhartha for the better, because after this I'm sure he'll never fall into the arms of that life ever again.

    What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain.

    Although both turning points signify new life to these two characters, they are in fact different. Ellie's turning point in fate would be caused by others in the first place. If it weren't for the oppressive Germans in the first place Ellie would of never lost his faith in the first place. Being faced with the last thing he loved on earth, his father made him return and ask to god that he never do what the Rabbi's son did, and never leave his father. All of this would be in fact forcefully input into Ellie, everything being influenced by others changed Ellie's thoughts and fate and even made him face his turning point seeking god.
    Siddhartha on the other hand made all these decisions from the start on his own. Siddhartha made the decision of staying around and associating with others of negative influence, that being gamblers and greedy merchants. Without noticing Siddhartha let these people influence him and he became like them over time. After having a dream where he threw away all his good values, Siddhartha personally began his own turning point where he himself got rid of all the bad he had become and left the town where this transformation had begun on his own free will. That is what separates both turning points from being alike, and instead makes them so different, all purely based on personal decision.

  4. Taneka Johnson
    Symbol: A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention. For example, numerals are symbols for numbers. An example of a symbol in the book "Siddhartha" was the rare songbird that Kamala released after she first heard the news of Siddhartha's disappearance. The bird symbolizes Siddhartha. The songbird was kept in a golden cage, until Kamala released it. Like the bird, Siddartha also felt like he was trapped in a cage and needed to be free'd. For he was now in a position where he had wealth, his own house, his own servants and a garden on the river. Though, he still felt like something is not quite right about his life. He felt a little misserable and unsatisfied. So, he decided to leave town and continue his journey of finding a path that suites him best. Now, he is free to go on with his life, just like how the songbird was free to go on with its life after Kamala let it go free.
    An example of a symbol in the book "Night" was Elie and his father. When Elie and his father along with other prisoners/inmates were forced to run for hours and hours until they reached another camp, some of them were trampled, shot and they were starved. Elie began to feel like he could no longer go on with life. But, he realized that if he gave up and allowed himself to die, his father would no longer have his support and would probably die also. So, he decided to keep going. Elie and his father gave each other their support and allowed each other to stay alive. They symbolized hope for each
    Turning point: A turning point is an event marking a unique or important historical change or one on which important developments depend. Synonyms: critical point, landmark, critical period, crucial period, defining moment, moment of truth.
    Similarities between Siddhartha and Elie's situation:
    Siddhartha and Elie's situations were very similar. They both had to deal with a big problem and had near death experiences. Siddhartha became a gambler, he became greedy for money, started caring less for the poor and felt like his life was getting out of control. "Inside him, he felt, something had died."(pg 75). He wanted to die and be free of his misseries in a way. So, to deal with his problem, he left town to go out on his own, find his rightful path and be set apart from his old stressful life. Elie along with other prisoners/inmates and his father had to run for countless hours until they reached another camp. They were starved, tortured/tormented, and those who could not keep up were shot and killed. "The idea of dying, of ceasing to be, began to fascinate me""to no longer exist." (pg 86) Elie literally felt like dying and just letting death get a hold of him. But, to deal with his problem he remembered his father and decided to keep going, with him supporting his father, and his father supporting him.
    What defines each character's turning point:
    What defines Siddhartha's turning point is when he has to leave his old life behind that he thought would lead him to Nirvana but, instead only left him with greed and start over fresh. What defines Elie's turning point is when he shows great strength and courage by not giving up, and continuing to tag along with his father and stay alive. He started to feel as if he was separated fom his body and his body was just another load on him. He wanted to die. He even began to stop caring about others.
    The main difference between their turning points is that Siddhartha sees the possibility of him finding the true meaning in life again and wants to continue on with his life at the end but, Elie wants to die and doesn't think that life has a real meaning to it.

  5. Symbol:is something used to represent another thing.In Siddhartha,the songbird that Kamala set free when she heard he left is the symbol for Siddhartha.In Night,the symbol was hope and faith.Elie and his father represent hope and loyalty by believing in each other.Elie was going to give up while they were running to Gleiwitz but decided not to because of his dad. When they reached the resting area his father was loyal by watching his son's back and his son watching his back.
    Turning point: is an event where the person makes a historical change,or a difference in their lives.
    Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation are a bit similar.Both situations contain a matter of death.Elie is in a life or death situation,if he makes a wrong move or doesn't take care of himself then he'll die.Siddhartha is in a stage of death mentally.He has lost himself ever since he became rich,learned ettiquette lessons and learned how to gamble.Little by litlle both characters are dying in their own way.

    Elie and Siddhartha are close to death,but they both have reached a turning point that will change their lives.Elie's turning point is that he is entering a new camp and has been thinking of death an awful lot lately.Because Elie has been growing weak a turning point for him obviously is death.
    Siddhartha's turning point is leaving twon.He had everything from money to clothes,from a house to a lover, but everything felt like a game.He had to take a time out and try to find the meaning of all of this.Siddhartha left town and never come back.But maybe another obstacle will make him realize where he belongs.

  6. Question 1:
    Elie's and Siddhartha's situation are very similar. They both are going through a lot of change because of their situation both with settings and personality. Siddhartha has been moving throughout the world homelessly and has been seeking satisfaction. Eventually it came to where he's been moving around the world aimlessly. In Elie's situation, he and all the other prisoners have been moving around from camp to camp and doing a lot of work. The Germans push the Jews around and the Jews follow aimlessly, only to not be killed. There personalities have been changing too, which under the circumstances they should have been. It's been many years since Siddhartha left home and he changed from a humble Brahma to a greedy, wealthy man. Now he ventures again to find a goal in life. Elie's personality has been changing because of all the pain and suffering the Germans have put him through. He's learned to be more satisfied with what he recieves and had alot of tolerance for pain and weakness.

    Question 2:
    Elie's turning point is defined by the seperation of his body and himself. He's learns mind over matter and ignores everything his body says. He and all the other prisoners were forced to run and if they stopped running, they would be killed. Elie felt like it was time to give in, he thought that death sounded great, but he remembered his father and used mind over matter. Even with a foot that's been operated on, he ran until he was told to stop. It affects him because he didnt stop running, and as a result, he lived. Siddhartha's turning point is defined by his dream. When he throws away the bird, he's throwing away himself, who he is. When he finally realizes what he's become, he decides to go back on the road and get rid of desires. He decideds he wants to have a goal because he realizes that he's been living aimlessly. This affected him because now Siddhartha will be looking for something in his life instead of just surviving.
    Question 3:
    There is a huge difference between the turning point in Elie's life and Siddhartha's life. Elie's turning point came from reality and he did what he did from fear and love. He changed because he loved his father and didn't want to let him live alone. Elie's turning point saved his life. Siddhartha's turning point came from a dream and told him about himself. It told him how to better himself and helped him realize what he's been doing wrong. Siddhartha's turning point isn't going to change whether he lives or not, its going to change whether he lives a happy man or not. Elie is just aiming to live.

  7. Symbol: A visible sign of somthing invisible. In the book Night, Elie and his father represent the love and faith they have in eachother. When Elie, his father, and all of the other Jewish people were marching to a new camp, they all felt as if they should just give up. Some did and they were shot and were crushed by all of the other marching Jews. But Elie knew that if he had given up his father would have given up also because Elie is the only person that his father has left. So when they came to a stop Elie and his father watched over eachother in the shed where they were sleeping in so that the both of them would be safe.
    In the end of chapter 6 of Siddhartha, Kamala set a rare songbird free from its golden cage. This rare songbird symbolizes Siddhartha because he started feeling trapped. He was gambling and living a expensive life full of money and riches. But he came to realize that these things were not what he wanted. He was a Samana and used to beg for food and had a happy life. Now he is a rich miserable person that feels trapped. The rare songbird also represents Siddhartha through the way that the bird and him are rare. Siddhartha is someone who has experianced many things and lived several different lifestyles. With his knowledge and experiances combined he is known to be someone who is "rare". The day when Kamala set the rare songbird free from its golden cage is the day when Siddhartha left the riches, his cage.

    Turning Point: A turning point is when a story or an event stops and goes the other way. A turning point usually turns a character in a direction for the better because that stop in time makes the character realize what he/she is doing. But somtimes a characters turning point is for the worse due to being misguided or confusion. Turning Points are when a character goes in a different direction, the positive path or the negative path.

    Describe the similarities between Elie's and Siddhartha's situation:
    There are several similarities between Elie's and Siddhartha's situation. Both of them had near death experiances and are going through very tough times. Elie is being torn apart mentally and physically. Elie has a bad foot and ran on it for a very long time therefore the pain he is feeling is terrible. Mentally, Elie feels the idea of death fascinates him and he is feeling death is a okay option.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is going through very hard times because he is gambling, drinking and doing all of the things he would never do before. He feels trapped and is very confused mentally. Physically he looks aged because he has been drinking and not doing the healthiest of things. Siddhartha just leaves and walks away from these tough times to try and get back on track with his life. Both characters are going through very tough times and are trying to stop and think about what they are doing and how to get back on track with their lives.

  8. What defines each characters turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man:
    Siddhartha has left the riches and everything else behind. He left so that he can be free like he was before. This is the turning point in his life and it is for the better. Siddhartha was going through very tough times and it was affecting him in a very negative way.
    Elie has a negative turning point in his life. He has thinking about death all of the time lately and is slowly going in the wrong direction. Before he was just a Jewish boy who has lost faith but now he is a Jewish boy that has lost his will to live.

    What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain
    The main difference between each characters turning points is one turned in a positive direction and the other turned in a negative direction. Siddhartha walked away from gambling, drinking and everything else that made him feel trapped and confused. He walked away for the better because now he has time to think and get his life back on track. On the other hand Elie turned in a negative direction. Before he was always a strong person that was very intelligent. Now he is a person that is becoming weak and is losing the will to live and go on. Both characters turned in oppisite directions, one for the better, one for the worse.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Symbol: It is something that could represent an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that shows that something else by association, resemblance, or convention.
    -In Night it shows a symbol when Elie was in the old factory and the snow kept on coming because it was a harsh weather. Elie saw snow come heavier, it was landing on everyone, but he saw the Germans also and he thought about their defeat. Another symbol was when Juliek played his violin that could have meant hope for those who are still alive. The reason why because he came this far and he took his violin with him.
    - In Siddhartha it shows a symbol when Siddhartha had a dream when he went to look at the bird at the gold cage. He saw that the bird was trapped in it and dead. It was the same with him. Also when Siddhartha left the town, Kamala had let the bird go free and live in its true nature.
    Turning point: It is the point at which a significant changes, a very decisive moment.
    Synonyms: Change, climax, crisis, contingency, development, shift, transition, twist.
    Question 1:
    Both Elie and Siddhartha are similar for their situations they are going through. Both of them are changing a lot due to the things that is going on in their life. For Elie he is moving a lot and working a lot and he is fighting for his life. The Germans are pushing them around and making them run to another place. For Siddhartha he moved on because he can't stand it any more because before he was nice and learned to be patient, now he is greedy and angrier. Both are suffering for things that going around them. Sometimes it is not them, but the people around them. Both of them are suffering a lot inside them and they need to continue in life so they don’t fall behind.
    Question 2:
    Both are close to death. For Elie he left Zalman because he couldn't help him very much. Elie let him die there on his own because Elie needed to live and he was forgetting every one around him. That is why he did that. He had to keep running because if they stopped then the Germans would shoot them alive. This is affecting Elie because now he can’t help anyone but himself because it is death or living. He must think two times before he can help or do something. This is affecting him because he has an injured leg and he has to be with his father. The turning point in Siddhartha was when he was noticing that he is different. He learned to eat, bath, cook and do so much. Now he doesn't care of those in need. One major turning point was when he threw away the bird because it was dead. That was similar to him that he was throwing away his life away. He was dead inside because he has lost his ability to do so much more and now he needs to go to his road and reach his goal. His goal was to reach the need to not desire. This is affecting him a lot because now he can’t think straight. He is thinking about the bad thinks he has done already; he can’t stand it any more. He feels that he was better when he was before.
    Question 3:
    There is a difference in their turning points. For Elie he is aiming that he needs to run or die. He must keep on going with his life. Now Elie is seeking God for help because for what is going on. Elie has his father to keep on going. But for Siddhartha he has only himself to keep on going to reach his goals. Also Siddhartha’s turning point came from a dream and Elie's turning point came from his real life experience. Also that Siddhartha is just trying to change his life style but for Elie it is following orders or dyeing alone with out no one helping him.

  11. Question 1:
    Symbol: A symbol is usually a sign used to represent or easily define something else. In "siddhartha", the rare bird is seen as a symbol. Kamalas releases the bird from its golden cage. Siddhartha relates to this bird beause he was once trapped. He escaped his "cage" and set off to a journey to find the path that he enjoys the most and is most interested in. He's free with no cage just like the bird is free to roam where ever it wants.
    In "Night", snow was the symbol used. When Elie saw the snow, in eyes, all he saw was the defeat of the Germans. As the he snow continues to slowly come down, the Germans are getting closer to defeat as the Russians will help the Jews escape this torture.

    Turning Point: A turning point is a major change in the story that may change how the character thinks,acts and the same for the people around them. The turning point can change the outcomes of what is assumed how the story may end. Depending on how big the turning point is can determine whether everthing before the turning point truly meant something to the story.
    Question 2:
    Both Siddhartha and Elie are in similar situations. They both have had near death experiences. What makes this harder is that everthing they are going through is out of nowhere and they didnt choose for this to happen this way. Well Siddhartha chose to go on this journey bu i doubt he thought it would be this hard. Elie is just in a messed up situation and i dont blame him if he gets even more emotionally strck by this which aready has affectd him.

    Elie is struggling. Honestly,i didnt think he would even last but he is hanging in there trying to do everything hes asked. He's forcing his body to work in the way the Germans want. They have all the power so there is nothing he can do to stop them.
    On the other hand, Siddhartha had a choice. He decided to leave his life behind. His family, the wealth, everthing. He wanted to choose a new oath for himself and i for sure know that he didnt think it would be as hard as he thought.

    The positions both characters are in gives a clear meaning in their turning points. Elie doesnt seem as if he can go on with this, as ifhe wants to end life. Siddhartha actually wantsto live life, but in his own way and i guess thats goood if t what makes you happy.

  12. Question 1

    Elie is running through feet of snow and therefore feels that he is dying of the frigid cold or that he will die in the snow. Elie is on the brink of death and the cold was not helping. Siddhartha is dying from all of the worldly pleasures of money and wealth. The money of Siddhartha is killing him and he feels he does not need the money for it is making him die. The two are dying from different things in their lives.

    Question 2

    The two characters both have a turning point in each story. Elie's turning point is when the Gestapo's tell them that they are near the next Conncentration camp. Elie is happy because he is going to get out of the cold wind and thick snow soon. Siddhartha's turning point is when he says goodbye to the garden. Siddhartha leaves the town to turn his life around again.

    Question 3

    There are differences between each of the two turning points in the two books. Elie's turning point is about escaping the cold wind and snow. Siddhartha's is about escaping the vast wealth he gained. Elie has no money to escape from and only the cold is what he needs to escape from. Siddhartha needs to escape his wealth and not the cold which are the two differences between the turning points. The only way a turning point works is with hope.

    Symbol: An object used to mean something else Synonyms:emblem, design, device, token
    Examples: A symbol in night would be the creamatories which stand for death, In Siddhartha a symbol would be the fores and it stands for life as Siddhartha sees it.

    Turning point: A very significant point in ones life or a story Synonyms: axsis, change, twist, pivot
    Examples: In Siddhartha a turning point would be when he leaves to become a samana, In Night it would be when the Germans put the Jews in to Ghettos.

  13. Symbol- Something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, ofter something immaterial

    Siddhartha's symbol was a songbird. When Kamala let the songbird out the window, it was as if she was letting Siddhartha free. While in town, Siddhartha was changing and becoming something he never wanted to be. When Siddhartha left, it was as if he was the songbird that was let go. Siddhartha was being freed from the person he never wanted to become.

    Elie's symbol was hope. When Juliek played his violin, it brought hope to the people still alive at the camp. The people lost hope and seeing the dead bodies made the people even less hopeful. When Juliek played the violin however, the people in the camp became hopeful and tried their hardest to stay alive.

    Turning Point- The point at which a very significant change occurs; a decisive moment

    Synonyms- Change, Critical Point, Critical Moment, Crucial Moment, Defining Moment

    Question # 1

    Elie and Siddhartha share some similarities in their situations. An example of this would be the near death experiences that both face. Elie feels as though he wants to die because his leg is causing him too much pain and he is tired of the suffering. All the pain and suffering he had been through seemed as though it was futile. Elie was still suffering and on top of that had a bad leg. He saw death as getting rid of the pain and suffering he had gone through, which made him feel closer to death. Siddhartha also felt the same as Elie because of the misery and despair he was feeling. Siddhartha, in the beginning of the chapter, was explained as a caring man who listened to the townspeople's problems and gave money to the poor. Throughout the chapter, you learn that Siddhartha has changed into a man intrigued by greed and lust. This causes him to feel as though he is losing himself and that these actions lead him a step closer to death. Another similarity between Elie and Siddhartha would be that both have something to hold on to, which is their savior from death. Elie cares about his father and sees him suffering much worse than himself, so Elie tries his hardest to stay with his father and stay alive. Siddhartha also feels this way when he has the dream about the songbird and hears the voice within him. Having not heard the voice in a long time, Siddhartha feels as though he must stay alive and continue to reach his goal of reaching Nirvana.

    Question # 2

    Elie faces two major turning points in Night. The first would be when he was told to run and and anyone who did not run fast enough was killed. Having a bad leg and suffering, Elie felt as though giving up and death were his best options. Through all the suffering and pain, Elie could not bear it any longer and having a bad leg made it even worse. It affected Elie because he thought life wasn't worth living if there was only pain and suffering. He didn't think of his father who was suffering much more than he was. Later on, Elie lay down with other people on top of him. Elie felt as though he could not breathe and felt extremely close to death. Elie dug his way out through dead bodies. This affected him because he had a true near death experience and felt the need to stay alive because of his father and knowing that his father was suffering much more than he was. Siddhartha also had a major turning point, which was a dream he had with a songbird. In the chapter, Siddhartha changes from a kind and caring man to a man full of greed and lust. In the dream, Siddhartha notices that the songbird is mute and dead. He decides to throw it out the window and instantly regrets it after letting the songbird go. Siddhartha felt as though he was letting go of a valuable part of himself. This turning point affected him because he decided to leave the town and regain the valuable part of himself that he had lost.

  14. Question # 3

    The main difference between their turning points is that Elie's turning point was a life or death experience. Elie realized that his father was suffering more than him and decided that he had to stay alive for his father. It was a life or death decision that helped Elie. We later learned that Elie lives at the end, having written the book, so this decision had a positive affect on Elie. Siddhartha's turning point, however, was a dream, which helped him find himself. Elie's turning point was a life or death situation, while Siddhartha's turning point of a dream didn't affect if he would live or not. The turning point of both Elie and Siddhartha are extremely different.

  15. Symbol: A symbol is an object or picture that represents something else. In Siddhartha a symbol would be the songbird that Kamala sets free because it was like almost it was trapped in the cage and haven’t been released. And Siddhartha felt as if he was trapped from his new life and needed to be free from this life, so he started a new journey. In Night a symbol would be hope, faith, and love because when Elie was running to Glewitz and he wanted to give up but as he saw his father he knew he couldn’t because of all the faith and love he had for him.

    Turning Point: A turning point is a big change that takes place or in someone’s life.

    The similarities between Elie’s situation and Siddhartha is that they both have been in a near death situation. Elie’s situation is that he is a new camp that he could die and has been thinking about death the whole time. And in the other hand Siddhartha he has changed his ways and been gambling and doesn’t care about anyone but him and Kamala. “Inside him he felt , something had died (pg 75).” He feels that he wants to die so he wont have deal with the problems he has, so starts to another journey.

    What defines Elie’s turning point is that before he gave up faith to God and when he saw what the Rabbi’s son he prayed to God to not let the same thing that the Rabbi’s son did. In Siddhartha his turning point is when Siddhartha started to gamble and to be greedy with money, then leaves behind the old life behind.

    The main difference between them is that Elie wants to give up and die. And Siddhartha doesn’t want to go back his old life so he wants to go on a journey and doesn’t want to give up to Nirvana.

  16. Symbol: A symbol is a picture or object that represents something. It represents words, other pictures, images, people or anything thing you can imagine.
    In Siddartha, the bird represented Siddartha. Siddartha was trapped like the bird in the cage when he had the dream about the bird. The bird was then free by Kamala when she let it go out the window. SIddartha was free when he left town. The bird was representing how SIddartha was; when he was being held back and then free.
    In Night, Elie's symbol was the violin that Juliek played. The symbol can also be hope because when Juliek played the violin everyone became more hopeful and started to try their best to stay alive and not die.

    Turning point: A turning point is a point where a change occurs. Like a decisive moment.
    Synonyms: Climax, crisis, decisive point

    The similarities between Siddartha and Elie's situation is that they both have been near death experiences. They both dont really care about other people anymore. In Siddartha , Siddartha does what he wants and he gambles all day. As for Elie, he's very similiar, he can only care for himself right now. He can not care for others because everyone else is already dying and if he cares for them then the next one to die might be him so he has to keep going and forget about the others.

    The main difference in their turning point is that Siddartha wants to find what's the meaning of life and wants to live, but for ELie, he wanted to die and give up because after what he has been through he had gave up on god and has very little hope in things.

  17. Elie's symbol was hope. Being in the concentratin camps caused the people to lose hope, but when Juliek played the violin it raised their spirits and gave them more hope than before. This gave them the strength they needed and the will to survive.

    Siddhartha's symbol was a songbird. When the songbird was let free, it symbolized Siddartha's freedom and his journey. Siddartha was let free from the life he once lived which he didnt want to live anymore, to begin the life he dreamed of.

    Turning Point- a point at which a decisive change takes place; critical point; crisis.
    Symbol- something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
    Synonyms- Change, Critical Point, Defining Moment

    There are differences between the two turning points in each of the books. Elie has to escape from the cold and the snow, while Siddartha is trying to get away from the wealh he gained. These are different in the sense they deal with two different topics. Showing how they differ from eachother.

  18. Symbol- something that represents something else
    In the book,”Siddhartha” the symbol that is shown is Siddhartha had a dream about Kamala's songbird in a golden cage. He saw the bird dead, Siddhartha took the bird out and weighted it and then threw it on the street like a piece of trash. Siddhartha realizes that he has lost all good inside him.
    In the book,”Night” the symbol that is shown is Juliek's violin. The violin represented hope to Elie and when he heard Juliek play the violin, Elie became intrigued by the sound of the violin Juliek was playing. This sound represented a child-like joy for Elie. But when Elie woke up he found Juliek dead and the violin trampled on like a insignificant body. This shows that even if you get a small taste of hope, it will always fade away.

    Turning point is when a significant change occurs.
    Synonyms for turning point would be:
    zero hour

    Elie's situation right now is to run in order to survive. Siddhartha's situation is that he gambles a lot and his lust for gambling is to great for him to control. He bets outrageous amounts, that fears other players. These situations are alike by Elie ignored the dead people around him or the people that collapsed while running, all he cared was to finish and to support his father. Siddhartha only cared about gambling and lost what he learned from the samanas. He had become something he didn't want to become.Elie and Siddhartha are in a struggle to find what is right and what is wrong.

    The turning point for Elie was when he made the decision to keep on running and to just focus on that. He ignored all the pain towards his legs, freezing winds, and the death he had witnessed. He had to do this because it was the only way to survive. Elie had become a “machine,” something that has one goal to do, and that goal for Elia is to survive till the end. Siddhartha had lost the good morals he had learned and absorbed greed in himself. He gambles a lot and his dreams are a sign that he had become a monster. Elie and Siddhartha had both become something they did not want to be.

    The main difference between the two character's turning point is they both desire different things. Siddhartha desires to stop becoming a greed-filled heartless monster and Elie's desire is to survive and support his father to the end. Elie had become a “machine” in order to protect what is dear to him and to survive. Siddhartha had become a monster he didn't want and now is filled with sorrow of what he has become.

  19. Symbol: A symbol is an individual mark that represents who you are and where you came from. It shows the connections between you and your family and traces back to your beginnings. In both books, each main character ( Elie and Siddhartha), both have their own symbol, that represents their character and who they are.

    In Night, a symbol that represents Elie is his gold crown. His crown represents everything that he had long before the war. To Elie, it was the only thing that was left of the shattered remains of his former life. It symbolizes his past and where he came from and separates him from the others. When it is removed, it symbolizes the exclusion of all hope and makes Elie like the rest of the Jews: hopeless and weak.

    In Siddhartha, a symbol that represents Siddhartha is his dreams. Dreams represent who you are and are depictions of your past and sometimes your future. Your dreams often lead you to where you must go, often known as “premonitions”. In the book, Siddhartha often has dreams that force him to review his actions and often make him decide to reconsider what he has done. This is shown in chapter six, when Siddhartha dreams of the songbird being encaged like a prisoner. Siddhartha himself, is somewhat encaged, as well, being ensnared, not knowing what to do. He frees the bird, wanting to be freed, himself. The bird soon dies, maybe symbolizing Siddhartha’s fate. Dreams are symbols of yourself and sometimes may “predict” what is to come.

    Turning Point: A turning point is an important moment of change, which marks the beginning of something new.

    Synonyms: Change, climax, crisis, development, juncture, peak.

    Similarities: Over the course of the story, there have been many similarities, between both Siddhartha’s journey and Elie’s. Throughout the chapters, both Siddhartha and Elie have loved, lost and suffered. Siddhartha has lost his dear friend, Govinda, as well as the love of his life, Kamala and unknowingly, his son. Elie, similarly, lost his Mother and sister, as well as his faith in God and over many occasions, almost his Father. They both live the life of a martyr and continue to lose, as nothing comes in their favor. However, both find a way to overcome the odds and find hope deep within themselves and find the strength to continue.

    Night: “Don’t think, don’t stop run.” (81)

    Siddhartha: “ Siddhartha left his garden, left the town and never came back.” (75)

    Each character has come to a turning point and it’s these turning points, that mold and shape them into the people they will become. Both Elie and Siddhartha have the desire to just flee from where they are at the moment. They continue to strive to re-claim what they once had. However, in doing so, they must leave the people that they hold so dear to their hearts. For example, Elie had to leave his Mother and Sister and continue to live his life, as they were both burned in the fires of the crematory. Siddhartha, had to leave the love of his life, Kamala and in doing so, he left his unborn son, as well. Both men have lost so very much in the matter of months. They lose as they gain. Both turning points are defined, as both characters, encounter them and try to overcome them, as they are faced with many challenges. But what defines them is how they overcome the challenges and how they react to them.

    Even though Elie’s and Siddhartha’s turning points are identical, they still have many differences. For example, while Elie can run as much as he wants, he has no place to go. No matter how much he runs, or how much he tries to escape, he has no place to go. Elie on the other hand can go anywhere. The world is his. While Elie is trapped, so to speak, within the confines of the Gestapo.

  20. Similarities between Elie's and Siddhartha's situation:
    There are many similarities between Siddhartha and Elie throughout the chapters. They both met a near death experience and was trying to avoid their death. Siddhartha felt that he was suffocating from the world of riches, dicing, and greed.He changed both physically and mentally. Siddhartha began to look at people with scorn, he no longer have any patience, and he began to be more lazy. Elie in the book Night also experience the taste of near-death. Elie marched and ran for miles after miles with an empty stomach that he no longer feel his feet. When they came to a shed, he felt that near death experience when he dozed off, he knew that if he sleeps he would sleep forever. HE similar to Siddhartha was also suffocating but Elie was suffocating from sleep instead.

    There were turning-points in the chapters we've just read. What define thses turning-points are the charater's realization and their actions after these realization. Elie in the book Night had a horrible realization about what Rabbi Eliahou's son was trying to do. He realize that Rabbi Eliahou's son was trying to get rid of his father because he notice that his father is growing weak. Elie's reaction was to pray to god that Elie would have the strength to never do what Rabbi Eliahou's son had done. Siddhartha on the other hand also reached a turning point. He had a dream of the songbird in a gold cage was dead so Siddhartha threw it out. His reaction after this dream was that he grew sad and realized that he had led a worthless life with nothing he really valued. He realized that his "game" is over so his action is to leave the town.

    Difference between Elie's and Siddhartha's turning-point:
    Both Elie and Siddhartha reached their turning point in the chapter. They both had a realization they both reacted differently. The fact that they both reacted in opposite way tells us that there's a difference between Elie's and Siddhartha's turning point. When Elie realized that Rabbi Eliahou's son was trying to leave his own father, Elie was trying to avoid doing what Rabbi Eliehou's son did. Siddhartha on the other hand realized that all along what he did in that town was worthless and he did not truelly find value in what he did (gambling). He was trying to change so he left the town along with all his wealth. So Siddhartha was trying to change in a good way but Elie was not trying to change instead he was avoiding that so that's also good too.

    Define symbol:
    Symbol is a letter, image, figure, phrase, or anything that's use to represent something else. It is usually have a resemblance or similar to both things.
    For example, in the book Siddhartha, the songbird in the golden cage that Kamala kept is a symbol that represent Siddhartha. Just as the songbird is trapped within a "golden" cage, Siddhartha is also trapped in the world of riches, wealth, and gambling. In the end, when Siddhartha left the town along with his wealth, Kamala let the songbird go free.
    In the book Night, Juliek played his violin when he was about to die. That violin can be a symbol of Juliek's life. On page 90, it mention of how Juliek's soul was on the bow and how he played his whole life. When juliek died, his violin alos got smashed and tramped on.

    Define turning-point:
    Turning point is a point where changes started to take place.
    synonym: change, climax, axis, twist....

  21. Symbol: Another object or visual that stands for something else.

    In Night, Elie's symbol would be the violin that Juliek possessed. Elie becomes hopeful when Juliek plays his violin, because it sounded so strong. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha's symbol would be the bird, because Siddhartha feels as if he's disengaged of worries.

    Turning point: A change that occurs.
    Synonyms- Climax, Development, peak, critical point.

    Siddhartha and Elie are similar, because they both are able to overcome any problem that interrupts their way because of others. In Night, Elie is able to keep himself alive, because of his father being there. He thinks about what his father would do if he wasn't still alive. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha stays strong, because he still has a lot to learn from other people like, Kamala and Kawaswami.

    There's a noticeable difference between both men's turning points. Elie's turning point was his father, because he didn't want his father to go through this torture alone. So he keeps strong for his father. Siddhartha's turning point was when he had a dream about himself.

  22. A symbol is a figure that is used to represent something else. An example of symbolism in Siddhartha would be the songbird trapped inside the golden cage. Siddhartha could be represented by the songbird because he was trapped living in that lifestyle. He was living in luxury and that lifestyle didn’t suit him. In the end when Siddhartha leaves Kamala, Kamala sets the songbird free. This symbolizes Siddhartha’s freedom. The songbird is now free, and so is Siddhartha. An example of symbolism in Night is when Elie’s friend Juliek’s violin was destroyed by the SS men. Juliek’s violin playing symbolized life and his hopes. Juliek’s only possession left was his violin and it meant a lot to him but the SS men destroyed the violin and killed him. The SS men also destroyed the hope that he had.

    Turning points is when things begin to change. Some synonyms for turning point are transition and decisive moment.

    Even though Elie and Siddhartha’s situations are different, there are similarities. Both their lives are going to change. Elie was going into a new concentration camp in Gleiwitz. He didn’t know what he would have to endure in that camp because the SS men became crueler; they showed no mercy for people. Siddhartha left town. The lifestyle he was living wasn’t what he wanted. His life is going to change once again because he’s going to go back to being a samana.

    Elie’s situation is very different from Siddhartha’s. Elie is stuck in the concentration camps where Siddhartha can choose to do whatever he wants. Elie is also in a dangerous situation because the SS men can kill him at any moment for any reason. Siddhartha isn’t in any danger because he can choose how to live his life. He made a choice to live with Kamala in the garden but then he realized that it wasn’t what he wanted so he left. Siddhartha has a choice of deciding how to life his life where Elie doesn’t. Elie is forced to do things that he is told to do or he would have to face the consequences.

  23. Symbol- Something that is use to represent something else
    In Night, a symbol would be Juliek's violin because it represents hope for the people since after such a rough time.
    In Siddhartha, a symbol would the songbird because it represents Siddhartha. It's trapped inside a gold cage which is like the town and Siddhartha's wealth, but the bird was never free which is like Siddhartha.

    Turning point is when a event is going to change. Synonym - crossroad,change,climax

    Siddhartha's situation and Elie's situation is very similar because their life is going to change from positive to negative. In Siddhartha's situation, after all the wealth and the power he had gain, now he just disappear out of nowhere which he has no more power or wealth. In Elie's situation, the camps before were easier to survive than the ones in Gleiwitz since those seem to be harsh.

    The thing that defines Elie's turning point is effort and hope. It will affect Elie positively because he will live on due to his effort and hope. Siddhartha's turning point is the disappearance. It will affect him negatively because he began to gamble and bad natures appears which will cause him many troubles after he left.

    The main different between the two turning point is that Siddhartha wants to find what he is missing and meaning of the world and for Elie is to survive and live as long as possible.

  24. Symbol:

    Symbol is an object or sign that represents something and usually has a meaning to it.
    An example from Siddhartha is on page 76 when Kamala Freed the bird. This symbolizes that Siddhartha is now free once again and is exploring. Siddhartha again is again ready to explore disgust of his life style.
    On Night Elie's infected foot was filled with pus. The doctor explain that it wasn't as bad as it seemed. The symbol in here is his own foot. The pus might relate to all the bad times and the doctor curing his foot might be the bad times being set free into the forget fullness. Yet the wound opening back up could mean the beginning of some more bad memories on the camp.

    Turning Point:

    A turning point is the start of a new path due to recent events leading to it. The turning point usually deals with life or personal experience.

    Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation:

    The similarities between Elie and Siddhartha are their ways of seeing things. Siddhartha loves no one and hates no one but himself. Elie on the concentration camp loves no one but himself and his father. Through this book they are consider as one individual because they both need each other. But other then that Elie doesn't care about any one else. Its like a game every man for him self you yourself must win.

    What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man:

    What defines Elie's turning point is his words and actions. He keeps meeting and exceeding the Germans needs. His words such as he saying his sins has finally come back and haunt him and he thinks its all his fault and puts the blame on his God and religion.
    What defines Siddhartha turning point was he leaving and choose of exploring new experience. His Experience with Kamala and him working was also a turning point. He is looking for Nirvana not work and other people satisfaction but his own.

    What is the main difference between their turning points?

    The main difference between their turning points is that Elie want to survive the camp with his father and isn't afraid to die. He sometimes wants death. But his father keeps him alive. Siddhartha wishes to explore the world and experience many different emotions and find Nirvana through it all. Elie Seeks Death through salvation and vice versa. Siddhartha wants enlightenment and life.

  25. Symbol:
    A symbol is something that resembles another thing. In Siddhartha, the symbol was a rare bird that appeared in his dream to show him that his soul died. In Night, Elie ran for twenty kilometers represented his seemingly endless journey through the camps. Many books use symbols like these to express what is going on in the book.

    Turning points are when a point in history, a story, or even life completely changes. Another saying for it would be a critical decision or a point of no return. It could also be used as the climax.

    Elie’s situation and Siddhartha’s situation are very similar. They are both near death; for Elie it was physical and for Siddhartha it was spiritually. They were both moving from one place to another—and didn’t exactly know where they were going. Even though they aren’t exactly the same they are both in dangerous positions.

    Turning points are never easy, and these characters are no exception. Elie’s near death turning point was more of a physical turning point than anything. Siddhartha’s near death turning point was more mental than physical because he was looking for his new life and soul. Each book has a turning point for Elie and Siddhartha, and they both mean something different.

    Even though the situations are similar, the turning points aren’t. Elie’s turning point was physical and he is about to die. Siddhartha’s was mental because his soul had almost died. Even though there are more differences, the main one is the type of change.

  26. Symbol:
    A symbol is something that represents another person or thing by showing its resemblance and how it is interpreted through that symbol. In siddhartha, Siddhartha was symbolized as the song bird in Kamala's graden. When Kamala has realized that Siddhartha has left town and wandered off like the pilgrim that he was, she let the song bird out of the cage to be free. The bird is Siddhartha. Like the Bird , Siddhartha was caged in with the gambling, gardens, expensive items and wine until he opened him self out of the cage and left.
    In Night, a symbol would be the snow. Right now the snow is getting rough, and little by little it is falling harder. The harder it falls, the more the Germans start to tire themselves out. But for the Jews the snow is aiding them. With out water, the snow melts in their mouths and quenches their thirsts. The snow represents the Russians. The Russian are stopping the Germans. As the snow hits hard, so do the russians. And while they are defeating germans, they are also saving jews, representing the snow they are eating.
    Climax, Turn around, Change, twist, transition.

    Turning point:
    A turning point is when you learn or realize something that makes you turn around completely and have a different outlook on life in general or the situation.

    Elie and Siddhartha have many things in common about their situations. Both Elie and Siddhartha have both felt a great deal of pain, as if they were about to die. Both characters in their situations have had turning points. Both charatcers are on a journey they did not choose.

  27. Siddhartha's turning point was to leave the brahmins, the samanas, and the Buddha so he can live a life that brings him misfourtune. He no longer wants wine, to gamble, bathe in fragrance water, fine clothes or watch women dance. He has left that to go back to his life, where greedy things have no importance and wont cause a painful death inside of him.
    Elie's turning point is how he still stands. He has endured hell and he is still standing through it. The hope he has is helping him move forward but he has lost faith.

    There is a difference between Elie's turning point and Siddhartha's turning point. Elie's turning point happened so he can survive. He does not want to quit, although times get rough and he does contemplate it, but he keeps going. Siddhartha's turning point has made him realize that he does not like this life and will go back and become what he once was. Elie had faced a problem upfront, where he could literally touch it, while Siddhartha's problem lied within himself.

  28. Define symbol and give examples from each book.
    A symbol is used to represent another thing, such as an object representing something else.
    In Night, the long journey that was taken that lasted more than forty two consistent miles of running was a symbol. The more they ran, the closer they were to ending their long journey. When the SS officers told them to keep marching because they almost arrived, it kept them going because they knew they were soon to come to a stop (pg88). In Siddhartha, the symbol is the bird Kamala keeps in the Golden cage. Siddhartha has a dream about it, and in his dream the bird represents that when he threw the bird out the window, along with it, he threw away all his goods (pg73). The bird represented all his riches and valuables.
    Define turning point and give synonyms.
    A turning point is when something big occurs which leads to a change in things.
    Synonyms: Climax, change, transition, shift and moment of truth.
    Similarities between Elie’s and Siddhartha’s situation
    Similarities between Elie’s situation and Siddhartha’s situation are that they both come to a realization. Siddhartha realizes that during his childhood is probably the time he’s experienced bliss, when he was ahead of others that were way older than him. He realizes this once he sits down under his mango tree, and has a luxurious life with the big house with servants and addicted to dice. He takes a while under the tree to come to think about how everything he has wasn’t necessary which leads his decision to leave it all behind and leave town. In Night, when Elie has thoughts about if he were to die he would no longer feel any pain, he realized that the only reason he was still there was for his father (pg82). The journey is coming to an end and he thinks about what his father would do without him.

    Describe the turning points and how they’ve affected each man.
    At this stage each character has reached their turning point in which their situation changes. Siddhartha’s turning point is after he has his dream of throwing the dead bird out the window and decides to sit underneath his mango tree and come to realize that all he had wasn’t necessary, all the luxuries and all his valuables. It affects him because he comes to realize that he wasn’t in bliss, and all he did was what he learned from other men and part of things he, himself despised (pg69). Elie’s turning point is when he’s close to death and thinks about how he’s his father support and how he should keep going for him and because their journey seemed to be near an end.

    Main difference between each turning point
    The main difference between each turning point is that Siddhartha realizes that luxuries aren’t necessary and aren’t everything. He realizes how much more he was at peace as a child then he is now. Elie on the other hand comes to realize that he’s come this far for his father. Although he’s had many struggles and has had many obstacles which caused him pain, his foot injury, and the twenty five whips he’s had it all comes down that he’s been able to overcome them for his father. The difference is that everything Elie does is for his dad, his family, but on the contrary Siddhartha does what he does for himself because he’s on his own without his family or Govinda.

  29. Symbol: Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.
    Night- In the book Night, a symbol to represent Elie can be Juliek’s violin. The violin gave Elie hope. When hearing Juliek play it, it gave him a last bit of hope. When Juliek was found dead, it was as if Elie’s hope was crashed. There wasn’t something to keep him on not giving up.
    Siddhartha- In the book Siddhartha, a symbol to represent Siddhartha can be the Songbird. When the songbird was let free from its cage, he represents Siddhartha. It was as if Siddhartha was being let free from someone he doesn’t’ want to be.
    Turning Point: A decisive or conclusive point.
    Synonyms- axis, change, climacteric, climax, contingency, crisis, critical mass, critical moment, critical period, critical point, crossing
    Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation.
    In the book Night and Siddhartha, Elie’s situation and Siddhartha’s situation are similar. Both are similar because both were beginning to change in some way and they had a time where they were close to death. In the book Night, Elie didn’t care about the people around suffering and dying around him anymore. He just found away to always be with his father and watch out for him. He was in pain and suffering where he feels he’s going to die. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha began to only care about gambling. He wasn’t as caring as before. He was becoming a person he doesn’t want to be and as well makes him feel close to death.

  30. Both are close to death and have reached a turning point. What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man.
    In the book Night, Elie’s turning point would be when he had to run in time before he would be killed. Elie also had a bad leg, which made it harder for him to run. There was a lot of pain and suffering. Going through all the other dead bodies, he realizes how his father could be suffering much more. With this experience, it affected him because for a while, he thought of giving up on life. He also realized how others are as well suffering. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha’s turning point was when Siddhartha wasn’t his own caring self anymore. He became greedy. Also, in his dreams, he realizes he has become someone that he never wanted to be. This affected him because he then realizes that he needs to change and going back to what he should become of himself.
    What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain.
    In the books Night and Siddhartha, there is a difference between Elie and Siddhartha’s turning points. For Elie, his turning point was of him waking up and realizing how his father could be suffering as much as he is and maybe even more. This made him change and not give up on life. As for Siddhartha, a dream helped him waken up and realize that he needs to change. He lost a part of himself and now he needs to find it.

  31. A symbol is something that represents, stands for, or suggests something else to make a greater understanding for one’s mind. An example of a symbol in Night would be the terrible wind & snow that kept falling. Thus symbolizing that the end was near, being that they all will die right there & then. Also the snow on the floor is the dead bodies that tripped all the alive ones causing more death due to lack of air. The example of symbol in Siddhartha is the rare songbird that appeared in Siddhartha’s dream which sang all the time except for once that it was dead & Siddhartha threw it out the window symbolizing Siddhartha’s life.

    Turning point is a drastic event that changes the outcome of things, a high point. Synonyms: decisive moment, defining moment, rising action, climax, point of no return, & twist.

    The similarities in both Elie & Siddhartha’s situation is that they both have a near death experience both physically & mentally. In Night, Elie barely escapes death as he digs himself out of various other bodies that was crushing him having him gasping for air. Siddhartha’s situation was similar because Siddhartha’s life was fading right before his eyes as he “gambled out of his heart’s distress.” to show his contempt for wealth.

    In Night, Elie faced a turning point when he was walking through the snow enduring his leg pain. He was told “Don’t think, don’t stop, run!” because if he had stopped or slowed down, he would’ve been killed. So Elie had the choice to just give it all up & die right here when he has the chance. Then after seeing Rabbi Eliahu search for his son that probably had left him, Elie said a prayer to God so that he would not become like Rabbi’s son. The turning point in Siddhartha is that he became to play die and gamble for wealth as he becomes greedy & the feared player with his high stakes. Then Siddhartha was warned by his dream about the songbird that symbolized his life that was thrown out the window. Then he comes to the realization that his life was like a game of samsara.
    So then he left everything & that same day Kamala’s songbird flew out the window symbolizing Siddhartha’s second awakening.

    The difference between both of Elie & Siddhartha’s turning points is that In Night, Elie had to endure excruciating pain & was near death to the point where he knew he can’t just die & leave his father, the person that was in much more pain then he was in. But in Siddhartha, Siddhartha wasn’t in pain but his life was going in a downhill fall as his life was basically a game played again & again & again to the point were he new it would never end if he continues. So he decided to leave everything behind him.

  32. Symbol: A symbol is something that represents something else usually by association or a resemblance of something else. An example of a symbol from Siddhartha is the bird that Kamala released into the air to be free after she had been told that Siddhartha has left town. The bird is like Siddhartha, once trapped in. Siddhartha was trapped in a town, following others, without looking for his own way of life. The bird was trapped in a cage, unable to break free. When the bird is let free, Siddhartha has also left town to find his own path. In Night, a symbol would be the snow. The falling snow, symbolizes an ending to the war. When the snow falls, the closer it gets to the time when the Jew's only hope arrives.

    Turning point is a point when everything turns around, leading the story to a different road. Synonyms: decisive moment, defining moment, climax, rising action.

    Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation:
    Similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation is that they are both near death. They are escaping reality by looking only at the one they care about, and ignoring the others. Elie worries about his father, and Siddhartha worries about Kamala. They both ignore that fact they are in deep situations.

    What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man:
    In Night, Elie's turning point is that instead of disagreeing with the Germans, he tries to please them and putting his effort to live and survive the German's madness. For Siddhartha, he left home trying to find his own life, but as time pasts, he started missing his old life. Now he regrets leaving behind his friends and family and his old life.

    What is the main difference between their turning points?
    The main difference between their turning points is that Elie is trying his best to stay alive, going through tortures from the start of his journey. Siddhartha had a peaceful life in the beginning, but he left home to find his own life, but in the end regretting it.

  33. A symbol is usually an image that represents something. Not only images, but sometimes words and feelings that are expressed symbolically. In Siddhartha, the rare songbird that Kamala owned symbolized Siddhartha. In his dream, he saw the bird die and he picked it up and threw it away. The next day, he felt something leaving him while he was sitting under his mango tree and he finally decides to leave. After his leaving, Kamala frees the bird to let it fly wherever it likes, like Siddhartha, who is once free again to wander. In Night, Juliek was a symbol of hope and happiness. No matter what, Juliek cared about the only thing he loved throughout his life, his violin. The night of his death, he played a song that was almost perfect and beautiful. He played farewell to the corpses and the next day, he was found dead with a smashed violin, which died along with him. He survived long enough to play a song, and to enjoy it with happiness before he died.

    A turning point is a point where everything changes and usually leads us closer to the end. In stories and movies, this is called a climax, the middle and where the suspense begins. More synonyms would be change, twist, axis and crucial point. (www.thesaurus.refrence.com)

    Question 1:
    Elie’s situation and Siddhartha’s situation are similar because they both realize what they’ve become and what position they are in. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is now in his forties and he is changed completely. From a samana, he is now rich and enjoys many things a rich man can do. He starts gambling, because he loves the feeling of fear and anger from losing his items and he drinks a lot. “ Siddhartha lost his composure when losing at dice , he lost his patience with tardy payers…lending money to supplicants.” ( page 71, Siddhartha)Then, after having the dream of Kamala’s songbird, he notices that he is not who he was anymore. He doesn’t enjoy true happiness and bliss, like he did when he was younger. He finally figures out that he is playing a game, and decides to leave all this behind. In Night, Elie runs and ignores the people that fall behind. He knows what happens to the ones that stop running, and keeps running, telling himself not to stop. When they stop at an abandoned village, Elie felt as if he was walking through a cemetery. Silent corpses were everywhere, and ones that were dying didn’t make a groan or movement. He was afraid to sleep, because he realized that death was all around him. “But, deep down, I felt that sleep would mean to die.” (page 85, Night) He then officially claims that his leg is long gone from his body, and the he must continue to march. The two situations are similar because they now know what to do after realizing their position.

  34. Question 2:
    Both men face turning points in their journey, and it defines both of them. In Siddhartha, the turning point for him was the songbird that belonged to Kamala. After days of sleepless nights, he finally falls asleep and dreams about the rare bird. He walks up to the cage and opens it, to find a dead bird. He picks up the corpse and throws it away, and that that moment, he woke up feeling as if something left him. Like the rare bird, his voice and happiness was unique, and it took him part of his life to find when he was younger. He realizes that when he was younger, he was feeling true happiness, and that lead him to change. He then makes a choice to leave the village without a trace, to continue his goal when he was younger and to wander to find true bliss again. In Night, a turning point would be when he was almost buried alive with people. At that moment, he realized that he was at the verge of death, and was losing air. He makes up his choice and decides to claw his way through the tired and dead people’s flesh, ignoring them, though they did not make a sound. Death was placed in front of him, and at that moment, he puts everything aside to keep him alive. He separates his wounded leg from his body, knowing that if he keeps thinking about it, it would be a bother. He ignores the frozen foot, and will continue to move on. While waiting for the train, he and others had bread and without water, they all decided to eat snow off each other. Also, the rabbi that everyone loved was looking for his son, and Elie saw him watch his father fall behind. He makes a prayer to the god he did not believe in, to not be like that and to watch out for his father. He followed his father into the weak line when he was moved there and causes confusion so they both were replaced into the line that was allowed to survive. These are the turning points that affected both men and their actions.

    Question 3:
    The main difference between their turning points are that Siddhartha wants to become who he was before. To experience being happy, bliss, and freedom like when he was younger. Elie, on the other hand, doesn’t want to be like who he was before, caring about his body and his mind. He ignores his body now and continues to stay alive through his mind and thoughts.

  35. I'm not sure if we were supposed to do this--but Julio did it so..

    Three quotes that show a similiar theme(decision making):

    Night, page 89-90, "I tried to get rid of my invisible..down my chest.." and page 91,"My father was sent to the left. I ran afer him."

    Siddhartha, page 75, " He smiled wearily, shook himself, and said farewell to these things.
    That same hour of night Siddhartha left his garden, left the town, and never came back."

  36. Symbol:

    A symbol is something that represents another thing. In Siddhartha, when Kamala finds out that he leaves, she sets a bird free from it`s cage because it was supposed to symbolize Siddhartha being trapped in a cage and as he leaves he is set free. In Night, Elie and all the other Jews have to run very fast in order to show they have enough strength, in order to stay alive. As they run It snows it gets harder and colder for them to run and some get tired, so the snow was used to represent all the weight of stress being put on each of them, from the Germans and the war, being put to an end.

    Turning Point:

    A turning point is the part of a book, that has a twist that can be positive or negative and is used in the story for the reader to be more interested. Synonyms>Defining moment, climax, rising action.

    The similarities between Siddhartha and Elie is that they are both going through rough changes in their lives at this point. Siddhatha is begging to hate himself for acting like the child people instead of being different. So that makes him run away from everyone to be alone all over again withno food water or nice shoes and clothes he leavs all that behind. Eliezer is also begining to hate himelf and life because the Germans are making him and other Jews to run very fast, very far and very long to get to the other camp. It was very cold and he had to keep running in order to stay alive. He gets tired but his father saves his life by helping him up and getting to the camp. so they make it but all Elie can think about now is death.

    Both elie and Siddhartha have turning points. A turning point in the book Siddhartha would be, when Kamala sets a bird free when Siddhartha leaves, the book says that she had realized that she had been pregnant from the last meeting with Siddhartha, because after so long they were giving pleasure, and now that he leaves he has made a child but will never see him/her unless he finds out and would want to see him/her. In the book Night, Eliezer`s turning point is when he begins to think of death, his father, and himself only. he mostly thinks of death because he realizes that he is getting weaker and so is his father and he almost made the wrong decision when he lies down on the snow from being tired of running, but his father helps him up and they succeed to the other camp. If he did not have his father he would have died because he almost gave up by asking for that close death when he lay on the snow.

    The difference between their turning points is that Siddhartha does go through a bit of a hard time but he does not ask for death. Eliezer goes through a harder time so he does indeed almost die, when he gives up running and lays on the snow untill his father saves him.

  37. Symbol:

    Symbols are use to compare two like thing of events.In Both books they have examples of symbolism. In Siddhartha, Kamala had a bird and set it free once Siddhartha left her that night. This symbolized the relation ship between Kamala and Siddhartha was over. Also when Siddhartha's Bird had died that symbolized the change that was going to happened to him or possibly the sadness of his boring rich life. In Night the violin that Elie's friend owned seemed to be a symbol of the past where things where normal.

    Turning Point: A time where a important change happens
    Synonyms:change, twist, critical point

    Elie and Siddhartha's situation are some alike. Elie was forced to run for his life; hie did it though out most of the chapter and hated it it was something he did not want to do but he must. Siddhartha also realized that the thing he kept going, which was gambling, was something he ended up disliking and stoped. Both characters had done things that did not promote them in life what so ever.

    Both characters almost reached death but this experience gave them a new mind set of what they are doing. Elie was force to run but didn't want to knowing he would die if he didn't. Elie forced his mind and body to withstand the the extreme conditions of running over dead bodies and the cold snow. This new mind set would have been the main cause for his survival during this chapter. Siddhartha noticed that he sinned and had done many bad things while he was wealthy and noticed that his life was pointless and now he is forcing him self to change and fix his life for the better!

    The Main difference between the turning points is that Elie is changing his mind to handle all the pain thrown on him while Siddhartha changes his mind to fix his life.

  38. Symbol: A symbol is a visual representation of a concept that is not necessarily visible or easily explainable. In Night, the symbol was the relationship between the Rabbi and his son. The Rabbi is old and weak but was once respected. He also has a son who is younger and is helping his father live through the horrible experiences of living in work camps. This is also the situation with Elie and his father. The thing that the Rabbi son’s actions are supposed to show is the hidden feeling for the need to survive. Elie’s new found pessimism and thinking of just surviving still does not change the feelings and need for his father to be with him. The Rabbi’s son most likely had left his father behind in the march to heighten his chance of surviving. This made Elie hope that he would never be that weak enough to abandon his father. It is a visual representation of something Elie could likely become, but can warn him not to become someone like that.
    In Siddhartha, the gold bird is the obvious symbol being a visual representation of Siddhartha’s ego. For the majority of the book Siddhartha has been learning teachings and trying to separate himself from his ego. Learning to be a samana and through the Buddha’s methods helped him live his life by fasting, waiting, and thinking. With Siddhartha’s new change into a gambler for the thrill, his life being wealthy was one to stop his enlightened thinking and indifferent ways. Not being able to get engrossed in worldly desires was one of Siddhartha’s greatest achievements. Although he was able to do this, he was not satisfied with himself and to get cheap emotions and lies he became full of lust, greed, gluttony, etc. Once Siddhartha made his realization under the mango tree, he disappeared from there and will never come back. Kamala knows that Siddhartha had finally discovered how to live his life all enlightened. The gold bird that was dead in Siddhartha’s dream showed Siddhartha’s dying wit and thinking, but once he rediscovered himself, the bird was let loose to show his newly found freedom from desires.

    Turning Point: A moment in time where a significant change occurs, making a seemingly absolute path change dramatically. Possible synonyms include change, climax, new beginnings, etc.

    Both Elie and Siddhartha are experiencing similar emotions or in this case, lack of emotions. Elie has grown to become indifferent to all others except for his father. He only focuses on their survival and the survival of his father. This is similar to how Siddhartha is growing more petty and cruel to others, but still only cares about Kamala. Elie could care less about the other people and looks on, mockingly. Siddhartha now is detached from people in the worst way possible and is just plain unpleasant. They are both unhappy with what they had become and through Siddhartha’s meditation and Elie’s experience with the Rabbi, his son, and his near death experience it is expected they will now change for the better.

    Turning Points:
    Elie’s turning point was that in the midst of not caring and being separated from his body, he was exposed to the inhumane person that he could become, and found a newer appreciation for life when he almost died while trampled and with the death of the violinist. Siddhartha looked back on his youth and his father and Govinda. When realizing that his greatness was dying off he had a revelation and left his life of simple riches. This means that he has finally experienced everything there is and is ready to find enlightenment. He once said before, he wanted to find his own experiences within himself to adapt a teaching that his all about him.

    The Main Difference:
    The main difference between both of their turning points is that Siddhartha’s turning point is more of an inner and spiritual moment that only focuses within him. Elie’s turning point was to regain his humanity and make sure that precious family ties are never broken due to primitive instincts.

  39. Question 1
    Both Elie and Siddhartha face conflicts that are big obstacles in their life. Both of these situations reveal the true self inside them. Elie’s situation reveals he’s a good person and won’t leave his father like Rabbi Eliahou’s son. Siddhartha’s situation revealed he too was a good person. Although he gambled a lot, he soon recognizes his mistakes and decides to leave the town in search of his goal in life or happiness. He realizes his goodness has been devoured by the gambling and quits gambling to become good again. He is now in search for a new and better life.

    Question 2
    Elie was close to death when he was stacked upon by other bodies and began to suffocate. This was a turning point because he just moved to a new camp where things are different and more is expected from the prisoners by the SS men. For example, the selection was just between if you can walk or if you are weak, Elie’s father went to the left section [weak] and this has a great impact on Elie. Elie’s father could be killed because he is weak and they probably will never see each other again. Siddhartha faces a turning point when he sits under his mango tree and reflects on his whole life. He thinks of his truly happy times and notices that he hasn’t been happy in a while. The turning point occurs when he leaves the town in search of happiness. He is finding himself again and this is a turning point from the gambling, Kamala, and etc.

    Question 3
    The difference between Elie and Siddhartha’s turning point is that in Elie, Elie does not know what lies ahead of him. Elie just knows to make the best of the days he can live, he does not know when he will die, he does not know what the SS men will force him to do, he does not know anything ahead of him. Siddhartha on the other hand is just looking for happiness. Although he too does not know what is ahead of him, he knows it will be happiness. Unlike Elie, he does not have to face torture, starvation, and etc. Siddhartha will be living a peaceful happy life while Elie is in a camp that he can die any moment.

    Symbol: A symbol is something that stands for something else by reason such as association or convention.
    The symbol in Siddhartha was the Kamala’s rare bird in the golden cage. The bird was trapped inside a world it did not want to belong in and so was Siddhartha. Siddhartha was doing things he wasn’t too pleased of and was not a happy person. After Kamala frees the bird, it travels wherever it wants to. Just like Siddhartha, after he leaves the town, he can go wherever he wants and become a free person instead of trying to fit in and not be successful.
    Turning Point: A turning point is a part of the story where big changes occur based on the decision of a character.
    Synonyms: climax, transition, peak, development, crucial moment, and etc.

  40. Define Symbol. Give example from each book.

    A symbol is used to represent something else.
    In the book Siddhartha, the bird that Kamala releases into the air after she has found out that Siddhartha has left town is a symbol of Siddhartha. Siddhartha represents Kamala's bird because like the bird that was trapped in the golden cage Siddhartha felt trapped. Siddhartha feels trapped because he is stuck in a town that is very wealthy but feels as though he has no where to go. When Siddhartha left, the bird was free'd from the cage symbolizing that Siddhartha had left town and would move forward with his life and the path he will take just like the bird would do too.
    In the book Night, Juliek's violin is a symbol for hope for Elie. This is becauase when Elie heard the beautiful melody being played from Juliek and his violin he became intrigued and this gave him hope.

    Define Turning Point. Give synonyms.

    A turning point is a point in which something changes for the better or for the worst. In other words a turning point would be a twist, critical moment, change, or the climax of a book.

    Describe the similarites between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situatuion.

    Siddhartha's and Elie's situations are both a bit similar. Both Siddhartha and Elie's situation have to deal with death. Siddhartha feels as though he is dying mentally because he is slowly losing who he is due to the fact that he is in a town surrounded by rich people and has grown a custom to their lives, "Slowly he was stricken with the spiritual illness of the rich." (page 69) Where as Elie is close to death everyday if he choses not to follow the Germans demands or if he cant keep up pace when running the many miles to the next camp, " From time to time, a shot exploded in the darkness. They had orders to shoot anyone who could not sustain the pace." (page 85)

    What defines each characters turning point? Describe the turning point and how it affects each man.

    In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha's turning point is when he has left the town filled with wealthy people because of the fact that he felt he was losing himself being around them. This turning point was for the better because now he can be free and continue on with his own path.
    In the book Night, Elie's turning point is when he seperates his body from his mind. He does this because although his body wants to give in from all the abuse he has taken and is still continuing to take after being evacuated from his old camp, his mind wont let him. Just when Elie's body was about to give out he thought of his father and chose to fight against his body to try to stay alive, and because of this turning point Elie lived and made it to the next camp.

    What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain.

    The main difference between Siddartha's turning point and Elie's turning point is that in a way one is negative and the other is positive. Siddhartha's turning point is positive and betters himself because he has left the place where he felt he was losing himself. The decision he chose leaves him to move forward with his life the way he wants to and not by the way of the wealthy people. On the other hand Elie's turning point was a negative decision on his part because he chose to move forward and not give up even though every ounce of his body wants him to. This was a bad turning point because now that he has not given up and has made it to the next camp after suffering so much he still doesn't know what's in store for him. Especially since he is still under the command of the Germans.

  41. Question 1
    Both characters situations are both very different, and they both did different actions to get into the place they are currently in. Yet different situations, they both are sharing a feeling that they have when these situations. Both these situations have both desires and near death experiences. In Night, Elie is at the brink of death, mostly because of his bloody foot and that he is walking in the freezing cold. There is no escape. But he has the desire to continue on with living, for he has his father as a reason to continue living, and will not give up. In Siddhartha, he becomes someone that he despised and never wanted to learn to be. He has lost the samana he once has. His actions are very foolish, as he gambles a lot. This is very dangerous, as maybe he gambles something out of his own hands, which may result as his live being taken. He then realizes what he has become in a dream, and then decides to leave everything, and continue his quest for Nirvana, which is what he had always wanted.
    Question 2
    The turning point of Elie was when he says that he has now two different entities, his body and his mind. This is when he uses his mind without the thought of his body, and his body does not affect how he thinks in his mind. Because of this, he is now able to take on hard challenges, such as running in the cold with an injured foot, and not being affected in a way. He still thinks the same. He continues thinking about his father, and only that, his body had not mattered anymore.
    In Siddhartha, the main character was once a peaceful and loving samana, and then was corrupted by kamaswami, and then turned into a man full of greed and lust. He gambles and plays this “game” over and over again forcefully. After much time he realizes what he really wanted, which was to reach Nirvana. His turning point was the dream he had, with the songbird that reminded him what he really wanted all his life. From this, he throws away everything he possessed and leaves everyone and everything in order to continue his quest.
    Question 3
    The turning points from each character are both very different. The reasons that these turning points occurred, how they occurred, and the desires of each characters are very different. The turning point of Elie was done forcefully if he were going to survive. He had to go through this turning point if he wanted to continue on living and be with his father, which is what he wants. The turning point of Siddhartha was just a reminder of what he truly wanted his whole life, and that he was not doing anything to get closer by business and gambling. From the dream that he had with the songbird, he know knows what he has done wrong, and will now continue his quest for Nirvana, which he had always wanted.

  42. Question 1-
    Elie and Siddhartha are having a rough time in their journey and later find themselves in a near death experience. They also find a turning point in their situations. These situations are similar because they both show the characters something that they have to do in order to survive. Elies in a bad way and Siddhartha in a good way.

    Question 2-
    Elies situation is that they are moving to a new hiding place because of the Soviets assault on the Germans. He realizes that he is trying to keep his father alive when his faith is to die. So the turning point is that he must let his father die because there is no hope for this dude and also realizes that this journey is an every man for them selves.
    Siddhartha sees his turning point when his life is going to hell. Due to his drinking and gambling, his life sucks. Before he was a dude that was caring and peaceful with every one. Now hes a douchebag that has anger and greed. His turning point is that he realizes that this is happening to him and decides to turn his life around.

    Question 3-
    The diffewrence between their turning points is that Elies turning point is a bad one for him but Siddharthas is a good one. Elie loses the man that he idolizes and cares for in this journey meanwhile Siddhartha has a chance to turn his life around for the better.

  43. Symbol: An object used to represent something else.
    In Night, Juliek's violin symbolizes his life. As long as he lived, he played his violin. His violin is broken when he is dead. In Siddhartha, the songbird is the symbol because when Kamala sets the bird free, it is like Siddhartha, he can go where ever he wants to be.

    Turning Point: an event marking a unique or important change of course.
    Synonyms - change, landmark, shift, twist

    Despite their different situations, Siddhartha and Elie are similar. They realized how they have changed. They have been so close to death. Elie didn't care about anyone else, he just wanted to live. He wanted to live with his father. Siddhartha changed after so many years. He became a wealthy merchant and always gambled. But he realized that he was miserable and didn't want to live a life like this so he left all of it. He wanted to return to the life he had before all of this.

    Both Siddhartha and Elie faced turning points. Siddhartha's turning point was his dream about the songbird. It made him realize that that wasn't the life he wanted to live. Elie's turning point was when he was running with his bad leg. He wanted to give up. it made him see that he can die in any moment.

    The main difference in Elie and Siddhartha's turning point is that Siddhartha was given freedom while Elie is still trying to escape death. Elie doesn't know when he will just give up and be killed. Siddhartha has already escaped death and can do whatever he wants; he's free now.

  44. Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation.
    Elie and Siddhartha’s similarities are shown in their situations during this position. Both characters feel as if a part of their humanity has died. Elie has suffered for trying to survive through the cold night when running towards a new destination. The cold and his injuries are biting his soul into shreds. Siddhartha is playing with his new environment. Mentally unstable, Siddhartha is consumed with gambling and desire. His new actions are beyond from what he used to be.

    What defines each character's turning point?
    Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man.
    The wish to live defines Elie’s turning point. His desire to live supports him to satisfy the Nazis. The affect of willing to live causes him to care mostly for himself. It also separates Elie into “two beings”. His mind wanders to dying while his body runs automatically saving him from death.
    Siddhartha’s turning point is defined from his actions. Siddhartha is gambling his goals away. Rather than knowingly aiming towards the goals he once wanted, he’s becoming a somewhat “unconscious” person. It seems as Siddhartha doesn’t know he is traveling towards a path which might scar his future plans of quenching his thirst for knowledge.

    What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain.
    Elie’s turning point is caused from the Nazis who violated human rights. Siddhartha’s turning points are made from his decisions when abandoning his home. Elie’s changes are caused by Nazis while Siddhartha’s changes are caused from himself.

    Symbol - an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has obtained a conventional meaning.
    In Siddhartha, the symbol that represents Siddhartha is the golden bird which belonged to Kamala. At the end of the chapter, Kamala had set it free, but in Siddhartha’s dream, he had dreamed that it had died. Siddhartha was dying when he became rich again. After when Siddhartha realized his actions, he left every possession he had and left town.
    In Night, the Rabi that was searching for his son was the symbol that represents Elie. Elie saw his son falling behind when his father wasn’t near. Elie prayed to God that he were to never do that. Elie and his father’s key to survive is to depend on each other.
    Turning point- An event marking a unique or essential change of course
    Synonyms- Change, development, climax

  45. Symbol: a word, phrase, image, or anything that has meanings to someone, which symbolizes, representing something.
    -In the books Siddhartha, the symbol is the bird that Kamala held in the cage to Siddhartha, these both were also very similar. They were similar by how the bird is caged in, and couldn't get out. It is similar to Siddhartha, how he in in the town, and he couldn't leave because he had lost himself, and started gambling, the only way to get out is to let go of everything, the money, the wealth, and everything. The bird and Siddhartha were also very similar in the dream. In Siddhartha's dream the bird had died, and had been thrown away. Like Siddhartha, he is no longer himself, he had changed, the kind-hearted him had died, everything kind and worthy of himself had disappeared.
    -In the book Night, the symbol is the violin. The violin is like all the Jews. In the book, when Juliek was playing the violin, it played the melody of all the hopes, putting his soul, praying the deads, putting all the miseries in the melody of the violin, but at last the violin was smashed and was shattered to pieces.This showed how the Jews first had hopes, and faith in surviving their whole way and had the strength to wait till the war ends. But at last most of them died, sons left their father, they were all smashed like the violin, they had lost hope.
    Turning point: the point at which a very significant change occurs; decisive moment.
    Synonyms: climax; change; critical period; crucial moment.
    (Dictionary.com + Thesaurus.com)
    In both books, Night and Siddhartha, their situations were very similar, they were at a point where their lives were were going to be "over". Eliezer had to continue running at a distance pace, ordered by the SS officer. But despite Eliezer's feet that hadn't heal yet, it was very hard to run. If any of them were slowing down the group, or just stopped for a few seconds to gather breath, they would be shot and die. With Eliezer's feet, he would've been very slow, and he would've been shot and died. Siddhartha on the other hand was also experiencing the same thing. He had changed, from and kind hearted superior man to a gambler. "..he had lost his composure...patience...good-naturedness towards beggars, lost delight in giving and lending money...he grew stricter..pettier in business.." (Page 71). At this point, all he could think of is sitting under a mango tree, and reflect on his journey. "....superior man that he no longer was....His heart was full of a misery..." (Page 72). Siddhartha was no longer the rich man he was, he was disgusted of himself, he was just thinking of sitting under the mango tree, and dying, since he gambled till he was old and ill, sick. Both characters were having a spare of thought, thinking of giving up.

  46. Bullet#2
    In both books, Night and Siddhartha, both characters were close to death, and had a turning point, having a decisive moment. When Eliezer felt that there were two entities, his body and himself, he was having a decisive moment. Eleizer had to choose fight with himself, with his wounded feet that hadn't heal yet from the blisters, he couldn't run fast. But his mind had said that if he slowed down, and stopped for a second, he would be dead. Besides this point, another point was when he chosed to follow his father no matter what. Not like the Rabbi's son. The Rabbi's son left his own father because he thought that his father was a burden, and getting rid of his own father is the only way he would survive. This decision affected Eliezer because his God, whom he gave up on, gave him the strength to choose that decision. Maybe in the future, when Eliezer is free, the God will be the answers to his questions. Siddhartha was also facing the same thing. "..he was frightened and his heart ached as if...he had thrown away all value and all goodness. Inside him, he felt, something had died" (Page 75). This showed that Siddhartha was facing a harsh decision also. He had became a gambler, doing things he didn't do before. After becoming a gambler, he had lost everything that he was worthy of. He felt sad, he felt that he didn't reach his goal, he was very miserable. Till he made the decision to continue on, leaving all his wealth and money. This decision would affect him because if he stayed the same, a gambler. he would lose everything, and probably everyone would start to dislike him. Since he made this decision, he is probably starting another journey again.
    The main difference between their turning points is that Siddhartha's decision was based on himself, he could chose whether to stay in his own wealth and continue gambling, or he leaves the town, leaving his wealth behind. Eliezer on the other hand had to choose the decision to continue on and not die, because it was a matter of life and death.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Bullet ONE
    Elie and Siddartha are both in forever life changing situations. Siddartha’s situation is an emotional rollercoatasl when he reminisces his happiness back in the days when he was Brahmin. Siddartha dislikes Kamaswami and the men who are into themselves. He has to choose whether to stay with his beautiful Kamala and deal with Kamawami’s lifestyle or leave the town for good because he is sick of his lifestyle. Elie has to run for his life. He has to run at a fast pace, in order to not get left behind and loose his life by a SS man who would shoot him to death. Elie gets tired along the run, and feels like giving up. He has to choose either to give up and die or continue running with aching feet for the sake of his father. Both men have to choose between their loved ones or between their needs.

    Bullet TWO
    Elie and Siddartha are both close to death and have reached a point that they have made a change in mind. What defines Siddartha’s turning point is when he wakes up one morning, and the bird in the golden cage was dead. Kamala had always kept a bird in a golden cage. The bird would sing with joy. Howver, little by little it became mute and passed away. At that instant, Siddartha realized living life is worthless if there’s no happiness. Siddartha felt dead inside, as if a part of him had died a part of living life with no wealth. Elie’s turning point is when the men, his father, and he arrive at a snowy lonely village and all the men were tired and fell asleep. Elie was about to fall asleep, however his father awakened him and told him not to fall asleep because if he did. He wouldn’t wake up. Elie didn’t care he had wanted to fall asleep, but chose to follow his fathers decisions. That’s when Elie notices another lonely man wanting to fall asleep and Elie advices him that he would die. Elies turning point was when he adviced another man.

    Bullet THREE
    Elie and Siddartha both had major turning points. Siddhartha’s turning point was when he saw a sign of happines leave. Elie’s turning point was when he saw another man’s life in danger due to being stubborn. The main diffrence was that Siddhartha’s turning point was in the state of mind. Elie’s turning point was when he witnessed a mans life in danger. Siddartha’s turning point caused him to leave his way of life. Elie’s turning point caused him to be wise and caringto other dying men. Both men experience turning points, both changed their way of thinking.

  49. Symbol – is an object or sign that represents another object or sign.

    In Siddhartha a symbol was the bird in the cage, the bird in the cage was in a way represented as Siddhartha, when Kamala had his heart she kept the bird locked up, but when Siddhartha left she let the bird fly free.

    In night a symbol was when Eliezer found out what the Rabi’s son did to him. Then after he left Eliezer prayed to god, asking him to not do what the rabi’s son did to him.

    Turning point – a turning point is something that makes you see your situation in a different way. Synonyms - a twist of faith, a change of heart, a change of mind.

    Question 1

    Some similarities between Eliezer, and Siddhartha is that they are both becoming people that they are not. Siddhartha went from righteous, loyal, trustworthy samana to high risk gambler. Eliezer has completely lost faith in god, when at the beginning he was so into kabala, and his religion. They also both saw the face of death staring at them. These are just a few ways that Eliezer, and Siddhartha are similar.

    Question 2

    Eliezer’s turning point was separating his body from himself he was learning to endure the pain. He was about to stop running until he remembered his father. If it was not for his father, he would of perished.

    Siddhartha’s turning point was that dream that he had throwing away a bird, the bird that he threw away was a symbol of himself, this was when he realized what he had turned into, so he decided to go down the path of riding himself of desire.

    Question 3

    The main difference between both Siddhartha’s turning point and Eliezer’s turning point is the way it happened. Siddhartha’s was sparked by a dream, and it changes how he feels. Eliezer’s turning point is sparked by his memory of his father, and it changes if he lives or dies. This is the differences between the turning points of the main characters.

  50. • 1. Both Siddhartha and Elie are in situations where they are not acting/feeling like themselves. Elie is so accustomed to people dying all around him and getting beaten, that he was able to scratch through a pile of bodies without any remorse. Siddhartha was so consumed with all the gambling and money that he didn't realize he was not feeling like himself; he wasn't happy, has no purpose in life and has too many unnecessary possessions. Siddhartha also only cares about Kamala and he became someone he never wanted to be, so he left. Similarly, Elie cares about staying alive and not abandoning his father.
    • 2. Elie's turning point is when he realized that he has survived through so much with his father that dying isn't an option. This is making Elie do everything in his power to keep living with his father. Siddhartha's turning point is when he realized that he became consumed with wealth, the thrill of gambling and he has yet to find his purpose in life. This caused him to leave the town in search of his calling. The main difference between the two turning points is that Elie includes his father in every single decision he makes while Siddhartha does everything for himself and even alienated himself from everyone he knew because of his decisions.

  51. Question 1:

    In both books, NIGHT and SIDDHARTHA, the main characters have a very common situation in which there has been a great change. In the book NIGHT, he was living normal until the germens put them in concentration camps with terrible condition. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha was the son of the Brahmin and he just left his family to do what he feel is right, become a samana. Both characters experienced a drastic change, from good to bad.

    Question 2

    In the book NIGHT, the turning point was when Elie was moved to a new concentration camp called Gleiwitz. He wasn’t expecting this to happen to him because he soon notices his father is growing weak. If Elie loses his father, he would have no strength himself knowing his father is gone. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha‘s turning point is when he goes back to be a samana. He soon notices gamble was a terrible act and he needs to go back what he was doing before, being a samana.

    Question 3

    In my opinion, the main difference of two main character’s turning point is what they value. In the book NIGHT, Elie’s turning point revolves around his father. Elie’s father is growing weak and he does not want to his father to be killed by the SS men. If Elie’s father does die, Elie would have nothing to live for because the strength he have is his love for his dad. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha’s turning point revolves around what he wants himself to become. He realizes the situation he got into, gambling, and he needs to go back to his old ways, being a samana.

  52. Symbol is something that stands for something else and it is usually represented by an object or concept. In the book Siddhartha, the rare songbird was a symbol of Siddhartha. At the end of the book, Kamala let the bird go and it flew away, just like Siddhartha that had leaved the town. The bird was trapped in the cage for a long time and it’s not its destiny. A bird is suppose to fly to wherever it wants and is free, and Siddhartha was like the bird. Siddhartha doesn’t mean to stay at that little town gambling and having all those power and pleasures, he felt empty in his heart. Siddhartha is meant to learn and experiences more things like the songbird is suppose to fly in the free. A symbol in the book Night for hope was the violin. The violin was played for everyone, like there’s hope in everyone’s life. However, the hope was broken in every Jews’ heart in the camp, just as the violin was trampled.
    Turning point is an incident that a mark there’s a new development that changes the situation that’s having now. Some synonyms for turning point would be the twist, crossroad, and change.
    The similarity between Elie’s situation and Siddhartha’s situation is that they are both so close to the end of their journey and they have reached the turning point. In the book Night, Elie is so close to the end of the life in camp. The Russians are getting closer to the camps, which may mean free for Elie, but also death. Elie’s plain and usual life in the camps was coming to an end and it’s the turning point for him. It is similar to Siddhartha in the book Siddhartha because he had lived in the little town for such a long time spending his life doing things aimlessly. However, Siddhartha had always noticed that his life was spending at gambling and it was meaningless. Finally, at the day he sat under the mango tree of his own and he start to think back to his previous life, and he finally decided to leave all these “pleasures” and go with his “real” life. Siddhartha was meant to learn and be the great one of all Brahmins. This was the turning point for Siddhartha in the book Siddhartha for deciding not to spend his life meaninglessly.
    Both main character from the book Night and Siddhartha are all so close to death, to an end to all what they had experienced before. However, this was the turning point for both of them in the story. For Siddhartha, he had lost his old self for a long time; the old self that want to learn and experiencing, but not spending it aimlessly gambling. In the chapter Samsara, Siddhartha finally awoke from all these pleasures. He’s scare of all the good things in him had gone after all these years doing nothing. He want the dying thoughts and values of thinking, knowing had once again came alive deep in his heart. It affected him by letting him woke up from the childish dream of pleasure and he decided to leave the town, leave Kamala, leave all his money and power, and leave the aimless life. Elie was closer to death as he was before but it is a turning point for him in the story. The Russians are getting closer and closer to the camps, and Elie was forced to walk and run for 20 miles and more. He can’t felt himself in that journey because it was snowing and his leg was wounded. It happened to him as his mind and body was separated. Elie was tortured physically, but he was mentally health and clear of what he need to do, but numbed with walking and running to the next camp. Even Elie was so close to death, but he knows that this may be the end to all the suffering. He may be free soon, a turning point in his life in the camp. This turning point affects Elie to work harder for his freedom.
    The difference between the turning points of both characters is that Siddhartha is going back to what he had done before, experiencing life, and Elie is working his way to his new life. Siddhartha finally took action for his aimless life in the little town, and Elie is working hard to get free.

  53. Symbol-a picture, person, object etc. that represents a particular quality, idea, organization etc.
    Example from the book:
    Sidhartha-the bird that Sidhartha always kept in a cage. He said that when he let it go he felt something inide him die.
    Night-one of the symbols in the book is faith. The faith that Elies father had and the hope he was encouraging to Meir Kats. The hope that noone else had.
    Turning Point-a time when an important change starts to happen.
    Example from the book:
    Sidhartha-One of the turning points is when Sidhartha has realized that everything he was went through has made him realize that he was only running away from himself. That the old him was always there inside of him.
    Night-As Elie realizes that theres very little hope left an he sees that his dad is getting old. He realizes how he has to fight for both himself and for his father.

    The turning point in the book Night is when Elie keeps on going for his father. Elie sees how his foot is and he keeps on going. He keeps on having that hope that his father wants him to have. After he has seen how others have suffered.
    For Sidhartha, he walks away from everything he has. The big house he has and his mango tree. He leaves everything behind. Sidhartha leaves and stops trying to look for nirvana and everything else he was looking for.

    The main difference is the way their turning points ended. In the book Sidhartha, after Sidhartha has left he leaves a child behind. Even if he deosnt know about it. In the book Night, Elie ended up in another cattle cart. Going somewere else. Not much had changed except for their physical pheutures. They were all going to a new place and once again there was no further information about were, only rumors.

  54. Symbol: A symbol is an object that represents something. Like a heart can be a symbol for love or a gift can be a symbol for love sometimes. The symbol shown in Siddhartha was how Kamala and Siddhartha's relationship was over when Siddhartha left the night. Kamala set a bird free to show this. In Night, the symbol shown was the violin that Elie's friend owned. It showed the past when things were fine and not like they were now.
    Turning Point: an event marking an important change of someone's feelings
    Synonyms: change, climax, twist in the story

    Similarities Between Both Characters Situations:

    Similarities between Elie’s situation and Siddhartha’s situation are that they both changing from the beginning of the book. Siddhartha was a person who was respected by his father and was a samana and now he is a risk-taker. Elie has changing because in the beginning of the book he showed that he believed in God but as things started to change he lost faith and began to protest Him now.

    Turning Points:
    In both books, there were turning points for each character. Siddhartha's turning point was when he had the dream about the song bird. Siddhartha has realized that that wasn't the life he wanted to live. Elie's turning point was when he was running with his bad leg because the SS officer ordered him too. Elie ran with his bad leg because of the operation he had gotten for his foot and he wanted to give up on this. Elie realised that he could have died at any moment.

    Difference of turning points:
    The difference between these two turning points are that Elie was trying to escape being killed while Siddhartha was a free person. He was free because he previously escaped death but unlike him Elie is still trying too.

  55. Symbol- a symbol is an object or visual that represents something deeper, example a heart is a symbol for love.
    With Siddhartha, the symbol is the song bird that Kamala srts free b.c it was trapped and needed to be free. This represents a deeper meaning to Siddhartha, b.c he, like the song bird, also felt trapped in his life and wanted to be set free, like his new path.
    With Elie, the symbol was the violin, with the deeper meaning of hope. When played, the violin brought hope to those still at the camps. With all that they have been through and witnessed, the violin kind of reassured and reminded them to have hope.

    Turning point- a turning point is a point in time where change occurs in a completely different direction, whether it was sad and now happy change, or happy and now sad change.
    synonoms for turning point are major change, critical change, defining moment.

    question 1:

    Elie and Siddhartha both had near death experiences. Elie's leg was in serious pain and he was tired of the pain and surffering, and he had been through more suffering before this incident at the camp. Siddhartha was miserable, because he turned into a greedy person through the journey. This has brought him closer to death.

    They both also have something that keeps them from surrendering and giving up. Elie's father is what keeps him hanging on, he knows his father is seeing him, although his father is suffering more than he is, he stays alive with his dad. When Siddhartha has the dream with the song bird, he realizes he is closer and closer to nirvana.

    Elie's turning point was when he was supposed to run or die. This was a near death experience for him b.c he had his bad leg. Although he was suffering, it was his dad keeping him alive. Siddhartha's turning point is when he decides to change from what he became in his journey.

    The difference in Elie and Siddhartha's turning points however are that Elie's turning point was way more severe and closer to death than Siddhartha. If Elie would have died, he couldn't change anything about that. Siddhartha was able to change what he had become.

  56. quesiton 1- There are many similarities between Elie's and Siddhartha's point in the story. A similarity is that both had near death expierences. Other similiarties between them is that they both care for few people. Elie cares for himself and his dad and Siddhartha cares for kamala and himself. Siddhartah does nothing but gamble and have slaves and doens't care for anyone but himself. Being in teh concreatratioin camp Elie has learned to not mourn as much for the people around him and only hopes he can stay alive as well as his father and only cares about that.
    question 2- Elie's turning point is the grueling work and energy he is putting with his body in order to live with the Germans . He has to drag his body along is what he feels and has to push himself over his limits. He feels death and just letting go can be only way to get rid of this torture. He's two separate beings. He has had enough with the Germans making him do so much and his body and soul feels damaged. It's making him more selfish and greedy so he can live.
    Siddhartha's turning point is that he has left behind his goal for looking for Nirvana and enlightenment, but all that has left him so that he may live the life of greed which is what he was onto right now. He saw this and now it's the turning point, he left all his goodness and its killing him inside. It changing his lifestyle and the way he thinks.
    The main difference between their turning points is that Elie is slowly giving up on life, all he sees is darkness and pain and to him the only way to free himself is to just give up and Siddhartha just wants to find another point in life and life more
    and Siddhartha wants to thrive and live, he wants to find meaning in life again and was reawaken again but Elie is dying and doesn't see another meaning.
    question 3- The main difference is their turning points is their result. Elie wasn't re awaken like Siddhartha, hes slowly giving up, and sees no hope or light but Siddhartha wants to live and find a new meaning to life.

  57. There are a couple similarities between Siddhartha’s situation and Eliezer’s. One similarity is that they’re both on their own. On Elie’s journey in order to survive it is every man for himself. On their way to their first destination, the deserted village, Zalman was growing week. Elie tried to give him words of encouragement but it wasn’t enough. He slacked off and got shot. Elie didn’t feel any pity for Zalman; instead he went back to worrying about his ill foot. Akin to Elie, Siddhartha was also on his own. No one could really relate to him. He always felt as if he was above the Kamaswami people. In the end he realized their way of life was merely a game to him. Although Kamala was there for him and they grew attached, she didn’t feel as he did. Either way, Siddhartha chose to go back to being a Samana. Since he no longer had Govinda, Kamala, or his father he was truly on his own. Another similarity between Siddhartha and Elie’s situation is that at one point they both became someone they never thought they would. Siddhartha for several years actually became a kamaswami. He owned property, had his own garden, indulged in lust with a woman, drank whine and ate daily. He also got very upset when losing a gambling game. For several years he put his Samana life on hold. Siddhartha experienced a life he later viewed as pointless; a life with no meaning. On the other hand Elie went from seeking to lean everything about his religious teachings to no longer believing in a god. At one point in his life he urged to learn the Kabala even though he was supposedly too young, now he won’t even recite a prayer. He has truly lost hope. This is what camp life has made him become. Both characters are experiencing similar situations.

    Both Elie and Siddhartha have reached a turning point in their lives. Elie wants nothing more than to die. He’s physically worn out since his foot hasn’t been able to fully heal and all the walking is really getting to him. Since his body is so over worked and he constantly has to drag his body physically to complete what the Germans ask for, he feels as if he’s two separate beings. Nothing can be worst than concentration camp life and death will put an end to this torture he’s being put through. Siddhartha’s turning point is very diverse from Elie’s, Siddhartha realizes through his recent dreams that he is living a meaningless life and doesn’t think he’s taking the right path by taking part in all the wonders of life. He realizes this isn’t the life he was meant to live and goes back to being a Samana.

    Both characters are experiencing two different types of death in their life. Elie is physically dying as where Siddhartha is more so spiritually dying. Elie’s is physically dying since he’s being worn out daily though out his journey. He is over worked, has rarely any rest, and barley gets fed. On top of everything the weather is horrible and he must run on an ill foot. He is slowly dying through this torture. Siddhartha conversely feels as if something has died within him. He had lived a life he now regrets. He thinks he has taken the wrong path by letting all he has learned through his teachers go to waste. He let the Samana with in him die, when he lived the life of a kamaswami. Each character is facing a very distinct type of death.

  58. A symbol something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
    In Siddhartha the song bird is the symbol of Siddhartha. The bird in the beginning was trapped in a cage, but it broke free and followed it's own path like Siddahrtha did.
    In Night the violin is a symbol of hope for all imprisoned in the concentartion camp. It tone of music shows that times may be bad now but they for sure wil get better. The violin tries to bring faith back to the people.

    A turning point is a point at which a decisive change takes place; critical point; crisis. Synonym: Crossroad, change, twist, climax.
    Both of there situations are similiar because:
    In Night Elie's life in pain in suffering is almost over. The Russians are nearing and the Germans are losing the front. ELie just need to hold on a little more to survive and get out of this nightmare.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is going through pain and suffering because he is drinking and gambling and making all he has done seem meaningless. He tries to become the songbird like he supposed to and escape this phase.

    What defines Siddharthas turning point is that he tries to forget his old gambling and drinking life and start a new one once again that will lead him to Nirvana.
    What defines Elie's turning point is how he never gives up and always has hope and thrives to survive unitl help arrives.

    The difference between these to turning point is that Elie can actually die and Siddhartha is just throwing his life away to stupid things and is destroying himself mentally. Both must have hope for themselves and must thrive to survive in there bad situations.

  59. Symbol- A symbol is an object or a thing used to show or express another thing. For example, in Siddhartha there is a bird trapped by Kamala. The bird cant escape. That is how Siddhartha feel's about him and his ego. In Night, Elie see's the snow falling and piling up. It is a symbol of defeat by the Germans

    Turning Point-The point at which a very significant change occurs
    Synonyms-axis, change, climacteric, climax, contingency

    There are similarities in Elie's and Siddhartha's situations. In Elie's situation, Elie has to run to another camp along with the rest of the Jews. He is filled with pain, he cant feel his foot and he is tired. Siddhartha starts to work as a merchant and then gives up. It just isn't the job for him. Both young men are going through tough times.

    Turning Points
    There are turning points in both books. In Night, Elie's turning point is when he is running to the new camp. He feels the pain, but won't listen to it. He has overcome his pain and tries not to think of himself at that time. Althoug Elie feels like giving up he wants to get to the next camp alive! The turning point in Siddhartha is when Siddhartha left the town. He saw the free bird fly. That is also what he went to do. He had a girl in the town, he had a job, he had a home too! All he wants now is a live without desires. He will live like the bird, flying aimlessly.

    Difference in Turning points
    There is a noticable difference in turning points within the two books. In Siddhartha, the main character is running freely like a bird. In Night, the main character is a goldfish in a little bowl.

  60. A symbol is an object or sign that represents something. In Siddhartha a symbol would be the song bird; which symbolizes how something inside Siddhartha died since in his dream he found the bird in it's cage dead. Also in Night, a symbol would be the violin which represents hope and faith.

    Turning point- a point at which a decisive change takes place
    climax, decisive moment, critical point

  61. A symbol something that represent another thing. A symbol can be an object that represents something abstract. In the Book Night Where Elie Quotes “We were stronger than cold and hunger, stronger than the guns” this symbolizes how they may not be strong physically but mentally they can fight the world. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha had to go his separate way again because he felt disappointed in himself in what he has done he feels that it was wrong. As a result Kamala’s bird had died. He took it out and threw it out. This would symbolize how terrible he felt. He feels that just like the bird he threw away his life.

    The turning point in the book night Elie had realized that he wasn’t as strong as he though he was. Very hurt and he knows that he might not be able to make it. Elie tries to run for his father because he knows that if he can go than his father would also be strong enough. In the book Siddhartha the turning point is when He has his dream about the little bird that died. He realizes that he had made many bad decisions and this was not the way he wanted to live. He is very upset with himself.

    In The two books they are many differences but they have some similarities. These similarities usually sum up to a point that you can see what the books have to say to us. Both Siddhartha and Elie, their situation in this chapter are that now they are getting to know about who they really are. As they try to find this out they still taking so many risk. Through out the whole book they both change. Who knows if this is good or bad.

  62. Symbol: a symbol is something that represents something else. Or an object that is representing the abstract. It can also mean a sign that has a specific meaning. In the book Siddhartha a symbol is the golden cage. This golden cage symbolizes
    Siddhartha “golden cage” which just basically means that he was just living a life of luxuries but inside he is feeling empty and it’s like he is stuck in a golden cage. Just like the bird he feels like he might be living in a life of luxuries but on the inside he is feeling like something is missing. So when Siddhartha decides to let the bird go he realizes that he should do the same thing.

    In Night the example of a symbol is when the snow was falling on the Germans while the Jew was walking. This is symbolizing that soon the German’s empire would fall on then just like the snow. Another example is when Elie said “We were stronger than cold and hunger, stronger than the guns” that means that they might not be strong physically but they strong mentally. Because of course no human can take a bullet but they can mentally avoid the pain.

    Turning point: a turning point in life is when everything changes in a way that you can’t imagine. Because it might be a bad situation and it might turn into a good situation all of a sudden. other words that could be used for a turning point would be climax, transition, change, or an unexpected change.

    The similarities between Elie’s situation and Siddhartha’s at this point is that they were both in near death experiences, another similarity is that they are both becoming into people that are becoming heartless people(only caring for themselves) like Siddhartha he spends all his money gambleing. And Elie is only caring for his father and no one else. While he is watching other people that he knows die.

  63. Symbol: Is something used to represent another thing.
    In Siddhartha, the songbird that Kamala set free when she heard he left is the symbol for Siddhartha.
    In Night, the symbol was hope and faith. Elie and his father represent hope and loyalty by believing in each other. Elie was going to give up while they were running to Gleiwitz but decided not to because of his dad. When they reached the resting area his father was loyal by watching his son's back and his son watching his back.
    Turning Point: A turning point is a point in life when everything changes, the way you see things, react, do things, etc... Or another word for a Turning point in a book would be a Climax. Another word for it can be a big change. Also a transition to something else can be described into it.
    Describe the similarities between Elie's and Siddhartha's situation:
    There are several similarities between Elie's and Siddhartha's situation. Both of them had near death experiences and are going through very tough times. Elie is being torn apart mentally and physically. Elie has a bad foot and ran on it for a very long time therefore the pain he is feeling is terrible. Mentally, Elie feels the idea of death fascinates him and he is feeling death is a okay option.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha is going through very hard times because he is gambling, drinking and doing all of the things he would never do before. He feels trapped and is very confused mentally. Physically he looks aged because he has been drinking and not doing the healthiest of things. Siddhartha just leaves and walks away from these tough times to try and get back on track with his life. Both characters are going through very tough times and are trying to stop and think about what they are doing and how to get back on track with their lives.

  64. Symbol: Something used for or regarded as representing something else. In the book Siddhartha the bird that Kamala released into the air represents how Siddhartha left town and how both the bird and Siddhartha are free. In Night, Elie and his father represent their love. When all the Jewish people were marching to a new camp, they all felt as if they should just give up. The ones that did gave up were crushed by the other jews. But Elie knew that if he had given up his father would have given up also and vice versa. This is what kept them going.

    Turning point: a point at which a decisive change takes place. In a book a turning point is the climax.

    The similarities between Siddhartha’s and Elies situation. They both have been very close to death, and both of them don’t care about the people around them, except for one other person. Siddhartha cares for kamala and Elie cares for his father.

    Siddhartha his turning point is lost everything while looking for Nirvana and bliss and enlightenment, but he live the life of greed which is what he was onto right now. He left all the things and he's dying inside because of that. He wants to think differently now and wants to live that life again. Elies turning point is he pretty much don’t care anymore
    He just dragging his body along with him. He actually wants to die so he can be free.

    The main difference between the two turning point is it makes Elie want to die and it makes Siddhartha want to live and find meaning in his life.

  65. Describe the similarities between Elie's situation and Siddhartha's situation.

    Both Elie and Siddhartha are suffering in these chapters of the stories. Elie is suffering with having to run to their next camp without any breaks or human consideration. If that was not bad enough, Elie has serious pain in his leg since his cut reopened. No matter what, Elie must keep on going or else he will lose his life. Siddhartha suffers with the pain of him becoming more and more like the child people. He keeps on gambling and drinking. He keeps living on the life of a wealthy merchant, he becomes more miserable as he becomes wealthier, at this point he hates himself. Both Elie and Siddhartha are trying their best to keep on living and try to survive long enough to see the next day.

    Both are close to death and have reached a turning point. What defines each character's turning point? Describe the turning point and how it is affecting each man.

    Elie is close to death but then reaches his turning point while taking a break from running at a small abandoned town. While in an old shed, he is greeted by a familiar rabbi who had lost his son during running, at that moment Elie remembered the kid running next to him who seemed like he kept on running not caring that his father might be left behind. Elie then swore to himself that he would never do that to his own father, that made him want to keep on going, because he needs his father and his father needs him. At that instant Elie realized what a life in concentration camp does to a man. Siddhartha's turning point happened when Kamala's rare songbird died. It used to sing beautifully all the time, now there will be now more songs by the songbird. Siddhartha then realizes that there is no point for him to live anymore. That is when he decides that he would be way better off dead. Siddhartha then runs away, without any intention to return to the town.

    What is the main difference between their turning points? Explain.

    The main difference between their turning points is that Elie's turning point makes him want to keep going in life and do all his best to survive, Siddhartha's turning points makes him more miserable and makes him want to end his own life. Elie became stronger and somewhat more mature thanks to his turning point. Siddhartha loses all hope in his life and finds no point in existing any longer in a world where he is as miserable as he is. That is what makes their turning points very different from each other.

  66. question 1
    A symbol is something that is put in place to represent something else. This something could be almost anything and it could be used to show anything. For instance, a tattoo may represent a beleif, but a snail can also represent a person. One symbol in Night is the bread that families were baking before going to the concentration camps. It represented the little bit of hope they still had left within them. A symbol in Siddartha was a spinning wheel which is used as a simile to describe Siddartha. It represents his old life and his old way of living. The text says how it is now slow and sluggish and will soon come to a stop. It shows how he has left that life behind him and his new one is growing more and more while that one is slowly decaying.

    question 2
    A turning point is when a significant change occurs. It usually comes with answers to long ago questions and is the beginning of the end of the story. Synonyms: climax, change, transition

    question 3
    Both of the characters are at point where they are changing and coming to significant realizations. Elie is at a point where he knows he will not come out of the concentration camp anytime soon. He is at a point where he is trying to put his mind out of his body. He knows that he has to work through the pain so he can keep on living, but it is so much that he his hoping that if he can put the pain out of his mind it wont bother him. It will be easier for him to make it through the pain. Siddartha has had many realizations but this is a real turning point for him. This stands above the rest because this is the first one where he realizes he hhas completely come off the track that he originally wished to take. He is at a point where he trully is disgusted with himself and has found it in him to change. he wants to change, not to his old ways, but to when he had a stronger metality and more will to do what he wanted and learn what he set out to learn.
    The main difference between the turning points for these two characters, is the reason ahy they are coming to this turning point. For Elie this turning point comes with hope and for the want to stay alove. For Siddartha it to comes with death, but with the death of him losing himself, not his life. Siddartha is in fear of losing himself and refuses to let this happen anymore than it already has. Elie is just thankful for still having his life and wants to hold onto it.
