Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sorry it's late!!! Due July 21st: Kamala and Amoung the Child People/Ch 5 of Night

  1. Read Kamala and Amoung the Child People in Siddhartha and chapter 5 in Night
  2. Research topics: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur- Day of Atonement, Kaddish, cortesan, Vishnu, Lakshmi, merchant
  3. Spiral notebook work as usual
Blog questions:

  1. EQ: How do humans explain the world? Explain how three of the main humans (Siddhartha, Kamala, Elie, his father...) in each chapter would explain the world.
  2. What would Elie say to Siddhartha when Siddhartha indicates that it is good not to love (65)? Would he agree or disagree at this point? Explain.
  3. What would Elie say to Siddhartha about Siddhartha's journey and experiences at this point?
  4. What would Siddhartha say to Elie about Elie's journey and experiences at this point?
  5. In a short paragraph, describe each main character in these chapters. Is there anything that is common or similar about Elie and Siddhartha at this point (beliefs, ways to deal, circumstances..)? Summarize your explanation.


  1. Question #1

    Humans past and present have always explained the world through their religion or belief system. They all believe one all mighty God had created the universe and Earth along with the other planets. Some religions include more than one God for different purposes and that's just what they believe in as they were taught to believe in that. For example, me being a catholic christian, according to my book It is said that the world was created by One All-Mighty God and the animals, water, sun, universe. That he created Adam and Eve and that's how the world started with humans.

    Siddhartha on the other hand would explain the world much more differently as now in these two chapters he is more philosophical and is learning new things everyday and that has changed his thinking from chapter one to now. Siddhartha is a Brahmin, under the Hinduism branch, and then became a samana which somewhat killed his previous religion. Now he would explain the world as a game. He has abandoned the brahmin and samana way to be with Kamala and learn love. He doesn't know what to do and doesn't care. He goes where life takes him and disregards all else. He was seeking for a path to reach Nirvana and he thought learning the art of love would help him, but he seems to forget that path now and toward the end of chapter 6, he is reminded again. He starts thinking of Buddha and now realizes that the world isn't a game.

    Elie in chapter 5 doesn't care about the world anymore. A jew, that has lost his faith in God as he was put to torture, saw men and women burn to death, saw a kid hang and die. He lost faith in the God which he believed Created the world. In Judaism they believe in one All Mighty God that created everything known in existance. Elie in this chapter though, would explain the world differently now. That there is no purpose, no hope, nothing. He doesn't believe much in God anymore as he has been downed enough by the Germans. He thinks the world is just a game now, much like siddartha, all he has to do is play his cards right, and he'll live.

    Elie's father still believes in his God. A faithful Jew that even in hard times, still believes that there is hope. He survived the 2nd selection and now has more hope than ever. He gets to live another day. He thinks all is right even when it is all wrong for him. He can explain the world through his Torah, still believing in his Faith, his God.

    Question #2

    Elie would most likly say to Siddhartha that love is essential and you should when you can. Elie probably disagrees with Siddhartha here. Elie loves his father, it's all that's left of his family. And love is what keeps them together, gives them hope for another day. Without his father Elie would have given up on life and just throw himself into the crematory because he has nothing left to live for. Love is key to Elie and his father's relationship.

    Question #3

    Elie would say to Siddhartha that he has suffered a lot. He has done well and should keep going on his path. Never to lose hope to reach Nirvana as you're only fooling yourself if you lose faith. Siddhartha's journey has been long nad he has learned a lot, all of that cannot go to waste. Elie has learned a lot with the Germans but not as much as Siddhartha. Elie would tell Siddhartha to continue his path and perhaps follow new ones to reach his goal.

    Question #4

    Siddhartha would probably tell Elie that his journey has been much rougher than his own but they both learned to manage with what they have gone through and they seem fine to each other. Siddhartha would tell Elie to keep going and disregard what the Germans do to him, if he continues working hard and doing what he is told to do, and to just go with the flow, he will live another day, and the next.

  2. Siddhartha at this point has learned a lot from his "previous life", Kamala, and Kamaswami. he led away from the Samana way so he may learn the art of love from Kamala but now he has gone back to his philosophical ways and he is rethinking his path to Nirvana. Siddhartha and Elie are somewhat thinking alike at this point disregarding everything else in the world unless they feel it's important, but now, Siddhartha is going back to his usual ways which is thinking differently and much different than Elie.

    E;oe at this point has done a lot of work, seen death, faced fear countless times, and it seems as though he has seen and done it all. He had an operation that he had to stay awake for and he walks a few days later even though he bleeds with pain in his foot. He has lost faith in God but still believes in miracles when his father passed the 2nd selection. Still in these chapters he loves his father so much as its all that's left of his family and he has to cling to him and give him as much hope as possible to see another day together. He has changed much since chapter one Eliezer

  3. Question 1

    Siddhartha would explain the world as a road. Each road you take would lead to either success or failure. Siddhartha has failed his road with his first religion as a Brahmin and later as a Samana. But as Siddhartha tries to embark on a new road and meets Kamala, he learns that he is still thinking as if he were a Samana. Elie would explain the world through his own thoughts. Since he has no faith in his god no more, he follows what he believes. He lost faith when he has endured countless hours of running, seeing burning bodies, people shot, people trampled and squashed in the barracks. God gives things rerasons, but to Elie God is being unclear as to why they endure this torture for a reason. To him , their is no meaning to life. Elie's father has not given up like Elie. he is still faithful to God. He is strong and sees that there is still hope. Humans explain the world around them through their religions and beliefs. What they believe or worship give them the explaination of everything.

    Question 2

    Elie would disagree with Siddhartha if he said it is not good to love. The lover or relation ship between Elie and his father is what keeps Elie going and what keeps Eli's father going. With out their love for each other they would probably give up and be killed. Like the polish kid running next to Elie, becuase he saw his father slowing down, he though his father was gone, gave out and was trampled over the other runners. Love gives you strength. The strength to keep moving foward.

    Question 3

    Elie would probably tell Siddhartha that his path is not over yet. Keep his hope strong and keep the ones that love him close for love will keeping him motivated. He has been on endless paths that each teach him something new. This is important for example, he can read and write. These paths are not a waste a time, they have become very useful.

    Question 4

    Siddhartha would tell Elie to be patient. Although Elie's journey was a rough one, if he is patient it would all be over soon. Siddhartha would also tell Elie to learn to fast. If he can fast he wont be hungry when he doesnt get his regular rations of bread. With fasting he could be hungry, but not do anything crazy, like the last man who was so hungry went out and got himself killed

  4. Elie and Soddhartha are similar. They both have tried to change but end up being the same way. Siddhartha has left the way of the Samanas and has gone out in search of love. When he has an encounter with Kamala he learns to love. After they love each other, Siddhartha has started to think as if he were a Samana again. Elie has given up on his beliefs, and wants to give up. But his father supports him and keeps him motivated with his love. With the love, it gives Elie hope. Both Siddhartha and Elie have tried to change , but when love comes to them, they are back to their original habits.

  5. Question#1

    Humans explain the world by creating a mightier being. Each religion has their own belief systems which helps explain the world to them. Using the belief systems they have created, their minds wander to more explanations for the causes of the world. For example, the harsh weathers are sometimes to be believed as the god(s) being angered; someone might have done something “wrong” for the god(s) to be angry.
    Elie’s father explains the world through his belief in God. After the hard times he has faced in the concentration camps, he still believes there is a God. His hope in God hasn’t faltered.
    Elie’s faith in God has weakened. After witnessing the horrors of several hangings, he have questioned why hasn’t God done anything. The creator of humans- God- should help the ones God have created. His view of the world used to be the following of God’s way but now Elie looks at the world nonchalantly.
    Kamala views the world like an ordinary human being. There is nothing for her to worry about. Her beliefs are the same as others; a higher and divine individual that has created the world. Unlike Elie and his father, Kamala has a world with no worries against her life.

    Question #2

    Elie would respond to Siddhartha saying love is what usually keeps one alive. Elie would possibly disagree with Siddhartha because Elie’s love for his family, especially his father, is what kept him going.

    Question #3

    Elie might tell Siddhartha to maintain his goals and grasp his freedom. Siddhartha was lucky that his father have agreed to allow Siddhartha to become a samana. After becoming a samana, Siddhartha was able to gain more knowledge and become something more. Unlike Elie, Siddhartha can roam around freely to reach his goals.

    Question #4

    Siddhartha would tell Elie that he has a strong will even after all the hardships he has endured. Elie proves he can endure more after observing what the Nazis have done to his kind. Being able to tolerate such cruelties shows how Elie has amazing will.

    Question #5

    In chapter 5, Siddhartha becomes more aware of his actions. He has learned to love and study the world rather than think ill of it. He is now happier than he ever was since in the beginning of the book. Being more acute in his actions, Siddhartha has become more matured than before.
    Elie has also matured. He has seen the deaths of many Jews. His beliefs of God have become frail. In the beginning of the book he was eager to gain more knowledge which was related to God but now his thoughts questions the existence of God.
    Similarly, both characters have been matured, but grown in a different way. Elie has developed through watching the evil doings of the Nazis. While Siddhartha have grown from gaining knowledge from different journeys.

  6. Question 1:
    Humans have mainly explained the world based on what they believe. Many believe that their God created earth. Some believe science created the world. It’s not proven, but on what humans think, they believe that’s how it all started.

    In “Night”, I’m pretty sure Elie’s father was a very religious man. He would most likely tell you about the world based on what he was told or on what he learned. It probably isn’t the truth, but he sure believes that’s how it began. Elie on the other hand, has lost all faith in God. Because of what he is experiencing, he believes now there is no God. If there was a God, he would save his family from all this evil and violence he is going through. Since, it doesn’t seem to be happening, I don’t believe Elie would be able to explain the world.Kamala doesn’t see anything different in the world. She has the same feeling of the world as everyone else around her. Nothing extremely stressful is occurring in her life. Therefore, she’s able to explain the world in her favor.

    Question 2:
    Elie would probably do everything in his power to convince Siddhartha that love should be very important in everyone’s life. That it’s a desirable feeling, felt by everyone in their lives. Elie would probably both disagree and agree with Siddhartha because Siddhartha immediately left his family. Elie doesn’t really have the strength to do that since the love he has for his family is extremely strong. It’s what keeps his family together so why believe that it isn’t good.

    Question 3:
    Elie would tell Siddhartha to continue to what he is doing. Elie would explain to him how strong he was to make such a difficult decision such as this one so he should continue to stay strong. It’s for his important cause to strive for what he wants and what he believes in, and to prove he strength he possesses, he shouldn’t lack faith or give up on himself.

    Question 4:

    In my view, all I believe Siddhartha would say to Elie is “wow”. It’s one thing to decide yourself for your own good to leave your family, but being forced is a different story. Elie would gain a lot of respect from Siddhartha by the way he is holding up going through all this intense physical and emotional suffering. This isn’t for his own benefit besides the fact that he can be killed. Siddhartha had choices, Elie didn’t.

    Question 5:
    From boys, both Elie and Siddhartha have become men. Siddhartha decided to go out on his own to do what he wanted to do. What he thought was best for him. It has been a rough journey, but he’s getting the knowledge he desired. Elie, now feels differently. As time in the concentration camp went on, everything became even more brutal. Experiencing what Elie has, in his age, has shown a lot. On the other hand, all of this began to question his belief in God. From wanting to know everything about his religion, Elie started to think of there was even a powerful being such as him. The journeys both of them have been going through have changed them into mature young adults.

  7. Question 1:
    Humans explain the world in many ways that lead them to another topic to study on. Must humans look the true nature of the world and ask question "how the world was created?" Many explain the world in religion, but many look at science that helps explain the world, for its facts. But many explain the world in many ways because the way they lived and learned.
    Siddhartha explains the world very different to others. He sees the world as a chance or game. He thinks that mediating and fasting could help you in the time in need. He is going very deep for actions he been doing and the way he explains the world. He used to be a Brahmin and he was a Hindu. He might have other beliefs back then but he didn't really catch his attention. Then he turns to a samana to learn to do so much that could help him in the future. He is going on to reach his goals and he stay with Kamala. He is learning and now sees thing more of a game. He is starting to learn love but he could have learned that by himself. But then again he starts to have memories of Buddha and now sees that this is not a game and he was going to reach Nirvana but got distracted but he must complete something that would help him explain the world better.
    Kamala explains the world very different to Siddhartha. When she first saw Siddhartha she though of him very different and she would think that he would want to be with her because he was a samana and curious. But then something changed she started to like him for his voice and eyes. She was starting to change a lot because the way she views things differently. She now sees how she could now explain the world, for what’s in side of someone and not the outside. At first she explained the world that men have to have nice clothes and nice shoes and lots of money but after Siddhartha came she thought different now.
    Elie explains the world now as help less. He is stating to believe that God is not there for every one any more. He is stating to lose his faith for what is going on around him every day in the camp. All he sees suffering, pain, harsh labor, and death of others. Elie is starting to not care for the world for what is going on. Elie must think ahead for his action because that might kill him the next time.
    Elie's Father is very diverse from Elie himself. The only difference is that he still believes in God. He is not losing his faith and still believes that there is still hope for everyone in the camp. He believes that help will come. But the main difference is that Elie's father can't stand this any more because of the pain and suffering of others and even death. He explains the world that God created the world in seven days. But he is not losing his faith in God.
    Question 2
    When Siddhartha said that it is good not to love (page 65, Elie wouldn't really agree with him. the reason why is because Elie wouldn't live if his father wasn't with him watching over him. that is the love of a father and son bond. Elie might tell him that is necessary to love because if you don't love then what is the point of living. Love is good for everyone because it helps everyone keep going on. Without love then you’re on your own.
    Question 3:
    What Elie should tell Siddhartha about his journey and experience is that he should keep on going. The reason why is because it is getting him somewhere in life. Also Siddhartha is learning new knowledge that is going to help him reach Nirvana. Also that even though Siddhartha is suffering to do so many things those tasks will help him in the future to be patient and many other things. Siddhartha should keep going on because he has nothing to lose but something to win.

  8. Question 4:
    What Siddhartha will tell to Elie on his journey and life experience that he shouldn't give up because giving up is for the weak who don't want to go ahead. Elie might have it harder because he has seen death all over him everyday and he has suffered. Siddhartha might tell him not to lose faith in his own self, because that will help him later. Siddhartha might also be surprised that Elie has made this far in the camp. Elie must continue in life.
    Question 5:
    Siddhartha has now moved on and now sees the world as a game of chance and if he loses he would just laugh and go again. He is starting to learn new things from Kamala about love. Something that he has in common with Elie is that they don't really care about the world as much any more. Siddhartha’s moved on because he wants to reach Nirvana on his own, it doesn't matter if he does it alone. Another thing that makes them in common is that Elie is starting to leave his religion. Siddhartha already left Hinduism, and the samana. Another one is that the way they deal with circumstances. Elie would risk his live in chapter 5 when he went with his father with an injured leg. Siddhartha, he deals with taking risk also but doesn’t really care for the bad result. All that mattered is that he took the risk and if he failed he would try again. That is what made them have many things in common.

  9. Question #1
    Humans explain the world through belief systems. An example would be Judaism. The followers of Judaism believe that God created the world and all living things. The bible is used to explain God's morals and values which in turn explain how and why things are like that. Some stories in the bible explain God's wrath and God's will. There are many different belief systems rather than just Judaism, each individual has a soul purpose to explain the world in their own idea or belief, either to believe in a “creator” or “science.”

    Elie explains a world not bounded by God. He now sees that God was never there for him or the Jewish people at the time when they were enslaved and put into concentraion camps.Elie is starting to deny the existence of God. This in turn becomes a fear factor for Elie because God was like hope for him, hope to escape from the concentration camp and go back home with his family safe and alive. But now none of that is going to happen. He realizes, after all he went through that the only person there for you is yourself. Elie beliefs you can't put all your trust in God. The world seemed hollow to Elie.

    Elie's father, however never gave up on God. He still believes in hope and that some day he will be able to leave the concentration camp and live at peace with his family. Elie's father does not deny God's existence, but as each day passes his believe for God grows stronger. This shows that he is a very religious man. He explains everything through God like the Jews being forced into the concentration camps was God's wrath upon the Jews. So I can infer that Elie's father feels quilt inside him and wants to make it up to God so that God can release them from this wrath.

    Kamala views the world as a place to take advantage of. All her fancy dresses and jewelry came to her by taking advantage of the world she is in. Basically, she sees the world as any other human being, but with a lust and greed Kamala has.

    Question #2

    Elie would disagree with Siddhartha. Elie would say,”If one cannot love, then what is your purpose of a human being. Your feelings are never going to go away, you cannot just ignore them.” I would agree with Elie because emotions are what makes us a living being. Without emotions then we would be in a dull world.

    Question #3

    Elie would say to Siddhartha about his journey is to enjoy life as it is, don't over stress yourself to finding who you are. But if you can't find yourself than keep looking, there must be a solution. Never give up, if that is what you desire the most.

    Question #4

    Siddhartha would say to Elie about his journey would be that he faced many hardships and went through hell as Elie experienced horrific events. But you should'nt give up on hope and that God is still there for him.

    Question #5

    Elie is starting to deny the existence of God and praying towards God. He feels hollow inside and that something is missing from him. After all that he went through he still endured it without the help of God. God was never there for him when he needed him the most. Elie feels betrayed because in the beginning he had a thirst for knowledge and wanted to learn more about God's values and morals, but as the story progressed, Elie realized that there is no God. Elie feels abandoned by God, his family, hopes and dreams. Elie is now in a struggle to believe in God.

    Siddhatha is trying to figure out love. He is still confused about it. As a former samana he was taught that you have to let go of all your emotions in order to fulfill the path of samana. He now realizes that after all the teachings he went through, he had not experience all the emotions. Siddhartha is now curious of love and his thrist for knowledge would show that he wants to follow the path of love. But he soon realizes that it is good to not love, since he is struggling to learn about love and comes to a conlusion that it is good to not love.

  10. Q#1
    Humans explain the world by making right and wrong choices. It's decides by what path they pick and it will either lead to failure or success. Humans explain the world also by what they believe in. Like belief systems, people pray and believe in god.

    Siddartha explains the world as a game. Siddartha thinks that mediating and fasting is the only way that could help you in the time of need. The was he is explaining the world is taking deep actions and seriously. Siddartha has of characteristics, he went from Hindu to Brahmin to being a samana. It's like a game from one level to the next level. But in the end, he thought about Buddha and realized that the world isn't just a game, it's more than just a game.

    Elie explains the world that god is no longer there to help and protect people. Elie gave up on god. He no longer believes that god is there to help those who are in the time of need. He lost his believe in god because he saw what happened at camp, people were being abused and was suffering a lot and realized that god isnt truly there for the people who was in pain and sufferings.

    Kamala explains the world as greed and she would always go for richest and money, but then she realized that it's not just about money and looks. It's about what's inside from your heart and soul. At first she started to think that Siddartha would want to be with her but then she fell in love with him. It's not what's on the outside but what's on the inside.
    Elie would disagree with Siddartha. Elie would say that love is essential. Without love there would be no meaning in live, like if you don't love someone there's no point in living, you must love someone to be with someone like how Elie is with his father all the time. That's in family love. Elie loves his father and Elie's father loves Elie that's why they're still together.

    Elie would say that Siddartha's journey is a good start because Siddartha's been through so much and if he quits what he is doing right now then it would a waste of time and everything that he has done. Elie would also say that he will reach whatever he wants to achieve in time if he keeps going.

    Siddartha would say the Elie's journey is horrifying but he shouldn't give up so easily. Like when Elie gave up on god because he thought that god wasnt there for people when they were in pain and suffering. SIddartha would tell Elie to stay strong and do what he must do to stay alive.

    Siddartha and Elie is similar and has a lot in common. They are both going through a journey and have been in their ups and downs. Both of them had given up on something, like Elie gave up on god because god wasnt there for those who were suffering and Siddartha gave up on being a Samana to learn to love. Siddartha and Elie both have someone to care about. SIddartha cares for Kamala now that he's learning to love. Elie cares for his father because that's his only father and his father is the closest one to Elie. They both explain the world in different ways than others.

  11. Taneka Johnson
    Humans have explained the world in a variety of ways over the years. They have explained the world through their beliefs and their religion. Siddhartha would explain the world differently from others. He sees the world as a place full of new things to learn about. His thinking has been changed because of the new things he has learned and experienced. He was a Brahmin, then he became a Samana. Next, he left the Samanas to learn about love in the world from Kamala. Kamala told him what is expected of him but, he still doesn't quite understand. Though, he continues to live his life hopeing that learning about love could help him to reach Nirvana. He realizes that the world is more serious than he thought.
    Elie would explain the world differently also. He has begun to stop thinking that his god exists. He began to lose faith/hope in God after he along with his father and other Jews had been tormented/tortured by Germans. Elie witnessed people being burned and hanged to death. Elie started to think that there is no purpose for him in this world. The Germans have caused Him to lose some of his pride and not really believe in God anymore.
    His father still believes and has hope in God even through his hard times. He is faithful and has survived the second selection. Elie's father believes that he can successfully get through his struggles alive.
    When Siddhartha indicates that it is good not to love, Elie would say something very important. Most likely he would say that love is a necessity in this world. It is because of love why he has stuck by his father's side. If the Germans had love for the Jews they probably wouldn't treat them so bad/cruel. These are some of the reasons why Elie would disagree with Siddhartha.
    About Siddhartha's journey and experiences, Elie would say to him that he has been through alot just like him. He would tell him that he should continue on his journey to find a path that will help him to reach Nirvana and never to give up hope. Also, he should continue learning, and make use of what he has learned.
    About Elie's journey and experiences, Siddhartha would say to him that he has really been through alot. He has been beaten and tortured by Germans just because of his race. He has Suffered and felt alot of pain through his tough journey. Both of them have managed to deal with their situations. Siddhartha would tell Elie to try to go with the flow, continue doing the work that is given to him and not do anything to upset the Germans and he will be able to stay alive.
    There are some similarities between Elie and Siddhartha. Both of them heve been on a long journey. They both have tried to change who they are but, ended up being the same person they were. For example, after changing from a Samana, Siddhartha started to think like he was a Samana once again after he learned to love from Kamala, and they gave each other love. Elie gave up on believing that his god exists and he felt like not going on with life anymore but, after seeing his father, he realized that he has something to live for. Elie gains hope from the love him and his father shared.

  12. Question 1
    Humans can explain the world. Their feelings can show what they think about the world. Siddhartha explains the world in paths. He thinks the world is like a path because you have many decisions in life. It depends on the path you choose. Siddhartha chose to leave the samanas and now is following the path that Kamala shows him. Siddhartha feels that the world is explained in paths.
    Elie now does not care about the world. At this point in the book, he lost faith in God. He does not believe in God before because He was the one that created these death camps. Elie thought that if there was a God none of this would be happenin. Elie "protested" against God by not fasting. Elie explains the world as non-religious.
    Kamala explains the world as if having certain things like looks, money and clothes is the only way you're going to get somewhere in life. She explains this by saying to Siddhartha he needs clothes, shoes, and money in order for Kamala to teach Siddhartha. But after saying this, Kamala realized that she fell in love for him being himself and not having those things. She explains the world because you don't have to have money and looks to get you somewhere in life.

    Question 2
    I think Elie would disagree that it is not good to love. This is because Elie has a love for his father and same goes for his father. Their love is shown because Elie is always looking for his father meanwhile they are held in different blocks. Their love for eachother can possibly keep them both alive. They both look forward to living another day just because Elie has his father. So, Elie would disagree with Siddhartha and say yes it is good to love.

    Question 3
    At this point, Elie would say that Siddhartha's experiences have been hard because he left the samanas and felt that he lost himself. Elie would say to Siddhartha never give up and never lose hope. He would say to him have hope for finding Nirvana and never give up on it. Elie would say this because he never gives up and still has some hope that he will live. He would tell Siddhartha to keep following his path because it can lead him to Nirvana, so that Siddhartha would not give up.

    Question 4
    Siddhartha would tell Elie that his journey has been horrible so far. He would be amazed at what Elie has been through. He has seen people, his own father, and himself get tortured because of being Jewish. Siddhartha would tell Elie to stay as strong as possible. He would also tell Elie to follow what his mind says to do and to stay on that path that his thoughts lead him to.

  13. Question # 1
    Humans explain the world by their belief system. Most people would explain the world as created by God or the Almighty. Siddhartha would explain the world as a road or many trials. On this road you go through many tests and learn who you are. At the end of the road, after going through many paths, you are lead to success and happiness or failure and depression.Siddhartha himself is on this road throught the book, choosing certain paths and seeing where they lead. Siddhartha's life is based on the essential idea that the world is a road and you get what you deserve.

    Elie would explain the world in a completely different way. Elie would explain the world as a dark and dangerous place. In the beginning of chapter five, you notice that Elie has fully lost faith in God and does not participage in the fasting. Seeing such gruesome things, knowing about the deaths in the crematorium and seeing the labor and agony on the peoples faces, Elie questions where God was and where his mercy was. People suffering yet they still praised God. Elie would explain the world as a dark and dangerous place, where faith cannot save you.

    Having going from a normal life to a concentration camp, Elie's father would explain the world as unpredictable. Not passing the first selection, he had to pass the second selection or he would be killed. Elie's father had faith and passed the second selection. This showed that the world was unpredictable and to have faith even if you are going through a rough time. He also listened to the inmate and was, for the most time, whith Elie in the camp. Elie's father displays faith and hope in the darkest of time, explaining the world as unpredictable.

    Question # 2

    Elie would disagree with Siddhartha when Siddhartha believes that it is good not to love. Elie shares a strong relationship with his father, being the only one he has left in his family. Having only his father, Elie would feel strongly about this topic and say that love is important. He would say to treasure the ones around you and to love them with your all because one day they will leave you. Elie said without his father he would kill himself and throw himself in the crematorium. Love is the strong bond between Elie and his father. Elie would disagree completely and try his hardest to convince Siddhartha that love is essential in life.

  14. Question # 3

    Elie would tell Siddhartha to continue his journey and to treasure his freedom. Being trapped in a camp and forced to do hard labor, Elie would advise him to treasure his freedom, something he doesn't have. He would also say that Siddhartha had gone through a tough journey and has to keep his determination because there is still a long journey ahead. Elie would encourage Siddhartha to never give up because he has shown a great deal of strength and knows that Siddhartha could reach his goal. He would also tell him to treasure the ones around him and that love is essential in life. He would explain how he had only his father and without him, he would die. Their bond is strongly based on love so he would try to convince Siddhartha that love is important. Elie would tell Siddhartha to continue his journey and to treasure and love the ones around him.

    Question # 4

    Siddhartha would talk to Elie about his tough and terrible journey. He would encourage Elie to endure the journey for a little longer, for he will prosper in the end. Siddhartha would also applaud his strength throughout his journey. He would try to teach Elie how to fast, for he believe that fasting would help. Siddhartha would also sympathize with Elie, not know what had gone on in the camp. Siddhartha would sympathize with Elie and tell him to fast and endure the journey, which will lead him to prosper in the end.

    Question # 5

    I believe that both Elie and Siddhartha share many similar qualities. Both are growing men who are trying to deal with the circumstances in front of them. Elie and Siddhartha also have given up something along their journey willingly. Elie had given up in his faith in God and Siddhartha left everything behind, even his best friend who had been by his side all his life. Both also found someone they love, Elie having his father and Siddhartha having Kamala. Elie and Siddhartha are similar men who are on a journey and have lost something but also gained something.

  15. Question 1

    Throughout time many people have always tried portraying the world for what they expect or what they see it as. These judgments are in fact based upon by life experiences and opinions, one can judge the world through what he or she has seen and witnessed throughout his or her life, one can’t speak solely on things they have not experienced. Each book holds a handful of characters that have there own explanations of the world based on there life experiences and how there life on this world has fared for them. Ellie for example would explain the world in a different manner then he would of explained it before being sent to the concentration camp. Because of his experiences in this horrific and obscene camp of torture and murder Ellie’s explanation of the world would be more sour and dark then it would of initially have been when he was still a child before his departure to the camp. Now days Ellie would view the world as a place where the strong survive and the weak fall in between due to his experiences in the camp where all the weak inmates would be burnt alive and he constantly had to display signs of strength. Ellie would also explain the world in a manner of religion in the world being pointless and anyone’s hopes in an almighty sparing his or her own life would be futile. Ellie witnessed many pray and hope on a celestial being until there last breath and nothing was gained from it, they all died and suffered and for what? That is Ellie’s view of the world.

    Siddhartha on the other hand would have different views of the world as oppose to Ellie’s views of religion because Siddhartha’s life is almost completely based on religion, from past to present. Siddhartha has spent all his life studying and learning more on religion all for the common goal of everyone to reach an eternal peace and truly reach that rest one desires. Because of Siddhartha’s teachings, past experiences, and not as much oppression and suffering, his explanation of the world would differ from Ellie’s. Siddhartha would say that for one to truly learn, one would have no need for a teacher, a teacher would hold someone back from actually being all they could be. Siddhartha would explain the world as something beautiful, with eternal knowledge, but someone must not be blinded by this knowledge if not they miss out on the world around them, just like Siddhartha had for so long and only now is he starting to see the world for what it truly is, something beautiful.

    Ellie's father has shown signs of optimism in his beliefs and also signs of losing faith. An example of this would be when Yom Kippur arrived, Ellie's father advised Ellie not to fast and to in fact eat to gain energy, as oppose to many religious inmates who in fact chose to fast in order to show there fate in an almighty being. If we look back in the book we see Ellie's father as being viewed as a leader figure, someone where people would seek advise from. Through this reputation Ellie's father would explain the world in a different way from Ellie and Siddhartha. Through being a leader, Ellie's father would explain the world as a place of hope where even through dark and harsh times everything would turn out alright, sometimes saying things like this to make others feel better if he himself does not feel the same way, simply to make others feel better. Through his reputation and present experiences of torture that is how Ellie’s father would explain the world.

  16. Question I

    Siddhartha would explain the world as a beautiful place filled with loving and friendly people. As a Samana he he loves nature and treats every human with respect. he loves like and always think positive towards any situation. Possibly towards the end of the chapter Siddhartha loss sight of his Samana leanings and only thinks of himself and would probably wont care for his view of the world.

    Elie would explain the world as a cruel place where thing are not far and some humans as just monsters and he hates being alive. The pain he went through shouldn't have happened to any human the pain was just too extrema. Nothing in Elie's world could ever make him truly happy at the moment. He like a Slave!

    Kamala would explain the world as a nice place also. She is a very wealthy person and she has everything he ever wanted or needed. Having all that he is a positive and happy person. She would say the world is a great place to be and she loves to be live. Even with her lover Siddhartha things might even be better.

    Question II

    If Siddhartha said that to Elie, Elie would probably disagree. Love is important in Night its the main reason why Elie is still living. Its for the love of his father. Loving is important to everyone with out it the world would come to a end. No one would like each other. Everything would be impossible to enjoy!

    Question III

    If Siddhartha ever asked about Elie journey he would say he went through many hardships. He has seen many inhumane things during his time. Things seen that should never be seen again. He would also include the reason why all this pain happened. Basically if Siddhartha could read the book night he would understand.

    Question IV

    If Elie asked Siddhartha about his journey so far he would have to say he as went from a simple life to a life of high class. He would explain his simple and poor life living in the forest until he explains hoe he became a rich merchant. But over all he would say his life is at a high and his past was not so bad.

    Question V
    Elie and Siddhartha are smiler in very few ways. The main way was Siddhartha gave up the poor life of being a Samana to find Love and wealth. Elie Gave up on believing in his god to save time and stop hoping for something impossible. Both of them have grown to be strong and smarter to give up the thing they believed in since it was for the better, for them. Now both characters love a person and it is somewhat there main motivation to move in there current lives. The two characters few things in common but they both are on a interesting journey.

  17. Question 2

    As a samana Siddhartha was taught not to let his feelings get the best of him, therefore love would have to be put aside. Through love one can meet his or her doom and Siddhartha remains very keen to keep this from happening. Although Siddhartha has met a partner in Kamala who appears to love him he has remained strong willed in his beliefs and never let love get the best of him. I believe that if by now in the book Siddhartha were to express these views to Ellie, Ellie would somewhat agree and somewhat not. A part of Ellie would agree that love can only hurt an individual because as Ellie's loved ones are taken from him, Ellie suffers more and more, all due to his love for them. A part of Ellie would disagree with this view because Siddhartha still has his father by this chapter and he loves his father, that is one of the main reasons why he continues to live on for. That is how Ellie would reply.

    Question 3

    By this point on in Siddhartha's life, Siddhartha has experienced many wonderful and amazing features that most boy his age would have never seen. By this point on in Siddhartha's journey i believe that Ellie would be amazed. Ellie respects knowledge and almost everything Siddhartha is doing, through it all Siddhartha;s having fun and remaining friendly even if others feel mutual to that feeling. As Siddhartha remains in this town where Kamala is located, Siddhartha has become quite wealthy and knowledgeable in aspects he was not quite so earlier in his quest. Overall i believe Ellie would congratulate and sort of envy Siddhartha for all the liberty Siddhartha has in traveling carelessly from place to place at his own control.

    Question 4

    Ellie's experiences in this book have not been quite envious ones and not so enjoyable. No one in there right mind would want to be in Ellie's position at anytime in there lives. If Siddhartha had a say in Ellie's affairs as his journey continues being controlled by the oppressive German forces Siddhartha would surely disapprove. Siddhartha has never been one to use violence as a mean of gaining anything so i guess Siddhartha's best advise to Ellie would be to remain strong through it all. Siddhartha would state that certain values of the samanas could help him beat his oppressors, values such as fasting without any pain and patiently waiting till the day of liberation. Siddhartha would advise things like that to aid Ellie's journey.

    Question 5

    At this point in both stories, each character has sort of found a system of living that would keep them living if understood. Siddhartha is kindly given shelter by an admirer of his knowledgeable abilities such as reading and writing who is also a merchant. This merchant gives Siddhartha everything he needs, shoes, clothes, food, and even as much as to let Siddhartha help in transactions. Throughout it all Siddhartha finds a method of remaining this mans peer and never his servant, for if he gave any opportunity or sign of weakness he would quickly become this mans servant. Ellie on the other hand has found the belly of the beast, and although conditions are horrible he's found a way to make things better for himself. After getting an infection in his leg Ellie is hospitalized within the camp and lays back and relaxes, getting more food and living "luxurious" as compared to the labor life. I would say both characters ways to deal with situations are what we can compare them with, due to both of there extraordinary intelligence both continue to strive and survive.

  18. Question 1
    Humans explain the world based on their beleifs systems. because of these belief systems people look at the world in more ways than one. Elie’s father believes in God, which affects how he see's the world. Facing hard times at the concentration camp, has weakened both Elie and his fathers belief in god, and that there is hope. After seeing all the cruelty that has been put upon these people they begin to question why God isnt doing anything to fix the situation. Based on this, instead of looking at the world religiously, Elie looks at the world without concern. Kamala on the other hand does not view the world this way. Kamala has no worries in the world which is different from Elie. Kamala is the same as everyone else, unlike Elie.

    Question 2
    Elie would most likely disagree with Siddartha. I think he would disagree because, Elie has been surrounded by love through everything. He is loved by his father and his family. He would say that love is one of the most important things in someones life.

    Question 3
    Elie would tell Siddartha to do his best at reaching all his goals in life, until he has reached happiness. Elie would want the best for siddartha, after everything he's going through to reach his goals.

    Question 4
    Siddartha would have a lot of respect for Elie after everything that he is going through. Siddartha would tell Elie that he is amazed with what he has overcome and even though times may get very tough at he concentration camps, that he should never give up and keep trying.

    Question 5
    In this chapter, Elie has matured and Siddartha has now become more aware of his actions. Both Siddartha and Elie are beginning to grow in this chapter. Siddartha is gaining a thirst for knowledge which is different from the beginning when he realy didnt think much of it. Elie has changed because his belief in god is weakening. Showing the similarities between Siddartha and Elie in this chapter.

  19. Question 1:
    Humans explain the world base on their belief systems,religion, and culture. Due to the factors, people can look at the world with many different view.
    Kamala explain the world as greed because in the beginning, Siddhartha wants to be her friend but then she said you will need fine clothing, shoes and a lot of money in the pouch.
    Siddhartha explain the world as a game because he is messing around throughout the whole time from a Brahmin to a semana then to a merchants. Even when he is a merchant, he is not into the business.
    Elie explain the world as if it has no god to protect people or anyone special. Even when people were about to be killed, no mercy have shown to them.

    Question 2:
    Elie will disagree because it is the love between father and son which kept them both trying to survive throughout the time even though if it is harsh or not.

    Question 3:
    Elie would mostly likely to tell Siddhartha to do his best to achieve his goal since Elie has one to achieve as well. He might wish Siddhartha the best since they are both trying to achieve a goal.

    Question 4:
    Siddhartha will tell him that he should never give up even if there is a little bit of hope, don't give it up because Elie have went through a lot of hardship with his father and family.

    Question 5:
    They are both similar to each other because they found what they both want to do with their life. To Elie, it is that he will try his very best to survive until the very end with his father. Even if there were hardship, he will try. To Siddhartha, he wants to learn love. In order to learn love, he breaks his bond with the semanas which make him back to a Brahmin, but poor.

  20. Question #1-
    In the book Night, Elie would see the world as a cruel place due to his experience at the concentration camps. He has seen people being hanged, killed and selected to die because of their health condition. Seeing people get killed and tortured shows Elie that the world isnt a place he thought it would be. Also, Elie's father would see it as a test because he believes in god and thinks that this whole experience is a test from god to see if they are worth it. They recite prayers and beileve as a group that its a test, even though some of them are losing faith in god. In the book Siddhartha, Kamala sees the world as a place full of greed and needs. When Siddhartha asked Kamala to be his friend but she needed Siddhartha to change his ways. Siddartha needed to get new clothes, money and shoes.

    Question 2-
    Elie would somehow agree at this point because he hasnt felt love because of the SS officer's way of treating them. They havent shown love toward the jews in any way. But then again, he would disagree because his love for his family and especially his father.

    Elie would say that his journey is so far better tahn his because his journey didnt include being beat down and scarred. Elie would also say that his journey may be long but worth it because Siddharthas journey is going to be finding unique answers to his quest. Meanwhile Elies journey might lead to his death.

    Question 4-
    Siddhartha would say that Elies journey is a tough one but not to give up hope because at this point it looks bad, but it will get better eventually. Siddhartha would also share a past experience with Elei. And he would give Elie a lecture on the situation.

    Question 5-
    Siddhartha has changed so far in the story. He changed in a way that he viewed the world in one point of view, but then changes his ways after he says that he has to learn and teach from himself. He also uses a method in which he gets what he wants in a smart sneaky way. He got Kamala by doin some stuff that surprised her, using his brains and the fasting, patience and some other thying to get what he needs.
    Elie so far i guess has lost hope for survival at the concentration camps along with his father. He has grown to see the world how its actually is. Seeing that its cruel and a living hell.
    What they both have in common is that they both see the world in a new view.other than the one they saw it before.

  21. Question #1

    A majority of humans would probably explain the world that consists of many decisions to make everyday. If one picks one path, they should be ready to face whatever that path includes whether it's bad or good.

    Siddhartha would explain how in the world, there are many paths, many people to meet, and many obstacles one has to overcome as they live their life. He would also explain how past affected them, the people they once knew, they things they once did.

    Kamala would explain the world as a place with materialistic needs. If someone doesn't have nice clothes, nice shoes, a lot of money, then they're no good. However, if someone does have nice clothes, nice shoes, a lot of money, they'll be more likely to succeed in life.

    Elie would explain the world as a place with nothing to have hope in anymore. He doesn't believe God helps him or anyone anymore, because people are being hanged and thrown into the crematorium.

    Question #2

    Elie would tell Siddhartha that love is an essential aspect in someone's life. Therefore, he would disagree with Siddhartha's statement. In Elie's life, he loves his father very much, and everyday he looks forward to see his father.

    Question #3

    Elie would tell Siddhartha to keep overcoming these challenges as he progresses through his journey. He would also tell him to keep hope in mind, because anything can happen.

    Question #4

    Siddhartha would tell Elie that he has done an amazing job so far, because of how many hard decisions and hard work Elie has done and made.

    Question #5

    Elie and Siddhartha are similar, indeed. Both of them have met people that has given them advice, and has helped him when they needed it. For example, when Elie transferred to a different camp, prisoners have told him how the camp was like, what they were to do, if it was good or bad. Siddhartha meets the Buddha and the Buddha teaches him many things in which Siddhartha would have never thought of before. Also, he meets Kamala which teaches him about the importance of materials, like clothes, shoes, and money. Siddhartha and Elie both come across people that help him on the way.

  22. question 1
    Elie would explain the world as cruel,harsh and cold.He would think that because he's in a concentration camp where people die everyday.Siddhartha would explain the world in a calming,relaxing yet complicated way.He would see the world like this because even though there is complication there are the loving parts also.Kamala on the other hand views the world as lovingly as possible.She believes everybody has somebody.Kamala also feels like this becuase she has a lover.
    Question 2
    Elie would disagree because you have to love something in life.You can't just like something or someone.
    Question 3
    Elie would probably say he's had hard times but Elie's had harder.He would have sorrow for him but it's a fact Siddhartha would say something smart.
    Question 4
    Siddhartha would have sympathy for Elie and give him a couple of wise words he's learned.Siddhartha would think of optimistic thoughts for Elie.
    Question 5
    Siddhartha and Elie have one thing in common,they are going through some hard times.There is something defective that's in the way of what they want.They both had decision making to do.Siddhartha had to see if he wanted to stay with the merchant and Elie had to decide if he wanted to stay in the hospital with his dad or take the journey.In some ways they are somewhat similar.

  23. question #1

    Humans explain and view thier world through their religion and their surrounding. They created powerful beings to explain the unfamiliar. Like the beginning of the humans or how humans are created. Humans explain their world through their surroundings because different places comes with different experience. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha was born a Brahmin so he believes in Hinduism at first. Then as the book goes on, he became a samanas. Being a samana, Siddhartha travels to many places and he heard about the Buddha during his journey. In the book Night, Elie was taken to the concentration camp because he's a Jew. When he's in the concentration camp, he went through terrible experiences making him question where god is. Kamala in the book Siddhartha is a courtesan. She learn through her surroundings that without money, nice clothing, and nice shoes that person is not important to her.

    question #2

    Siddhartha similar to kamala does not love anyone. During his travel as a samana, he learned to overcome feeling pain and not letting emotions to rule him he feels that love is best left out. If Siddhartha tells Elie that it not good to love Elie would probably agree and disagree with this opinion. Elie love his family very much but it also brought him a lot of pain when his mother and siblings die. On page 67 in the book Night,"...and my father?...would he pass the selection? he had aged so much..." This shows that he cares about about his father so it brings a possibility that Elie might disagree that it's not good to love.

    question #3

    Elie would probably say to Siddhartha to keep holding on and to never give up on what he wants. Elie might thought that Siddhartha's journey is much easier compare to his experiences in the concentration camp. So no matter what happens never give up because at least Siddhartha's family didnt get kill.

    question #4

    Siddhartha would tell Elie that Elie is amazing on hanging on to life and hope. I think he'll probably tell Elie to meditate and try to overcome his pain and hunger. He might give an advice to Elie to keep hang on to life and never give in to death.

    qestion #5

    Both Elie and Siddhartha are similar. They both have someone to give them important advice and they were both tested that leads to important changes. Siddhartha had Kamala to give him advice about matter such as money, nice cothing, and power are needed. She also gave advice about how to act when meeting Kamaswami. Elie was given advice by the head of his block on how to keep from getting killed. He was told to move about so it'll give him some color. Both Elie and Siddhartha have been tested by someone. Siddhartha have been tested by Kamaswami on his reading and writing before he was hired. Elie had been tested by the SS doctors on his health that can determine if he live or dies.

  24. Question #1

    Humans explain the world by two impacts which are belief systems and there religion. Belief systems have a big impact because its what people believe in and how things are created and religion is another impact because in some religions people might believe in God and others might not. Siddhartha would explain the world as following your own path in till you are satisfied and learn new things during your journey. Kamala would explain the world is not viewing someone for there outside but there inside because when she first met Siddhartha she thought that since he is a samana he would want to be with her but then they got to know each other and they like each other for what they have in common.
    Elie would probably describe the world is harsh, cruel, and there is no God. I say this because of what the concentration camp did to him. The reason why he would say “there is no God” because he suffered a lot and God doesn’t hear his prayers. In the other hand Elie’s father does believe in God and still has faith on him and belive God and that God would help him.

    Question #2

    Elie would most likely disagree with Siddhartha because Elie would probably say love is the most important thing that makes you strong because being loved by his father is what is making him stronger.

    Question #3

    Elie would tell him that its kind of a good journey because of everything he learned a lot of good things and that is a better journey then he had because he had to be sent to the concentration camp which was really bad.

    Question #4

    Siddhartha would feel very sorry for Elie for the journey he had and tell him very kind words.

    Question #5

    At this point in the story Elie and Siddhartha have been acting really matured and acting like men. Because Elie is been very strong after all the things his been through and suffered a lot. Siddhartha is finding love with Kamala and experiencing more.

  25. Question 1

    Most Humans explain the world based on their religion. Based on what kind of religion one has they have a different view of the world. As for Elie's father he looks at the world religiously. So does his son, Elie. Its just that thier spirates are put down and they are losing faith in god and dont follow what people of their religion are required to do. For example, Elie's father tells Elie not to fast for The holliday. Elie doesn't fast and then wonders why they should praise god when he hasn't helped them. Kamala doesn't have a view like this toward the world. she just goes with the flow. She doesn't have these kinds of problems.

    Question 2

    Elie would have disagreed with Siddhartha if he told him the its good not to love. Elie would explain that love is what keeps him alive. If he didn't have love for his father and didn't want to see him a gain he wouldn't try working hard in the camp and he would give up.

    Question 3

    Elie would have congradulated Siddhartha on how far he came on his journey. He would have been amazed on how much he has learned. Elie would advise to Siddhartha to go back home with his family. He would have said that the best satisfaction in life is beiing next to the loved ones in your life. Elie would have been together with his family if he had the choice.

    Question 4

    Siddhartha would also congradulate Elie on how far he got on this unexpected journey. He would also admit that this Elies' journey is more meaningful and harder than his own. Elie would be told to keep on trying hard and to never lose hope on surviving.

    Question 5

    Siddhartha learns more of the world. He begins to observe love and the world. He observes the world like a child, more observant and interested. He has the choice to stay home or leave and observe a different belief. Elie also has a choice of staying in the infirmatory or getting transferred to a different camp. As time passes he realizes that getting out of the camp alive will be harder than he thought.

  26. Question 1:

    Humans explain the world in many different ways. Humans mainly explain the world through their religion and what they believe in. If they do not feel a God created the world, they come up with different abstract ideas or theories that suit them best.

    In the book Siddhartha, the main character Siddhatha would explain the world to be a game. He wants to keep learning new things so he is full of knowledge and is on top of his "game". Since his transformation from a Brahmin to a Samana, he no longer looks at the world from a religious point of view. He see's the world as a game and his goal is to be at the top of it.

    In the book Night, Elie's father would explain the world through Judaism. He kept his faith through all of the terror and hell that the Germans put he and the Jews through. He still has a tight grasp on his Torah and his faith in God.

    In the book Night, the main character Elie would explain the world to not be a concern or interest of his. His mind is full of questions and he is losing faith in Judaism. He does not care about God, he only cares for himself and his family. But, he still practices his religion for the sake of other Jews to keep their faith. He is living in his world day by day.

    Question 2:

    Elie would say to Siddhartha that he is completely wrong and would have to disagree. Love is what is keeping him, his hope, and his father alive. Love is somthing that is to live for and Elie is using it. If it was not good to love, then for some people it is not good to live.

    Question 3:

    Elie would tell Siddhartha that he should keep an open mind and keep learning. He would say to never give up on your goals and to never take your eyes off the prize you treasure. Elie would also add that if you were ever to feel weak and come to a tough obsticle in your path, to keep going and find the inner strength within yourself to motivate yourself and pass it.

    Question 4:

    Siddhartha would say to Elie that his journey has been very rough and he has faced many hard obsticles that he has over come. He would say that he should not give up especially after all that he has been through. Siddhartha would also say that there is a lot more to learn in life and there are answers to the questions that Elie asks. Elie will find those answers once these horrible times are in the past.

    Question 5:

    Elie is the type of person that has been through what no human should ever go through. His life up to this point has been hell and it continues to be this way. In his situation he lives his life day by day not knowing what he is going to do or what is going to happen next. He has a strong thirst for new knowledge but can not learn anything in his situation. He has no freedom and is just another Jew in a concentration camp.

    Siddhartha is a type of person that has so much freedom he can start a new life. He has a thirst for knowledge and is able to learn and experiance all he wants in his "new life". He had a "previous life" that in his eyes was full of mistakes and wrong decisions. Now in his "new life" he can not make the same mistakes he did before and have an error free life.

    The similarity between Elie and Siddhartha is that they both are maturing from two boys to two men. Elie has grown up from being a spoiled boy to being a working man that takes care of himself and his father. Siddhartha has made a new life and has matured from his confused, bad decision making "previous life". He is now doing well on his own and supports himself and has a job.

  27. Question 1:
    Humans explain the world based on experiences they go through and based on their beliefs. Depending on what they believe in and what they practice, humans each have their own view of the world. Each belief and experience allows humans to view the world in a certain way. Such as, living a difficult childhood or going through bad experiences might cause them to view the world as a cruel and harsh place. Or as in religion taking a role in explaining the world, Jews view the world as waiting for the messiah to come and practice certain routines because it’s part of their religion and what they believe.
    In Night, Elie is at a difficult stage at this point in the book, he’s still working in a concentration camp and yet is still a teen. He faces himself into needing to get operated due to his swollen right foot which occurred during winter. When the Jewish year was coming toward an end and everyone was praying, Elie began to think about how he shouldn’t bless The Name of the Eternal because of all that has happened while being at the concentration camps, children being burned, and having their race being tortured out of all the races there are in the world (pg64). Elie’s not feeling too great full at this point and he doesn’t even fast during Yom Kippur because his father didn’t allow him to and he didn’t accept Gods “silence” any more. Elie explains the world to be unfair and blames it on God because he feels as if everything is his fault because he makes choices for everyone and he’s allowing this to happen to the Jews. In this chapter they face themselves with selection, in which Elie makes himself out of the first time, but his father doesn’t but he is able to during the second time of selection.
    Elie’s father explains the world in a similar way to Elie. He tells his son not to fast which goes against what they believe in (pg66) because at this point he’s getting old and feel s that during the second time of selecting he won’t make it through. He tells his son that he didn’t notice that he was written down to be selected so he gives his knife and spoon to Elie and tells him not to sell it. In the end he makes it past the second selecting but he’s still getting old as days passed by.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha describes the world to be beautiful, he says everything is beautiful. He’s still on his journey on his own and he’s a poor Brahmin son and is a samana as well. He travels alone and meets people who help him along the way such as Kamala, a beautiful, young girl who has many things and is willing to offer her advice to Siddhartha. She makes him think about how he was so sure that she would help him and she tells him what he needs to do in order for her to help him, by wearing nice shoes, clothes and bringing her gifts (pg50). Kamala seems to care about money and the gifts she receives from youths that come to her. She’s more materialistic because she takes things that youths offer her and Siddhartha uses what he knows such as thinking, waiting, fasting, reading and writing. Kamala is planning to teach Siddhartha about love and he’s become her pupil because he takes her advice.
    Question 2:
    Elie doesn’t have someone like Siddhartha does, to love; the only person in his life that he has to love is his father. More of a family love relationship than an affectionate relationship. Elie loves his father because he’s family and ever since he was split up from the rest of his relatives; his father is the only one he can turn to. His father is pretty much all he has which is why he both loves and values him because he is with him. Elie would tell Siddhartha that he should love because it is good to love, when you have no one else, you’ll always at least have that one. He would also say that it’s good to love because he believes in God and he loves God, Siddhartha on the other hand doesn’t have a specific faith or this one almighty figure to love or look up to.

  28. Question 3
    Elie would tell Siddhartha that he’s doing the right thing by following what he believes and feels is right. At this point Siddhartha has learned a lot and more than what he thought he would. He encountered many people and isn’t materialistic like Kamala because he uses what he knows to do which comes in handy. Elie would also tell Siddhartha that the experiences he’s been through are all part of his journey which he decided to take three years ago in which he’s out to find out more of himself, to live bliss and in which he departed from his own religion because he didn’t find himself happy. Although he did leave his friend Govinda behind, facing these new experiences was what his whole journey was to be about. He’s at peace and doesn’t go through what other people do such as experiencing hard times(pg 57) or giving things to others but his knowledge and other qualities he hasthat have helped his throughout his journey. Which is what Elie would say to him, because its all
    Question 4
    Siddhartha would tell Elie that although at the moment he does face himself in a difficult stage and position at his age, if he believes in something strongly enough, such as in his own religion, in God, in the end it might change and he might be able to re-unite with his family once again. Like himself, when Siddhartha left because he desired to join the samanas so badly he said he would come back to his parents at some point when his journey were to end. He would tell Elie to keep believing no matter what and that he will overcome the situation he’s in.
    Question 5
    In Night, during this chapter Elie makes a decision and the characters go through selection. Taking his chances in leaving with everyone hurt him more because he decided to leave with everyone else which caused his injury to get worse. Elie also starts to question God(pg64) in this chapter because he wonders why he chose his race out of all races to be tortured, he refuses to fast and he doesn’t pray while everyone else does. He’s at a point where he loses faith because of everything that has occurred to them for the past months.
    In Siddhartha, Siddhartha changes his image in order to go see Kamala after their first meeting. He decides he wants to learn of the art of love. This occurs while on his journey, after his dream of the woman he decides to become Kamala’s pupil. He becomes curious of this because he seems to know a lot but women or love. He found it necessary to listen to the voice and not external orders. He learns even more than he already does which expands his knowledge on everything.

  29. Question 1

    Everynoe describes the world differently depending on how they see the world through their own eyes. Siddhartha describes the world as peaceful because he has good experiences in his life. He has had good and blissful things happen to him on his journey. When in the town where Kamala lives he become sa merchants apprentice which is a good experience for him. Siddhartha has had fortune in his journey because people have been kind to him and he would say the world is great because all of his experiences have been blissful so far.
    Elie on the other hand would describe the world as hell because he is aprissioner in Nazi Germany. Elie has to hard work everyday and there is a possibility that he won't live to see tommarrow. His experiences have been cruel and un-forgiving. He thinks that the world has betrayed him and he is living in hell. Elie thinks the world is disgusting because he is living in dirt and filth where as Siddhartha is not.
    Kamala would describe the world similar to the way Siddhartha does because she has what she needs and is rich. She has good experiences because she is also a prostitute of high class and can have anything she wants. Her experiences are bliss because she does not have to do any hard labor. She is also having good experiences with Siddhartha therefore they could see eye to eye that the world is blissful. Depending who you are and where you are you will tend to the see the world alittle different than everyone else.

    Question 2

    When Siddhartha says that it is not good to love it is only because he does not want ot be tied down and not free to follow his own path of life. Elie would agree that it is not good to love because he has had everything taken away from him and it has all gone up in smoke. Elie's mother and sister were victims to the creamatory. Elie loved his life and now he has lost love for everything and everyone because his God seems to have abandoned him as this is what he feels because he is a prissioner in Germany.Siddhartha does not want to love only so he can follow his patha nd to do that he needs to be free as it would seem.

    Question 3

    Elie would tell Siddhartha that he is lucky that he is free and not a prissioner. Elie would be jelous because Siddhartha has it easy and Elie has it very hard. Elie would say that that is the type of life that he wants now. Elie would think Siddhartha lucky and smart for he is doing everything right and is no prissioner. Elie would want to be on Siddhartha's journey and be away from Auschwitz.

    Question 4

    Siddhartha would be quite shocked and surprised that humans would go and kill people needlessly. Siddhartha would want to comfort Elie for what he has been going through in the last few months. Siddhartha would want to learn about the experience because it is knowlege he does not know of and would most likely want to know of for that is what he is doing by traveling through india. Siddhartha would express that he does not want that experience for obvious reasons. Siddhartha would feel sorry for what Elie has been going through in Nazi Germany.

    Question 5

    Elie is in a death camp in Germany and is faced with the possibility that he might be killed the next day. Siddhartha is in a peaceful town in India and feels happy with the world. At the current point the only thing that the two have in common would be that they hate bad experiences. Other than bad experiences the two characters are very different. One is peaceful and the other is torn by a war to end all wars. They each deal with their situations differently because they are two different people who are in two different places and situations.

  30. Question 1
    Humans explain the world through their thoughts and what they believe in. People have questions in life and according to what they believe in and what’s around them; it gives them an explanation about the world. Some belief systems make people believe in for example, God. When questions come up to them as of about the world, the answer would be god. It would be believed that god created everything within the world. In the fifth chapter of the books Night and Siddhartha, it shows how Elie’s father, Elie, and Kamala would explain the world.
    Elie’s father explains the world with the belief of God. With every even that is going on, Elie’s father still believes that God exists. Through the Jews being forced into concentration camps, the hardships they have to face, and the life they have to live, Elie’s father has always known to himself that God still exists. He just hopes for that best where one day they can leave the horrible life in the concentration camps.
    Elie’s explanation of the world isn’t with the belief of God anymore. From the things that he sees happening with the Jews, he thought that God was never there to be watching it all happen or there to help them. The Jews were being tortured like nothing, being hanged and treated like animals and there was no change. For Elie, his hope of leaving the concentration camp and living a normal life has died. If God was really worth trusting and believing in, things would have changed by now and been better already. Yet, the Jews are still being treated in the wrong way.
    As for Kamala, she sees the world differently than the ways of Elie and Elie’s father. She sees the world very calmly and normal. She lives her life without worries, but with greed.
    Question 2
    Elie would tell Siddhartha “Love is the reason to live” when Siddhartha indicates that it is not good to love. To Elie, the only reason to live is because of love. That is how he chooses to stay along with his dad in the concentration camp no matter what. His whole goal is to be able to leave those concentration camps and be with his family. Sometimes love does hurt in some way and that is why people think “If love hurts, why do we love?” It’s a feeling and it’s not something to just ignore. To that, I would agree to the point that “Love is the reason to live.” There’s always love for people and that’s the reason why people want to stay alive.

  31. Question 3
    Elie would tell Siddhartha to “Use wisely of what’s ahead of you before it’s gone” about Siddhartha’s journey and experiences at this point. Siddhartha should keep going on finding what he wants. Siddhartha, being compared to Elie is very different. He is able to be free and do what he wants. He should keep going on what he wants when he can. This way, he would have no regrets when the chance is gone.

    Question 4
    Siddhartha would tell Elie to “Never give up after you have a start” about Elie’s journey and experiences at this point. Since Elie has already lived through the beginning and accepting the fact that he’s in the concentration camps, then he should continue until there’s a solution to it. He had already accepted the beginning and been through many hardships.
    Question 5
    In the fifth chapter of the book Night, Elie begins to have doubts in whether God exists or not. From the beginning, Elie has always looked up to God and wanted to learn more. From the way that he sees his life right now, he thinks to himself that maybe God never existed after all. From the second he entered the concentration camps, nothing good seemed to happen. If God does exist, shouldn’t things be changing in some way?
    In the fifth chapter of the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha is learning about love. He becomes curious about love. He watches out for his actions and learns more and more. When he comes to learning that “It is good to not love,” it brings him to confusion.
    For both characters, they are both developing new knowledge as they go about in their journeys and experiences. They are growing up.

  32. Question 1
    Since the beginning of time humans have tried to explain the world with the knowledge they posses and the information they are provided. Humans use religion, assumptions, beliefs to accurately portray the world they live in.

    Siddhartha will explain the world as a book of knowledge, an adventure rather. Where one must go through a journey to fully understand oneself and the world they walk on. Siddhartha will explain the world in a very daoist way. He goes where the world leads him, free from the misery and hardship of the world.

    Kamala does not think of the world as deeply as Siddhartha. She is an ordinary human being with an ordinary life. She is the same person when she wakes up in the morning as when she goes back to sleep at night.

    Elie on the other hand is completely different. Being a jew and having lost belief in god. He completely hates the life he sees around him. His religion has a powerful belief in one almighty god, but Elie lost faith in god, but you cant blame him. He is exposed to a different life than Siddhartha and Kamala and has a different way of explaining the world.

    Question 2
    Elie will definitely disagree with Siddhartha if he says that it is not good to love. Without the little live Elie has in his life through his father. He will be broken. The only reason he has some hope, has some strength is because of that love.

    Question 3
    Elie will encourage Siddhartha to keep moving forward and tell him how fortuante he is that he is able to learn this much knowledge and is able to go on his journey, because Elie is not so fortunate.

    Question 4
    Siddhartha will congratulate Elie on surviving this far and will tell him to keep going forward and be patient. Siddhartha will say life tends to put obstacles between you and your goal, it is hope and motivation that is able to break those obstacles and reach your goal.

    Question 5
    Siddhartha and Elie both have evolved since the beginning of the book. They both gained new knowledge and both have love n their lives. They both are on a journey which life have put them on.

  33. Question 1:
    The Jewish prisoners in Night explain the world in the same way. They all believe in God and that everything that happens are ways of God making things happen. Being that the Jewish prisoners believe that, they all worship and bless the name of God. On the other hand, Eliezer doesnt see God as someone who should be blessed. He sees God as the Almighty being, but because he's brought death upon so many inoccent people, Elie doesn't think that God should be worshipped. Hitler is different than all of the Jewish people however. He has imprisoned all of them and keep them working in camps. He also kills off the Jews who he think are worthless or can't work. He underrates all people that are Jewish and evidently believes they all deserve torture and work. In Kamala of Siddhartha, some main characters are the fisherman, Siddhartha, n Kamala. The fisherman explains the world as what you give is what you get. Kamala see's the world different. She thinks that being able to think, wait and fast is useless and that only the rich people are allowed to learn love. Siddhartha has come to realize that there is an inner-voice inside everyone, to tell them what they desire unintentionally. In Among the Child People, some main characters are the merchant, and Kamala and Siddhartha, but with different visions of the world. The merchant sees that everything needs to be a profit and a lost is unacceptable. Kamala wonders if people like her Siddhartha can love and thinks that a lot of people aren't clever. Siddhartha wonders when he'll be able to use feelings in decisions he make, and sees that people who aren't child people can't love.

    Question 2:
    If Elie heard Siddhartha say it is not good to love, he would agree at this point. He's stuck in concentration camps and there's selections that are made. Anybody can be chosen and once chosen they're set to be killed. If Elie was to learn to love anyone, he'd become attatched. Prisoners are moved around to different camps all the time and anything could happen to anyone. At any point in time, you could be seperated from someone you love and you'll be affected by it. Therefore, he would say that love is not good, just like Siddhartha.

    Question 3:
    Elie would praise Siddhartha for his will. Siddhartha has been traveling for a long time, and its because he seeks a belief system that satisfies him. Elie has been questioning God's ways since the beginning of the book and looked to another belief systems but couldn't pursue it because of his family. But Siddhartha left his home and went homeless for a long portion of his life to find satisfaction. His experiences brought him to a place where he finds satisfaction and he has learned things that he couldn'thave learned if he wasn't so brave. This is why Elie would praise Siddhartha for his journey.

  34. Questions 4:
    Siddhartha would question a lot of the things that took place in Elie's journey. He'd want to know why Elie didn't stand up to his father about what he believed in. He'd question the way the Germans treat the Jews, and why people were killed without being sacrificied to Gods. He'd praise Elie for his tolerance of pain and his occasional stands against what was said. For example when he kept his shoes when told otherwise and when he kept his gold crown on his tooth and made excuses so it wouldn't be removed. It'd be like Siddhartha to do these things, he likes to question and respects all things.

    Question 5:
    There is something similar about Elie and Siddhartha at this point. They both have made significant changes from the beginning of their journeys. Siddhartha started off as a Brahmin and went on a journey to find a satisfying way of living and a teaching that would suffice for all his questioning. He found the lifestyle he liked and learned things without being taught. On the other hand you have Eliezer. At first he was someone seeking to learn a new belief. When the Germans came and forced them to work, he change to someone who'd kill for family, to someone who could watch torture. He also began to question the ways of God and is everything is does just a complicated way of solving something. He's not just a little boy, he's a man, as Siddhartha has become a man as well.

  35. Question One:

    Each person would explain the world differently depending on their own perspective and religion. Elie used to believe in God. He used to pray a lot before he was sent to the concentration camps. But now that Elie is in the concentration camps, he would explain the world as if God didn’t exist. For example, towards the end of Chapter four, the three victims chosen by the Kapos were killed and one victim was a child. At the time when he and the other prisoners in the concentration camps needed God the most, but God wasn’t there to help them. Elie’s father would probably explain the world in the same way that Elie does. Elie and his father are going through the same things everyday and probably have the same opinion about the events that occurred. Kamala would explain the world in how it would benifet to her. She is a greedy person and would only be friends with Siddhartha if he had shoes, money and clothes.

    Question Two:

    Elie would probably disagree with Siddhartha when he says it’s not good to love. Elie and his father are in a concentration camp and they don’t know if they’ll ever get out. Both Elie and his father love each other and they don’t want to ever be separated. Love is the only thing that is bonding them to stay together. Without love, they wouldn’t be alive and together in the concentration camps.

    Question Three:

    Elie would probably tell Siddhartha to continue with his goal to reaching Nirvana. Siddhartha gave up being a Brahmin to become a samana, giving up at this point wouldn’t be the smart thing to do. Elie would also tell him to not give up because in the end it will be worth it.

    Question Four:

    Siddhartha would tell Elie that he has gone through a lot in the concentration camps. He would tell him that he should stay strong and shouldn’t give up no matter what happens because eventually Elie and his father would be able to get out of the concentration camps and live the life the way they want to.

    Question Five:

    Elie and Siddhartha are different because they are going through different things. They are also different people and will have different perspectives in viewing these situations.
    Elie has gone through a lot in these chapters. He’s seen the cruelty of the Nazis, when they killed people, and when they had selections of choosing people to kill. He has learned how to deal with these types of situations from his father. He listens to what his father tells him to do, and in the end they’re both safe.

    Siddhartha learned to love from Kamala. Kamala was his first love and he learned a lot from her. Kamala would only become friends with Siddhartha if he had money, clothes and shoes. He then received a merchant apprentice from Kamaswami and learned about being a merchant.

  36. Question #1

    In both book, NIGHT and SIDDHARTHA, there are 3 characters explained the world in their own unique way. One example in the book NIGHT, Elie started to think that God never existed due to all the hardships he went through. He saw many of his people slain and suffered by the German people. Elie thought, if there was a God, why would he let his own creation kill their kinds of people. Therefore, Elie ignores his religion by resisting himself from praying. Another main character in the book NIGHT, is Elie’s father. He still believes in God even though all the hardship he faces in the concentration camps. Elie’s father still prays in God and wishes that one day, he would get out of the terrible camp. In the book SIDDHARTHA, Siddhartha views the world around him as mysterious. He ran away from home where he practices Hinduism and transform into a Samana. All Siddhartha wants to do now is to learn and increase his knowledge for his own pleasurement.

    Question #2

    From my perspective, I think that Elie would disagree with Siddhartha’s indications that it is good not to love. If Elie left his father and didn’t tell the lie that he was 18, Elie would have been in much greater troubles. The reason Elie still walks on his legs because of the love of his parents.

    Question #3

    From this point in the book for NIGHT, Elie would tell Siddhartha to “be happy for what you have before it’s gone.” Siddhartha is a free man and can do whatever he feels like doing. Elie would most likely envies Siddhartha and tell him to be think twice before acting.

    Question #4

    If I was Siddhartha viewing on Elie’s past experience, I would be so stunned. I would not expect such terrible things to happen to a little one. The things I would say is to on doing and do not give up of all the things you through already. Just live it out and hopefully, you’ll be free.

    Question #5

    So far in the book NIGHT and SIDDHARTHA, one similarity among the 2 main characters, Elie and Siddhartha, is that they showed their transformation from the beginning of the story till now. Elie use to believe in God and then, after all the suffering he experienced in the camp, he lost his spirit and hope. Siddhartha use to believe in Hinduism due to his father tolerance and now, he learned to deny what his father wanted and start his own path, a path of a Samana. Both of these character shows great distinction from the beginning till now.

  37. Question #1

    Humans explain the world by their beliefs on how the world works. Some people believe that the world was created by their one God, or gods, depending on the monotheistic or polytheistic beliefs. Others would explain the world as a place without all the morals/religious beliefs & live freely without worrying losing their faith.

    Siddhartha views the world as though it was all a game to him. He sees his life as he let people cheat him, trade with him, & sound him out similarly to the way the gods & the Brahmins did. Also he explains the world as though he was still a samana as he try his new route to learn the art of love from Kamala.

    Elie shows his alteration on his beliefs as he no longer believes in the God that would let all these young & innocent people suffer & die in such tragic ways. Elie rebelled on the fact to bless God because he caused the children to be burned, he created Auschwitz, Birkenau, Buna, and many other factories. He went to try to ignore his father just so he wont wish him happy new year due to his loss of faith.

    In the other hand. Elie’s father still keeps his faith regardless of the torture & pain he received from the Germans. Unlike Elie, he still believes there is hope for him while he survives many obstacles.

    Question #2

    Elie wouldn’t agree to Siddhartha’s indication that it’s not good to love. He wouldn’t because love was the only thing that kept him & his father together & alive. All his hope on everything was gone, but his bond with his father was what kept him going & if it wasn’t for love he wouldn’t be breathing.

    Question #3

    Elie would’ve told Siddhartha not to end his path right then & there. He will gain more knowledge on how as his life develop & he has the freedom that many of the Jews wish they have. So don’t just give up on a great opportunity.

    Question #4

    Siddhartha would’ve told Elie that he’s went through a lot just to give up & to continue on. The love that he has with his father is a great thing that he should hold onto, in which Siddhartha doesn’t have with him.

    Question #5

    Siddhartha & Elie has some similarities going on during these chapters. Their knowledge began to expand on life & love as their journey continues. Siddhartha learns from Kamala the art of love & he comes to the idea that it is not right to love as Kamala compliments his abilities with her games. As for Elie, he comes to the realization that God isn’t there for him. He questions God as he let his race is put through this. So both Siddhartha & Elie grows in their mind by their experiences from a boy to a man.

  38. Question 1

    Each character would see the world in a different way. Starting with Siddhartha, he always had followed people's belief, and never followed his own, so he saw the world through other's believes and thinking this world is mysterious. After he ran away to search for his answer, he was able to gradually look at the world through his own eyes. In Night, Elie doesn't believe in god anymore after being sent to the concentration camp. He used to see the world with a god, but now he sees the world as if god doesn't exist. If god existed he would save the people being tortured by the germans. Elie lost hope of god after seeing people being tortured. Elie's father in the other hand sees the world with a god, he believes god stil exist, even though they are tortured everyday in the concentration camps. He still believes that god will save them one day. After seeing all the people being killed, he doesn't lose hope that god still exists watching them.

    Question 2

    If Siddhartha indicates that it is good not to love, then Elie would disagree. Elie loves his father and his family. There is no way he would agree to that love isn't a good thing. Elie is surrounded by love, unlike Siddhartha, leaving behind the ones he loved inorder to seek answers to this world.

    Question 3

    Elie would probably tell Siddhartha to keep going, and that the journey isn't over yet. Elie would tell him to not lose hope even if he has to go through something that is almost impossible. During Siddhartha's journey, he has learned a lot, and if Elie had to say something about that, then he would tell Siddhartha to keep going.

    Question 4

    Siddhartha would tell Elie not to give up, even if he has to go through torture everyday. Unlike Elie's journey, Siddhartha isn't part of a war-like situation, so he would tell him just hold on to everything he has, and keep going on, and survive to the very end and not let down by the germans. Elie's journey was rough and challenging, but his will to survive would keep him going.

    Question 5

    Siddhartha and Elie both grew up. They both knowledged different experiences that they never experienced before. Both of their will is stronger than they were before. Siddhartha's will to continue his journey to find his answers is as strong as Elie's will to survive. Elie and Siddhartha matured to learned how to deal with situations that they get into. Elie's experience being stuck in concentration camp made him become a more tougher man. Both of their will and experiences made them stronger.

  39. Question 1-
    All the characters, no matter what book, explain the world according to their beliefs. Sidhartha would explain the world according through everything that he has learned. As a Brahmin Sidhartha worshiped Gods and as a Samana he learned many other things. The one thing that Sidhartha never let go as he traveled was fasting, waiting, and thinking. Through these things Sidhartha got to the place that he is in now. For Sidhartha the world is controled by all the spirits and the almighty one, nd to make life better it is important to know how to fast, think, and wait. Kamala was a total different story. the world was controlled by money. In order for someone to be friends with Kamala the must have money/wealth and gifts for her. Whoever had the most wealth had more power. Kamala never believed in any God ar anything like What Sidhartha believed. For Kamala the world revolved on money. Elie would always have his faith in God. Even though he keeps on repeating to himselg that theres no reason for him to be praising him, he always finds himself saying his prayers.Even though he keeps on denying it he still beliefs that theres someone mightier and is watching how thy're being tortured.
    Question 2-
    Elie would tell Sidhartha that when the time of trouble comes that it will always comes to one mn for themselfs. Just like the Rabbis son had done to his father. That thought had also ran through Elies mind. Even though he regreted it after but the thought still ran through his mind. When your by urself its better because you anly have to look after yourself. You dont have to worry about the others.
    Question 3-
    Elie would tell Sidhartha that he;s treating everything as a game. He's going through beliefs and treating it like its something that isnt important. Elie would tell him that fasting probably isnt a smart thing to do but its something that he probably wouldnt be able to do. Even though he also fasts in a way its not the same. Whatever they gave Elie to eat he had to eat and it wasnt his choice. He had certain times to eat and there wasnt a waythat he could change that. Ithink that Elie would ask Sidhartha why he makes himself suffer. If Sidhartha has all the food and he can get it then why would he fast. I dont think it would make any sense to Elie.

  40. Question 4-
    Sidhartha would try to explain why its a good thing to fast. Just in case Elie was missing something Sidhartha would have known how to block the pain out from himself. He would find a way to make himself sensless. Sidhartha would probably think it was stupid to save the spoon and the knife. The matirial stuff wouldnt matter much to Sidhartha. As Sidhartha grew up there was nothing. He had learned how to depend on nothing but nature. If Sidhartha had to live like that im sure he would find a way to block everythng out and make himself senseless.
    Question 5-
    In the book Night Elie is going through a hard time as he see's that there is another selection going on. As he see's that his father is getting weaker as tha days go by and there nothing that he can do to help him. Elie doesnt care what people think of him and his father he is doing everything possible to keep his father and himself alive. Elie see's everyone around them suffer an he doesnt worry about any of them but his father.
    Kamala has found Sidhartha a job and Sidhartha is learning new things from Kamala all the time. Sidhartha gets to know hoow Kamala really is. As Sidhartha is sent out to do something else he comes back with nothing. As Kamaswami was getting fustrated because bussiness wasnt going well. Sidhartha never thought of what he was doing as a job. It was always a game to him because were he grew up he had learnded how to survive with nothing. All this matirial stuff that people used and "needed" was foolish to him. He never completly understood why they needed all these things. In a way they are both going through exiles. They are both moving from place to place. Even though if its becaused they are being forced or because they want t, but they are both on the move. They are both also suffering in they're own way. But they are both going through different challenges.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Question 1
    There are many ways humans explain the world. One way shown in Night is that God created all the people and God would protect the people. The Jews would always pray for God hoping they would get a better life. When the people were tortured by the SS men, the followers began to question where God was and some [ex; Elie] began to lose faith in God and started to not believe in him. Another way shown in Night was when Elie’s father still believed in God. He began believing in him as a child and will do so for the rest of his life. Unlike Elie, he thinks that God is still protecting over above him. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha explains the world through learning. But now, he has rejected that idea and decides to go venture on his own to find more about himself. Everything he sees now is peaceful and beautiful. He now sees things in a different light than he has before. Siddhartha explains the world by viewing it for himself.

    Question 2
    Elie would tell Siddhartha to love Kamala because Elie believes that love is the only thing left for him to live for. Elie will take advantage of his last family member to love because that is the only thing that is important to him after he lost almost everything. Elie would think that Siddhartha is very lucky and tell him to take advantage of this opportunity before its gone.

    Question 3
    Elie would say that Siddhartha is very fortunate to be able to do what he wishes because Elie doesn’t have the freedom to do that. Elie is stuck in the concentration camp and has to do what other people tell him to. Elie would tell Siddhartha to continue on the things he has started because he has gone a long way and should not give up. Siddhartha has learned a lot and would waste the knowledge if he loses confidence.

    Question 4
    Siddhartha would inform Elie that his life has been tough and horrible but he would tell Elie to stay faithful for the day of his freedom. Siddhartha would also advise for Elie to look at the world in a different view because everything will open up. Siddhartha has opened his mind to the world has seen everything in another light. He would want Elie to see it like that too and live life following his heart.

    Question 5
    Elie is was a young man who hoped to study more about his beliefs until he was brought to a concentration camp. He began to lose his beliefs about God because of all he has been through and seen. Elie now will only believe in himself and his father. Siddhartha is a Brahmin but has decided to disown that title because he wants to live his life the way that makes him happy. He goes on a journey to understand more about himself until he reaches this village where he meets a beautiful young women. Kamala is a young women who lives in a village for a peaceful life. She is an ordinary person who Siddhartha falls in love with. Elie and Siddhartha are similar because they both have learned what they truly believe in and want. They know what their goal in life is now.

  43. Question #1
    Humans have always had a need to explain the world. Most ideas come from the need of a higher being that controls everything. People like Elie’s father still believe in a god. In the work camps, they are forced to see people being killed and they are forced to do difficult labor under rough conditions. After months and months worth of exposure to this Elie’s father and most of the other Jews still celebrate Yom Kippur and other holidays. Another idea bought on by these people is that all the pain and suffering that they are going through is just a test of their faith.
    To Elie this is all false hope. Elie no longer believes in anything and has officially given up all hope. There is no purpose or any reason to have hope. Elie is like a spectator in the affairs of people who still believe in Judaism. All Elie has to do is whatever he needs to in order to survive. There is no other person or reason that Elie is continuing to live on. In this position, Elie is forced to make several decisions more along the lines of life or death.
    Siddhartha, like Elie, is just a spectator in the lives of others. He is unfazed by worldly desires. While Elie’s struggle is more of life and death, Siddhartha lives life as more of a game. Being the “oh so great” Siddhartha that he is, things are he has the advantage in everything and anything. Money games and his trading business do not bother him for most of his passion goes to Kamala. His life is just learning and watching from other people and not much living of his own.

    Question #2
    Even though Elie would love to agree with Siddhartha on this point, the truth is, Elie still loves his father. Elie probably lives on for his father and love is what keeps him from dying. Elie’s new found disgust with god would argue that love is useless in order to survive, but as evident in Elie’s reaction to the idea that his father might die shows that he still cares about other people. Also, the time when he decided to go with his father instead of staying in the hospital is more proof that Elie cannot make decisions without consulting or thinking about his father.

  44. Question #3
    Elie would most likely praise Siddhartha’s living style and indifference to the world. Elie would love to have the strength to live like Siddhartha does. There’s probably no advice Elie could give to Siddhartha other than to continue living the way he does. Since Siddhartha’s living is based around his survival it is something Elie would support.
    Question #4
    Siddhartha would advise Elie to do what he is doing now. Siddhartha lives by thinking, fasting, and waiting. If anything, this would be exceptionally good advice for Elie. To think, fast, and wait would make him live longer in the work camps. For example, if he learns how to fast properly, he would most likely be able to master death marches to carry on living. If Elie could think more in depth, then he would make decisions that would more benefit him than turn on him, like most of his decisions have done. Along with thinking, waiting for results or waiting for events to happen instead of forcing them to happen is also a smart move.
    Question #5
    Elie and Siddhartha are both working towards the goals of survival. Through their previous awakening, they are more distant to the world. Both only watch other people get wrapped up in trivial matters. Elie lives for his father and Siddhartha cares for Kamala. Elie is more jaded and unbelieving, while Siddhartha loves the world and learns from the people.

  45. Question 1.

    Over the course of the books, each main character has developed a view of the world around them. The world is a place of many obstacles and has it’s share of good times, as well as bad. Each main character, in the following chapters, each show their perspective of the world that they live in.
    Elie, in chapter five, is now used to the hardships of war. Being a prisoner for quite some time now, it is second nature to him, to always move from one camp to another. Elie has now completely changed. His views of many things, like his of God and of the world are very similar.
    Elie’s view of God has now completely changed. Elie now questions what God is here for. Is he here to bring peace, or to bring hatred and grief? He continues to question the role of God in his life and begins to wonder if there even is a God. His view of the world is quite similar as well. Over the course of his journey, Elie has suffered many hardships and many losses. I believe that Elie begins to question the worlds existence as well, being that everything in the world, causes chaos and suffering. The world is the breeding ground of pain and hatred and Elie is always in the middle of it. I believe that Elie now, more than ever, is changing his view of what is around him.
    Siddhartha’s view of the world around him, in chapters five and six, begins to change, unlike Elie’s. In chapters earlier than five and six, Siddhartha wonders why we are here and what is our main role on Earth. Siddhartha, at first, thought the world was meant for learning new things and gaining knowledge about things that were important. But now, in chapter six. He soon opens his eyes and sees what wonders the world has to offer him. He travels to new, wonderful places and meets new people. He soon realizes that you don’t need to analyze everything around you, to learn new things.
    Kamala, in chapter five, sees the world as a center of classes. For example, she does not find Siddhartha worthy of her presence. For he must earn three things, which would be clothes, shoes and money, in order to gain access to her beauty. In chapter six, Kamala soon changes her views, as she sees what Siddhartha has done for himself, she soon allows him to visit her daily. She soon informs him that he is the best lover and that he has learned her art well. But she knows, like Siddhartha that sometimes people cannot love.

    Question 2.

    Elie would disagree with Siddhartha about that statement. It was love alone, that aided Elie in surviving and tolerating the brutal treatment of the Jews, by the Gestapo. Love was the key factor in Elie’s life that held together the last string of hope, the last ray of a hopeful possibility that somewhere beyond the closed fists of the Gestapo and the blood, sweat and tears of the Jews that somewhere, there lies a place of love and joy and a place where Elie can call home. Elie had a love, so great for his Father and that love made Elie stick it out, within the concentration camps and live the life of a prisoner, all because of that one love. I believe that Elie would show Siddhartha how love can change a person’s perspective of a situation and how it can drastically affect your mind and your actions.

    Question 3.

    Elie would tell Siddhartha to change his perspective of love. Love can bring two people together and change their lives for the better. Love bonds friends as well as family members. Elie would tell Siddhartha that love has kept him and his Father together, through all of the hardships of the camps and of the Gestapo. Elie would tell Siddhartha of how love is the everlasting bond, between two people and how sacred it is. He would also tell him of how it connects people and how it reflects your beliefs and your commitment to other people, no matter what crosses their path.

  46. Question 4.

    Siddhartha would tell Elie, that like Elie, Siddhartha has suffered much too. He too, has lost a friend, like Elie has lost his Mother and sister. Siddhartha would tell Elie not to just simply think, but to examine the world around him. He would tell him that there’s always an answer to his troubles and that it is up to him to find them. Siddhartha would also tell Elie, not to be blinded by the beliefs of others, like he once was and to follow his own path to reach his own, individual goal.

    Question 5.

    As each chapter progresses, each main character, Siddhartha and Elie, grow into mature, young adults. Over the course of this journey, they encounter many obstacles and must figure out ways to overcome these challenges. In each chapter in both books, Siddhartha and Elie both question religion and beliefs. Elie questions his faith in God, as Siddhartha questions the world around him.

  47. Question #1
    Humans explain the world through their words and actions. In Night, Elie's father would explain the world as a confusing place. Elie's father has gone through a lot of confusion with the rumors throughout the work camp saying the Russians are coming, he didn’t know whether to be thrilled or devastated.
    In Night, Elie would explain the world as unfair torture. Since, Elie and his father spend their time in harsh camps that humiliate them and make them work for their bread. Elie would say the world is unjust because he always questions God’s presence when he witnesses deaths and when he witnesses the torture of the innocent. Siddartha would explain the world as a school. Since, Siddartha’s main goal is to learn, he would consider this world as a great opportunity to learn. Siddartha would also consider this world as a foolish place. Since he doesn’t believe in any teachings from any teacher , he believes he will be a leader and not a follower. Siddartha thinks the followers of any teachings or teacher are foolish people who depend on others. Therefore, Siddartha would explain this world as a foolish lie.

    Question #2
    If Elie were to hear Siddartha say it is not good to love, Elie would agree with him. Elie would agree with him with the experiences of being too attached to his father and when Elie would receive the news that there can be a possibility of him and his father separating he would worry. Also, since Elie had all his faith in god and since god had ‘betrayed’ him he felt love was never there. Therefore he thinks it isn’t worth loving and he would agree with Siddartha thinking it is not worth living.

    Question #3
    If Elie were to find out about Siddartha’s experiences he would advise Siddartha well. Elie would tell Siddartha to follow all his goals because he is a lucky person who has many opportunities to do whatever he wants to do. Unlike, Elie who is trapped in a place where he isn’t allowed to do what he wants to. Elie would tell Siddartha to continue his journey if it is what he really wants. Elie would remind Siddartha that he is a lucky person to be doing everything by his own will and that he is living the life every other prisoner in his labor work camp would like to live in.

    Question #4
    Siddartha would advise Elie to never loose hope throughout his journey. Siddartha would tell Elie that loosing hope will get him no where with his goals. Elie is loosing hope of being rescued by the Russians in the camp. Siddartha would tell Elie to remain strong and to remain true to himself since that is what Siddartha did through his rough times while being a samana and while being alone without Gautama. Elie needs to remain strong through his journey while being a prisoner. Therefore, since Siddartha has experienced a similar path he will advise Siddartha to remain strong and to have faith in himself.

    Question #5

    Elie and Siddartha deal with circumstances the same way as each other. Elie and
    Siddartha are similar to each other because they are both experiencing tough journeys’ that involve love. Siddartha loves Kamala, therefore he has to get clothes, shoes, and money by working for the merchant. Siddartha goes through work for love. Elie has to choose, to either stay in the infirmary or get evacuated by marching in his painful foot with his father. Elie loves his father and his father is the last ray of hope he has. Elie chooses to go through pain for his father. Siddartha chooses to go through pain for Kamala. Kamala is the ray of hope that Siddartha has for learning new things. Both Elie and Siddartha are very similar.

  48. 1. Humans explain the world based on their experiences and beliefs. Elie used to believe in God. He used to pray thinking that God will keep him safe if he did. But instead he was tortured and saw people being hung and burned. Elie would explain the world as if God didn't exist. He thinks that if God did exist, he wouldn't have done done such terrible things to all the Jews. Elie's father still believes in God. He kept his hopes up and still believed. He thinks that his faith saved him from the selection. Kamala thinks that the only way to get somewhere in this world is if you have nice clothes, shoes, and money.

    2. Elie would disagree with Siddhartha's statement that it is good not to love. Love is what keeps people going. If there is nothing that you love, there's no point of staying alive. The reason that Elie is fighting for his life is because of his family. Without his family, he would be all alone in this world.

    3. Elie would probably tell Siddhartha to continue his journey. He should love his freedom and do whatever he wants to do. Siddhartha should keep on going and never give up. He should be thankful for what he has unlike Elie.

    4. Siddhartha would probably tell Elie to have faith in himself. If he doesn't believe that he could make it, he won't. He should fight for his freedom. Maybe one day he will be free. He shouldn't give up.

    5. Even though their lives are different, Elie and Siddhartha have similarities. Elie has abandoned his beliefs. He no longer believes in a God. He thought that God would protect him if he prayed but it didn't help. It brought him to the concentration camp where he spent day after day working, starving, and watching people being killed. Siddhartha went to see Kamala to learn about love. She teaches Siddhartha and helps his learn and grow. He uses what he has: thinking, waiting, and fasting; to help him. Elie and Siddhartha are accepting the world as it is. Their experiences made them grow and mature.

  49. Question: 1

    The people explain the world through religion, science , or through their own beliefs. Many monotheistic religions and polytheistic religion. Religions such as Judaism and Christianity ( Monotheistic ) and Hinduism ( Polo theistic ). Others explain their way through science. They believe in no creator but in theory. Such as the big bang theory where energy accumulated from nothing and created something. And others have a way to explain their surroundings with their own opinions.
    Siddhartha will explain the world in a cycle. A cycle that you must explore as the world is too big. He sates the the cycle is you give and get and it repeats. He sees the world as more of a problem to be solve. A complex perceptive yet understandable. He sees life as a beautiful miracle.
    Elie Would describe the world as a cold bitter place. He was sent to a concentration camp. From his view he doesn't know why any one is there. AS time progresses he begins to force him self to believe in many absurd ideas such as there is no god and it was his sins that cause his own misery. He will explain the world as a beautiful world through influences. In this case his influence is life and his life is on the concentration camp. He at this point explain the world as a terrible place with no hope and only power.
    Elie's father is still a faithful Jew and still pray. From that i assume he hasn't lost faith in his religion nor god. Although he is aging he still remains confidence in his religion.


    Elie would most likely agree because love is hurting Elie more at the concentration camps. His family is the only thing he has left to love besides him self. So when his father got struck in the face and punished for not marching right he was being extremely hurt. Especially not knowing if the rest of his family is alive or not. But he might agree because love is making him suffer and he might agree to love isn't good at all.


    Elie would say that Siddhartha is very lucky to experience many lessons and adventure especially love. Elie is trapped mentally and physically in the concentration camps. From the beginning of the book Elie might say that Siddhartha should be less open minded and stick to a religion due to his journey of horrible experiences ( Elie's point)of fasting and no love.


    Siddhartha would tell Elie to be more open minded of his situation. Elie may be trap at a concentration camp but Siddhartha will explain that everything will happen for a reason and should learn from his experiences and be grateful for learning because it only makes him stronger. Siddhartha will also give a lesson on Siddhartha journey on how not to love too much.


    Elie and Siddhartha are both similar with their way of seeing things. Their perspective is the same. They see things useless. Elie with the concentration camps and Siddhartha with his whole perspective on religion and desires. Their changes is also similar. Siddhartha learn the path of Nirvana. The path of nothing of desires. Elie has faced death and seen it many times. He no longer fears it. Elie no longer believes in god and has lost faith but still sees through miracles. Siddhartha way to deal is to wait and see everything with a positive perspective because he desires nothing. Elie wants freedom and his way to deal to think and wait as well. In conclusion Siddhartha and Elie seem to be very different at this point but they still wield similarities such as their perspective.

  50. 1. Siddhartha would explain the world as beautiful and not worth negative emotions. He doesn't think that getting angry or upset over something is necessary because he was a samana and therefore learned how to rid himself of all of that. Everyone around him except for Kamala is child-like in his eyes because they are concerned with their own problems and are not equal to him. Even though he is lucky and everyone is helping him out, Siddhartha treats life as a game with the main goal of learning from Kamala. Nothing else concerns him. Elie, on the other hand, is in a horrible life threatening situation that leaves him powerless and at times wishing for the escape of death. He sees the world and God as cruel for letting these camps be run and all these children and people die and be treated so harshly. He would also explain the world, especially his time at the camp, to be an obstacle he has to overcome with his father to finally have peace. The hope for a better future with his father is what keeps him going. Kamala is probably similar to Siddhartha. She doesn't need to worry about death; her main concern is teaching Siddhartha how be a lover, getting gifts and being courted by rich men dressed in rich clothing with pockets full of money.
    2. Elie would disagree with Siddhartha because the love he has for his father is what kept him alive through his worst experiences. Elie's relationship with his father shows that love is a necessity in order to survive. If they were somehow separated, Elie would not have lived on without his father because then he would not have anything to live for. They depended on each other to stay alive. Even though they had so many opportunities to, Elie and his father did not kill themselves because they feared how the other would live without them. Their love was key to Elie and his father's survival.
    3. At this point, Elie would probably be jealous of Siddhartha because even though they both have nothing, Siddhartha is the one that is living free of captivity and is out learning and experiencing. Siddhartha isn't at risk of or surrounded by death and his greatest concern is being with Kamala and having enough money or clothes to please her. Elie would tell Siddhartha to strive for what he wants, not to give up and believe in himself and his strength because people can survive through a lot. He would probably also encourage Siddhartha to live every day to its fullest and find something that makes living worthwhile.
    4. Siddhartha would respect Elie for not giving up and living through everything that happened to him. He would tell him there is no point in being upset about anything; he should be happy that he is still with his father and they are both alive and well. He would encourage Elie to not loose hope or trust in himself.
    5. In these chapters, both characters are not focused on God or anything past survival and living. Elie is loosing faith in God while Siddhartha has a new outlook on life; he is seeing life as beautiful and he actually has a main interest which is to learn "the art of love" from Kamala. Siddhartha is not thinking about religion or focusing on clearing his ego and reaching Nirvana. Similarly, Elie does not want to do anything with God because he believes God has abandoned them.

  51. Question 1
    Humans explain the world by their believes and experiences. You think and act differently as you go through different things like Siddhartha. Siddhartha was a Brahmin and he believed in learning explains everything. But then he realized that this wasn’t true, and he became a semana that wants to experiences life. However, after he meet Buddha, he learned that the world it just the way it is. Siddhartha now won’t go for anymore learning and teaching to explain the world, but experiences it and know the way it is. Elie explains the world in a similar way Siddhartha does. In chapter 5 of the book Night, Elie doesn’t believe god anymore. Elie think there’s no god blessing anyone since the bad things are happening everyday in his life and all the Jews life in the concentration camps. Elie sees the world as no fun but just to survive for now. He grew by seeing the cruelty of the world and he will explain the world the way he experienced it. Elie may probably say as long as you are doing your part, you are fine. On the other hand, Elie’f father may say a different thing about the world. Elie’s father was the community’s leader; he is more religious than Elie. Elie’s father may still believe in god even there was so many sufferings that he had went through. He will explain the world just as the Torah did but not from anything else.
    Question 2
    When Siddhartha state that it is good not to love, Elie would probably disagree with it. Elie had always thought love is the basic for life. Elie had lived that long in the camp because of his father. Whenever Elie think of dying, he thought of his dad that his father would be lonely and sad, so Elie will keep move on with his life. Love is the motivation for Elie to live, so Elie would say love is a good thing and it is necessary.
    Question 3
    If Elie meet Siddhartha, Elie would encourage Siddhartha to keep going on his journey for life experiences and whatever he wants. Elie doesn’t have a chance or a choice to do something like Siddhartha is doing. Siddhartha is taking the chance of enjoying life and experiences life by going to different places and meeting different people. Elie would really want a life like Siddhartha because Siddhartha had been doing whatever he wanted. As for Elie, he had been always forced to do work in the concentration camp. He had no life and was tortured. Elie would really want a life like Siddhartha and he would cheer for Siddhartha to go on his journey.
    Question 4
    Siddhartha would tell Elie to learn from those experiences and let those be a lesson in life. Siddhartha had always wanted to learn more and Elie was experiencing a tough time. Maybe Siddhartha will even want a time like that in his own life because there’s always something you can learn from your experiences.
    Question 5
    In both books Night and Siddhartha, the main characters changed a lot in their way of thinking. Siddhartha was a Brahmins son. But he felt he had learned everything and he want to experience life so he went to become a semana. However, after being a semana, he then found there wasn’t much learning and thinking in the world. Everything is just the way it is. He now doesn’t want to learn but to play with life and be happy with it. With this thought in his head, Siddhartha is simply meeting new people and traveling to new places. Elie had also changed his way as he grows. He had seen the cruelty of the world since death was not a big deal in the concentration camps. Elie was once believed in god, in the beginning of the book. But now, he thinks that god doesn’t exist at all because there’s no mercy in the camps, no blessing. The similarity that Siddhartha and Elie have would be having different ways of thinking since the beginning of both books. They are viewing the world in a different way and are acting differently since the beginning. Siddhartha had learned a lot from his journey, and Elie is growing in the camp by experiencing the real world.

  52. Question# 1:

    Humans explain the world in different ways. Some believe there are most negatives others believe there are most positives. Siddhartha is a human who believes the world has more positivity because, as he goes on through his life, he goes on alone but he enjoys it because of his experiences with new people like Kamala, and he also thinks deeply of the world being beautiful and great. Kamala sees the world different compared to him. She sees the world as just the place she breathes eats and drinks (lives) on, she does not think as deeply of it as Siddhartha does. Elie, on the other hand believes different because of his experiences.He believes that the world is full of hate so he hates the meaning of life, experience and world, but that is because of the way the Germans treat the jews like Elie and his father.

    Question# 2:

    If Siddhartha were to say this to Elie, Eliewould disagree. He isgoing through so much in his young life and the closest thing he has now is his father, whom he loves. In the book Night that is what the jews need in order to stay alive along with friendship. If they all have friendship and love, then they can all work together to stay alive.

    Question# 3:

    If Siddhartha told Elieabout his journey, i think that Elie would probly tell him that his (Siddhartha`s) experiences through his adventure were wise, great, and free unlike his he had much gud luck. Because of Elie`s terrible journey with having to watch peopledie every day and loose his family at the end,this is what he would say.

    Question# 4:

    If Elie were to tell Siddhartha about his journey, then I believe that Siddhartha would be compasionate and he would probly also agree with what Elie would tell him(as I said in quesstion 3). Siddhartha would also ,probly, be speechless if Elie told him his terrible journey, because he is learning to be different, and forgetting some things, like hardships in life.

    Question# 5:

    In this part of each book, Eliezer and Siddhartha both have their differences. Siddhartha`s journey so far has been going pretty well, he is on his own, then finds a village goes through experiences like having a job and having a pleasure experience with Kamala. He learns new things taught by the people of the village and he learns the art or love from Kamala. Eliezer`s journey is not great at all because he is fifteen and he allready hates life. He, his father along with their two young friends in order to stay alive, must love and work as hard as they can along with obeying everyone. He does not have a clue where his mother could be which makes it harder for him to get enough rest without thinking of her and his sister.He also has to think of war because of the Russians wanting to fight, and his father passed the selection, but he is getting older and weaker, so he also thinks that soon he will be alone, and it will be harder to live.

  53. Question# 1:

    Humans explain the world in stories. They create stories about the gods, and how they did things to show how the world works.
    Elie would explain the world as torture, terror, panic, and pain. He would explain it this way because since the Germans, are torturing him; he would see everything as dark, and cynical.
    Siddhartha would explain the world, as wonderful, and peaceful, nothing possibly can go wrong. He would describe the world this way because he finally open his eyes, and saw what it is really like.
    Kamala would explain the world as on going happiness, and exciting. She would explain it this way, because she gets showered with Siddhartha’s attention, and love.

    Question# 2:

    Elie would agree with Siddhartha when he says this. He would agree with him, because he sees how cruel the world is, it is a dog eat dog, brother vs. brother world out there. Elie would also say this, because it would be very hard for him to love someone while this is happening to him.

    Question# 3:

    Elie would probably tell him that Kamala is using him with her good looks. All she wants is the money, and gifts Siddhartha gives to her. Elie could tell when he saw that Kamala had company, and she told him to leave, and not to be seen, so she gave him a white cloak.

    Question# 4:

    Siddhartha would wish Elie the best of luck on his journey. He would also tell him to work extra hard so there is no need for him to go to the crematory, Siddhartha would also tell him to help his father in anyway possible.

    Question# 5:

    Siddhartha and Elie both deal with things the same way. Elie always goes to his father for advice, while now that Siddhartha met Kamala he goes to her for advice. They also both believe that it is not good to love. This how the main characters in these chapter, are similar.

  54. Question#1
    Throughout the book, each characters' views of the world changes differently, through their life experiences and obeservations. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the character Eliezer views the world as torture and suffering, having to live in the concentrations camps, being forced to do work. He had already given up any hope of having happiness, or even having one day of living peace. He had given up on his own God, saying, "Why, but why should I bless Him? ...had thousands of children burned in His pits? Because He kept six crematories working night and day...He had created Auschwitz, Birkenau, Buna, and so many factories of death.."(Page 65). Eliezer had suffered so much that he had already given up the world, given up his belief, because he and the Jews are living in the depths of hell. He sees the world as a place, where praying wouldn't help anymore, because God will not help them. In the book Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha describes the world as new and surprising, because as he goes along his path of finding his answers, he experiences new things, and found joy. "..he was aware that he was leading a strange life.....he was cheerful, granted, and sometimes felt joy..." (Page 63). I would also say that he views that world as beautiful, "...the world was transformed, and his hear was enchanted.." (Page 43). Throughout his journey, and throughout the book, Siddhartha describes nature as beautiful. Also in the book, Kamala, a courtesan, she views that world as a place, where everyone needs money to succeed, or person that has some kind of talent, if not, they will not succeed. Like when Siddhartha wanted to learn from her, she said that Siddartha needed nice clothes, nice shoes, and money.
    If Eleizer heard that Siddhartha said that it is good not to love, Eliezer would definitely disagree to Siddhartha. Eliezer would probably tell Siddartha that, you should love when you can, because love can be a power that you have in the future to live on. Like Elie, he loves his father, after the separation of his mom and sisters, he felt that he needs to love his dad more, because love, and the power of loving his family, might be the only reason he is still alive till now.
    Through Siddhartha's journey and experiences, Eliezer would say to Siddhartha that he should continue and thrive on to find his answers to his questions, because he can. Not like Eliezer, he had already give up on his own belief, and couldn't get out the concentration camp, and find the answers to his questions. If Eliezer did leave the camp, he would also try to find the answers to his questions. He would tell Siddhartha to continue on to his goals when he have one, not like Eliezer. At Eliezer's state, he can't do a thing he wants.
    Through Eliezer's journey and experiences Siddhartha would say to Eliezer to continue living on life and be strong, because if he continues to live on, Eliezer will discover new things. Like how Siddhartha became a samana, and lived a life of suffering too, how he had to beg, and sometimes didn't even have food to eat for a few days. Siddhartha would also say to Eliezer to not lose hope, because having hope can also be a purpose why someone is living.

  55. Question#5
    Throughout each character's journey, Eliezer and Siddhartha appear to similar and different. Eliezer and Siddhartha is similar by how, both of the characters had suffered and past some harsh conditions. Eliezer had passed many hardships throughout the selections, throughout the punishments he had. Siddharthat also passed many hardships, when he was a samana, he lived experience on days without food, even days being discriminated, because samana's were like beggars, and beggars weren't looked upon. They are both also similar by how they both had views of beliefs, both had given up on their own beliefs and teachings, and have a thrive on to find knowledge. Though both had similaritiesm they both also have differences. They are different by each living in a different state, condition. Siddhartha lives in a condition where he had became a peer of the richest merchant, Kamaswami, having given fine clothes, shoes, and having money. Eliezer on the other side, is living in the depths of hell, given little clothes in the winter, and still working. Doing forced labor, given little amount of food, having a life of pain. Eliezer didn't have fine clothes, fine shoes, and money. Their, Eliezer and Eliezer's dad only inheritance is a spoon and a knife. They life in fear, fearing that they might die any moment if they do anything wrong.

  56. question1- Siddhartha would explain the world as a school. He left his normal life to go live to with the samanas to learn expierences and knowledge about life. Everywhere he goes is a new thing he learns.
    Elie would explain the world as a dark place. In a camp with nothing good to eat. With unsantiary condintions and pain he would see the world as a dark place. He would think why bad things happen to people who dont deserve them and think the world is cruel and unfair. Elie's father would see the world as a place with good and bad people. He hears gossip of people coming to save them from the germans but at the same time he wonders why this happens to him and why the germans are doing this to the jews.
    question 2 - Elie would say Siddhartha is incorrect. Love is a part of life and living. Love gives you hope and light especially in dark times and without love sometimes you get no inspiration and no means to go on in life.
    question 3- Elie would tell Siddhartha he is very fortunate and lucky and to keep on going in his journey. He would tell Siddhartha not everyone gets to learn and live life how he likes it and not how people tell him to. He would say to continue his journey and learn as many thigns as he can.
    question 4- Siddhartha would say that it is a part of life and that not everything is perfect and great but to take it as a learning expierence. To apprecripate life and never take it for granted.
    question 5- Siddhartha has changed in the story. He viewed the world in one point of view, but then changes his way after he says that he has to learn more. He also uses a method in which he gets what he wants in a smart way. He gets what he wants using his brains. Elie has lost hope for survival at the concentration camps along with his father. He has grown to see the world how its actually is. Seeing that its cruel and painful.
    What they both have in common is that they both see the world in a new view other than the one they saw it before.

  57. 1) Humans explain the world based on what they believe in, what they have been through and how they see the world. Elie used to believe that God created the world , but after what he’ve been through. It made him think life is a torture. He stopped having faith in god. He began to view the world differently. He doesn’t care anymore whether he dies or not. Elie’s father is different, he still believes that the world is full of religion and belief. He still have the faith in God. Siddhartha has been through many things in his life being a samana and brahmin, he never viewed the world as beautiful until he chose to take another path alone.

    2) Elie would disagree when Siddhartha indicates that it is good not to love. Elie would always think about his family father, whether they’re fine or not. If Elie doesn’t love his father, he wouldn’t worry about him. Siddhartha never been through what Elie has been through.
    3) Elie has been through a harder journey than Siddhartha has been through. Elie would probably tell Siddhartha to keep on going no matter what’s in his way. Elie has been unable to see his father for awhile when his father failed the selection and was send to camp, and Elie kept moving on.

    4) Siddhartha would’ve probably tell Elie to use think fast, overcome his hunger and be patient. Continue on with life using those method. Soon everything would be over and you can live a peaceful life and see how beautiful the world really is.

    5) Siddhartha and Elie has some similarity with each other. Both Elie and Siddhartha was being tested. Elie has to pass the selection test or else he would be moved to camp. Siddhartha has to pass the requirement in order to stay in Kamaswami, the merchant’s house.

  58. question 1: Humans to me don’t really know what the world is made of until they get a piece of it and they have experience what is happening now at these days. The character Siddhartha has been trough some experience in my opinion it still is not enough for him to be able to explain the world. So far what he thinks is that there are certain ways of living and in this world in order to live u have to fine a path that is worthy enough to follow. The character Elie from night he right now thinks that the world is an evil place because he is going through so much right now. Even though he is with his father he must still wonder about his mother and sister to me that hurts a lot not to have that part of the family with him. Elie’s father to me I don’t think that he really knows what to think about the world right now I think all he wants is to get his son safe and to spend all the time he can with him.
    Question 2:I think that at this point he would agree with this because it is hard to let go of someone you love. As Elie see everyone he loves disappearing it’s starting to get harder to be able to let go the one he loves the most. This is now making him weaker which means if he starts to get weaker he will end up losing hope like he is with his faith. Even though love is important to the Germans that have to eliminate the Jews they seem to have no heart and so hey again may say that the world is heartless.
    question 3:At this point Elie would say that Siddhartha so far has it easy. Even though he has it easy it’s still stressful to lose yourself. Also Elie would say that he knows how he feels because he too has lost himself along with his faith in God and his family. These two know what they have to do in order to be able to live in this world; they have to try and find themselves again and make sure that they know what are right for them and the family.
    question 4:Well In Siddhartha’s case it’s not really different I believe that he would say to Elie” I see that you have gone through so much more than I have and I know that I’ve been selfish with my parents and I know that you are starting to lose your family, we both have gotten lost in our journey we must be strong for those who still have hope.”
    question 5:These two characters both are very smart but they have not been able to overcome the fear of not achieving what they tried to do. Elie lost himself in the campsite and Siddhartha lost himself of not knowing where he belongs. They both try their best to have hope but I guess much obstacles got in the way and they both now have no clue what to do. Even though they both have help they still need more that a miracle to help them with this

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Question 1:
    Throughout the years of mankind, there was and will always be different explanations of the world. One way humans view the way may be religiously, that He created the world with his own hands. Of course, different religions view how he created the world differently. For example, Mexican-Christians have a story called “The Creation of Men” about how He created man with clay and an oven. Chinese think a being named Pan Ku created the world by sacrificing his own body to create the world’s landscapes. Another way humans would explain the world would be scientifically. Theories are constructed such as the Big-Bang Theory. Here are some characters that each has their own explanations of the world.

    Siddhartha is someone who would view the world as if it was a fun game. He now enjoys life, and takes things happily and cheerfully. In Siddhartha, he becomes a merchant to reach his goal, to be with Kamala. “But Siddhartha was…he would laugh and say: ‘Oh, look, this deal has turned out badly!’” (page 60, Siddhartha) Even through serious business, he only laughs at it like a joke and it will never be a part of his life. He doesn’t look at negatives, but instead he looks at the positives. He explains to his boss after coming back from a long trip empty handed, “ ‘Stop scolding, dear friend…I am very content with this trip.’” (page 61, Siddhartha) He then explains that he found friendship and trust with in the village of the people and that next time he goes on a trip, he will be welcomed happily. Siddhartha’s explanation of the world would be that everything is peaceful, cheerful, happy, and life-like. There is never a true problem.

    Elie would explain the world most likely in a negative way, rebelling against God. He used to have faith in Him, but now its different. After entering concentration camp and watching hundreds of people being killed, tortured, and burned, he’s lost all respect for the being who created the world. He would explain the world is a place with no mercy. He would also whip out his point of view on God, such as his thoughts during the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. “ ‘Yes, man is very strong, greater tan God. When You…burned, what do they go? They pray before You! They praise Your name!’” (page 64, Night) Though he has these rebellious thoughts and actions, he would also probably admit that God was the creator of the world. This is because he still talks to and thinks about the man and he has learned about this before he entered the camps. He can’t proove that God wasn’t the creator of the world, he can just explain that the world is a place with no mercy. This would be Elie’s explanation of the world.

    Elie’s father might also think almost the same as his son, but not as rebellious. He would explain that God created the world and the people in it because throughout his life, he has had faith in Him. Then during the Eve of Rosh Hashanah, while everyone was saying their prayers and telling each other Happy New Year, “I ran off to look for my father…He was standing near the wall, bowed down…Nothing. Not the shadow of an expression. Beaten.” (page 65, Night) He too was probably wondering the true meanings of the prayers that were spoken, and if they were really true or false statements. Elie’s father would also used to tell Elie not to lose faith during the earlier days of concentration camp. Now, he is speechless to Elie’s actions of rebelling. His explanation of the world would probably be hard for him to say, because he might still be debating over which one is true. This is Elie’s father’s point of view.

  61. Question 2:
    Elie’s response to Siddhartha when he indicates that it is good not to love maybe agreeing and disagreeing. He would disagree with Siddhartha because he doesn’t want to be alone, and is afraid to be alone. “The whole day, I wandered…I was afraid of finding myself alone that night.”(page 72, Night) Elie would’ve been lost without his father, because in the beginning of the whole journey his father was the one who told him to study hard, and to not lose faith in God. If Elie didn’t listen to his father, he would’ve probably already been dead rebelling against the Kapos. Elie could agree with Siddhartha because if Elie didn’t love anyone, he wouldn’t have to worry about his father constantly. He wouldn’t have paid any attention and constantly thought about way to survive. Throughout the whole book, Elie does whatever it takes to be with his father or to keep his father alive. If he didn’t love his father, he wouldn’t have to go through all the trouble. These reasons are why Elie might agree and disagree with Siddhartha’s point of view.

    Question 3:
    At this point, Elie would tell Siddhartha that he still has a long life ahead of him and should continue his journey to his life goal. He would constantly remind him to keep moving on, no matter what happens, the worse will get worse and the better will always get better along the way. Also, to always use his head through all the situations, think ahead and use what he has. The things that he is good at will always be by his side. Elie would also mention to enjoy life and make it worthwhile. He would also add not to waste things, such as knowledge or open chances that will benefit his journey and life.

    Question 4:
    At this point, Siddhartha would tell Elie to keep moving forward and to keep doing what he is doing. In the end, everything will be fine and that he must use what he has to be who he is. He would also mention that besides the evil and negatives, there would always be good, peace, and positives, he just needs to open up and find it instead of blocking it out with negatives. Siddhartha would also say, that things happen for a reason, because it is one’s path in life. Always look forward and smile at what life gives you, no matter what happens. Take the things given to you lightly and cherish them happily.

    Question 5:
    In these chapters Siddhartha and Elie are similar because they are both changed from the last “awakening”. They also figure out ways to deal with being with certain people. Elie is now surely rebelling against God, his teachings, and his holidays. Siddhartha now seems very light-headed and views everything cheerfully. He lets people use him as they please and lets things happen the way they happen. Elie also still tries to stay with his father as much as possible, while Siddhartha’s current goal is to stay with Kamala.

  62. 1). The Jews in Night explain the point of view that the y has on the world. They believe that everything that happens to them and everything that happens in the world happens because god wants it to happen that way. The Jewish prisoners also believe that they should all bless and worship gods’ name. But Elie doesn’t see god like the way that the other Jewish prisoners see him. Hitler on the other hand he believes that the Jewish people are worthless and should be killed or worked to death. In kamala of Siddhartha is of the main character is the fisherman. The fisherman’s point of view of t he world is that whatever you see is what you get. But kamala’s point of view is different because she thinks that only the rich are allowed to learn about love. Siddhartha has also just discovered that everyone has an inner-voice that tells them what the y want and their desires. In the among the child people the main characters are the merchant, kamala and Siddhartha. They all have different points of views of the world. The merchant sees that everything is a profit or something to gain. Also that if something is lost that is unacceptable. Kamala wonders is people like Siddhartha and herself could learn how to truly love someone. Brahmin is under the Hindu branch which they became a samana. He would explain that the world is like a game. But in chapter 6 he is reminded and realizes that life isn’t game.
    2).Well if Elie heard Siddhartha say that love isn’t good, he would actually agree with him because since he is stuck in concentration camp there is really no love in there. Also because innocent people are killed for no reason everyday. These people are shown no compassion what so ever. Also they separate families and kill some of their members.
    3). Well Elie might just applaud Siddhartha on his journey because he has been traveling for quite a while now and his reason behind his long journey. Siddhartha’s reason in his long journey is because he wants to find a way to fulfill his empty heart and to find a god.
    4). Siddhartha would ask some questions on Elie's journey through all the concentration camps. He would also say something to Elie about not standing up to his father about something he believed in. he would also be mad on the way that the german were treating the jews. He would applaud Elie for his strong character and his tolerance of the pain.
    Siddhartha ha learned many things from his “previous life”. He had left the samana to go with kamala and learn the art of love. But he has decided to go back to the philosophical ways and now he decided to start thinking about going back to nirvana. Elie has done many things (that just basically means a lot of work in the concentration camps). He has seen people being burned alive, other types of horrible deaths, and been beaten many times. He also stopped believing in god but not in the fact that miracles can happen. Because his father has passed the 2nd selection. He has also drawn a little closer to his father because he is the only other family that he has left. He has also changed lot in everything that he has seen since chapter one.

  63. 1) In both books the perspective of each main character towards the world varies. In the book Siddhartha, Siddhartha, kamala, and the merchant have distinct views of the world. Siddhartha being a minority realizes that mans urge for possessions over powers him. In other words objects control people’s emotions, like the merchant who got very upset when he lost money. Like the majority, the merchant believes that the more money you own the more powerful you are. Kamala like the merchant views the world in a much shallow way. In her perspective materialistic objects and money are the most important. Thus, she stated to Siddhartha, “No...He is not satisfactory. He must have cloths, lovely cloths…lovely shoes, and lots of money in his pouch and gifts for Kamala.” Everyone interprets and processes things differently, but that doesn’t necessary mean their wrong.
    Much like in Siddhartha, in the book Night, each character has their own outlook on the world. Elie now sees the world in a more secular way, since he no longer has trust in God. Elie and his father have both realized along with many Jews that the world is a cruel place. It’s a fight for survival and everyone’s on their own, since they have to prove themselves worthy of living to the Germans on a daily bias. Basically, your opinions are shaped by your previous knowledge and experiences.

    2) At this point in Elie’s life he would agree with Siddhartha when he indicates that it is good not to love. If both characters were to ever converse about this topic, Elie would not only agree with this statement but he would tell Siddhartha about how he has watched many be tortured and die before his eyes. It would have been a much easier road for him if he wouldn’t have grew so attached to many. If he wasn’t so attached to his dad he wouldn’t have feared losing him on the day of the selections and it wouldn’t have slowed him down the whole day during work. Not loving would have made it easier for both himself and his father when being separated from his mom and sisters. Overall his journey would have gone by smoother if he was incapable of loving.
    3) Elie, at this point in time, would tell Siddhartha that although it is great that he’s trying to find himself and follow his own path, it is pointless. Elie no longer has fate in a superior god looking down upon them. He now thinks that each individual is on their own. He would inform Siddhartha that in the end death brings everything to an end. If god were to be as wonderful as everyone sought him out to be he wouldn’t have put an entire race through such torture. It is pointless to try and find yourself in a world so cruel.

  64. 4) On the other hand Siddhartha would have told Elie that you learn from the things you experience. He would have advised Elie not to let things get to him or give up so easily and his journey would have been much easier. Instead of getting all upset and devastated Siddhartha would have encouraged Elie to find strength with in him and fight through whatever Hitler throws at him. Siddhartha would have also advised Elie to stop looking at the situation so anneal. Maybe god is testing them, not forgetting about them. Either way he should give it all he’s got and not even think about giving up.
    5) At this point in their lives, Siddhartha and Elie have their fair share of similarities and differences. Siddhartha’s journey more so consists of finding himself and following his own path, as where Elie’s is more of a fight for survival situation. Although they are experiencing different things and aiming for different goals, throughout their journeys both question their religion. Siddhartha has found a flaw in every teaching he has encountered, even the all mighty Buddha’s, so he chose to no longer take part in any one else’s teachings. He would much rather follow what he wants and take his own path. Elie refuses to worship someone who in his opinion has the power to put an end to this torture but repudiates to do so. Elie not only refuses to fast and wish happy New Year’s but recite prayers from the kabala. Along with questioning their religion, they face many obstacles. Elie has to prove himself worthy of staying alive though selections and Siddhartha occasionally wishes he could fully take part in society like everyone else instead of simply being and observer. Both characters experience many things and come across many obstacles in life.

  65. Question 1
    If Elie were to explain the world, he would say to not take life lightly. The world revolves around the people inside it, and what they make up of it. His world and his life has been going fine until Hitler came and then his life completely changed. He is now suffering in the camps in the freezing cold, facing the cruel world with his father. He now hates the world, along with even his God.
    If Siddhartha where to explain the world, I think he would say that there is so much in the world that he does not know, and that he must use his whole life wisely, to enjoy life, for it is too short to go to waste. He would also probably say to think twice about being a samana, because when Siddhartha was a samana, he did not realize all the beauty around him.
    If Elie´s father were to explain the world, he would explain in a more religious view. He is very religious during the whole book, even the toughest of times when they go to the camp. He gets little food, beaten, insulted, and yet he still has faith in his God. He felt that His God helped him during the 2nd selection, and he is still hoping for the best in the worst times.
    Question 2
    I think that Elie would disagree with Siddhartha. Love plays a huge part of human’s lives. From love, people bond with each other, and it is a main power of one’s inner soul. Without love, one may just die, because there is nothing else to live for. For example, Elie would have lost all hope, if it weren´t for his father still with him. He is all that he has, and his father helps him strive to continue living.
    Question 3
    I think that Elie at this point wouldn´t really care if he were in the situation he is now. But if he weren´t, then he would say that Siddhartha is finally move up in life. He is making friends, and establishing bonds with many different kinds of people. He should continue to reach for his goal and to reach Nirvana.

  66. Question 4
    Siddhartha would feel pity for Elie, as he had suffered so much, and has dealt with much more painful experiences then Siddhartha. He would tell him to never lose faith in God, as he is always there to help you, as long as you still believe. His situation can´t last forever, and it won’t, as long as you don’t give up.
    Question 5
    Elie and Siddhartha both share similarities. One main similarity is that they have both grown up. They are both going through different times, and different experiences, but yet, they both continue to live on, despite the difficulties both may go through. Through their journeys, both have gained manly qualities, which makes them similar.

  67. QUESTION 1

    Humans explain the world based on what they believe in, which also can come from prior experiences and knowledge. Depending on the beliefs, humans can say many different things about the world around them, with inferences in addition to knowledge of the belief systems. For example, a Jewish person might not agree with the explainations of the world from a Hindu person. Humans all have different points of view. Siddhartha would explain the world from a different perspective as humans now a days. Siddhartha learns new things on his journey everyday, which contribute to the way he views the world. Siddhartha would probably explain the world as different paths and routes, that in order to take you must be willing to sacrifice some things. Elie on the other hand might view the world and explain it much differently than Siddhartha. Elie would probably say that the world is a hard, and terrible place. Elie might say that because he has past experiences which contribute to the view of the world as a bad place, because of things he has witnessed.


    I think there are some situations where Elie might agree and disagree with Siddhartha if he said not to love. Elie would agree because of everything he has witnessed, he might not want to get to attached to someone. Elie might disagree with Siddhartha because he and his father have a strong love and bond, which helps Elie survive and keep going throughout his hardships.


    Elie would probably tell Siddhartha to keep going. I think Elie would tell Siddhartha that his goals are very important and he has come a long way. Elie would tell Siddhartha to continue with his journey and his knowledge will grow and his experiences will increase. Also, Siddhartha has freedom, which Elie would tell him to take advantage of.


    Siddhartha would tell Elie that he has come a long way. I think Siddhartha will remind Elie of all the good things in life he has accomplished and how important it is for him to never give up hope. I think Siddhartha would honestly respect Elie for all that he has gone through, in such a hard and dangerous journey.


    i think that Siddhartha and Elie are very similar at this point in both books. They both have taken a journey and make life changing decisions everyday. Elie's decisions may be harder then Siddhartha's, because of the enviornment he is in, [holocaust], but the decisions from both characters are equally important and will extremely impact them. They both have a similar way to deal with what's going on and what decisions they have to make. I think they are both aware of what they are doing, but they think it through, and realize if they mess up, they know that's it. Especially Elie because his enviornment is very harsh.

  68. Question 1:
    Humans explain the world as a road full of exits, each road you take would lead to something that might teach you lessons maybe troubles and even lead you to success. I believe in the novel Night Elie explains the world as a dark place that he has even lost faith because now he refuses to offer up any prayers or praises to God. He feels no longer capable of lamentation, blaming God instead. But he also feels lonely in a world without God. Also since they separated Elie away from his father, Elie only gets to see his father just for a little while, so when the bell rings and they have to separate Elie gets really aggravated. "Whenever I dreamed of a better world, I could only imagine a universe with no bells." Chapter 5, pg. 69-70.
    Kamala sees the world just like the people that surround her see it. There for she’s able to explain the world in many different ways. Siddhartha explains the world almost as a game because he believes by meditating and fasting he would receive help when he needs it. But I believe you shouldn’t just do something good when you need something.

    Question 2:
    Elie would disagree with Siddhartha if he said it is not good to love. Because love is what keeps Elie and his father giving up. In the book Night Elie finds his father, takes his hand, and kisses it. A tear falls on it and Elie asks, "Whose was that tear? Mine? His?" They both remain silent. Elie concludes, "We had never understood one another so clearly." Chapter 5, pg. 65 I think their family love is what still keeps them from not falling apart.

    Question 3:
    Elie would say to Siddhartha that he has suffered a lot. He hasn’t loose hope that one day his nightmare would come to an end. In the other hand as Siddhartha, Siddhartha's journey has been long and he has learned a lot, all of that cannot go to waste. Elie has learned a lot with the Germans but not as much as Siddhartha. Elie would tell Siddhartha to continue his path and perhaps follow new ones to reach his goal and to appreciate all the new things he’s learning because they are very valuable.

    Question 4:
    Siddhartha would say to Elie that he shouldn't give up because giving up is for the weak who don't want to go ahead and Elie must go on so he could succeed and reunite with his family. He just has to be strong for his father and for himself.

    Question 5:
    Both Elie and Siddhartha have become stronger throughout their journeys. Siddhartha decided to go out and look for what’s best for him. It has been a rough journey, but he’s getting the knowledge he desired. Elie, now feels differently. As time in the concentration camp went on, everything became even more brutal. On the other hand, all of this began to question his faith in God. Both of them have been going through a lot that have changed them into mature young adults.

  69. 1.
    Humans explain the world depending on their beliefs and/or religion. Some people see the world as big land of opportunity, others may see nothing in the world, it depends on our own personal beliefs and thoughts as well. No 2 people would see the world exactly the same as each other, that is what makes life in it interesting. Siddhartha would see the world as a lifetime journey to learn as much as he can and become as wise as he can before he starts his next life, or hopefully, enlightenment. He goes through his life thinking and trying to learn the reason for his existence and the meaning of life, the meaning of many things a human has the ability to do such as love and feel and think. Kamala would see the world differently from Siddhartha, her whole world resides in her town, never exploring or adventuring whatever is out there. Her whole life revolves wealth and whatever the wealthy do in her town. She can't understand the world like Siddhartha does, she thinks like any other person would, like one of the child people. It seems like her and the other townspeople don't really have much of a reason for existing in their world. Elie would see the world as an unfair land of suffering and pain at this point in his life. His time at the camp had messed with his beliefs and made him lose faith in his god. In his world, Elie would see no god, and would really not see a point in life, only to survive camp and leave with his father and hopefully forget the horrors of the camp.

    Elie would disagree with Siddhartha if he told him it was not good to love. Elie would tell Siddhartha that his love for his father and his father's love for him is what keeps him going through the harsh days in the concentration camp. THe only reason he is still alive is because he loves his father and that keeps him strong, if it weren't for that love, he wouldn't have the strength to keep on living because he would have no reason to, he lost everything, his house, all his possessions, most of his family, all he has left is his dad. He needs his father and his father needs him. That is why Elie would disagree with Siddhartha without thinking twice about it.

    Elie would tell many things to Siddhartha about his journey and experiences. He would tell Siddhartha to appreciate what is given to him, and to use it wisely, because when it is gone he will regret misusing it or not sing it the best way he can. He would tell SIddhartha to keep on going on his journey as far as he can, to get wiser and have more knowledge, to complete his quest. Elie would explain to Siddhartha to use his freedom wisely and be careful, because Elie had suffered a lot after he had lost his freedom to the Germans. Most importantly, Elie would tell Siddhartha not to give up and keep on going like him, so one day he will reach Nirvana and become an enlightened one.

  70. 4.
    Siddhartha would ask a lot from Elie about his journey and experiences in it. Since Siddhartha and Elie live in completely different time periods, Siddhartha would first ask why these horrible things are happening to his people, and why he is letting them boss him around and do their work for nothing in return. Siddhartha would also praise Elie for being able to survive all the events he lived through and for being strong all this time. Siddhartha would also ask about the feeling of the pain of being in the camp and being abused all the time, since he has never experienced anything like that in his life.

    Elie and Siddhartha are both in places they are unfamiliar with and are unsure about. Elie is in the hospital in the camp because of his leg injury. SIddhartha is in the merchant's house as his peer to help him with his business. Elie is unsure what to expect from this hospital, he is relieved to not have to do work as long as he is in the hospital, but he is also afraid to have his leg cut off, or even killed, because the camp has no need for the sick according to the patient lying in the bed next to him. Siddhartha does not know what to expect as a merchant. He is happy to be accepted with the merchant and hopefully will become wealthy and will be able to have clothes and oil in his hair to please Kamala. Siddhartha is also a bit afraid, because he does not want to become one of the child people.

  71. question 1

    To explain the world is simply to difficult for one person to do. They can only tell a piece of what they veiws are. In order to explain there ideas fully you would have to listen to them for the rest of your life. This is because people's veiws on life are always changing, and only that but life is such a huge thing. There are so many different components to life that it is impossible for one person to simply tell you what they think of it. You can make general statements on how someopne sees the world but you can not fully explain it.
    Siddartha wouls explain the world as, "It comes as you see it." This means that you see the world as you choose to see it, based on who you are. It depends on your morals in life and what you try to acheive during you life span. In his lifetime, although short, he has already had many different goals and lifestyles. Tis has taught him to express the world with different opinions. He first sought to live the way of a Brahmin, the a samana, and now he is simply trying to find himself. Elie sees the world as indifferent. First he only studied the Talmud, which he understood. Then he went on to study cabala, which was his own desire and something he enjoyed. After all of that, he was losing his faith. Being in a concentration camp and being put through the tortures he is going through had caused him to lose faith. He no longer knows where to turn to or who to look towards for answers. He would say that you will always desire faith and somewhere to give you strength to make it through the day but it will not always be in plain site and you must be willing to look hard for it. Kamala has a very interesting veiw on the world to me. Siddartha tells her that she is like him, but I disagree. I think she is trully unique and is very particular about the way she veiws the world and how she portrays herself towards others. She portrays herself as being slightly better than evewryone else. She definitly weants the finer things in life, that you could see with the way she interacts with people. When you base her judgement on her teachings to Siddarthe, you see a different side of her. You see a philosopher, someone with judgement, but well based judgemnt. Someone who has created their own way of love and devine secrets. I beleive she would describe the world as being mysterious and to hard for one persopn to grasp because that is very much how she is.

    question 2
    Elie would begin to tell Siddartha of his journey in response to Siddartha's veiw of love. He would tell him how he once lost all faith and if it were not for his father, and the love that he has for his father, he would not still be alive. He would have given up so long ago if he didn't have his father there. His father was supporting him and he was in turn supporting his father. He gave him spomething to live for and believe in because he no longer had anything else in his life at that moment. He would tell him wrong Siddartha is and that love can save a person's life.

    question 3
    Siddartha has led a life full of mental jouney, whereas Elie has lived a life of brutal physical pain. Therefore I think Elie would see himself as suffering more than Siddartha has. Elie would inform him that this is only the begginning and that there is much more to begin. That Siddartha's journey has only begun and where it will take him will be beyond Siddartha's beleif. he will express his hope that Siddartha will be ready when his physical tasks are met.

  72. question 4
    I think he would tell Elie that the people in his time are foolish and stupid. I think he would explain to Elie that he doesn't know what is best and that he is like most people because hardly anyone does actually know whjat it is best. He would tell Elie what he has learned, and the fact that he has goals and that he is the one who is making them for himself. Perhaps he would even try to tell Elie that he too should try this way of life.

    question 5
    Both characters are trying to find a way out but to hold on at the same time. Elie wants to find a way out of the concentration camp, but he still wants to hold on to all he kew before and how he lived before. Siddartha wants to escape from being secluded within his mind, yet he does not want to lose all his teahcings and Kamala and his new found goal of finding himself.
